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Das ist doch kein Messer. Das ist ein Messer.
Lords of Death
8 | Time Casts a Spell on You
He was more or less on their side telling me, take this deal. Or we can go back and do 31 life again. So I had to choose between the lesser of two evils. I was back to square one. I said, okay. I knew I was going to do the whole 31 if I did. I knew it. He tried to tell me I was going to go see the parole board and get out in a year or two and all that. I knew better.
Lords of Death
8 | Time Casts a Spell on You
But it still was better than 31 to life. So now in six years I get out. or before I wouldn't have, you know what I mean? So I took the deal, regrettably.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
We stepped back outside to look on him, see what we were going to do with him, and he was gone, right? We were like, where the hell did he go? And then we kind of looked around, and he was up under the truck, his hand up under the axle. You could see he was slipping away. Then dragged him out, and Jack asked a question, why are you doing this? And replied, you know why.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
That's why I always look at it. Then finally, we went back inside again, and Geraldine was, you know, I'm sorry. You could just see the look of happiness on her face. I'm sorry. She was happy. I think was the one that suggested burying him. Mike says, I know exactly where to go.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
We drove around forever, though. God, I mean, I think we drove around for three or four hours. But I can remember seeing a transmitter tower blinking off in the distance. It wasn't that far off either. I mean, it couldn't have been no more than 500 yards. And he went down over this hill. It was like a little where you could pull off to the side of the road.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
And in fact, when we dragged him out of the truck, he was in a tarp, right? And as soon as he hit the ground, he took off. He started sliding down the hill. We had to chase after him. But he stopped when he hit a tree down at the bottom of the bluff. That's where we decided to bury him, right where he stopped.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
If I remember correctly, they left that day. Where'd you go? The story they told the rest of the family was that Jack got upset, left, and never came home. I guess they would come and get her, and they would take her down to the Portsmouth Police Department.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
They finally one day they came and talked to me and so they said, we know what happened. I'm like, ah, here we go.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
They took us all down to Portsmouth, just did a little drive-along. But we ended up going down there with them, driving the back roads, and I just knew something wasn't right because those back roads had been reworked. They did a lot of road work back there, and it just wasn't the same because I couldn't find that spot for nothing.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
Listen, he's buried out there. They did a lot of road work, I guess, since 1985 back there. I mean, I was amazed at how different things was.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
The last time I saw them, Portsmouth County Jail, that's the last time I saw them. They were called in as witnesses to the grand jury. That's the last time I saw them. That's the last I heard or anything I knew about them, you know.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
I was in Buskirk, Kentucky at the time, staying with my grandma. Like I said, I was in my little badass phase. When I was a teenager, me and my grandma don't get along at all. And my uncle, he would come down and pick me up. And he would take us down to his place right there in Ohio. He did that a lot too. And I really liked him because he would come and get me like every summer.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
You know, he would just take me down there. I'd stay there the whole summer and he'd bring me back toward the fall. I'd hang out with him.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
You know, those are really good people, they are. I pretty much love them like brothers. I mean, we grew up together pretty much, you know. Yeah, they're my people.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
The stories they told me, I was just horrified. They would show me all these bullet holes in the wall where they would make them stand. They would shoot around them. That was just some foul shit. That whole family, I guess, had been going through that ever since they married him. Oh, they were scared to death of him. They were literally scared of him. Everybody was.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
I never had a clue he was like that. I mean, I knew he was a dickhead about things, but I didn't know he was like that to that family until over time I would start seeing things and put two and two together.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
I just couldn't believe what I was seeing, you know? I was ashamed that he was my uncle. I'm like, wow. This was something he had hidden from the family forever, and I just couldn't believe he was doing what he was doing, abusing him like that. I mean, he was that bad of a dude. He was. He pulled a gun. He would draw down on you so quick it wasn't even funny. He was serious, you know what I mean?
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
He was a real bad dude. He was. It would just leave you in shock, too, because you just couldn't believe it.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
Well, that night, we all knew. I mean, we just knew. I was like, oh, man. And he was acting precariously strange, too, that night. He started showing his ass, got drunk. It starts out, like I said, every time we're down there, every weekend, he likes to get drunk. Well, that's when his true, true, true colors come out. He threatened to kill her. She didn't really do nothing.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
That's just how he was. He just picked on her. He picked on all of them. And that particular night, I can't remember exactly how he said or what he said, but we knew. I said, nah, he's going to hurt her, kill her or something. And I don't know. I've had enough myself. Everybody had enough. And we just knew. I knew we were going to take a stand that night. I just knew.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
Geraldine whispered it in my ear that night. I wish she was dead. That's what she said.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
He went and got the shotgun, loaded them, gave me a pocket full of shells. He took a pocket full of shells and the rest is history. We were waiting for him to come back and that's what we were all concerned about because we knew once he came back, we all knew it was on. We knew there was no turning back. And you could really hear our hearts pounding when he was driving up the driveway.
Lords of Death
6 | Angel of Death
We were scared to death, I ain't gonna lie. Jack pulled up, he stepped out of the truck, and we made sure went in first before we started firing. And as soon as Jack got toward the end of his truck, and she was inside, I fired him dead in the back. He fell, I reloaded again, and fired another one.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
I love it, man. So let's go to to gowning out and the decision to to do that as your own. Right. Not a part of someone else's show, but like this is really your show now. What was the decision going into that? And as humans. Right. What were some of the mental risks that you had to overcome to say, yeah, we can do it?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Paul, no one's ever ready for you. No, no one's ever ready.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
They're revolutionizing, they're empowering, they're inspiring, they're unapologetic, and they're unstoppable. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the dynamic trio of Patrick, Paul, and Miss Snow White.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
That you know of. Correct. That you know of.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Get them right over there, Petria. Get them right. Get them right.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Yeah. And he's done it again. I was around during COVID. Why didn't I get a mask? I don't know.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
I know in fashion, you've got to be able to let it go and not take it personal, right?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
I was talking about Snow White and Snow White said, hey, they're with me too. So can you introduce them as well?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
That's how we do it. So do you design socks for Mick Unplugged?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Do you know what I mean? I'm willing to be the guinea pig. You might not want me as the model, but totally can be the guinea pig.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
All right. So one of my best friends, Chris Paradiso, we've got something that you need to make him. I'll tell you offline. But Chris, you know what I'm talking about?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Good stuff. So so how did you two come together? Like, how did you both meet?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
So no tequila. I heard the tequila story in the, you know, I'm a huge fan of your podcast. I also heard the naughty yacht story as well, too. Yeah, the naughty cruise.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Awesome, awesome, awesome. So Patrick, we were talking a little bit offline and I told you how I'm a huge fan of the work that you both do, the three of you do, because it's not just about being out there and just doing, these are the words of Mick and Mick only, things to get attention. You really do empower. You really do come from a background. You really do give inspiration to people.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
That's impressive. That's impressive. So for the listeners and viewers, and this isn't a relationship podcast by any stretch of imagination, but I do think that you have some very cool insights, some very important insights Partners, spouses that work together, have business ventures together. What's the key to keeping it all successful and to not let it intermix with home life too?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Because, you know, that happens, right? Like a lot of times we bring work home, but when you are together at work and together at home, right? It's like, Paul, when you stepped away, Patrick was like, I don't really want to talk to him tonight. So how do you mix that?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Business at home is good.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Yes, because he allows you to do those things is what he really said.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
There you go.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
And so I'd love to just take a couple of minutes from each of you and talk about Your background, how you got to where you are today, and more importantly, because on Mick Unplugged, we talk about your because, that thing that's deeper than your why, that purpose, that mission. What's your because today?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
It was fun. I would have been your videographer that day. I would have filmed it for you, but I'm not joining that.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
We know we're there, we're having fun and that's it. I love the insights and everything that you both shared today. Aside from Gowning Out Season 5, Gowning Out Beverly Hills Season 5 coming up really soon. We're going to make sure that we send links to that everywhere. What else do you have going on? What else do you want the world to know that you have going on?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Aside from making the Mick Unplugged socks and suspenders and...
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
It's very cool. It's very, very cool. I told you that you're one of my top five favorite podcasts that I listen to. And my favorite episode is the one with Jodi Sweetin because, you know, she was she was my girl back in the day. So that's like my favorite episode.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
As humans, right, what were some of the mental risks that you had to overcome to say, yeah, we can do it?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Look at that.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Because that's what you do.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Paul, come on now.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Of course you are. Of course you're on top. Absolutely.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
You influence them though, right?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
He can remember his lines and your lines. That's talent right there.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
It's like a lot. Are you getting paid? Are you getting compensated? We don't do anything for free.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
And that'll last all of 10 seconds. Exactly. Well, I appreciate you both more than you know. I'm going to try and make a trip out to L.A., Beverly Hills, like late February, early March. So I'm going to come by. We're going to talk about these McUnplug socks. I'm being very serious about my socks.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
I appreciate you both. You both mean the world to me. I will make sure that all of the wonderful things that both of you have going on are listed in the description of the show notes. I'll make sure all my fans, viewers and followers are connected with you. And if there's anything I can do for you, never hesitate to let me know.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Again, Paul Patrick, Snow White, love you from my soul. I appreciate you. And for all the listeners and viewers, remember your because is your superpower. Go unleash it.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Yeah. And, you know, Patrick, before you go, there's something that I want to address of what Paul said. You know, I've got a friend that is in fashion and she laughs when everyone talks about all the changes of AI and technology. A year ago, she said to me, if you think this is crazy, try being in the fashion industry.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
If you want to see change and the rapid pace of change, be in the fashion industry because what was hot five minutes ago is so outdated. No one ever wants to be seen in it again. Or you could have a model wear something and it looks so awful, but you spent years building it for that model. And then they finally put it on and it's the worst thing ever. And then you're starting from scratch.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
So I resonate with what you just said, Paul, because Again, we look at change and where I'm gonna say you've succeeded and been very successful is not how you've adopted to change, but how you were the leader in making change happen. And that takes a visionary to be able to do that, right? Because some people hold on to their beliefs or some people hold on to that thing
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
So how did you two come together? Like, how did you both meet?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
I know in fashion, you've got to be able to let it go and not take it personal, right?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
What's the key to keeping it all successful and to not let it intermix with home life too?
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Totally agree. Totally agree. All right, Petri, it's your turn.
Mick Unplugged
Patrik & Pol | Fashion, Fame, and Fun: Exploring Patrik & Pol's World on Mick Unplugged
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Mick Unplugged. And today, we're going to have some fun. When it comes to innovation, vision, and taking bold steps into the future, today's guests don't just walk the walk. They redefine it. They're trailblazers, game changers, and powerhouses who lead with passion, precision, creating a rippling effect of inspiration wherever they go.