Joey Sanzone
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Jocelyn is a sad person to me. She's someone that had obvious difficulty with her social relationships.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Did you kill Jocelyn Ernest? No, sir. Did you return to this area on the 19th or the 20th and do anything that caused harm to her in any way? No, sir. What was it like watching him testify?
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
I think that he's happy to be in a situation where he's no longer convicted of an offense in Virginia.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
Wesley was a suspect mainly because he was the estranged husband. And that's always a difficult position for anybody. I'm gonna go check that out.
48 Hours
Marriage Secrets
a package of condoms there in the bed lane. Are they attributed to Mr. Earnest? No. Where did they come from? We're here because we believe in Wesley.