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Jay Carson Buley


The Charlie Kirk Show

AmFest, Day2: House Speaker Elon Musk? ft. Glenn Beck, Sage Steele, Josh McKoon, Chloe Cole


Jay Carson Buley from Boise, Idaho. And I wanted to tell people that we need to look at the NGOs because I see him down below the border reporting on everything. And so I used to be working for the Red Cross as a volunteer intake officer. And then I didn't realize that the Red Cross, along with Catholic Charities and all these others, are actually supporting illegal migration into this country.

The Charlie Kirk Show

AmFest, Day2: House Speaker Elon Musk? ft. Glenn Beck, Sage Steele, Josh McKoon, Chloe Cole


Yes, yes. And we should stop donating to them. That's the only way. Stop donating to them, and then they'll change their policies.