Joseph Uzinski
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
No matter how many studies you do showing that this is not a problem, it's very hard to unring the bell.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
You could probably debunk one of your dad's ideas, one of his conspiracy theories, but you're just playing whack-a-mole.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
He's going to have 500 others, right? It's not until you get under the hood and start dealing with the predisposition, you know, that basic idea that this is how the world works.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Because that belief is just a manifestation of something bigger and stronger underneath. And perhaps it's a reflection of their personal identity.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
This is the thing that's tough to deal with. We'd like to think that if we could just convince people of the right facts, if everyone just believed the right thing, they'd all act the right way. But here's the thing is that you correct people's wrong beliefs in something. You correct the misinformation.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
But their views don't matter. They know that a lot of the things aren't true and they like them because they like them. And simply changing their mind about a handful of facts isn't going to change that.