Jared Moskowitz
The MeidasTouch Podcast
House Republicans TANK Trump and Musk Bill and SHAME THEM
The gentleman from Florida is recognized for one minute. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. You know, denial is not just a river in Egypt. Let's talk about the last two years. It was the Democrats who raised the debt ceiling, not the Republicans last time. Many of you voted against it.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
House Republicans TANK Trump and Musk Bill and SHAME THEM
It was the Democrats who kept over the government, not once, not twice, but every single time we needed to keep the government open, it was the Democrats who kept the government open. More of us voted for it than you. And all I've heard for the last couple of weeks about this giant mandate, landslide, trifecta, Put on your big boy pants, pass your own bill.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
House Republicans TANK Trump and Musk Bill and SHAME THEM
We're only here, we're only here because you guys can't agree amongst yourselves. So hold on a second, hold on a second. Democrats will keep government open for the American people. We will mediate. the disagreements between that side of the room and that side of the room. We will do that for you, but you gotta at least invite us to that meeting.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
House Republicans TANK Trump and Musk Bill and SHAME THEM
So if you want us to solve your problem, because you can't agree amongst yourselves, reach out. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Time has expired. The gentlewoman reserves.