Jonathan Kieperman (Lomez)
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
Suddenly, these whiz kids come along, and they're going to turn off that spigot. So, you know, they're angry for a lot of reasons, and now they're impotently lashing out at these kids. Frankly, I think it's beautiful what these kids are doing. I am so happy to see them, and we need to support them at all costs.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
Charlie, the easy answer there is no, at least not in its current form. It's great to be here, by the way. But this question of USAID and what we've seen over the last week since Marco Rubio at the State Department has taken control and tried to make transparent some of the funding schemes going on there has really got me and I think a lot of people really heated because it's very clear that
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
that what USAID is doing is the exact opposite of what is in the interest of the United States and the American people. And USAID really is a kind of perfect microcosm of both the stupidity and the malice
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
of the unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats who run our State Department and use our tax dollars, the money that we make and that should be helping our people and supporting our interests, instead goes to spreading this international ideology
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
What we might just call international wokeism for the benefit of their own pockets and of their own interests, which again are entirely divorced from the interests of the American people. So, you know, I'm really glad that this is now out there, that this is a discussion we're having and what was previously so opaque. about some of this funding and this waste is now open for everyone to see.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
I want to thank, by the way, Data Republican, a great account on Twitter, also put together a tool at where you can go and search this stuff for yourself. So I encourage you to go to Type in USAID to the grant search tool and see what comes up. I just did this, okay? And here's just one small sample of something I found.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
$30 million going to an organization called Creative Associates International. What does Creative Associates International do? They fund women in the Guatemalan highlands to stitch their own ponchos. They also fund vague community organizing efforts in Burkina Faso.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
I dare anyone listening this to explain to me why that money being spent on ponchos in the Guatemalan highland is more appropriate than spending that money to fix up, let's say, the floods in North Carolina or the fires that just devastated our people in California.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
Yeah, so this is right. And I think, you know, this requires a kind of deep dive into the history of the State Department and some of our globalist policies. What some people like our friend Darren Beattie, who's now at the Department of State, has called the global American empire, which is really an offshoot of the neocons going back to the Iraq war.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
in this idea that we could spread democracy across the world. And we would do that by force initially. It turns out that you can't just march an army into a place like Iraq or Afghanistan and turn it into a liberal democracy.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
So over the last decade, that strategy has transmogrified now and we use a kind of soft power and we use this kind of ideology of wokeness to impose the interests of this global American empire on the rest of the world. A lot of this is represented in things like LGBTQI plus initiatives, things like environmental justice initiatives.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
you see words like Latinx politics popping up all over the place when you search for this stuff. Our friend Josh Howerton, he's a great account on Twitter.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
He mentioned, for example, he found that a lot of Christian organizations and religious organizations around the world, this money is dangled over their head and they only get access to it so long as they allow for and accept the leftist activist views on things like LGBT TB issues and trans issues. Otherwise, this money disappears.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
So it's a way to sort of force this ideology onto the rest of the world. A quick history lesson here. OK, I'm reminded of Tacitus, who writing about the Roman Empire and quoting. A leader of the Britons describing the wrath and devastation of the Roman Imperial Army had the quote, they make a desert and they call it peace.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
And you might say something like this about the global American empire, which is we raise a pride flag and we call it peace.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
GAE, the Global American Empire.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
So, you know, the divide here is very simple. There is the ideology of the global American empire. This is what we call globalist, broadly speaking. And then the other foreign policy option that we have is a nationalist ideology. American first foreign policy. USAID has been operating on the globalist foreign policy ideology for the last several decades.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, our patriots now in charge of our government are reasserting a foreign policy that prefers and supports the interests of the American people over the rest of the world. And part of this now is going to be revising how we spend our money and returning that money to the American people.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
Yeah, I mean, this is typical of what we see from the left now. So first of all, these kids are the perfect embodiment of what we talk about when we talk about meritocracy. They are the best. These are the people we want running our systems and running our government. We don't want to scare away these people. from public service. We need them.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
If we're going to fix this country, we need these kids. We need their brainpower. We need their talents. And so the left, why are they so angry about this? One is they're out of ideas. Okay. They can't argue against the kinds of things these kids are doing. They know there's waste, but they don't want to admit to it. And so what do they do? They threaten, they ostracize.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
They are like cornered animals gnashing their teeth. And, you know, frankly, I think it's largely impotent, although they do want to do damage. They want to prevent these kids from being able to get jobs in the future, et cetera.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
And so we have to make sure as you know, if we're on the right here that we protect these people, we make sure when they get out of government that they have a place to land on their feet. So that's number one. The other thing, too, here that's going on is for a long time, I think the left has felt entitled to this kind of young talent.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
The left has always assumed that young, bright people are going to join their side. But there's been a vibe shift. OK, this is palpable here. And we see it with kids like this. They don't want to join the left. They don't want to engage in this woke ideology that, frankly, has probably made them suffer quite a bit over the course of their young lives.
The Charlie Kirk Show
Defunding the Globalist American Empire + The Fall of Bud Light
And now they are on the right and they are doing what we want them to do. And so this is something that the left is very afraid of, that there's going to be this massive shift. Well, it's too late. It's already happened. The other thing here is. What these kids are doing is sorting through all the waste in our government and getting rid of it. The left also feels entitled to that money.