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Miranda Knight


Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


It's very important that our story is heard.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


We just struck up a conversation, you know, exchanged kind of contact detail, but I was not, you know.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


So previously I was, you know, an executive and I've worked in account management.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


We fell in love. We love each other very much, deeply in love.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


Nicholas Rosie or Alliverdian or whatever had died. We were on our honeymoon.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


And I was literally in tears. I was in shock and the world just caving in for me.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


I was with him in his room and two police constables came into the room and I looked up and I thought they had walked into the wrong room.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


They said that it would be sensible for me to actually leave the room because of what was going to be said. And Arthur said, no, you know, my wife knows everything. There's no secrets between us.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


I just remember words of 2008, Utah, rape, America, and it all didn't make sense.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


So what I would say that what I've read about Nicholas Rossi, allegedly he done all of these crimes, assaulted women, etc. But you can't change a tendency of a person that rapes, that consistently rapes or sexual assaults. My husband has never, ever done anything which has hurt me. He hasn't assaulted me. I do know the truth. I know he's innocent. I know he's not a rapist, 100%.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


I believe that, you know, we will fight this together and there will be a time where we will crack open a bottle of champagne and we will go back to our normal lives as a normal couple with our beautiful dogs and restart our lives.

Dateline NBC

The Man of Many Faces


Yes, I think it will be interesting to see how things play out with that. Levitt says none of that is true.