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Hayao Funke


Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


AFD has had a big success, but it's only 20. Only 20?

Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


Only 20, because they expected more. And they have a threshold in the German population consciousness. The German majority of 75 to 80 percent, according to surveys, don't want to have a right-wing extremist, clear racist party in power.

Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


This is because three factors were against the democratic parties, especially the ample coalition parties. They didn't do a good job. Furthermore, there is a multifaceted crisis in economics, in inflation, and having still the Ukrainian war. And so we have an influx for migrants.

Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


And the AFD is using this migrant issue as a kind of scapegoat that is responsible to their statement for all the problems we have. And they want to have a different country. They are a clear-cut, racist, right-wing revolutionary party. This is the reason why they won't have a coalition.

Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


Yes. You know, on the one hand, we have democratic votes and they have a say in the elections. On the other hand, there are perceptions in the democratic parties not to cooperate with the undemocratic party. And this is an undemocratic party, although...

Global News Podcast

Germany election: exit polls say conservatives head for victory


Yes, but this goes to that party or to that party. 90% according to this election are from the youngest grouping are voting for the AFD. So it's the average of those who are voting for the AFD. It's not more. Quite the contrary. Now, in this election, 27% went to a democratic left party, the leftists, because of social issues and because of fighting against the racism of the AFD.