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Jenna (Caller from Rockford, Illinois)


The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I know. And he just says, I won't. He owns commercial real estate. And so he tells me, it's too much for you to handle. Stay in your lane.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Mm-hmm. That's what I've told him, and he just shakes his head at me. My therapist has said the same thing, and he just says, that's how I am, that's how my parents were, and I'm not changing.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Hi, guys. So I just have a quick question. I am on Baby Step 2, and as of yesterday, I've paid off seven out of my nine credit cards.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yes, thank you. I'm so excited. It's about $25,000 to $26,000 that I've already paid off. Congratulations. Thank you. And my question is, when I first started, and this was probably about five months ago, I put them in a drawer in the very, very back in a box to not see them because I was scared of cutting them up. But now I'm like, okay, they're paid off.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Do I just cut them off and let the banks close them? Because two of them that I paid off within the first month, I had not used them. I just had a balance. They showed up as closed about three days ago, and I didn't even notice that they were closed. My plan was to cut them up and call the banks and be like, hey, close my account, or do I just...

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yes, I definitely agree. So do I still call the bank and tell them to close the account?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Okay. All right. Well, I will be getting home in 15 minutes and taking care of business. And I will DM y'all the pictures.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So this is what has happened is we, this is very different from what I've been told is we did come up with a post-nuptial agreement about two years ago. And in his mind, it was, if we separate, you will get this amount of money. Now stop talking about it. Stop questioning me.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Um, and so he says that if I go and investigate with this forensic forensic accountant, that he will take that money away and he will try to take my children more.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I've, I've spoken to an attorney. Um, and what they've said to me is this is quite a good, um, post-nuptial agreement, I would be very comfortable, honestly, for the rest of my life. He has a lot of money in cryptocurrency that I know he's hiding. And I know that's really tough to investigate.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Hi. Hello. How are you doing?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So I'm the one that's really bringing in money right now. And he was surviving off of unemployment for a while whenever he went into surgery. That stopped around December, January, end of December, early January. But now I'm getting a little behind on bills. I'm behind on my car payment. And I'm kind of struggling to get another job because I work 830 to 530.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


And most people want me to work about two to three days, but at least a day during the week. And I'm really struggling to find hours that are overnight. So I was wondering if you guys had any insight on something I can do.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


He did have a job. He was going to work. Everything was fine. And then right whenever he got the news, he tried to go about it in a holistic way. But it just didn't work out. So he had to go through the surgery. And then they kind of just dropped the chemo and radiation on him because he's been through this before, but he didn't have to go through that.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


But since he's older, that's the route that they decided to take. Who's paying for this?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yes, he is insured under his mom's insurance.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Well, they did drop him from the insurance, but his mom works with a private business owner, so they were able to get him back on there. So her boss has him on there because they know the situation that's going on.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, his mom and dad are still together.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, it is getting pretty tough. So that was my next kind of what I was thinking along the lines of, Because his disability does come in in April, so that will help a lot.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, and that's what I told him, and I think that's why we're kind of like, you know, we don't really know what to do. His parents have been hoping that it's kind of being a strain on everybody since, you know, we're in a separate house from his parents.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So should I just take the post-nuptial agreement and let... I can't give you that.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Okay. There's another similar name that he had four years. He had another one four years ago, but I think the one that he has now is an astral glaucoma.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


And everybody thinks he's the sweetest guy.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I also have a disability that I'm unable to work. So I'm just real fearful that, I don't know, you just.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I think they can find cryptocurrency because I know that's so shady. It's such a weird.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Hey, how are you guys?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So, um, I, back in college, I had made some poor choices, ended up moving in with my parents and starting over as a single mom. Well, recently we moved to Texas from California and my parents, now that I'm in a better financial situation, um, My parents want me to put a mother-in-law suite in the back of their property, and I thought it was a good idea at first until I found you guys.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I'm only in baby step two, and I am having a hard time trying to communicate to my parents that I don't want to go into more debt.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So we've looked at different things. It's We were going to go with a container homestyle, which would be at the end of it, like 170. We live out in the countryside, so we'd have to get septic. I'd have to get the power line pole.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So I ended up getting an apartment. I can't move in until March 19th. I don't know. I'm scared to tell my parents because they think I'm going to put the house on the back because...

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


and they want to make a plan to get me to get $20,000 because my dad's initial plan was to have me take out a personal loan for $20,000, not touch it for a year, then use that to put down for the house, and then have the house overestimated $20,000 to pay off the... So are they using you as part of their financial schemes? Sounds like it, yeah.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, so the apartment I did find, I can't afford it. They just... I can't afford the apartment. I just can't afford child care. They helped me with child care, and this was a way to... That's what I was wondering.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, so he's five now, so he goes to...

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


school but they watch them in the morning because i leave at 5 30 in the morning sometimes depending on how the volume is because i work for um i deliver mail um i sometimes don't get home till like eight o'clock are they going to cut you off because of this scholar i have no idea okay here's what you hear because i made some really bad choices and i'm so scared

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


No, I did not sign a lease.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


What about him hiding? I know he hides money with his business partners. They like swap hundreds of thousands of dollars and put it in each other's accounts.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


He's like the best. He is like a carbon copy of me, I swear.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


My salary is $65,739. $65,000 a year? Yes. Good.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Depending, yeah. So I have to leave the house at 5.30 because we leave about 20 minutes away. My start time is at 6.15.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


For like a few hours at the end of the day if I get done in time, because most of the time I'm usually done about 4 o'clock. But when the days are really heavy, I don't get done until, like, close to 8.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


I would have to get a nanny because there is no daycare.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, I would have. It's just, it's something that I can remember, especially my dad talking about wanting since I was little.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Oh, he thinks he's amazing to me and he does everything else nicely but that. And then when I ask him, he gets real defensive. Okay.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Well, we're getting divorced. I mean, it's happening because he doesn't want to hear me complain about it anymore.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Hi, thanks for taking my call. So my husband and I, we paid off our mortgage at the end of the year. Yeah, and then a week later he found out he was getting laid off. Oh my goodness. Good timing, I guess. Can we cheer for a second? We could cheer, yeah, absolutely.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


No, but he's moved out. Okay. It's just the next step.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah. So he will be working until June.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


No, that's okay. So he'll be working until June, and then he'll be done. So we have been job hunting, and that's a fun area to get into again. But we have a 401 and an HSA that we're maxing out. And I'm wondering, should we pull back on that and start kind of saving up some more money on the side? We do have a six-month emergency fund, fully funded. Good.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


We also have like a family vacation we were hoping to go on in the fall. But should these things be like, should we just stop doing that? Should we pull back?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Okay, so do we just kind of keep living normally as if he's going to get a job and that we have income coming?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Yeah, yeah. And on top of it, we're hoping for his severance.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


So we're hopeful, and we're so, so thankful for this opportunity.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


He's in IT. Okay, great.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


surely he'll be able to find something it's a little bit dry out there right now uh we've been looking we have a few headhunters that have been helping us but uh it's been uh what almost two months of looking and it's been a little bit scary to see that there's not as much out there as we thought there was yeah yeah can i can i ask a question of george jenna on your behalf yeah all right george for those of us who run a little bit hotter when it comes to being anxious

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Hi, how are you?

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Great. Well... So I am married, possibly separated from my spouse. Um, I stay at home and he is a breadwinner. I've raised our children and I am not allowed to see any of our financial information, bank accounts, credit cards, passwords, nothing like that.

The Ramsey Show

Cut Debt out of Your Life! (Literally)


Um, what do you mean you're not allowed? I know. He just says, that's how I was raised. I make the money. And he does have a lot of, he does very well.