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Kathy Metzer


48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


Oh, that absolutely threw me under the ground. There had to be a mistake. Rod wasn't capable of that.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


He hasn't wanted me to. Why? He's afraid of my reaction.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


Oh, I'm absolutely worried he's going to die.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


He was 17 at the time. Kathy Metzer is Rod's mother. We were on the way to a baseball game, and he said, Mom, you're going to meet Morgan tonight. And I said, who's Morgan? That's my girlfriend. And I said, what? He said, be nice. Did Rod change at all when he was dating Morgan? Oh, yeah. There was nothing that she could mention that she didn't get. How did he treat you? Amazing.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


Morgan was 21 years old. Morgan was one of the most gorgeous brides I've ever seen in my life.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


Weather was perfect. It was outside, so thank goodness for the weather.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


It really hit Rod hard. I mean, it... I don't think he was ever the same after that. He depended on Morgan at that point more than he did anybody. I don't think he left her side for more than an hour or two.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


They named him Kevin after my Kevin, Rod's brother.

48 Hours

The "Batman" Intruder


And I just screamed at the top of my lungs. Two babies, you know. Twins. Twins. They were going to have twins.