Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Perch fry is pretty good. Haven't had that in a while. Actually, I saved my last one for Well, she'll probably be back later at some point.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
We're kind of a Brady Bunch around these parts. You know, this isn't the first time we've had weapons drawn on us, but we appreciate your hospitality.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Why would I spy on her? I'd offer Peyton to... You could ride around on her, but, you know...
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
All right, well, now you got me worried, and I will spend the next ten minutes resummoning Peyton.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
That milk's going to go bad in like an hour, you know?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh, I've got plenty of that.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, we're all kind of different.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yes, yes, that's true. Well, I mean, I could teach you guys how to braid your hair. I could teach you how to braid your hair, too.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, I'm normally not relatively intelligent. I don't pick up on these things quite as much, but I'm noticing that I do now since I've been around you guys. And Golden Lotus never asked for my dad's name. Did you notice that? Never once. He walked through her lands. They're bound to have been found by one of her people.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Take out the axe and inspect it and see if there's any sign of, like, fighting or scratching.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Felix, would you mind taking 10 minutes to look at this?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
See if there's any part of it that would be helpful. I don't know if... Maybe this part comes off, and I'm basically trying to see if the axe comes apart in any way.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
It's not like anything that rings a bell and the parts that he was carrying that would have been part of a rod.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Maybe someone bought this from him. Who knows? Might not even be his.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Was that his primary weapon, or was this just something he made?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You don't think they have him enslaved here, making weapons for them, for this legion. Is it worth interrogating these folks? I don't know if we have time before dawn, but.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm afraid if I do, she'll dispel both me and Peyton to another plane of these yesteds. But if you want to go looking for her, I'll come with you.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'll get her on Peyton and I'll go with her. We'll mount up and ride around together.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Would we have any inclination of what direction she might've gone?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
No way to track her, I guess.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I would probably ride up to people that are bustling around and getting their stuff in their homes and closing down for the night and just be like, hey, have you seen any other Tabaxis walking through here? And I'll describe what she looks like.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I mean, we can But what'd she want us to do, Lufty? You know her the best.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, maybe after Golden Lotus has decided and we're still safe, we could maybe have a couple of beers and iron all this out.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Can you, like, call up her dad or something?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I couldn't. I didn't know how to do that. You know, I wasn't sure if she gave you anything as like a, you know... Beacon, emergency pager or something. I don't think so.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I hope she comes back. The milk's going to go bad in a couple hours.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'll turn Peyton around and we'll just kind of solemnly trot back to camp.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'll look over my shoulder behind Lufty and see if there's any sign of the tabaxi coming back into the city and park Peyton by the fire and I'll sit down and...
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
All right, Peyton, let's pass your bedtime. Let's lay down for the night.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Should we take a wash, you think? Do we try sleeping here overnight?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
All right, well, I'm gonna stay out here with Peyton. Okay. I'll be with Dakota. Dakota will keep us safe.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'll lodge her into the ground next to my flail, into the ground next to the fire, and I'll curl up against Peyton, and I'll just snooze outside and see if Iris comes back.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Thank you, Capriccio. This is fun. If it makes any of this better, Kargash helped us get up the mountain. We helped him. So did
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm just going to peek up over Peyton, make sure that she's not bleeding or limping or anything. I'll be like, yeah, yeah, I knew she'd be back. She always comes home. Cats never attach to people, they attach to homes.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Isn't there like a third hut that I'm not using because I'm sleeping outside?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I give her a strong, full forearm, and put my other hand over it, and I shake it up this way.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I look at Iris over my shoulder, I give her a nod, and I just pet Peyton, and I'm just staring at her.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm just making sure it doesn't burn as I'm just like sipping, petting Kate and just quietly.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Can I use shield master for this? Seven and a two, so it'll be seven. You poorly stirred.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Absolutely, whatever we can do to help.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, and Peyton can help out too. She's a big girl, but she's real friendly. And I'll tell you what, she can probably haul up to like 500, 600 pounds. I don't know. How much can you pull, Peyton? Uh-huh. Yeah, yeah, about the baby proper.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
On the material plane? Yes. Oh, that's not good.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh, easy at it, girl, easy at it.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, I was... What's your mean of forging it? Do you have someone in mind?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm very certain of that. I definitely don't want anything happening in the world, but I mean, you know, when all the seven bits come together.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
But they're mortals. Yes, of course. And they're going to forge an artifact of such grandiose power.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Can I have a moment with my friends before we go? Of course.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm going to pull them aside. So we know my dad went missing with the last piece of the artifact. Well, a piece, supposedly, of the artifact in his cart. This last piece, supposedly, now is in limbo, which suggests to me that these people have probably found my dad. He could very well be imprisoned here, or they took it from him when he crossed the border into Garand.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, she would tell me if he was, right?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, but it's not like him to be so secretive. Even about his business. I mean, he was hoping to have me inherit all of it. He was shaping me up to be, you know, his, his, you know, next of kin. So I was going to take over the shop and be the best forge cleric smith of, of Yonah. How are you going to do that if you're not a cleric? I said smith. I changed my, he's a forge cleric. Oh, I know.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Don't worry, it just doesn't, smells like bad porchetta to me.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, I would normally go into this. She says it a lot. I would normally go into this, but I know that I'd probably be badgered about time and, you know, she's summoning this. What do badgers have to do with this? Oh, they're such great creatures.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'll go over to Peyton and I'll scritch her behind the ears and I'll say, go keep Revali company until I can't feel you anymore. But I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Mommy, I got a few back home, but I would say I haven't brought them back here. Actually, it's been some time since I've been home. But yeah, yeah, I would say Pete's probably the only one, but she can hold quite a bit. As soon as we get Revali somewhere safe that he can, you know, have a nap or two and maybe knock back a couple of, you know, ales or whatnot, we could get her out.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Do you want to get her out? Yes, the answer to your question is yes.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You call her a thing? You should apologize. You know, she got you down half that mountain.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
What are you talking about? She's an ox.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm just saying you got some loaded words there, sir, for someone who's taking care of you, but okay. Do you need a hand? Oh.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, yeah, sticks and stones, keep her moving. Then I jump on Peyton.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Should we have paid those people for that wagon? I feel kind of bad we kind of just commandeered it.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, I'll bet. I'll follow for you.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I gotta grab something real quick, if that's all right.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
And so I hop off Peyton. I'll go and try and heave an axe out of the snow.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh, okay, I wasn't sure. Pulling the wagon?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
This lady. I will say that Revali referred to her as a thing.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Holy mackerel, I seriously think you could probably poke a hole in a mackerel with that.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
So I'm not trying to copy Cat here. But this must take me back to grade school.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Are you trying to be rude? No, no, I'm saying, I was going to ask you what... Why don't you go hang out with your Brady Bunch? I got all of you right here, all accounted for.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
What would you suggest, Iris, so that we don't have to... She simply said give her gold.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, I'm sure she can climb too, you know.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh, hey there, but I probably think I'm like a pheasant or something. I'm not. I'm a dwarf. I don't taste very good. I would really appreciate it if I could just take a look at that axe over there. I swear to God. I swear to gosh. Morgan, forgive me. I think that's my dad.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh, that's going to go so well with the idea I had. I'm not going to say it yet. I'll let you go. I'll let you go first. I don't have a bread maker.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Hope this isn't the last time we see ya. So get stamp of approval. Let us go. So I'll owe you a beer, or whatever you enjoy drinking. Sign me. Yes, please. Ask her more questions.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
A little... Easy does it. Exactly right. Exactly right.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
And I think he's lost in your mountains and not trying to trespass, ma'am. But I'm pretty sure that's his bank.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I just heard my dad came up in these parts and listen, you know, he goes, he goes wandering in the night once he's had a couple kicked back, you know what I'm saying? So I told him, I said, you really need to cover up and put that shit away. And then he just got lost. And so here we are. Yeah. Happens to the best of us.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
My final... Would you like to go with tea?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I, um, uh, yes, uh, good lordess.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
So I'm, like, sheepishly walking up, pulling this, like, strange-looking bottle out of my pack and just kind of giving it an elbow, like, grace it up a little bit.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, I don't put it on everything. That's a lie. What is it? It's a cream sauce with seasonings. It reminded me, because of all the saffron, I smell it walking in. It just reminded me of a good cooked meal. It's ranch.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
As I'm sliding it onto the pile, I'm like, yeah, it reminds me of the time that I tried putting it on bread at church and Father Lorthar, man, he had a fit. And then I'll just like back away slowly. Why would you eat ranch and bread?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I gotta remove my bottle of ranch.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think... I got another bottle of ranch I can give you, okay?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
She has small... She's also small.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
In your vision, how much longer do we have until the Legion is at your doorstep?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
How do you plan to reinforce the atom wall? Do you have blacksmiths, construction workers? Are they going to be building artillery, setting up shafts?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Let me know if you need any help. I'm fairly good at a hammer.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, like put it on scan. Yeah, I found this at the top of the mountain before we met Dokani, I think. And I'll take out... my father's axe and I'll show it to her. You wouldn't happen to have an old wizened dwarven drunk in the city, would you? Or see one passing through?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
So good. We need a lot of help.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Before you go, I see you got a lake over there. What are your catch and release laws? in the city.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Excellent. So it would be no disrespect to you or the Eternal Blast?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Are we allowed to have open fires?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm sorry, what? Ferman doing all the border stuff where he's invading their lands?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You might not know what's happening.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think all this time I've gone about seeing the good in people, even those who are cruel, have a chance at redemption. But traveling with you guys has just taught me I can only trust each of you. Oh, you can't trust me. Oh, I do, Iris. No, I said can't.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think you're right. I think we've obviously done a great deal of work in Ereos, and as much as Golden Lotus thinks it's so chaotic and run by a bunch of actors, it's so strange that you would say that. I think that we've done a great thing in Ereos. there, and so I think we can do that again here.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
This is the best idea since Brass on Buns. Let's go! We'll announce them all.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
My dad, and my family. And for just everybody.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
And for my mom. And for you.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
For liberty. Got to put, everyone say it, Capricious's soul. Shut up, we're doing something really awesome here. Oh, okay. I know, it's great.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, I know he said wagon earlier, but he probably taught you maggot.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Oh my gosh. How long ago was that?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, then keep it, just don't throw it out. I'll use it as bait if I need to. What kind of fish eats a rattle? No, so you just drop it in, you pull it up three inches, you get a little bit of jingle. Do you want to see something really cool?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think I handle it pretty easily.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
She just swallowed it in salt.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, I was going to do some proper fishing if anyone wanted me to teach them. Oh, no, thank you.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, I'm going to go fishing. Oh boy.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
It's fish. Yeah, maybe I'll get a bite. I'll be good. And I'll head to the lake nearby and I'll start setting up my board.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I had the little feather token here. Caught a couple of catfish, like you said. Caprice. Kind of right up.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Pretty good. Where did you see my feather token?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Do we have to kneel? Do we have to pledge ourselves to you? You've got a whole legion coming your We want nothing to come to you or your lands or your people. But if I carry the wine and... Listen, I'm not a math guy, but the odds aren't good. We're here to help. We're not asking for payment. You could have killed us on that mountain. Your people are very capable. We're here...
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
to help to rid these lands of this grand evil that if we'll, any moment, they're just coming in closer and closer as we sit here bickering amongst ourselves. I can help in other ways and I'll cast Zone of Truth. I will choose to fill my own Zone of Truth.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Magic comes from all across, Avantris. I'm not from Korovakia. My magic was bestowed upon me by the power of Moradin. By his anvil. He put good into the hearts of many dwarves and men alike. And women like me too. I'm more than happy to help. We're all more than happy to help. But we're not here to make contracts.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
We're not here to tie ourselves to leaders and get involved in more political messes. We're here to create some balance in these lands. I will be front and center up there with Peyton right next to me. She'll haul anything you need for any of your people.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
That requires that I am in servitude to you.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Is there any effect my zone of truth is having on them? At 60 feet, 10 minutes, I don't know if they need to make saves or if they're willingly... Um, as far as... They have to say the truth if they're within 60 feet of it?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Yeah, on a fail to say a creature can't speak a deliberate lie while in the radius, you know whether each creature succeeded or failed on its saving throw.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I am sorry. No dwarf came through this town. No. Can I tell if she's lying?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Well, she failed her, well, I don't know. If it's been 10 minutes, I don't know if Sound of Truth is still going. We're outside. We're walking back.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I guess it's just on one point.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
Okay. Then, yeah, you're right.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm gonna just paint nearby.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I'm going to be telepathically to her, because she's one of them, I'm going to say. Hey, Peyton, sorry to interrupt. Can you go give Iris a little nudge? Give her a little nuzzle?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I would feel the disconnect, right?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I mean, she did pray in the middle of a battlefield after, you know, all that shit that came our way when we were fighting. What's his name? Right, so I think she'll be okay. She'd probably hate it if we followed her and protected her. She doesn't need protecting.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think that was already going to be the plan because I already told you I watch you and you sleep because of your nightmares. Oh, yeah. We kind of have an understanding. It's not a secret handshake.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I wouldn't understand it. I only know Draconic and Dormish.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
But what am I supposed to do?
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
I think she stays in her astral plane, because that's like her home planet.
Legends of Avantris
Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1
You know, even with everything you said about my yak... I would still be willing to go with you, if you decided that you wanted assistance with your injuries.