Mackenzie Knowles-Coursin
Pod Save the World
Putin’s Wildest Dreams Come True
There was a woman who showed up at one of the clinics who said, please just give me 18 months of ARVs, these antiretrovirals. She was HIV positive, so needs this medicine to survive. She said, please give me 18 months. I want to see my son graduate. If I see my son graduate, I can die after that.
Pod Save the World
Putin’s Wildest Dreams Come True
And they're having, you know, just lots of people that are showing up at their clinics the last three weeks, terrified, you know, breaking down, saying, please give me six months, give me 10 months, give me 12 months. You know, and they're really worried about panic stockpiling that would also cause artificial shortages. I was speaking yesterday.
Pod Save the World
Putin’s Wildest Dreams Come True
Yesterday with this community health promoter, this woman named Jane, who supports 12 kids in the community that she lives in, you know, some as young as two. And five have already stopped being able to go to the facilities to be able to pick up their medication. So nearly half have stopped being able to do that. You know, this program, you know, helps.
Pod Save the World
Putin’s Wildest Dreams Come True
Helps with transports, helps get these kids to the clinics that they need to go to. That means if these kids don't get this medication, they will die. There's no other way around it. Full stop, they will die. I spoke to, over this weekend, spoke to the head of a program that helps diagnose and treat patients with tuberculosis here in Kenya. And they treat close to 100,000 patients
Pod Save the World
Putin’s Wildest Dreams Come True
People every year with TB. This program has completely stopped. It's not happening at all. And the consequences, I mean, they're already seeing that. The head of this program said over these last three weeks, they've had over 330 people die as a result of this stop work order so far.