Jérome Commandeur
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Est-ce que c'est quand la journée, t'es un homme et les nuits de pleine lune, tu deviens un loup ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
If they were wolf babies, for example, very normal. Very normal. The number 11 is even minimal. Worrying even.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Like the mother has taken something that has deregulated the hormones?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Des belles bagnoles. I think his car was stolen. It broke his ankle, I think. There was something terrible. I don't know who was driving.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
who said to himself, I hope it's not a problematic guy. He had no idea who they were. He was like, ah, ah, ah. In the ear, we said, it's good, it's good, it's good. You look for it. You know that.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Moi, j'ai regardé la télé depuis vraiment longtemps. Les Marches de l'Histoire. Y'a pas un Lopez ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
He was very early. I lifted my t-shirt up to my chest and I peed. I left my pants until I ran away.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There is a thing in the bronzes where they have a pen hooked with a chip, you have to put it in a bottle.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Alors moi, j'étais déjà outré. C'est toi qui m'as appris, Florent, que c'était pas forcément à Pékin. Déjà, ça s'appelle Pékin Express.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Il ne faut surtout pas faire ça parce que ça annule l'effet du bicarbonate de soude. En fait, ça fait de la mousse.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Non mais attends, le capitalisme, il nous fait croire qu'on a besoin d'acheter des produits. Et du coup, on oublie que juste du vinaigre blanc, ça fait des miracles. Tout simplement.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Tu lui as mis un oignon coupé en deux sous son lit, c'est ça ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Bien sûr que c'est n'importe quoi, mais c'est pas plus n'importe quoi que de foutre un oignon sous son lit. C'est un peu plus n'importe quoi.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
What was the thing about the gaffe that you sent me there, which was incredible? The two-player game. It was on Saturday, it was crazy.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's all F1. It's on YouTube. And so, really, in terms of freedom, we will say, in the world. It's the France of the time.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Me, there is something that had struck me, it was in Surprise Surprise, the prank show.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And basically, he was sitting on a terrace of coffee, and basically, there was music playing, and at some point, it's playing, it's playing for me.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And he says, oh, well, that's crazy and everything. And he says, oh, yeah, yeah, but here, they're fans of this song, here, in this country and everything. And he says, oh, yeah, but I didn't know, and everything. And then, at the end, they say, well, no, no, no, it's wrong. It's true. It's horrible, isn't it?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
During the whole thing, they go on, they go to other places, people recognize them, and they're like, wow, that's great for me.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Okay, it's less cruel than what I... I thought it was like, they sent you and they didn't know at all. They said, we're too fans.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Like, you go there and say, do you want to take a picture? They say, no, not at all.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'est un truc qu'ils font... Le truc de toutes les activités qu'ils peuvent faire à l'école, c'est leur préféré ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
with just a light. Fuck, but there's a thing here! Eight children prefer to shit at school, but what do we care? Well, sleep, shit, sleep, finally, we don't care.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I mean, it reminds us of the shitter all the rest of the year. The crotter.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ah, il a crotté. Ouais, ok, je comprends. Mais du coup, c'est peut-être ça qui... Du coup, c'est peut-être ça.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
As it's classified by age, the big guys who want to make fun of the little ones, they just have to put themselves in front of the little ones. They know that there are only little ones in front. And then, they roll. Oh, the shit! Oh, the shit! Come on, a shit, a cracker, a second cracker, a cracker. A third cracker.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
The last time I stopped on a highway, and I really said, we're going to have the bridge. And as soon as I got there, I didn't even cross it, I just got in, I didn't ask for more, I went back down. This plastic tube, I love it. There is a side between the urbex and an oasis. When you cross the void and then there is a bit of civilization.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Moi, même pas. Moi, je trouve que ça devrait être juste les trucs, les restos qui sont à même la boutique, quoi.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ah bon ? On l'apprend. Ça a l'air totalement faux. C'est totalement faux ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
He's president, there's a side... It's weird to say, I launch a product, but after, technically, I imagine that it's not forbidden, but...
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
He had released stuff, sorry, but at the time when he was president before, he had released stuff, I think, I don't remember anymore.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
In any case, she smiles at him. But is the promo axis to say, with that, I can even fuck Joe Biden's wife?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I have a headache just imagining the smell of the perfume. Donald Trump.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, but I just had a flashback. Indeed, he had sold derivative products, since he had sold NFTs, but in the form of cards to collect. Ah yes, of course. Where it was Trump cosmonaut, Trump boxer, Trump cowboy.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
If someone asked me to... Because you refused. Yes, yes, several. But I don't want to say... No, but there's nothing to say.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, but... We're talking about commercials or making a story... It could be a story if you have an anecdote. It was a bit annoying, they sent me a DM, and it was a product to, basically, wash the intimate parts. I said, it's fine, I don't need... They wanted to send me the free thing, and at the same time, in exchange for a mouse, I said, no, it's okay.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But hey, it was a bit annoying for him. That I say, a thing for people who stink of the dick, it's my brother, you think. There was a real reason, there was a real reason.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Really? Yeah, he worked at... Advertising, I think, if I'm not mistaken.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But I find it very worrying that there is a shortage in this environment. It's that they're going to recruit people, it's going to be the limit. It's going to be hilarious. It's going to be terrible. You'll see, that's it. It's that if there's a shortage, it's going to be terrible.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oh yes, but they are high-end. I was thinking of guys with fake beards.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
She doesn't have a Santa Claus anymore. I wonder if there are guys who have such a Santa Claus physique that during the Christmas period, they hide a lot and then they're quiet.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et en le pointant du doigt en le filmant. Non, non, mais je me demande s'il y a des mecs qui, comme des saisonniers, quoi. Mais je pense pas que tu gagnes des milliers d'essence.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
A footix, in fact. A footix, we were messing around with her. I was going to say a girl from the corner.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's not you, dad, who... No, no, not you at all. It's my father who invented the lutein farceur, I remember.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, exactly, absolutely not. Absolutely, the opposite. The exact opposite.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I'm not going to lie to you, it was a disaster. I'm a specialist in little sentences like that, where you say, I have to say something. Oh no!
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et il y avait aussi le truc où tout le monde disait, écoutez, il faut qu'il sorte de prison parce que son état de santé ne permet pas de rester. Et vraiment, deux jours après, on le voit à la fête de la musique, en train de danser sur Jomb. Ah oui, oui, c'est vrai, c'est vrai. Jomb, il est en train de danser, tout est bon. Ouais, je crois que ça va.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Well, yes, he's a businessman. I lost it, damn it. I'm Tapie, wait, are you kidding or what? Wait, I lost Tapie, wait. Everyone will remember, I can tell you. The name Tapie, everyone will know this name in Panama.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's Patrick Sébastien. It's Patrick. If that's being silly, I tell you, do it right now, you're going to enjoy it.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's great. It was really what he said. I would leave a boss on my coffin for the well-thinking. To piss them off.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I always prefer natural bullshit. Which makes me say horrors that are not my values at all.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Moi, je bande encore. Et alors quoi ? Et alors quoi ? Poutez-moi les menottes, en fait.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'est un mythe. C'est Clément Victorovitch, mais putain, c'est vrai qu'il est tout le temps très... Oui, Clément.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Par quelqu'un ? Par des gens en général. Des animateurs de télé, des journalistes. En hurlant ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's BonnetoileJV, all attached. Video games. So I follow him on Instagram.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, it's a lot of PC, but not just that. A lot of games come out on several platforms.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And there, it's wonderful. That's it, that's it. Like a chapel round.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But it's D-Myzy who said that, because he does interviews with Anglo-Saxon rappers sometimes, and people were fucking with his accent, and he said, but in fact, people understand better like that than if I try to make an American accent, and then I eat the words and everything.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yeah. So it's true that it's better not to piss yourself off. Because you have a pretty common way of life.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ah, yes, okay. But people also say obnibulé. Ah, yes, that's right. Obnibulé.