Leah Ehler
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
You touch my kids, I will kill you.
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
I'm Leah motherfucking CEO and I'm not playing.
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
And meanwhile, we cut to Leah and she's like, if I see one more misspelled sign, you're fucking out of here. Do you understand? I'm Leah motherfucking CEO, not Leah. She don't fucking know. I'm watching you.
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
He's like, talk to the hand, Joe. Talk to the hand, Joe.
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
then we see the fight and he's like i mean it's just like hard because like you're giving like 99 to a friendship and you're only getting like one percent back and it's like crazy one percent is generous and she's like um i can assure you there have been times in our relationship like where she's been giving 90 and i've been giving 10 so you know what joe it's just how it works until you've really like spent time in mexico with somebody you really don't understand
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#2748 Southern Hospitality S03E09: Kitty Cornered
You know what you need to do, Grace Lily? Swallow your pride. Haven't I swallowed enough?