Justine Bateman
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Um, I, I think this is great. It was, um, long overdue. Um, uh, Yeah, just that mob mentality momentum that's necessary to maintain an atmosphere where your job can be destroyed, your social standing can be destroyed, your children's lives at their school can be destroyed. That momentum ended with the...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
like the very large national poll of what people want, which is our national presidential election, kind of set the stage for that being over. And that's the kind of momentum you need for things like the, if people remember the McCarthy trials, the HUAC trials, the blacklisting, in the 50s, the witch burning of the 1600s, even things like tulip mania, also the 1600s.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
If you don't have that momentum, you can't, you don't have the structure you need to ruin people's lives. So that's over.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I think it started with the me too movement. Um, and I didn't essay on this on my sub stack where me too, I think if you're somebody who's prone to feel left out, this is the worst era for you to be in because you know, if you're left out in, in prior eras, You would know if you were left out in your small group, your town, maybe your work environment, your school.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But now it's like, you know, if you're left out of the entire world because what you posted on social media didn't get any likes or you're not part of the hashtag. And so you can look on, see the trending topics and you can see that you are not part of it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And I think that was true for a lot of women when they saw the Me Too hashtag trending and all these women in the very unfortunate and not enviable situation of having been victims of criminal sexual assault. but it was a big topic. And I think a lot of women felt left out. And then they started kind of lowering the bar to what qualifies for that.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And it became sort of the me, me, me, me, me too movement. And also we started glorifying, there was a lot of attention on people who have PTSD or maybe from having been a victim of sexual assault or other reasons. And there was focus on that too. And so people want to be part of that as well.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They wanted to, you know, they kind of scrambled within themselves to see like, well, can't I qualify somehow? Don't I have some sort of trauma somehow? And then they started wearing it on their, like almost on a Girl Scout stash, you know, little badges. And you could see it on their profiles. I'm a this, I'm a that. You know, and they started sort of highlighting all the ways that they were
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They could qualify for invisible disabilities or me, me, me, me too. And then it became a sacred cow. I think it's that Megan, like as soon as something becomes a sacred cow, you're screwed. You know, and then it became like, oh, you can't touch that. You can't touch anything to do with sexual assault. You can't touch anything to do with you can't question anybody. You can't look at the animals.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I saw a video of somebody putting a Great Dane. on an airplane. That's their emotional support dog. Yes, it's so ridiculous. And people are afraid to push back because it was so easy on social media. There was that momentum, right? It was so easy on social media to destroy your career, get you fired. And for anyone who says that's not true, you're either kidding yourself or you're
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
You're just kidding yourself. It's childish to say that that wasn't true. I know people for whom that's true. So it absolutely happened.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, but for those people who were taking advantage of it, that was always true. So imagine, where were those people before they decided they were going to join these hashtags, even though they didn't qualify? What was going on in their lives? What kind of people were they? And I would hazard a guess that they were lost. They didn't know what they were going to do with their lives.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They felt like they were of no consequence. They felt like they were not important. They felt like nobody was going to listen to them about anything. And maybe they were people who had not looked within themselves at their own basket of skills and talents that I believe every single person is born with, and they haven't bothered to develop any of those. So...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
you take these people and this attention that they got through lowering the bar to qualify for these hashtags, um, they were able to use it almost like a drug. So now you have a bunch of addicts, if you will, and their drug has been removed from them. So they are flailing there. And now you see them grabbing onto things like, um, yeah, let's go after all these other CEOs. And I'm like, okay.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Talk about absurd. Like it's becoming even more absurd because just like a junkie, you take away their drug or an alcoholic or an anorexic or a compulsive overeater, like you name it, a workaholic, a sexaholic, anything. You take the drug away from them before they've hit bottom. And there's going to be you're going to have something that's beyond a panic attack.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And that's what a lot of people are experiencing now, because what it means is they will have to go back, pick up where they left off before they hitch their wagon to these hashtags. They're going to have to go back there. I think it's a great opportunity for them. They're going to have to go back to that point where they left off and start developing their own basket of skills and talents.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And I think if they do that and put in that work, they will see that they do have value. They do have, they do have a skillset that is a value in society. So I'm excited for them, but it's, it's, It's going to be uncomfortable for them right now.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, I think you're seeing a lot of cognitive dissonance with... With him and also this teenage girl who did this shooting recently, I forget, in Wisconsin. Is that right? Yeah. And so cognitive dissonance is interesting. It's, you know, where you can't hold two ideas, two different ideas in your head at the same time.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So people are going, oh, well, somebody murdered somebody and oh, he's well off. Oh, and he's educated. And there's nothing in his social media that seems to indicate that he's insane or holds ideas that are in opposition of their positions. And do you see like he doesn't fit into the category that they expect? Or that anybody really expects. Who expects that?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And this school shooter, aren't we used to the school shooters being, I don't know, radicalized young men? Or maybe I'm speaking that incorrectly. I mean, isn't that usually that? No, no, it's 19 to 26-year-old men. But now you have a young woman, teenager, who's railing against misogyny. You see, so these two kill, it's an interesting timing for them. They're both murderers. That's it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
A murderer. They're both murderers. Neither one of them doing it out of self-defense. So in society, as far as I'm concerned, that is abhorrent and not to be, it's unacceptable in our society. You can't have a society, a cohesive society, if that kind of thing is acceptable, obviously.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But I think, yeah, what I said, I think there's a lot of cognitive dissonance for many, many people that these two killers are the types of people that they are.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, and be interesting to see where that started. I really liked doing the Pledge of Allegiance when I was a kid. I'm sorry to hear that that's, I know that's not been a part of the regular school mornings for a while now, and that's too bad. I'm not opposed to religion not being in schools, or you said, you didn't say schools, you said the town square. It's the public square. You know-
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
It's interesting, spirituality, the decline, you know, when you look, there's a chart, right? The decline is really sharp, the fall off. I don't know when the sort of steep descent begins, but maybe, Megan, it has to do with the kind of flattening of culture that the internet, you know, public-facing internet introduced. And look, there's a lot of great things about the internet.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And one of the consequences though was a flattening of culture, a flattening of time too. Like imagine some interview that I did in 1987 You could find in a magazine, a 1987 issue of a magazine, and it's in context. You see other people that were, you know, popular enough at the time to be interviewed. You see ads from that time, news that was happening at that time, whatever.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But now you see an interview of me from 1987 online. There's no context. It's as if I said it yesterday or, you know, oftentimes these interviews and articles don't have any dates on them at all. So there's that aspect of it as far as news, as far as what is happening. And then you also have just this almost a monoculture of,
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
of everybody knowing what everybody's doing all at once, you no longer had these pockets sort of, not an incubator, but an area in which, and a time and a space where something could develop and then emerge. You remember when we were kids, something, If you were living in L.A., there would be like some fashion like bell bottoms or something like this.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And then you go visit your cousins in Wisconsin or Utah or something. And and they're like, what are you wearing? And then three or four years later, that would be a trend there. So all of that went away with the Internet because everything's so immediate. So.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Okay. Yeah, I didn't mean to cut you off. I just mean that song is like absolutely bizarre to me.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, yeah, part of it. But think of it. I think of it this way. You had, when you were interacting with your peers before the internet, you had real world consequences. You found out that behaving in a particular way got you uninvited to the next party. You were shunned in certain, and then, but there's opportunity to like earn your way back into a group or something, right?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I mean, it was sort of, it was more tribal like that, right? But then when the internet was introduced, social media, you could actually get attention, which is not the same thing as approval. You could get attention online for behavior and also couple that with, and this preceded the internet and social media by a bit, reality shows. Yeah.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So I always think back to the first reality show that I recall, which was Real World on MTV. And there was a guy on there named Puck. And Puck was... Puck misbehaved. I mean, as you can... That's his name. So... I remember. There's a Shakespearean play with Puck in it. Yeah. Yeah. Is it a little... What is it? Midsummer Night's Dream? What is it? Midsummer Night's Dream. Yeah.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
A Little Mischief Maker. So he was a real pain in the ass. And... And then but the people were so enthralled with the idea that somebody was behaving like that and and nothing was really happening to him. And so that became a trend in social and on reality shows. You know, the worst behavior got rewarded with attention and money and whatever else. So I think people saw these two things.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And then that sort of tribal consequence of being a poor addition to a party or something was diluted. I think that has something to do with it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, that was another one.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah. I mean, when you're younger, you look around, you're like, you're new to society, especially as a little kid, right? What do people value? There's a sociologist named Rene Girard who has this theory called mimetic desire. His theory is that nobody wants anything when they're born except the core need and desire to survive.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
When they look around and they see what other people are desiring who have been here longer, and then they just sort of mimic their desire. They go, oh, everybody wants that car. Okay, then I want to want it too, you know, because how else are you going to... You look around at the society that exists to see how you can...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
to see what's valued in order to not only fit in, but to, to be a value in that society as well. And that is, and then that does come back to somebody's sense of surviving. Right. So it's a shame little kids, then they look at, they look at, they looked at that, um, uh, reality, that poor reality show behavior. They look at how people behave online. They look at, um,
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I mean, even Trump's behavior, you know, he looked at it objectively in 2016, changed the way he was criticizing people, you know, that I was not in favor of, frankly, but that changed political behavior. Do you notice? After that, it not only changed political behavior, I mean, how many people, how many politicians had online accounts at that point?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Had Twitter accounts, you know, when it was Twitter or Facebook accounts or anything. And after that, and not only did it change political behavior, but it... The 24-hour news cycle, always needing a talking head, all the podcasts that need guests, all of this, needing people to be online. There's an endless amount of air that needs to be filled with people's presence.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And then the bad behavior being kind of awarded. I think it has attracted a certain type of politician now. Remember when we first saw C-SPAN in the... early 80s or whatever it was. And we look at this and go, you know, the first time we saw like what, you know, on TV, like what was going on in the House or the Senate. And we just went, oh, my God, it's so boring. Like, how do they stay awake?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
These people are so dull. What they have to do all day is so dull. And that's not the case anymore. And I think it's attracted people. I think we should bring back the boring politicians like who just they're doing their job. You know? It's too late for that. I know. But it's this type that wants to be on camera all the time, you know? And it's on both sides of the whatever aisle.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I mean, the AOC... I call AOC a...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, could be. Um, I think though there, you know, as far as like people, um, people ascribing to poor behavior, generally speaking, and I don't mean this to be about politics. I was just saying like that introduced back then a whole type of political behavior on social media.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
There's interesting, just like reality shows and visible likes and retweets and follower numbers affected the general public. But I think there's a swing away from that now, like a big swing away from that. Not only does it become, it's not shocking anymore. It's people become weary of it. You know, it becomes tiresome. It becomes repetitive, you know, sort of bad behavior.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And I think people are really wanting now something real and genuine. and loving frankly and not in a in a patronizing way just like in a real way because we're all like at our core as humans we we we hunger for that which makes me feel like you know we might see a turn to more spirituality now and it doesn't have to be I don't think, I know it doesn't have to be within a religion at all.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Religion can be a framework for somebody's journey to having a relationship with God and whatever you want to, whatever name you want to give my, he doesn't give a shit, you know? Right. But so long as it's, you know, so long as what you're imagining is someone who knows everything about you,
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
cares about every scintilla of you, will give you, never leave your side, will give you wisdom at all times, and is going to have you make, is gonna guide you to go in particular directions that might be very uncomfortable, but you will see that it is all to have you become more and more and more and more yourself.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
That's the goal, to have this relationship with God and become, and I'm not talking about religion. If anyone has a bad view of that, who rubs them the wrong way, that word, redefine it for yourself. Or use some other word. Call him Bob. I mean, he just doesn't care. Yeah.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But I think because listen, when you've got something like bringing it all the way around, when you've got something like AI, generative AI, that is so good at imitating, I'll tell you the reason it's so good at imitating what we see in our lives is because it's taken everything we've done in our lives up to now and
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Put it in a blender and then you put in a prompt and you have this Frankenstein spoonful and it spits it out to you. How could it do that? It's not pulling it out of the air. It's pulling all the films that have ever been done, all the series that have ever been done, all the talk shows that have ever been done, the books that have ever been written, and all of this. It's wholesale theft, 100%.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But you've got these different applications that reproduce And we look at it and we think it's real. Or we look at these, you know, the way the media treated the whole COVID thing, the fear mongering, which I think was unforgivable, unforgivable. Same. And they'll do it again. It'll be done again. It'll be that kind of fear-mongering will happen again because it's happened repeatedly in history.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Anyway, you've got all these things that are... We used to be able to just rely on what our eyes saw. We used to be able to rely on... Well, or we assumed we could rely on what the media was telling us. It seemed more even-keeled, right? We're just getting the... Or the FBI. Right? But if you don't have those things, and I don't know that they'll return or...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
our ability to depend on these things as being real. I don't know that that will return. So that being true then, what are you going to rely on to guide you? Are you going to look around at other people? Are you going to look around at what's trending on social media and go, well, that must be the direction? Are you going to go by a video that you see? Well, I don't know.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
That could be generative AI. Maybe that's not real. Are you going to go by what the media says? Well, I don't know. What's their agenda? If you, you've got to get some kind of foundation spiritually, however, you're going to pull that together. Again, I'm not talking about religion. I'm just saying it's available and it will give you a sense of, it will give you a true North.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
That's what I'm saying. It'll give you a sense of direction that is not dependent at all on all those other elements I just said, because you cannot trust them. And I just encourage people to develop their own discernment, which is inherent, right? Your own discernment and your own instincts. And this is not a right or left. I mean, honestly, I think I'm not into politics at all.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I'm into people divesting themselves of their fears, most of them irrational in my experience, so that they can truly become themselves completely. And if you couple that with a relationship, a spiritual relationship, you're going to be so much happier. You're going to have focus in your life. And you're going to be able to discern whether or not something is bullshit.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And everybody needs that now. Going forward, you're going to have more.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Oh, that one. Oh, geez, I'd have to bring up my critique to really do it justice. But I think in that critique, I went into... Gosh, if somebody could bring it up, that'd be... I've got it. I have it here. Okay, then you read it. You read it. This piece introduces... Many questions. You should pull up one of the ones that that where they were crying and like having a like a fucking fit anyway.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But yes, go ahead. Read, read the saved head.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
This is brilliant. So well done. What gave you the idea? Well, the ones that were right after the election were absolutely... I mean, the level of emotion that was released, it was... My first thought when I looked at them was, man, we've had this crying genre in... you know, kind of online post for like six years. And as a filmmaker, I always wonder, were you crying really hard?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I mean, something was really upsetting to you and not just about the election, but I mean, this is happening prior. You were crying really hard about something that truly upset you. And then the thought entered your head that, oh, I've got to find my phone. Where's my phone? I've got to record this. And then you held the phone. I put my tears on camera. I've got to record myself crying.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And then you recorded yourself. Maybe you did a couple of takes. And then you watched it back. And then you edited it. And then you decided that it should be distributed internationally and you posted it online. Or were you wondering what to post next on your social media account? Should it be an unboxing video? Should it be a visit to your doctor's office?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
You know, what are you going to do to keep the audience there? And you go, I know I'll do a crying video. And you post it and you set your... your phone up or your camera and then made yourself cry. It had to have gone one way or the other. And then I thought, my second thought was, my God, we are so many years into this creator economy and still the quality looks this shitty.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
How is that possible? It's never been easier. That's why I mentioned that, you know, you could... The creator economy has made so... Has created an entire cottage industry on equipment. Lighting, tripod stands. I mean, everything. Yeah. You don't have to live like this, Susan. There's no excuse. Whatever her name was. So then I thought, well, I'll just...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Tell them, you know, I'll just do a serious film review of these items that have been distributed internationally. Here they are.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Some. Yeah, some of it is forced. Some of it's forced and maybe it's the second or third take. And then, you know, the director of this piece should be aware if they're tiring, emotionally tiring the actress with too many takes. And but it's better to read them. Actually, if people go to my sub stack.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
which is justinbateman substack.com um there's an index there of i've done all over a hundred of them um so they can go down you go all the way down to the bottom even and see the first ones there was one with a woman who was standing next to this man very close
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
as if her one arm is behind him and she's looking at him as he's talking and she's nodding her head to camera and then she's looking back and nodding. And it really looked like she's a ventriloquist and this is her dummy, the guy standing next to her. So there's a whole piece on that. Anyway, it's, yeah, it's satire. Absolutely. It's a great way to comment on
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Because a lot of times they're saying stuff that's really heinous.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I don't remember a time in my career where, where there was an absence of criticism of me, um, So, or if anybody, I mean, I'm not, there's nothing unique about me in that sense. I go into detail in my book, Fame, right? We talked about that years ago. You just didn't hear it as often when, because of the effort it took to write a letter to somebody, you know, back before the internet.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So I've always been, there's always been somebody at least one person. And I say that sarcastically, like more than one person who's got a problem with me is something about my presence pushes their buttons or they don't like that. I haven't done anything to my face or they, you know, I mean, so I don't, it, it doesn't, it doesn't any quote blowback I would be getting from anything I'm saying now.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
is in the same bin. In other words, it's no different now than it's ever been. So I don't care. And all I'm saying now is I'm glad that that mob mentality momentum is over because the last eight years and most acutely last four years were fucking unbearable. Unbearable. I never want to go through anything like that again in my life. I truly don't.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
It was the most un-American situation I've ever been in. And I'm 58, I think. I'm 58, you know?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
To say that people can't say, can't ask questions, can't say what they think, can't ask that there be some research on this or that. It was absolutely awful. And I, it was just like revenge of the home monitors.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
It was the, it was the fucking Debbie Downers, the party poopers, the, you know, and one of the things, you know, the, the, the social media video critiques that I'm doing, uh, you know, I mean, I'm not doing that many anymore because you don't have as many, you know, people getting all crazy about it. Um, But I will do it for subscribers for Christmas presents.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
If they want a Christmas present for someone, they can send me their mom's or their sister's or whatever. I mean, it's a good Christmas present, right? And I'll do a critique for them. That's amazing. But there's something about satire, Megan, that's... That was one of the, comedy and satire was one of the first things to take a dive that they squashed.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Because when you think about it, if you have satire and comedy in a society, you have balance. Because it serves, it's like an insect in an area in nature that keeps certain things at bay. And you eliminate that insect and you'll find, oh, here comes some vine that starts choking the trees. Oh, that was the main food source for that insect that you just got rid of.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So satire and comedy are like that. They hem in and there's other things, too, of course. But those are two elements that will hem in a society and keep a balance. And you see, that was one of those were two of the first things that they got out in order to make this the this squashing down this hall monitor bullshit. Purification of comedy.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, I think if you're making your relationships with your loved ones and your friends about politics, you're really making it about you, period. You're wanting them to focus on you. You're wanting them, I call it intimacy through injury. If you have a fight with this person, they're going to be thinking about you. They're going to want to call you and fix it or whatever.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Because you're too afraid to just have a regular relationship with them where they maybe they don't value you think they don't value you that much. So I think it's so it's not about the people that are doing that. It's not about politics. I think it's about they're trying to exact emotional terrorism and control on their friends and family. And it's just trying to manipulate the relationship.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And that's it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Gosh, you're so right. It's not even on the list of things. How someone votes is not even on the list of things that I would and would not, you know, want to be around someone because of.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Thank you. Thank you.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Female empowerment. Sick. I like it too. I think what I like about it is that I am having a very strongly negative reaction to it. Like I hate it. Which makes me think it must be brilliant. Got this feeling in my body. Can't stop the feeling. Got this feeling in my body. I can't stop the feeling. I did it. I made it to Broadway.