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Israel Keyes



Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


When did you first meet Samantha Coney?


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


So why did you go to the Common Grounds coffee shop on that night at that time? Because they were open late. Did you know that they were open late? Yep. Staked it out maybe two or three days before.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I told her to put her jacket on, had her get on her knees and back up to the window and put cable ties on her hands. After she was I had her arms tied up, I had her move forward a little bit, and then waited until there weren't that many cars or people that I could see around.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


And then I jumped through the window, took some napkins and put them in her mouth, and told her that we were going for a little walk. We were only about 100 feet from the coffee stand, maybe 200 feet. And she tried to get away.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I tackled her. After that, she was serious. After that, she could give me problems. So what did you do with Samantha?


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


There was something about her, like the way she reacted, that she wanted to just keep going with it. I had never done anything that crazy before. I was just on a real adrenaline rush. Who took her where?


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


When he said he was from Alaska,


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


She kept trying to talk to me, and I had to tell her to shut up a few times. Because she was, you know, trying to make friends and stuff.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


My plan was to go in and out really quick and get her phone.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I was going to go to the ATM, but then I realized I hadn't written down the PIN number. So I had to go back to the house and get it from her.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


She knew at that point. I put my head right up to her ear and I said, you knew this was coming.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I knew from the minute she walked out of that coffee stand she wasn't.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


What was your plan? You were getting on a plane. Your body was in your shed. What were you thinking? I was thinking it was 20 degrees outside and I didn't have anything to worry about.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


Yeah, so I got back on the morning of the 18th.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


That's how the $30,000 idea came up. I always knew that I was going to put something about money in the rents, you know. That was just a bonus. Bonus to what? To the whole thing. If I could eventually get some money, then that was the plan.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


The biggest problem I had was with her face. I could get the makeup to work, but there was no expression. I think I took about five or six pictures before I finally had one that only showed what I wanted.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


Why don't you three make it more believable, I guess? The bottom line was to get money out of it. But at the same time, not like I didn't want to do it.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


You know, I couldn't get it all out on the lake in one trip. I'm also gonna have to go up there three times. So yeah, it took me a long time.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I didn't make it. That was no problem that I could really schedule for the next day. And then you went to the parent-teacher conference after you had dumped part of your body? Yeah. How did you stay calm enough to go and do that? I didn't really think about that.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


Are there any other people that you're responsible for the death of? I have lots more stories to tell if you're interested.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


You're not searching anything. Look, you have not given me any information. I've been very open with you. I've been telling you everything. You're not searching anything of mine until I know what's going on and why I'm still standing here.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


The U.S. Marshals notified the court today that Israel Keyes is in custody in the District of Alaska.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


I can tell you right now, everything related to this is going to be in the house. You already have the computer, the desktop computer. That's what everything's on.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


That's pretty much why I decided to start talking to you, because if you had that computer, you probably would have figured it out. I think everybody really wants to know where Samantha is. Is that an okay place to start, or would you like to start elsewhere? Yeah, we can just start with the end, and then we'll work backwards. So you pull up a map there of Palmer area.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


And what should they look for specifically? Ice fishing spot. Was it a hole that you cut or was the hole there? No, it was a hole I cut. You'll see it. You'll see where the hole was probably. I don't imagine. There's not very much snow up there.


Wild Crime: You've Got Your Monster | S4 Ep. 2


She's not wrapped up or anything, but there'll still be some blood on ice. They gonna find anything else out there? Oh, you'll find her DNA. Okay. You'll probably, you'll find her, my DNA on her. The one thing I do need to know is how you killed her. Why? I mean, it doesn't really matter how it happened. I'm saying that yes, I was responsible and yes, I told you where she is. So you killed her?


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I mean, if you go into an old farmhouse and smell something dead, that's not really that unusual. So I figured as long as it passed, like someone went into the basement and looked around a little bit, they wouldn't be that suspicious of something smelling dead.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


So what is the deal with the couriers as far as the investigation? I mean, where are they at, the people back east? They're still digging. They haven't found the bodies yet. You're kidding. You sure they have the right house? Well, the house was demolished and stuff was carted away. When they did the demolition, they were digging everything out. Wow. That is crazy.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I'm just amazed that if they actually dumped the remains into a dump truck, nobody noticed that.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I've known since I was 14 that there were things that I thought were normal and that were okay that nobody else seemed to think were normal and okay. So that's when I just started being a loner.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Out in the woods. I knew I had to re-enter that area.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I don't really consider myself all that different or all that special from hundreds of thousands of other people. All you have to do is type in a word search on any given porn site and there's all kinds of people who have fantasies about rape and bondage and... kinds of things that I take to another level.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


When I was 14, there was a cat of ours that was always getting into the trash. And it was my sister's cat. And I told her, if that cat gets into the trash again, I'm going to kill it. We all went up into the woods, and I had the cat with me. And I took a piece of parachute cord and tied it to this tree. And I shot it in the stomach.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


And it ran around and around the tree, and then crashed into the tree, and then started vomiting. I laughed a little, I think. But then I looked over at everybody else, and the kid who was about my age was with me. He was throwing up. He was really traumatized, I guess you would say.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Something kind of changed in the way I thought, and I didn't want to do anything that would mess with kids or whatever.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


It was kind of one of those, that's the interesting things.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I was working construction at the time, so I would hear stuff. But I never took a personal interest in it.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


After I found that house and decided that it was probably an older couple, just because of the way they had their backyard set up. They had like a swimming pool and a deck and a barbecue. It just looked like a, you know, like older couple that didn't have kids. So I knew there was probably only one room in the house that was being used as the bedroom.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I have no reason to tell you more information. The things I've done, I don't feel bad about them, and I didn't do them because... I felt I had no other choice. I did them for myself, so it's better actually for me to keep them to myself. Because they're mine.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


There's just a lot of stuff that happened when I was in the army that changed my perspective on things, just really changed my perspective on the big picture and made me realize that, you know, if that was what I wanted to do, then I should just do it. If you wanted to kill somebody. Yeah, because all the stuff I had been so concerned about before didn't really matter that much.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


And when I was in the army, I was in Egypt. And there was that time when I went to Tel Aviv. There was a girl that I met. She was pretty young. It was from a Norwegian exchange student or something. And we were hanging out and stuff, and she told me where her room was. I did lose control a little bit as things progressed. I wouldn't say that was an outright rape.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


That's when I realized that if I was going to do that kind of stuff, it had to just be complete strangers. It couldn't be anyone who knew me. I just realized that if I kept doing stuff like that, it was only a matter of time before I got caught.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I cut the phone lines because usually if there's an alarm system, it'll trigger the alarm. The neighbor next door, he was still up. He kept coming out smoking. I held off for quite a while before I actually broke into the garage. It was like a blitz attack. I was probably in the bedroom within five or six seconds.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


I had them roll over on their stomachs, and I told them to keep their faces down on the pillow and not look at anything.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Anytime I was in the room, there were never any lights on. Just your headlight. Right.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


They were wondering what was going on. I just told them it was a kidnap for ransom set up and that there were other people involved in it. I think they thought it was a case of mistaken identity or something. I was just bullshitting them.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


once I had him in the car. I had her in the front seat. Her hands were behind her back. I had cable ties on them. We had cable ties on her feet too. Was he in the back? Yeah, he was in the back on the passenger side.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


No, yeah, we drove straight there. I already knew where it was.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Cable tied his hands down to the stool so he couldn't stand up and then had the stool backed up against the wall. And, well, I mean, it must have taken me longer than I thought because I came out of the basement. And when she got out of the car, she had somehow broke the cable ties on her hands and on her feet and got out of the car.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


She finally shut up a little bit and I heard something downstairs. And that's when I started having problems with the guy. I went down there and he had, the stool, he was kind of a big guy, like overweight, and the stool had just collapsed. The cable ties that I had on his wrist, behind his back, they broke and I don't know, just messed my whole plan up.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


At that point, he was still trying to talk me out of it. He was like, just let us go. We haven't really seen you. You can still walk away. And I just kind of laughed at him. I was like, I don't even know how much planning I put into this. Just walk away. That was part of the whole plan for taking a couple. I had this idea in my head of what was going to happen.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


My plan was to take him into the basement, tie him up separate, and then take her upstairs. There were these two queen-size mattresses in the upstairs corner bedroom, and that's where I planned to take her and then him. She was annoying me that I was having to deal with him, and I just came to the realization that he wasn't going to stop fighting.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


There was a shovel in the basement, and I hit him with that a couple times. I didn't know I was all hanged up. I grabbed the 10-22. There was a cop car right across the road about 100 yards away.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


So I grabbed that, the silencer, and put that on. He saw the gun, and he started to say something, and it just pissed me off, and I just started pulling the trigger. I pulled as fast as I could until the magazine was empty.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


Just like, I don't know, I guess you could call it the fantasy that developed over the years.


Wild Crime: Because They're Mine | S4 Ep. 3


As soon as I started talking to you, I knew I was never getting out. I'm not Bubba from the sticks who sat in one town for all my life. I've been lots of places, I've done lots of things, and I'd rather go out while I still have some good memories.