Jena Covello
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Organic Bunny is one of them. Organic Bunny, she is an online store. I'd say she is like... The most rigorous when it comes to ingredients. Melissa at Citrine Beauty here in Phoenix. I love Citrine. I just had a master class with them yesterday. Yeah, I come every year.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
There's certain retailers that really care. Like Detox Market really cares. Romaine at Detox Market. He vets the brands. I think if you look up Green Beauty Boutique, that would be a way to know who carries the clean brands.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I would say just that clean Sephora label. Be weary of that. When I saw that chemical sunscreens were labeled as clean, that... For me, that really threw things off. Fragrance is very controversial. My chemist in France will say that as long as you abide and you put a certain percentage of fragrance
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
that it's okay, but fragrance is linked to cancer and to all kinds of autoimmune and hormonal issues. For me right now, because I was that first luxury natural deodorant on the market, that was my claim to fame. My natural deodorant was the game changer. A lot of brands have come out since then and are blowing up and they say that they're all natural, right?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
They tout themselves as natural deodorant, but they're all using synthetic fragrance. I'm thinking of salt and stone.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
If you go into the store and you smell Agent Natura deodorant next to Salt and Stone, Salt and Stone smells so much better because it's synthetic. Our fragrances are all natural. So I literally just reformulated all of them. I launched them March 20th. And there's five fragrances. And I reformulated them with isolates, which are derived from essential oils. They smell amazing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And they're going to like blow Saltonstone away. And I'm taking my business and my customers back from Saltonstone. Because all you girlies think you're wearing like your natural deodorant, but you're all using synthetic fragrance. Call them out, Jenna. And you're putting that on your armpit, which... If there's anything that you want to switch in beauty, right?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
If there's any product, the first thing you have to switch is your deodorant because your armpit absorbs up to 100% of what you're putting on because your armpit is so porous. So you're using a natural deodorant, but then you're putting all of this synthetic fragrance on. under your arms and that's absorbed into your skin more than any other area in your body.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So actually the dirty makeup that you put on your face is better than putting a natural deodorant that has synthetic fragrance on your armpit. And no one's talking about that.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Killian? I don't spray it on my body anymore. Okay. So my, like my boyfriend and I, we have like this amazing guy in LA that we see. I'm not going to say his name because then no one's going to be able to get in. I'll tell you like off camera. But he is like, you have to stop with the fragrance.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So now we just spray it like on our clothes and never on our body because, again, it completely messes up your hormones, lowers the sperm count, can mess with estrogen. So and really bad for the dogs also.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
We're doing it. We're doing it.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
There is someone. There's a nose I love. Her name is Olivia Jacobetti, and she came out with a line of natural perfumes. You can look her up.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yes, we can. Yes. Alex Clark was an amazing nose.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Okay. So first I went to school at FIT and then Parsons. And then I was a shoe designer in New York. I worked for a company called Delman. They they like made like the ballerina flat like famous in New York and like, I don't know, in like the 60s or something. And then I moved to L.A. and I was designing Bajli Michka and J-Lo.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And I was going to China like four times a year and I was getting really sick there because of my endometriosis. Yeah. So I literally had to like leave the shoe industry because the endometriosis had gotten so bad and so out of control. And I was bedridden and just really sick for my cycles every month. And so I started taking like side jobs and I was...
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I was styling with this amazing guy called Ryan Hastings and he's Jen Aniston's stylist. So I was like working with Jen and working with Rooney Mara and then working with like George Clooney. I pretty much like have probably like been an assistant to every stylist in L.A.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
George Clooney is like amazing, even though like in his house, it looks like the Oval Office. Weird. He has pictures of like him and Barack everywhere. What? And CNN is playing. A little shrine? There's like a CNN shrine in there.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yeah, I love him, though. Like he's he's really he's really great. I you know, I met a lot of amazing, like really nice people, actually. I think a lot of people probably err on our side and just aren't allowed to because they're part of Hollywood, to be honest.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So then I got like sucked back into shoes because I like was so broke and I couldn't like these stylists like wouldn't like, oh, my God, they're the biggest like virtue signalers. Right. And they're like these social justice warriors. But they wouldn't pay us for like two months at a time. So I would like be broke for like 60 days. So then I had to go back to shoes. Right.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I hadn't been in an office setting In like nine years. So I went back to this like office that was like awful. It was like a dungeon in West LA. I refused to go to China because they're chain smoking like in front of you all day long with these shoe designers. So like I refused to go and all the girls would come back from China so sick. like all the time.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So I would literally give them NAC and all kinds of supplements. This was in like 2014. I'd give them like vitamin C and like a methylated B complex. And I would give them MSM, which is in my supplement now. And I would say like, here's how you protect your lungs. Like I would literally hand out all the supplements.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I was like, I'm the agent of nature, which is then I wanted to put like a French spin on it so that like my brand can be this huge global. Brand and so I called it agent in a tour. How did you end up healing your endometriosis?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I was diagnosed when I was 22 and I had had bad cycles since I was 14 since I had first gotten my period it got really bad after my surgeries I had three surgeries at the time which made everything a lot worse and I Then I started seeing Will Cole and Will was the first person who was able to get my estrogen levels back to normal. No one was able to do it before him.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
What was he doing that was so special? He told me to cut most phytoestrogens out. Phytoestrogen is the good estrogen actually. It's found in like cruciferous vegetables. He told me to cut tempeh out. All the things that naturopaths in the early like 2010s were telling patients to have because it gets the xenoestrogens out. Xenoestrogen is the bad estrogen. It's found everywhere. in fragrance.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It's found in plastic water bottles. It's found in cleaning, home cleaning supplies. Then you have phytoestrogen, which is in broccoli, cruciferous vegetables, cauliflower, tempeh. They say if soy is fermented, then it's actually good for you. But Will said that That the body doesn't know the difference when it's overburdened with too much estrogen.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It has no idea how to distinguish phyto from xenoestrogen. And so he made me cut the phytoestrogen out. That is insane. No one had told me that tip before because every other... was saying to eat a lot of the phytoestrogens and to keep consuming them. But he said the body didn't know how to separate them. So that was step one, but I was not pain-free at all. Then I went on low-dose naltrexone.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I was on the verge of having hysterectomy. That's how bad my pain was. I was in bed when I developed Agent Natur in 2015. I was in bed, I would say, at least 15 days a month, every single month in really bad pain on the floor, throwing up. I had tried everything natural to do. And I would say the only things that really helped me were myofascial release.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
My friend Tarek, he moved to Italy because of how leftist everything has gotten in America. And he wanted to pull his kids out of school. So now he goes between Italy and Italy. and LA. But he does something called myofascial release to release all the fascia in the body. So that really helped me.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I bought a $20 cupping kit off of Amazon, which I would cup my uterus because that would help take some of the pain away. And then my trainer, Rob, who was Madonna's former trainer from the Blonde Ambition Tour, A lot of endometriosis pain is in the hips and in the legs. And it's at like the base of the spine. And so a lot of people have sciatica from endometriosis.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So you have to strengthen your hips. There's so many hip exercises you have to do. Like climbing stairs really helps. So doing all these things to strengthen the hips helped. But honestly, I really think there's some sort of miracle that happened because... When I started dating my boyfriend, like my pain like virtually like disappeared.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yeah, I have zero pain now. That's amazing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Well, they're processed. So they process the collagen. If you take a processed collagen like Vital Proteins, right? If you look at their collagen and you look at mine, mine is incredibly dense, right? And so they're taking it, they're processing it, and they're able to extract more. So if I processed my collagen, I would be able to get four bags from one. So what does that mean?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It means you can sell it much cheaper and it means you make a lot more from that one bag. And it's less potent? Of course. We probably have to take four to equate to one bag. One scoop of Holy Maid. And they don't have to list anything on the back. Like if they're using any kind of synthetic gum, starch or seed oil to process the collagen, they don't have to list that on the packaging. Why not?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Because it's under a certain percentage. So you don't have to list it legally. That's like the big problem with it. I launched Holy Main during COVID. We had no idea that people were losing their hair, right? Or that was going to be a side effect. Five months after launching, we were getting like thousands of messages saying this like stopped my hair shedding. Why does your collagen work?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Why doesn't this other brand's collagen work?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So Will Cole had helped me so much with my estrogen levels that I said, let's come out with a supplement. And this was back in 2017. He's like, gosh, this is the best decision I ever made. I mean, literally. Sorry, Will, but yes, it was. I wanted to come out with a spirulina supplement. It was called Holy Youth. He added collagen, pearl powder, and holy basil to it.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So it was like this calming adaptogen. We launched it in 2018. People hated it because spirulina is so fishy. And they all like blamed the collagen. But I'm like, it's not the collagen. It's actually the spirulina. So that, God, that was, yeah, seven years ago. Everyone was like, you know, collagen, this is a scam. It doesn't help the hair, skin, and nails. It does nothing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And we had no studies to actually... like contradict what people were saying at the time. There were not studies out saying that like it was good for hair, skin and nails. Those studies really didn't exist. But the reason Will added it to the supplement was because it heals leaky gut.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And so if there's inflammation in the gut and if there's leaky gut, that means that there's little holes in the gut lining and food and gets into those holes and goes into the bloodstream, causes inflammation and then causes rosacea and redness and inflammation in the face.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So our like whole theory was if you're calming the gut and you're sealing up the gut lining with collagen, you're gonna have less redness and rosacea and inflammation in the face and you're helping leaky gut. So that was like, that was our messaging, right? The product never sold. Like it did so bad. It was my worst selling SKU because people hated the smell and taste of the spirulina.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So then during COVID, my mom was like, God, I hate your supplement, Holy Youth. She was like, it's disgusting. She's like, but your collagen works. And she's like, I see a difference in my hair. She's like, just send me your collagen powder. I don't want the other stuff.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So I'm like, okay, so I made a bag and I'm like, well, I'm going to add the pearl powder too, because pearl is odorless and tasteless. And there's so many benefits to pearl. What are they? Oh my gosh. You can go longer between your hair washes with using it. You don't have to wash your hair as much. It makes your hair super shiny. It brightens your skin. It's amazing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And now everybody's coming out with a pearl supplement. I owe those two ingredients to Will Cole, but I will say this. I called Will and I said, listen, I said, I'm discontinuing Holy Youth. I'm coming out with just collagen and pearl. And he's like, you can do it yourself. You don't have to include me. And I was like, you know what? You taught me about these ingredients. I want to include you.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Because at the time, Will only had like 4,000 Instagram followers. He like... Had not blown up yet. I didn't know that Will was going to like, you know, become as successful as he is, but I wanted to include him because he helped me so much. And I felt like if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have known about collagen and pearl.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And even though I technically did formulate Holy Maid myself and it was my mom's idea, I still wanted to include him because he initially put those two ingredients in Holy Youth.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
He's great. He's super kind. Did you see all the science that came out about collagen with Huberman? I love him, by the way. He's one of us. Tell us about it. There's so many studies that it reverses fine lines. It hydrates your skin from within. It makes your hair more dense. It makes it grow faster. It makes your nails grow like crazy. All the studies and science are finally out.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Our collagen is different, too, because we have types 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Don't quote me on what each one. I don't know what number correlates to what, but like hair, skin, nails, tendons, joints. I even think there's some like heart benefits. Like each one does something different. If you're going to take bovine, it's very good for your gut, but there's no benefit really to hair, skin and nails whatsoever. I think that one is mostly type 3 or 4.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
But we have 1, 2, 3, and 4, which makes the marine collagen really special. Also, a lot of people are getting like disgusting cheap marine collagen that is coming from farmed fish and tilapia. Sick. Ours is kosher, wild cod, pollock, and haddock.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And also, like, people are obsessed with homemade. Like, you can try to, like, duplicate it. You can try to imitate it. You never can. And I have people that maybe they'll leave, but they'll always come back.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It's like... You notice a huge difference. The ex-boyfriend who he tries to go and see if the grass is greener. They all come back over to Holy Main. It is the best collagen powder.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
We have to make you an affiliate, Alex.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Actually, the dirty makeup that you put on your face is better than putting a natural deodorant that has synthetic fragrance on your armpit.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Carolyn Murphy is the one who got me into Air One. And Carolyn, she actually just lost her house in the fire. It's really devastated. I love Carolyn and her daughter, Dylan. They were the ones who got me into Air One. And so Air One reached out. I was like, I don't know if I want to sell to Air One. There was only the store on Beverly, right? And I've been going to Air One since 2007.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It was like nothing like it is today, right? It was only the one location. Tupac actually used to live above Air One on Beverly. Did you know that fact?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I was kind of hesitant because I'm like, I don't know if I want to put the brand in a supermarket. And like, I'm like, okay, they have some higher end skincare and it was in like a little locked cabinet and it was like super tiny. And then I'm like, I talked about it with my team. I'm like, I don't know if that's the right... retailer for me. And then I pulse and I'm like, you know,
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
All of my fans of like me personally and everything I say, they only come up to me and recognize me in Erewhon when I'm grocery shopping. They come and they whisper in my ear. They're like, hey, I love your views. I agree with everything you said. I'm obsessed with your bread. And I'm like, oh my God, all my customers are actually at Erewhon. So that's the story of- How you got there. Yeah.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And has it been a good decision? We're the best selling supplement there. Really? We're number one.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I think only time will tell. But, you know, like my father has surrounded himself with naturopaths and holistic doctors and supplement manufacturers and founders. since he was 20, right? The first time I ever went to LA was in 1998. I went for a supplement conference for his best friend in Long Beach. Like, you know, I know a lot about supplements. This isn't like new for me.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It's something that I've studied for a long time. I've taken supplements for like the last 30 years. So I think that a lot of what you see is a lot of hype and excitement. the brands that truly work and are efficacious will stick around. That's what I think.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I think if you start to take care of your skin at a later age, then you're up against... a bit more, right? If you're smoking, going in the sun so much and frying in the sun and drinking alcohol, and then suddenly you wake up at 65, you may have a much more rough time because I think a lot of the things we do are very preventative.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Do you know what naltrexone is? No. So naltrexone is basically this drug, a very cheap pharmaceutical drug. You really can't make much money off of it. Of course, that's why it's not promoted, right? Yeah. They give it to people who have like an alcohol or a drug addiction because it cuts the receptors off in their brain that are getting them high. My doctor in LA, I love her.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Her name is Dr. Dominique Frieden-Reed. She's a French functional medical doctor. So she can prescribe as well, right? She's just not a naturopath. She can prescribe medicine. She put me on low dose naltrexone for the endometriosis pain at a very low dose of like one milligram and What they're finding is that at a very low dose, it can put Hashimoto's into remission. It cuts inflammation.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It's anti-cancer. It's like this longevity drug, but it's not promoted much because it's so cheap. Maybe I need this. I have Hashimoto's. Yeah, it's it's amazing. And you know what? And you like lose weight on it, too. Oh, well, I don't need that.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I need, I need some, I need, yeah, you don't need to lose weight. But for me, like, I like, I'm very skinny if I'm on low-destinatrexone, but 10% of the people who are on it, they get really bad insomnia, right? And so I drink no alcohol. Also, like this whole movement of like not drinking alcohol. I haven't drank alcohol in like 15 years. I have like maybe two to three drinks a year.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I had to quit the alcohol because of the endometriosis. Right. Because the pain was so bad. And that's also that also can like raise estrogen in your body. So I quit alcohol. drinking a very long time ago. But so I don't have an addictive personality like at all. If anything, I'm just like a workaholic. That's kind of my addiction.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
But when I was taking the low dose naltrexone, I had really bad insomnia and I would microdose Klonopin. And Klonopin is so addictive. It's almost like a Xanax. It's in that same category. I would take a tiny bit just to be able to sleep. When I went off of the naltrexone, I also just like cold turkey, like quit microdosing the Klonopin. And I felt my nervous system was so messed up.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Like I felt like I was like shaking. It felt like I was like going to have like a seizure. Yeah. And and, you know, you can go into a seizure if you don't wean yourself off of Klonopin. And so someone had said to me, try taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that your body naturally makes. It helps with, it's amazing. It's this longevity amino acid. It boosts your immune system.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It calms your nervous system. It's incredible for cardiovascular health. It's absolutely amazing, right? And when I took it, it calmed me down so much. Like I have never taken, and it's probably going to blow up. I'm sure that a lot of people are going to copy Taurine. I've never taken a natural supplement that felt like nature's Klonopin or nature's Xanax. Like No, it's legit. It calms you down.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And I wanted to add that with spermidine because spermidine can reverse gray hair. It can delay gray hair from coming if it's very preventative. It puts your body in a state of autophagy. So it helps to get the zombie cells out of your body. It It's incredible for wrinkles, for your skin. So I wanted to just have something that really calmed me down, but also that was like very anti-aging.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
That's what it is. So there's no natural flavors.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I started the brand because I have stage four endometriosis and my estrogen levels used to be like through the roof. My, um, estradiol level was a 1065. A normal range is about like 200. A decade ago, I was doing everything I could naturally to cut the estrogen.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The majority of it is fake though. It's bought and paid. Sephora has a lot to do with it, with buying and paying for those. The magazines are broke. They have no money. And so the only way they're making money is by linking the product to the store. And then the store gives the publication a kickback.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yes. I do, too. Yeah. Let me hear your thoughts, because I said the same. The same way that Bezos came out and said that his publication is dying, and that he'd like to hire more conservative writers, I think the same thing is going, that's going to have like a ripple effect.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And I think there's a lot of amazing editors that are like so afraid to say anything or have left their industry altogether and look for a lot of freelance work because they have similar viewpoints as you and I. I think that Vogue knows that. And I think that... It has to be inclusive for everyone on both sides. That's what I think.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
She's the best dressed. Like she literally like Trump's like Jackie Kennedy with her style.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Ingestible glutathione. Why? It does nothing. Absolutely nothing. In order to absorb glutathione, it needs to get into your blood for it to have any effect. And when you take an IV of glutathione, most of it is only it's not going into the blood. It's going into the plasma of the blood. Very little of it is actually going into the bloodstream.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Nyan was the compounding pharmacist who is compounding all the glutathione in L.A. for two decades. He came out with this technology where he figured out a way to do a transdermal glutathione that gets into the bloodstream just by spraying it. There's like zero benefit to taking ingestible glutathione like. almost 0% benefit. What about La Mer? It doesn't work for me.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I think everybody has such different skin, right? Literally, I'll recommend a product to my friends and they'll say, this made me break out. And then they recommend something to me. And then I'm like, this made me break out. Everyone is so different, which again, that goes back to the vaccine. Like, Everyone is so like chemically made up, so chemically different from each other.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And one of the tips my dad had given me since I was a teenager was to stop using aluminum antiperspirant because aluminum is an endocrine disruptor. It mimics estrogen, so it can make your levels higher. And, um, that aluminum is also found in vaccines. It's used as an adjuvant in the vaccines.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It's not a one size fits all approach. So I can't really bad mouth like any like beauty product because something might work so well for one person and not well for the next. Yeah.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The active I use, I use a few different actives inside, but the main active is Redensyl. And Redensyl, they're comparing it to Minoxidil. So number one, it's non-toxic. It's plant-based. You can use it if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. You're not allowed to use Minoxidil if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. They say after 84 days, it's equivalent to one hair transplant.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Is it gonna grow hair if you're bald? Absolutely not. If you have a follicle that's not dead and needs stimulation, it will grow that follicle as long as it's not dead. I bought this for my boyfriend. He started using it. Oh my gosh.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It smells so good, doesn't it? Well, I haven't smelled it yet, but I'm going to have to ask him. My boyfriend is obsessed with it. He told me that he needs to get his hair cut like way more frequently. And you can look at the before and afters on our website. It's insane. Now...
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The one thing is, is that if you stop taking it, if you stop using it, then your hair cycle is just going to go back to growing the speed it grew before. So it's not going to last. You have to continue it.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I had seen his tweets related to autism back before he even ran for president. He tweeted there was something going on with the vaccines and autism. Maybe he tweeted that in 2012, way before he ran for presidency. I had liked that he was talking about that. That was number one. Number two, it was more that I felt really betrayed by the other side. Like I felt betrayed by leftists.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I thought that they stood for healthy food and healthy air and healthy water and medicine that we could trust. And they started to become the party of war and the party of big pharma. And for me, those are all the things that I'm against. I support life and and freedom and peace. And they used to be the party of free speech and they became the party of censorship.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And we knew this issue with the vaccine was coming to a head, especially when Gavin signed SB 276 and didn't allow personal exemptions anymore. And that really was the beginning of the exodus of moms leaving California, even though I personally know he does not vaccinate his children.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Well, his party came down on him and said that if you do not sign SB 276, you'll never be able to run for president. because the pharmaceutical companies are lobbying and giving so much money. So everything, everything really comes down to money, right? It's all about money and profit.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yes, I do. And this started happening actually like in 2018, 2019. There was this congresswoman from this leftist from Texas who came and she sued the city of L.A. And she said that it's illegal to pick up the belongings of homeless that are on the street. Every morning, the Department of Sanitation would drive around L.A. and they would clean up all of the homeless homes.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And so I started cooking the deodorant, um, on my stove in West Hollywood and, um, I started posting about it and a lot of the retailers found me naturally because there wasn't much competition at the time. There were really no other luxury natural deodorants on the market, um, in stick form. So, um, When I launched the deodorant, it was before Trump was elected.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
belongings that were left over and all the garbage all the needles all of the stuff like off skid row they would clean the majority of that up right unless they were like in their tent it became illegal to do that and so The homeless knew that. So then they started to expand.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And that's why you started to see all the homeless, not just on Skid Row, but also all throughout L.A., all in West Hollywood. Beverly Hills is its own jurisdiction. It's not counted as it's not part of the city of L.A. They have their own police department. So they still like prosecuted. But the city of L.A., stopped prosecuting. So this happened before COVID.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
We started to see this shift, you know, happening probably even when Jerry Brown was a governor. So I just started to see everything that they were doing that was so wrong and so like making the city so dangerous. And defunding the police. And L.A. is not the same. You know, like I feel safer walking around in Paris at night with my jewelry and my bag than I do.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
London is really going through it right now. I just got back from London. London is going through what we went through in 2020. They're really hurting right now with this crazy leftist government. It's really dangerous. You have you can't like have your phone in your hand right now. Your phone will get stolen. OK, this is really important. I have to go to London this summer. You don't want to
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
you know, have your phone or your bag. Don't, don't like keep your jewelry on. Don't walk around with like any nice things. Yeah. Take the watches off. I have done my best within this whole industry. It's taken me 10 years to find conservative Right-wing creatives to work with. Oh, I love that. It's taken 10 years for me to find them. That's like the majority of my creative team.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
They're very similar to us. Cool. I prayed for that. Like I wrote down, God, like send me like the most amazing creative conservatives. I love that. It was so refreshing because I'm friends with like... some very high profile, incredible people in London who have crazy followings, who are the most talented people I know, speak out against this government. It was so refreshing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And some as young as like 28 saying, we're not allowed to say that we're proud of being British. Like we're not allowed to say that anymore.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And I just said, hey, like, you don't want to vote for Hillary because she is pro-vaccine mandates and she's going to actually be pro-adult vaccine mandates. And this is like years before COVID.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Kim did not. It was not Kim. It was the friends. Kim Kardashian's friends.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yeah, it's her childhood friends. They're so small minded. You know, they don't travel. They're not worldly. They're in a very small bubble. They're friends with the same people that they hung out with since they were five years old. She calls them the lifers.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So it was like someone in her lifer group, but I won't say who, but if anyone posted me on their story, like she immediately would message them and say like, take her down. She's a Trump supporter. Nice. I would be in desk sides in New York. And I would be with editors and they would post the brand. And this group would say to the editor, she's a Trump supporter. Do not write about her.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I think this was years later. You know, this is going back to 2016, 2017. This was, you know, very early on.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It was like a little sporty outfit.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Everybody was grossed out. Babe, look at the retail price for the Birkin. You think it cannot be outdone? It's there to stay. Listen, when you get your first Hermes bag... It's an addiction and nothing else in the world matters. Okay. All right. I'll take your word for it. No, I promise. I didn't understand the hype until I got my first baby Kelly. I got her. I saved.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Listen, I said, I am not going to buy myself a baby Kelly until I have X amount in the bank. I saved my whole life for her. I got her in 2018. I paid 5,000 euro at the time for her. She's seven years old. I wear her more than any other bag. You do the math of what bag you wear for seven years later. You spend more money buying these $2,000 bags than buying the 5,000 euro bag that lasts a lifetime.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
When you get it, it's an addiction. Like you cannot...
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
like buy really anything else like maybe once in a while you'll buy a little bit of Chanel but nothing else matters aside from from their mess like it's like it's an addiction it's an addiction and you don't know it because I'm like what's up with these bags they're not even that cute right you're like like I don't really need that and then you get it nothing else matters
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And you don't even know about the Margot. Yeah, you definitely didn't. So that tells me a lot there. I'm like, wow, I was really wrong on this.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I do love the row. I wear the clothes, but for bags, like it's, you know, it's like basically Hermes or like almost nothing. Nothing.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
You know, I love a uniform. I literally wear my same Prada outfits from 2023 and maybe I just expand and get an extra top. But I love, like, I'm like petite and little like you. I don't, how tall are you? 5'4". I'm a little bit shorter than you, but I love just like being, I like being cozy and I love skims to be honest. Like skims are so comfy and cozy and I don't cancel other women.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
A lot of people are getting disgusting cheap marine collagen that is coming from farmed fish and tilapia. Sick. The label clean in Sephora does not mean much. A lot of brands say that they're all natural, but they're all using synthetic fragrance. I'm thinking of salt and stone.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
How did you know? There were meetings like with David Wolf and with Del Bigtree and certain people were getting together with RFK. And it was all on the government. It's all on the government website, actually, that these mandates, they want to enact these mandates for adults and they want adults to follow a vaccine schedule. Also, Hillary spoke a lot about this through the Clinton Foundation.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So I don't, I never cancel another company. I really don't care what their political views are to say. I got in a lot of trouble for wearing Balenciaga. I love my Balenciaga. Like I get in a lot of trouble for that. I lost a I love Miu Miu. I love Prada. I love being like a little bit sporty. I love being like cozy and having like a designer label on.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Do you think Zimmerman is falling to the wayside? Are we over Zimmerman? Okay, I'll tell you. Here's my theory on Zimmerman. I think it looks so amazing on a brunette and it looked, yeah, like it looked great on you and it looks amazing like on Arab girls and Middle Eastern girls who are olive with dark hair. I hate it on a blonde. I hate it on a blonde.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It really bothers me to see a blonde in Zimmerman. It does. It's like a clash with my eyes, the pattern and the blonde hair. It's too much. It looks, it'll look amazing on you though, because you have dark hair so you can do it.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Carolina Santo Domingo. She has like amazing, really cute bags that I like. Jacquemus, but they've been around. I think their bags are like adorable, like the cutest, teeniest, tiniest little bags. I love their ad campaigns. I love Sporty and Rich for like a cute. Yeah, I like her brand a lot.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Oh, I used to when they would just give them to like they would just give them to stylists. God, I wore those like a decade ago. Yeah, they're cute. So we're like, yeah, they have like a letter that's missing. Yes.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Yeah, they gifted me like all their jeans when they that was like a decade ago. Yeah, I like I like their jeans. I love I love like a redone Levi redone. Yep. Yep. I love those.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I love vintage I like quality right I like to buy things that I can wear for like the next five years and I like things that if it's Chanel and it's trendy it's gonna never like disappear from my closet I'm always gonna bring it back I like to buy things that
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
that can last a lifetime and so my tip is like to go on the real real and get this stuff like oh i'm on there all the time you can find almost everything that i buy i then find on the real real louis vey here to stay or fleeting oh because that designer didn't he he just went to chanel yeah i mean like right now it's really popular but do you think it's gonna stay that way
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I don't I don't know because I just I buy like I buy a lot of YSL. I buy a lot of Miu Miu Prada. Chanel I'm really not into right now, but I wear my old Chanel. I'm very excited to see this new designer to see what he's going to do. I'll tell you a mid-tier brand that I love that I wear all the time. Who? Alexander Wang. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. And then Kate.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
It fits you really well if you're short. Also Totem. Totem is amazing. And it's very similar to the Row and it's like a little bit cheaper. Yep. I buy Kate. I like Kate. I do like, I like Kate for some basics. I'm really into being cozy and comfy. Like, I love like... like some cashmere from Laura Piano. I love it. I love a little fashion talk. Oh my God. I love being like, I love being cozy.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Like I will not even step like, I'm not even going to go there. Nevermind. I'm not going to go there. I'm not canceling any other brands. I'm sure like there are people who like think of Agent Natura and they're like, oh, like, you know, I don't like her views. If I love something, like I'll buy it if I don't agree with someone's views.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Can you come to LA and we'll do like a day of me dressing and styling you? Oh, I would love that. I would love that. I would love to pick out some outfits for you. I would die. You would look amazing in like some like Miu Miu trousers. So yeah, I want to like pick out some looks for your podcast.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
You have an amazing body.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Well, I like Alexander Wang. Do you know why you like the row? Why? Because they're short. So they use themselves to fit everything. And that's why it looks. good on us.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
That's because it's tailored to fit them. And even though I still have to tailor some of it, they fit it on a short girl. And that's why I like Alexander Wang, because he's fitting it on shorter girls, even though you have to still tailor it and get it hemmed. His like model to fit on is shorter.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And so at the time, I was following a blog called March Against Monsanto. And that, along with David Wolf, that kind of opened my eyes to so much of what was happening. You were Maha before Maha. Yeah. Yeah, I really was. The brand was controversial in itself because no one believed that aluminum was problematic.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
They're really sweet girls. I was in a wedding with them, actually.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
RFK takes the regulation away from supplements because they're coming down so hard on supplements right now. On NAD, NMN. even glutathione. So, and they have like a host of other ingredients that they're after. Right. So I hope that he like dismantles that. I hope that he first and foremost helps improve our food and our soil because that's directly impacting the way we look and feel. Right.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
That's so true. Well, if we don't have healthy food and, I go to Europe to be healthy because the food is such better quality, especially in Italy where there's very little presence of Monsanto and GMOs. There's a lot of GMO in France, actually. And so for me, it's really about the food first and foremost.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And then I hope that he bans some of these toxic ingredients and that we have more regulation on chemical sunscreens. I think that's a big one. I hope that we ban the aluminum. That's an antiperspirant. All the things that are truly bad for health. I hope that he... He starts to ban and look at some of those ingredients.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And there's a lot of things in makeup that are really bad that we're putting on our lips every single day. Certain antioxidants, certain preservatives for lipstick have been banned in Europe for a long time. And They're not banned in the U.S. I hope all those things are looked into. I hope that I get to be like on his board and I'm a part of this.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Bestsellers are Holy Main, Calm Beauty, and then it's Holy Oil or Face Oil and Holy Water. Every single hot girl has Holy Water on their shelf. It's a high molecular weight, hyaluronic pearl and rose essence toner. It's absolutely incredible. It's like a filter. When you put it on your face, it instantly plumps your face like you... I cannot live without holy water and holy oil.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Like if you use a face oil or if you don't, if you think face oils are going to make you break out or if they're going to make you greasy, it doesn't. It balances the skin. It's not sticky or greasy. It feels absolutely amazing. You have to try holy oil, holy water. We're sold out of the toothpaste. There's so much we're sold out of. The body balm. Oh, my God.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
You have to see the before and after of the body balm.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
take the essence you spray in the palm of your hand not on your face oh so because it's like a straight shoot okay um you spray it in the palm of your hand and you mix it with a dime size or i'm sorry a pea-sized amount of holy sea which is our dry vitamin c powder um you mix that together and you can even put the holy oil in that and make like a nice emulsion and then you put that on the face
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Everyone thought that was a conspiracy theory to come out with a natural deodorant that was free of aluminum. And now it's, you know, look at the industry. It's blown up. Businesses like... Dove are now making aluminum-free deodorant. And there are studies and there are links to, not that it can directly cause breast cancer, but it can lead to breast cancer because it is an endocrine disruptor.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Well, if you're going to do a moisturizer, so you want to do holy water, holy sea, and then you want to do your moisturizer, and then you want to do holy oil at the end. Holy oil after the moisturizer? That's what they say to lock in the moisture, right? After the moisturizer.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
yes i've been doing this wrong i know no that's what like everybody says to do but because they say that if you apply the oil after the um the moisturizer that you're locking the moisturizer in but i like to mix it all together in the palm of my hand and sometimes i even put my tinted moisturizer directly in that or my foundation i mix it all together and put it on my face
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Jenna Covello, at Jenna Covello or Agent Natour. But our health blog is literally how a lot of people discover the brand from all the health advice and all the people we interview.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I think romantic. I think you need a healthy relationship.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
romantic partner to heal a lot of things like whether it's familial or societal I think that changes everything and to have that person to go through all of these crazy things that we're experiencing like politically or with the fires or whatever is happening it's really nice to have that person to rely on that calms your nervous system I get a lot of girls messaging me saying like should I break up with this guy like my family doesn't like him or
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Or my friends don't like him. I'm like, only you know that answer, right? Like no one else knows except for you. And I always say like, how does your nervous system feel? Like, does your nervous system feel calm? And a lot of times like friends and family, they don't know what's best for us. Are they in the healthiest relationships? Do they give the best advice?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Like if they do and they have like a healthy relationship and you admire their relationship or you want their relationship, maybe trust them, but you have to be like really careful with who you go to for advice. And I only know this from, cause like I'm older and I feel like I've been through so much. So looking back, like I know like Elena Cardone, like says this a lot.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Like if you have like a fight, like with your boyfriend or spouse, like don't tell your friends. Cause then they're like going to judge the relationship. Yeah. I'm so lucky. I feel like I'm such a late bloomer. It took me... I met my boyfriend 17 years ago. He tried to date me.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And if I dated him back then, we definitely wouldn't be together now because I had to really grow and I had to launch Agent Natur. But he calms me and I'm so grateful for him. And I met him when I was older and I wasn't so young. And I'm so grateful to have that person that calms my nervous system. And so I think that is like...
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The best thing you can look for in a person because that's going to heal your nervous system, which is going to calm you down. And that totally affects like the rest of your health.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Happy birthday.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So that was exciting. Thank you for having me. This is the first podcast that I agreed to do in like years, you know. Honored. Well, we're all happy you said yes. Thank you so much. Thanks.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So if that aluminum in the deodorant can lead to breast cancer, then why is it in the vaccine? That was like always the question that I was asking. So I was getting canceled for asking that question. And so I started following March Against Monsanto and they were talking a lot how Hillary was bringing pre-approved vaccines from China to America without having to go through any testing in America.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And those vaccines were going to the U.S. and they were going to South America and they were going to lower income neighborhoods. And doctors in affluent areas would tell my friends who had children, our vaccines are safe. Our vaccines like are vetted. And there is a different grade of a vaccine like there is.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
You know, the poor and marginalized communities are getting a different quality vaccine. And so I was talking a lot about this. I was talking about this in 2000. I think it was before 2012 when. He wouldn't allow GMO labeling. And that's really when I was finished. With the left? With the left.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Well, actually, the head of the FDA was the former head of Monsanto. So there was a lot of crossover between the FDA, the CDC, and Monsanto. So the people who are leading the way for Our food and drugs are coming from Monsanto and also coming from the pharmaceutical industry, which is like so scary. So I was like talking about all of this.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Oh, I had stores drop me. I had accounts drop me. I had Goop drop me. Are they back? Goop is not back. I don't want to even be backed. to be honest. What's going on with Goop? Do you think they can be trusted? I think they were bought out by some large VCs in San Francisco, and they had to come out and fully support the vaccine in 2020.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And they came out with an email in 2020 why they support the vaccine. So I got dropped around that time. Their beauty director, she kept me in this box because she didn't like my political views. But She's allowed to express her views on social media, but I wasn't allowed to express mine.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And the more they tried to express their views and wouldn't allow me to express mine, like I'm a Gemini and I'm a contrarian. So the more I'm going to express my views and the more I'm going to prosper. Trump was elected and then there was the Women's March. So this is like January 2017. And these women left their trash all over L.A. It was disgusting.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And I was like, aren't you for the environment? Why are you leaving your trash like everywhere? Yeah. I'm like, you're being like hypocrites right now. Aren't you like, you know, this is like complete hopelessness.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
She may be. I mean, look, she's into a lot of similar things as me. She may be, but she's bought out and she has VCs behind her and she doesn't own anything. the majority of it anymore. So when you're bought out and when you have all these VCs funding the company, you're not allowed to really express your personal views, which is why, you know, I'm self-funded.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I started the brand with just $300, no family money, no loans. I'm scared, you know, to have those VCs. I don't want them to silence me.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
They all have me on like a list that they're not allowed to really write about me. If you see anybody really writing about me, it's usually it's a freelance writer who's promoting the collagen. And so what happened was they kind of put me on this like... list to like block me. And they were like, let's not give her any attention. Let's not write about her. Let's not give her any awards.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
Let's kind of just pretend she doesn't exist. And the more they did that, the more my community stood up and supported me. And with every cancellation, my sales just kept going up and up and up. And then during COVID, my sales were up like 3000% or something like insane. So I noticed that every time there was a big like cancellation, the sales increased. And so that made me realize that
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
My views were the majority. They try so hard to ignore me, but my products are so amazing and so efficacious, they can't ignore me. And really, I think that's God protecting me because my heart is in such a good place and I'm here to help other people along their health journey and I'm here to expose the corruption.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
So my heart is in such a pure place that I really think I'm protected by God and my guardian angels for sure.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
I just changed my bio to clean, efficacious, luxury beauty because I feel like people love the word clean and I do not like the word clean because I think it gives all synthetics a bad rap and I don't use synthetics, but I've studied in France for natural cosmetics and fragrance for 10 years, right? I study one-on-one with my chemist now.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
She's actually in LA right now at my manufacturing facility. I go by a European standard, right? Because there is no standard really in America. There's no guideline of what is clean and what is safe and what's okay for breastfeeding and what isn't. But Europe came out with much higher standards about 20 years ago. Japan has the highest standard in the world for cosmetics, followed by the EU.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
And so what I learned a decade ago was that not every single paraben is bad, that parabens that have been on the market for 30 plus years, they are not endocrine disruptors. It's the new parabens that have the longest molecular structure that are not banned in America, but banned in the EU that are problematic, that are endocrine disruptors that can cause cancer.
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The ones that are bad have been banned in Europe for a long time, but there are parabens that have been on the market for 40 years nearly that are not bad. And so for me, it's that... People really aren't truly educated on the topic and they don't know the difference. And to just say all parabens are bad, that's not true. So how do you know if a brand is truly clean or not?
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
The label clean in Sephora does not mean much. There's like Sephora clean. That does not mean much because they are saying that chemical sunscreens are clean. There are chemical sunscreens that have the label clean at Sephora. Chemical sunscreens, as you know, are absorbed into the bloodstream. They are linked to all kinds of issues like lower sperm count,
Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Collagen Powder Dos & Don'ts + Is the Birkin Over? | Agent Nateur's Jena Covello
fertility issues, cancer, mineral sunscreens, they're not absorbed into the blood because they sit on top of the skin. They reflect the sun back. So they work differently. I think that the way that you vet a brand is by going through each ingredient And looking it up and seeing if there's any side effect. I think that there's very few retailers that are truly doing that work.