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Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I promise it's going to be better. I have a feeling about it. I mean, are you still living with your mom? Well, sort of, but it's really different from last time.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, okay, so if you remember before, my bedroom was on the main floor of my mom's house, like the first floor. Okay. Yeah, well, now, you know, she's getting older, as you know, and she doesn't like using the stairs, so I... Last week, I offered to switch rooms with her, and she said yes. So now I actually have the entire top floor to myself. And it's kind of like a penthouse suite.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, I mean, it's like my own place. And in a year or two, I'm going to save up enough money to build a separate entrance. You know, a staircase that goes from the outside to my room.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I mean, I would have moved out sooner, but, you know, my credit screwed up from my identity being stolen, which was, you know, I was a victim.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, I mean, it was funny. It was hilarious to be on the dark web and experiment with the dark web, but I admit that it backfired. What? Look, Landon, like... I just think now things are different for me. I'm moving up in life. I mean, literally up a floor. So maybe you'd want to hang out again and we can grow together instead of growing apart.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Tell me, are you dating anyone else?

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


That sounds like a confession or something.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I mean, that was to prove that there should be a product warning on all aerosols.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


That wasn't a no. Here's what I think we should do. I want to check in again in six weeks. And I just want you to promise that between now and then you don't see anyone else.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I promise and I guarantee I will be celibate the next six weeks. I'll be like a priest.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


All right. Well, look, for now she did, but six weeks later, we're checking in.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I like your optimism.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


after hearing that story are you sure you want to go through with this landon yeah yeah guys i don't want to let her slip away it's that's become really clear to me over these past six weeks okay and what's her name her name is jessica and uh yeah we were together for like about a year and it was i mean she's the most serious girlfriend i've ever had okay why'd you guys break up six weeks ago

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Um, well, there are reasons, you know, which we can get into. But I'll just say, like, I've been pretty miserable ever since. And she didn't tell me in person. She did. She did let me know via, you know, words on a page.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I mean, look, it was some stuff that I didn't necessarily agree with, but she had her reasons.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, it was a note on my door, actually.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


No, no. I mean, I've been through that before. But no, I mean.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Oh, my God.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Yeah, yeah.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Yeah, it was really harsh. It was like a list of reasons. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Um, I mean, honestly, I don't know if I'm comfortable doing that because they were pretty mean, um, and I don't feel like they're accurate, so I would prefer not to.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, because she has some points that are kind of valid, I guess, and I think that I've improved on those areas.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


No, no, no. I did not cheat. I'm not a cheater.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I, I, I'm not going to read the entire note, but I'll tell you guys a couple of the things. Okay. Give us an example.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Okay. The first one is. You refuse to use the word selfie because you think it's too girly. What? You refuse to use the word selfie, Landon? Yeah, I don't use the word selfie. I use the word selfo. Like, you know, like in Spanish, there's like feminine and... Singular plural.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, no, I just think that, I mean, just to be like more grammatically correct, I guess, like to say cell phone.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Yeah, let's cell phone it up. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


you guys see what i'm talking about like that's really nitpicky like that's not a reason to break up with someone even if it's a little annoying or weird right it sounds kind of like an excuse but yeah so what else were they all like that yeah i mean i think they're all like that i mean the next one she says is you thought you were tough enough to stare at a solar eclipse

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


No, I can see. It was a little blurry for, like, a day, but... How often does a solar eclipse happen? Like, I didn't... Okay, yes, I also thought, like, it'd be cool to, like, look at the sun, but I... Those are all questionable things.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I can give you one last one.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


She says, you jumped on a trampoline from the second floor to prove your abs and back muscles were strong enough.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Those were the fun parts.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Okay. No, I mean, what I learned was that those are the fun things in a relationship, and she needs to relax a little bit.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


I miss her, and I bet she misses me, too.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


What was that last bit? I missed that last bit.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Yeah, I appreciate that. Look, I've made changes and I see that there are some mistakes that I made. And the reason I'm so, you know, I want to take this opportunity now, even though it's been just six weeks, because I think we have an opportunity to grow together, Jessica and I, rather than growing apart.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Hey, yeah, sorry about this, but I just have something to say to you.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


No, don't worry about that. I mean, just pretend like it's you and me. There's nobody else here.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


They're called listeners, but yeah. It's not viewers. I don't think they can see us. But I think just focus on what I'm about to say, okay? What do you have to say, Landon? Okay, for the last six weeks, I've noticed that I've missed you a lot, and I just need you back in my life. Okay. Okay. I'd like you to say yes to the ex.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Well, that's the segment they're doing on this show, and they've done it before with somebody else and helped them get back their ex, so now I'm trying it with you.

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Say Yes To The Ex: Frat Man's Last Stand


Yeah, it just makes sense. It's like peanut butter and jelly. Oh.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


That's a good woman right there.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Live like no one else.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Hey, I appreciate y'all taking my call.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


So this is probably a really stupid question, but I'm a tightwad, so I've got to ask it anyways. Okay. So I'm in Baby Step 7, my wife and I, and we're 27. And really the problem with my question is I feel like I just have too much of my net worth wrapped up in my house. But I just recently bought a Mercedes S-Class. maybe a day or two ago.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


And just emotionally to me, it feels like I spent way too much money on something that goes down in value. And it just eats me up thinking about what I could put that money in that would go up in value. And so my question is just, should I take this stupid car back?

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


So after taxes and fees and all that, you know, junk is about 35 grand. All right.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


The last two years, I've averaged about 250.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Probably about 45 grand, counting the Mercedes. Yeah.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


You're not doing anything wrong. Both of my cars outside of the Mercedes are probably worth $10,000 total. I understand ratio-wise it sounds okay, but emotionally it doesn't feel right to write a check for something that goes down in value when I could put that in something like some mutual funds retirement, whatever.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


I can... I mean, intellectually, I get that. Like, I do get that. Wait a second.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Well, what I mean is basically all in, all in, we're worth about $750,000, and about $550,000 of that is in my house. Okay. So it just feels like cash-wise, I feel like $35,000 is rich out of the cash that I have available is what I mean. It's not.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


So you wouldn't say go buy a $10,000 Nissan Toyota Camry or something?

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Yeah, maybe my parents had some money for sure.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Well, I'll tell you what, honestly, what I think it is, is honestly that I've just been so aggressive since I was 18. Because, I mean, you know, just doing this since I was 18 and, you know, doing this without marriage, that it almost feels like, you know, I need to stay aggressive. You know what I mean? And so, you know, we just fought and clawed so hard to pay our house off and the whole deal.

The Ramsey Show

The Key to Financial Success: Slow and Steady


Yeah. What does your spouse think about this? Oh, she legitimately, we went up to the dealership and she said, buy whatever you want. I'm tired and went home.