Dumb Blonde
Jelly's Romantic Surprise
Talking to boat boy and Tasha sitting there watching Haley over there.
Dumb Blonde
Jelly's Romantic Surprise
They were literally, like, going off the cliff holding hands. Never thought I'd see Boston holding hands and jumping off a cliff.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
This is why I'm not dating anymore because I actually like this. What was his last name again? I saw it. He blocked you? Because it's funny because we had the same views on kids.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
too like he was like yeah i don't know about all that like basically your life stops and i'm like saying i think that too like i wouldn't still live my life right now i'm not ready for a kid you know and like we both he has like issues like um probably like getting a kid i have pcos so we both were like yeah we're gonna have to probably make it in a factory whatever if we ever want to have a kid literally we talked about that okay
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
And then all of a sudden he's like, I'll be honest, kids is something I want. And I literally sent back. I said, wait, are you joking? Because I thought he was just fucking with me. I was like, I never said they were completely off the table. Just not right now. My message didn't go through. Blocked. So, mind you, I have another phone. Oh, crazy. I go on my other phone.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I go on my other phone because I'm just like... I want to say something. And I don't even remember what I said on my other phone, but it was basically, like, the same thing. Like, yo, like, don't block me on this. But I was like, kids, like, I didn't say that's off the table. Like, you also agreed with me.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
And then I said something under that I can't remember, but that message didn't go through, so he blocked me already that quick on my other phone. And I go to Facebook dating profile. His is removed. You're blocked. But then... Mind you, I can find all your social media. Why? I go on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. I'm not blocked on any of those.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
So I was like, because I was like, maybe he found out who I was because he did ask at the end. I said, I have a podcast tomorrow. I go to bed. I got to go to bed. He was like, can I ask like who your client is or like what the podcast is for? And I was like, I'll tell you. Yeah, I'll tell you like later or whatever. So maybe he got curious.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
And looked me up, maybe the first podcast he saw was Shitstain.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I didn't say, I didn't get like, I have a girlfriend bias, but you know, obviously I just was blindsided this morning. So, but I was just, I literally woke up to that and I was just like, this just ruined my whole fucking. I'm so upset.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
No, literally, like, I was actually really excited for this date. I was nervous. I literally was texting my last girl to get an appointment. Like, I was, like, trying to be all cute and stuff. And I was just like, are you fucking kidding me? Like, but, like, also, it's funny because...
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I was like, I, when I first FaceTimed him and showed him like the guy, I immediately switched to me because I didn't want him to like hang up and block me. He was like, he was like, no, I wouldn't have blocked you right away. Like I would have said like, yo, what the fuck? And then like, you know, not talk to you. So I'm like, you immediately blocked me over like kids. He has a girl. For sure.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He's so like him and his mom and sister. I think I think maybe he talked about me to them also. And maybe he brought up the fact I didn't want kids.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
But you think he would have blocked me on social medias?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
We're getting to the bottom of this. I do because like I genuinely, like I know it had only been like two days, but like when I tell you guys, we had the same sense of humor. I already was like, yo.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He probably had a party night last night. He's coming down. He was with his family. They're visiting his grandma. Literally, his grandma was in the hospital on her 80th birthday. They were visiting family in Virginia. I know so much about... But do we know if any of this is true?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
His dad walked in. His sister walked in and was like, yo, shut up.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
because he's that was a mind fuck i feel like that was like that shouldn't have happened and that's fucked up well so i deleted my fucking profile i was like i'm done with this why don't let that dude fucking detour you it's not even just him it's the fact that that disturbed my peace yeah and i don't want that ever to happen again what happened was it didn't disturb your peace you got your hopes up and you got your feelings hurt yeah and i don't like that so if i just don't ever talk to a guy that's not gonna happen
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Fun fact, his dad was security for Britney Spears when she was going through the shaving the head era. I don't know.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Or should I call? Let's call by an anonymous. Like you, cause if it looks like a, a blocked number, it's going to look like we have a burner. I have a burner number. Okay.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
You know what I think it is too. I saved his number.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I'm telling you every time I save someone's number, it goes south.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
But also, why would you want to take me on a date to your go-to spot?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Jaime's last name is not as noticeable. I also mentioned the word Jaime. Well, it could look like Jamie. He might not know.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Leticia. I could be like. Well, you know what? He's half Mexican.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yeah. Yes. Do Jaime's. Sorry, Jaime. You can block right after. Because he said he doesn't talk to that side of his family and stuff.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Oh, we're going to ride for you, Haley. Maybe guys are scared to date me because of this.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He's in Virginia right now, but he lives here.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He might be on a flight right now. I forgot. He's flying back from Virginia.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yeah. Yeah. Try to text Mimi first and see what it looks like.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Is it green or blue messages? It's just gray. Okay. You text back. Should I just try to call one more time? I know he's probably on a flight. Send a text. I don't know if you remember me. My name's Taylor. Like we met. Say we met. You're micromanaging. I just said hi, baby.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Jason's ready to run. Whoever I do end up, like, they're going to have to end up with, like, an industry person that understands your lifestyle. Yeah, someone I already know or you guys already know, like, it can't be anyone new.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
We still haven't talked about Facebook dating.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
so yeah um we had a little thing what was it a few days ago where we were like you should get on facebook dating like you know just like see what's on there okay we wanted to read the profiles not make fun of but read the profiles kind of like we want to see what's out there yeah we just we're browsing yeah and uh i was like i don't want to do it well also i ended up doing it and i
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
At first, it was just like fine guys just coming through. Realize it's because it was showing me all the hot guys that were not in Nashville.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
OK, it was just it was just like a preview. OK, so it sucked me in. I was like, you know what? I kind of like this. So I actually set up a profile.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yep, two days ago. What was your... Make a little profile for you. My bio said, I didn't want salmon. I said it four times. And that comes from Jaime.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I said it four times. Yeah, it's a stepbrother's quote. Stepbrothers. Okay.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Other than that, I had nothing about what I did. Nothing. Okay. Had a few photos, had some Zach tops and suicide boys and some young Dolph has my music. That's it.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
So I was like, yeah, don't like this, whatever. Cause as soon as I match with someone, I'm like, okay, I'm already over it. But then I matched with someone who was actually cute. And he messaged me first. Don't even remember what we said. But so I actually have been talking to him since then. What? Yes. Like all day talking. Actually really like him. Get the fuck out of here. What's his name?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
But don't not give me him any. Where is he from? He's from California. From California. Okay. Our humor is the same. He lives in California? No, he lives here. Oh, from California. He lives here. He is like 6'3", big teddy bear, like is in, he has like managed construction stuff, whatever.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yes. Perfect. And I'm telling you, we have the same humor, just like, we have the same views on like everything. When's his birthday? August 6th, Leo.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Okay. Anyway, everything's going great. So last night, guys, we FaceTimed for three hours.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
um had no makeup on too like i facetimed him with no makeup that's insane she would never even come around us without makeup literally yeah i facetimed him with no makeup for three hours and camera on your face yes because i point when jay facetimes me and i'm ugly he gets the ceiling no no on my face the whole time yeah whole time and um so i
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I don't know if you guys, I told you about the trend, like told the trend where like you FaceTime at some random dude. So I use my other phone and I was just testing out his humor and I put my phone on my other phone and it's some random guy just sitting there. And he literally, as soon as he answers, he puts the phone down so quick. I start busting up laughing.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He goes, and I put it like back to me. He goes, yo, Haley, what the fuck was that? That was wild. Like,
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
bro and that was the first time we ever spoke like he immediately thought it was funny humor whatever like we got along so well for this three hours we talked about everything like three hours is a long time that's a long that's a date that's a date i don't even feel like he's an hour ahead he's an hour ahead so this was like so late at night for him he got yelled at by his sister and his dad for being so loud on the phone too they came in like three times so he lives with his parents
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He's younger. Oh. You're a cougar? I guess so. He even called me that too. He called me that too. She's a puma. But he said he liked older women. I'm telling you, we had so much in common. All right.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yeah. I don't know. But she's adorable. The way he described her is so cute. Okay. Okay. Also loved his sister. Like I literally like felt like I would fit in perfect with his family too. Okay. And we even planned a date for this Wednesday because he comes back today. We planned a date for Wednesday. Just going to like a little dive bar, like one of his normal like spots he goes to.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
You're not taking me to Good Night Nashville? No.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
No. Like, this is literally day two of talking. He only knew my first name.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Nothing. Okay. And I have not told him what I do. Like, he asked on the phone what I do. And I just said makeup. That's it. I left it at that. Yeah. And then... So yeah, we made plans. Okay. We have a date Wednesday. Um, dude, if she fucking falls in love off Facebook, you make a joke profile, bro. And then like, even like he would like, he asked how short I was or my height.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I said, I'm five three. He's like, Oh my God, I'm a foot taller than you. I love it. Blah, blah, blah. He said he used to be like 400 pounds. He's lost like a hundred pounds twice. Um, he loves a thick woman. Like literally said that, like literally like,
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
He sent me this. Should I do it? I should do it. Well, you know what?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I don't have a video, but he acts kind of like Jaime.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
oh not gonna lie he has the same kind of mannerisms as hyman leo men are fun he taught his voice sounds like zacharific and i told him that and he knew who that was he has blue eyes this is him just laying down sending me a selfie it's not even like so your type too he's got a good hairline yeah yeah he's got a great hairline half mexican blue eyes he's got a chiseled jaw he's got earrings yep you know have we seen him when he's standing up
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Do you know any of his social media? I have this one. Can you look?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yeah, found it. He's on the left. Aw, he's cute. He's totally my type. Tattoos.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
That's when he was dressed as Nacho Libre. I can only go down to mine. Okay, okay.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
That looks like someone's uncle. It's a bad angle. That's a bad angle of lighting and looking down at the phone. Okay. Yeah. Okay. But he looks like that? You FaceTimed him. FaceTimed him. Yeah. Okay. No. Cute. Okay. Um... So yeah, we've been talking, whatever. Like he, oh wait, I have one more he sent me. This is when he had a mullet. It's okay. But yeah.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Disguises? Hang on. Hang on. As soon as we hang up the call. Okay.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Yes. Okay. He said, you still fine as hell without makeup on, by the way.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Kicking my feet. And he goes, you kiss on the first date, like laughing emoji. And I was like, yeah.
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
Rope you in. Yeah. Yeah. And then he's also, he was like, I'm not a huge PDA guy. I was like, oh my God, I'm not either. Like we just had so much in common. Okay. Um, So yeah, so I was just like, I'll talk to you tomorrow, whatever, you know. I didn't text back. It was just kind of like ending the conversation, okay?
Dumb Blonde
Ask, Tell, Confess: Hailee Tries FB Dating
I get a text at 9.50 that's just like, oh, I'm fucking dead this morning, whatever. Okay, cool. I was still asleep. 30 minutes later. Hey, I'll be honest. You're a great person, but the more I've been thinking about it, kids is something I want for myself. I think this won't work out in the long run, but I do wish you the best. Blocked. Why did you take me on this emotional roller coaster?