Jean Curtis
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
My son kept asking me, why doesn't Daddy come home? And I would tell him he can't come home. You know, he can't. He's sleeping with God and the angels in heaven, and he still couldn't understand why he couldn't come home to sleep.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
There's probably a hundred people that was in on this investigation, and I love each and every one of them.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
I'm not his victim anymore. My son is not his victim anymore. I am so grateful. I had to wait this long. It's worth the wait.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
Something has happened. And I asked if he was hurt. Is he hurt bad? And they said, no, it's worse than that.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
We were high school sweethearts. The first time I saw him, I thought he was beautiful. And I said to myself, I'd like to marry that guy.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
He was my first love, and I never got over the first love. I don't think anybody does, really.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
This is the plaque that they gave me with his original badge on it. All I have left.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
We had had a little argument. And I've always felt bad about that. We didn't get to say goodbye.
48 Hours
The Spirits of El Segundo
They woke me up around 4 in the morning, and they told me that he and his partner had been shot and killed. And I thought, oh, the world, since I went to sleep, the world's gone mad.