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Jillian Michaels


Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Oh my gosh. I think it goes without saying, but I'm glad that me liking your show matters. I now see Joe Rogan deferring to your positions, but I'm glad that she could get excited about me being a fan. That's great.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I think that what happened is you're absolutely right. It began with our parents who bought into it's affordable. It's convenient. I remember my little microwave breakfast in plastic that had two little pancakes. Two little sausages and like, you know, God knows the chemicals. I would frigging bake that in plastics. And my mom was like, we are winning. That is two minutes. It's ready to go.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


It's healthy. It's a real breakfast. And we're out the door. She didn't know any better. And even still, my evolution in health and wellness was about losing weight and looking skinny. And then it became... Diet foods and lean cuisine was healthy.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


There really wasn't information up until I quite honestly want to say the early 2000s when you saw the rise of the crunchy liberals I mentioned previously. But when you look deeper at how this happened. And I'm going to steal a page from Cali Means book. It's in the 80s when the big tobacco companies bought the big food companies and they ran their playbook.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


But if we want to go back farther, Dave, it starts with big ag being captured and corrupted through the first incarnation of the farm bill. And basically, long story short, how this evolved is that we have spent over the last 20 years a half of a trillion dollars in our tax dollars going towards genetically engineered seeds.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


that are covered in chemicals that were derived from chemical warfare, like Agent Orange. So now when you've got frankincorn and frankenweed and this, that, the other, and you have subsidized it and it's exceptionally cheap and exceptionally poisonous and nutrient empty, Big Food grabs it.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


They take their team of multidisciplinary scientists that study your kids' behavior and yours, that have learned how to target the bliss point in your brain so you can't eat just one and absolutely brag about it, which is even more confusing.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Don't worry. You will be overweight and unhealthy because you cannot eat just one. We gotcha. And then big pharma is the third piece of this toxic triad. And they swoop in and they medicalize everything and they pay off all of the studies. I mean, let's be honest. This system is rigged from top to bottom. And we're just starting to wake up to that, I think, in a big way.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And moms is, in my opinion, are always where the grassroots movements start and take hold. Thank goodness.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


But you know why they're not saying anything about it is because they've also been captured by special interests. And it's funny that you bring up marginalized communities here. These soda companies target children of color two to one. Where is all your systemic racist talk now? Where is the outrage now? Not a peep. They literally go after...

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


their heroes, their celebrities, to capture their kids like pied pipers of fast food addiction, and nobody's mad. They go after the poor with programs like SNAP, or I think it's called Women and Children, programs that we have, food programs, for people who are...

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


less wealthy, not as well off, however you want to marginalize, however you want to describe it in the most politically correct way possible. Nevertheless, they are absolutely targeted. They are the ones that are being preyed upon. They are the ones that are being marketed to, and they're the ones that are having this crap forced down their throat. But should you question whether or not

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


sodas should be removed from programs like SNAP, food stamps program, that's racist. Because now you're denying, I swear to God, and again, I wanna give credit where credit is due, this is Callie Means pointed this out a couple of years ago now, Because like the Hispanic Freedom League or the NAACP is taking such massive donations from the fast food companies and the soda companies in particular.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


They run right out there and they're like, this is racist for you to take away these valuable calories from children of color who are in poverty. It is diabolical when those kids are being targeted by those bastards two to one. Yeah.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I was exceptionally liberal pre-COVID. And I am guilty of understanding why you might close a gym at the time when the hospitals were overrun. And I had caught it from a friend, and I was perfectly fine. But it was obviously very transmissible. And at that time, we were worrying about our parents, and we didn't know who was vulnerable, and you were hearing all kinds of craziness.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


You know, like there, there is truth to the fact that like, Dave, you are 100% right. Your, your instinct is absolutely accurate. And I would imagine in upstate New York in this area that was rural and more poor, I guess they're white, right? I mean, now they do target, as I mentioned, people of color two to one. However, They go after poor people across the board.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And that's why you have these food deserts. All of this is by design. And it's a much longer conversation about how they managed to do it, but it has been going on for just about 100 years. And it started with how they gamed the agriculture so that all of the money went to... And Monsanto's places, you know, the big farming industrial complex, that whole thing.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And it after World War Two mechanization. And then it's like, oh, no, we've got a rural food issue. OK, let's give more to these genetically engineered crops. It there's a whole history to it. It's exceptionally diabolical. It's dense, but it is absolutely by design. And your instinct is 100 percent right.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


It's ableist. It's racist. It's actually called being ableist. They have labeled people who have done that ableist and racist. And in fact, gosh, I can't remember her name, but there was a doctor who said calling junk food junk food was racist because marginalized people of color needed junk food. And I remember thinking...

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


We we have absolutely left Kansas like this is the world has inverted itself. I mean, we're and it was during COVID. But one more thing is the healthy at any size movement.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Derail the shame narrative. All of this comes from big food. Right. It's not even a question. I encourage people to Google it. There was an expose, believe it or not, in the Washington Post that exposed it. So they're paying registered dietitians and influencers in health online to be promoting those hashtags like derail the shame, healthy at any size. That's all a psyop.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And then they tapped into this, you're right, white guilt, so that even doctors were afraid to say to their patients of color, you need to lose some weight. Dr. Casey Means talks about it. You're spot on. That's exactly what's happening.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


So when I first heard all of this stuff, like it came from a wet market, and we need to close the gyms, and if we can just control this for two weeks, we're going to get a hold of it. Just two weeks, guys. Just stay strong. And then it's week after week. And all of a sudden the stories don't add up and that science doesn't make sense. And you're seeing all of these incongruencies and policy.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Not only did it take off. I mean, it was wildly popular. So in my opinion, there are two reasons why. The first one is cancel culture. And I experienced this personally in 2019 from the infamous incident where I was asked by a crappy little interviewer. I don't even know what I was doing on this interview on Buzzfeed. I don't even know what I was doing on Buzzfeed.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And she asked me if I celebrated Lizzo and Ashley Graham. And I didn't know who Ashley Graham was at the time, but I knew Lizzo because my kid liked her music. And I was like, she's a great artist. Why? And she's like, well, you know, of course, the big question was like, do you celebrate the fact that she's obese?

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I was like, well, of course I don't celebrate the fact that she's obese because if you really like her, you want her to be around for a long time, right? Wouldn't it be terrible if she got diabetes? Oh my God, Dave. It was a catastrophe. AT&T had to deal with my app. They pulled out. I had a post scheduled for this dog food company who was like, we're not going to post her.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


We don't want her working with our company. It was insane. So I think when people see someone else being taken to the gulag, right? Yeah. You know, stoned in the public square. They're terrified into silence. But the other component of this that we are still seeing in spades is the moral superiority and that high which comes from virtue signaling. I am the empathetic one.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And one from California that was my absolute favorite is what I call the COVID layer. So when you were allowed to go to a restaurant. You had to wear your mask. And when you would walk from the hostess stand to the table, you could catch COVID. So you must wear your mask.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


It reminds me of Ralph Fiennes, with Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List, where he's like, I pardon you. It's truly evil, actually. And it's purely about your own ego and making yourself feel holier than thou. But I think it is those two elements of fear and narcissism that have allowed us to become vulnerable to this kind of brain virus, quite literally.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Not only is it a weird tactic, there were so many fitness people that ended up doing that. And then putting like, oh, we're going to put like obese mannequins in fitness clothes. And we're going to... It was absolutely exactly what you're talking about. There's one woman in particular who shall remain nameless. But...

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


had a bit of an eating disorder, but was fairly large in fitness, is less well-known now, but still pretty well-known, and appealed greatly to more millennials slash Gen Z,

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


But once you sit down and you begin eating and talking with other people in a room filled with other people, you see you were below the COVID layer. And at that point, I was like, this is awesome. Bananas. You started to see absolute madness and inconsistencies and hypocrisy and silencing doctors that were exceptionally credible.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


you're totally right it's absolutely part of the problem and the even greater irony is all of those virtue signalers like oprah then turned around and jabbed themselves with ozempic at the very first opportunity yeah oh my god the hypocrisy is staggering absolutely staggering and it's It's exactly that. It's like, how can I elevate myself as a really good person?

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And how can I feel better than you or make myself feel better? feel and appear better than the people who are saying the opposite. And then there are the people that are just legitimately scared. Doctors that are legitimately scared to tell their patients they need to lose weight because they're worried they'll get sued. And this is real. It's called medical McCarthyism.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And I hear about it from all the different doctors that I interview all the time. And it's from COVID to obesity and everything in between.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And I started to feel like Neo in the Matrix, like I think many of us did.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Like there is never blame the victim, but there is such a thing as healthy shame. It's also when you commit a crime, when you do something unethical, when you hurt somebody, there's a healthy shame to that. Don't do that. That's the wrong thing to do. That's a shitty thing to do.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


My mom's a psychoanalyst and we've actually had long talks about what healthy shame looks like and what it's intended to do. And it's to help people evolve into becoming a better person. Or if somebody is tending towards sociopathy. quickly sweeping them back into line. But when people are calling out facts that we can conclusively say are facts, you know, the earth is not flat, right?

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Being obese is unhealthy. I mean, there's a robust amount of data to back this up. When you are attacking people for calling out facts, and subsequently wanting to question the existing norm and orthodoxy, man, there is some evil happening there across the board.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I totally agree with you. And it feels like the Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch actually melts. It's like the sun comes out and everybody. Now, I do think it's, you know, page one of the book that has yet to be written. I think it's going to be Trench Warfare and you're seeing it across the board site.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


everybody resist just resist to resist oh my god the sky is falling and and and you've got all the propaganda whipping up the people on the left and it's like everybody's hitlerian and the world's gonna end and whatever and they're it's so crazy though because what they're fighting for i don't even think they realize like when you watched bobby kennedy's hearings

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And he's sitting there saying, we need to ask, why are vaccine injuries happening? We need to ask, why has autism gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 36? And everyone is demonizing this guy. And they're loving their politicians who take millions from big pharma. I just... We've got a long way to go, and I am exceptionally optimistic, but I wouldn't get complacent.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


That's all I'm saying is it's going to be an uphill battle. And I do know, not to talk out of turn. But to get Kennedy confirmed, concessions did have to be made. And I don't know how public any of that is or not, but it obviously goes without question that it's like you will bend a knee to a certain extent. We even saw some of that with Tulsi and the whole FISA situation.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


It's like to get there, you will have to make some – you'll have to give some stuff up along the way. So I – It's way better than where we were, but I know it's going to be an uphill battle. And I think what I'm trying to do is encourage people to stay vigilant and to be patient.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


You're totally right. That's why when I was sitting with Callie, I had lost all hope just because it's so entrenched and these special interests are so powerful. And the reality is you talk about it with military industrial complex and you understand all of this regime change. And I listen to you talk. I'm like, whoa, I learned so much from you.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And it's as corrupt and as deep as that in my line of work. And if you even want to take it a step further, if we could put on our tin hats for a second and go down the rabbit hole, when you look at who owns the big ag companies, the controlling share, and then who owns the big food companies, controlling share, same for pharma, same for big insurance companies, it's all corrupt.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


the same companies it's blackrock it's vanguard state street and it's like in other words my point is that the reach is so great and the incentive is so powerful that it's not going to be easy. It's definitely a David and Goliath story. So we will take each and every little win. And this is why you're to take the, I hate to say this, but it is like, stay woke, like stay aware, stay vigilant.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Don't, don't allow yourself to be placated because they give up one out of 10,000 chemicals that have made it through a loophole in the FDA. Everyone's like, look at this red 40 winner. Like, Yay. I'm thinking, are you kidding? That is a snowflake on the tip of an iceberg. And we don't have any idea how big that fucker is under the ocean. It's bad. It's as deep and scary as it can possibly get.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


It is absolutely by design. That is not conspiracy theory or hyperbole. And so again, I don't want to be a downer. I want to be, this is wonderful. And we're all waking up and we're all forcing change, but we need to stay in that headspace. That's all I'm saying is to stay very present and aware and not allow ourselves to be placated.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Be vigilant and be supportive like you're talking about in every way you possibly can.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Just go to All the different branches of what I do lives there.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I really appreciate it. And hopefully I can turn the table on you soon.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I said hello and goodbye. And thank you.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I could not agree with you more. And unfortunately, there were so many examples just like that. And it just began to grow my concern exponentially. And if you as you begin to look a little bit deeper, it's like, God forbid, you pull on one thread when the whole facade starts to fall away. It gets pretty friggin nefarious, Dave.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Let's call it a shot.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I don't think that that is the argument they're actually making. Vaccines, now listen, this is my personal position. So we can get this out of the way from go. Two things can be true at once, right? Vaccines can save lives and they can also cause tremendous injury.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Now it's more rare, but we don't really understand what causes vaccine injury and asking the right questions, mitigating how many vaccines a human being gets from birth to 18 years old. These are conversations we need to be having. Now, the COVID shot vaccine, I was just talking to Dr. Heather Heng, Brett Weinstein's wife, and she's like, it's gene therapy. This is not a vaccine.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Thank you for having me. I literally tried to find Adderall to keep up with you today. I don't take it. I was like, does anybody I know take it? How am I going to be on Dave's show? I mean, I have been watching you for years now and learning from you, and I'm really excited to be on. I'm going to do my best today.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


So that's out of the mouth of a PhD. This is big business. I don't think these people are advocating for health. It's big business. I think that is what their agenda actually is. And when the conversation did start to become about health, you saw the pushback. And I don't believe in my entire life I have ever seen an individual quite so demonized as Bobby Kennedy. I mean, he eats dogs.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Do you remember that one?

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


That was in, I think that was actually in Newsweek, so help me God, or Vanity Fair. He eats dogs. He is a predator. He is deranged. He's got worms in his brain. I mean, the attacks were relentless and vicious as soon as it became about, I don't know, childhood obesity, infertility, autism. Man, it was a whole different animal at that time.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


The most on health care, by the way.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I certainly hope that's the case. I remember speaking with Callie Means, who I'm going to presume you're... Okay, I figured. So Callie is one of the masterminds behind this Maha Maga union. And this has to be about a year ago. And we were sitting down talking on a podcast. And I was pretty... feeling that the situation as it stands for Americans and health was pretty dystopian.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And I didn't have a ton of autism, a ton of optimism about it. And I remember after Callie was like, listen, I'm working on something. It's going to get better. It's going to change. I was like, it's never getting better. And it's never going to change because special interests are too powerful. And they have a grip on our politicians. And they're the ones that are pulling the strings.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


And there was no politics. possible way unless you reform campaign finance. And here, Dave, here we are. So credit to where credit is due because you're absolutely right. This is not a new message. If you go back to a book that I wrote over 15 years ago called Master Your Metabolism, I mean, I talk about red number 40. Like... This is not new news. It was a more liberal movement for sure.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


If you looked at Marion Nestle and Maria Rodale and Mark Bittman and Mark Hyman and Michael Pollack, we were all raging liberals. Nevertheless. It went nowhere, nothing changed, and it only got worse. So how this magic moment occurred, I think it's multifactorial. I think COVID was a part of it. I think people were completely disenfranchised with both political parties.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I think you had a few brilliant people with their hearts in the right place, and a little bit of magic has happened. Now, how much he will be able to achieve remains to be seen, but I promise you, that he is far better than the alternative. And if I could point out just a few things. If we were to criticize the fact that he's not an M.D.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


or a Ph.D., neither is Xavier Becerra, who was head of HHS before him. And if we're going to ask questions about childhood vaccines, and that's deeply alarming to do and demand gold standard research and what have you and have placebo groups like this is so scary and why would we do such a thing? But let's let's say that's really you're alarmed.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


Xavier Becerra and the Biden administration moved to remove, I promise you, Google it, it's true, any age restriction on gender-affirming care, which is a really fancy way of saying a sterilization, taking away a child's ability to have an orgasm, interrupting their brain while it's developing in puberty.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


I mean, the atrocities, quite honestly, associated with medicalizing the transition of children To do that at any age and remove any and all restrictions, where was the outrage about any of the crap that they did or didn't do? Not a peep.

Part Of The Problem

Jillian Michaels


But then you have a guy that wants to facilitate real change and has been given that mandate and everyone's up in arms fighting for the pharmaceutical companies and gene therapy as vaccines. It's surprising.