Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
She has the perfect nipple size. Did you take this?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
I have an ask. Have you guys ever heard of the Tinder date gone wrong that recently happened where she came out, And the cops told her she needed to see her apartment. It was covered in plastic. You can find it on TikTok.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
This is why I don't want to date and I don't want anyone over to my house. They're not coming to my house.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
Like I, at least it's real life set up by a friend.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
Yes. But like, even then, like, I think that's happened to me one time where someone was like, yo, you would really like my cousin. And I really did like talk to him for like a year. Ended bad. But that was the only time I got set up like a mutual friend that was like, I know you and I know you and I know you guys would be good together.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
My church, they were all married and older.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
My church, they were all married and older. Like, there was really no one... There was people my age, but...
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
Ever since I, like, I was celibate for almost two years, that's what really... let me like not have just random guys over to my house all the time. Cause I was like, and I got stolen from one time, but like after that, bro, after the family guy whack off, that's who started, that's who started my celibacy. And I got a new mattress. I got a whole new bed frame.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
Like I threw everything out and I was like, I'm done having random guys over to my house all the time. Like, and no one's been to my new house yet. No one's been on my new mattress yet. Like,
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
I don't want that. I think that's why I like staying single, because I love my energy and I like to protect it. And I don't want a man fucking that up.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
Yeah. And once I moved, I realized that house I lived in for seven years was so negative.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
It was really bad. So I could tell a huge difference when I moved.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
I was going to say, I've seen so many porn titles with it.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
I'm doing no one. Are we doing someone? No, I'm not doing anyone.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
When are we going to see Brooke's tits?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
All right. Oh, here we go. Here we go. I'm going to need this up close to show from there. Can we display it on the TV?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
I rarely send nudes to Jane. Not really.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: I Hate The Way My Vagina Looks
You can type in nude in your camera roll search. Or like the year that she would send it to you.