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Katinka Sola


Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


Still to come... It was super insane to see how fast they could learn to tell the difference between my colleague and me underwater.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


The sea breams, they did learn to tell the difference between me as a diver who would provide them with food reward. I feel like the most surprising outcome of this research was the setup that we were fully in the wild, that the researchers, they themselves went into the wild. It was super insane to see how fast they could learn to tell the difference between my colleague and me underwater.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


Yes, in the previous year, our lab and especially Alex Jordan here observed that this was happening. So we were doing other studies and fish, especially sea breams, but also other species, they were participating in the experiment while they shouldn't. So they just followed humans.

Global News Podcast

Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism


Definitely. I think from the perspective of our lab, who has been researching in that field for a long time now, it is not very surprising. It's more surprising that we as humans are surprised in general. And it is more the fact that we as humans tend to think from our perspective, but maybe that needs to change.