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Felix Ackerman


Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Look, yes, if we're genuinely worried about her... Who's Patrice? Beatrice is what he said. I totally heard Patrice, too.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


She slipped into abyssal. It's fine. I know Iris pretty well at this point. She'd be pretty angry if I tried to spy on her. Beatrix? Beatrice. Brazier. You know, this is why we don't room together.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah, I'm worried, too.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


She's just very... She's strong. She's strong-willed. All right?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And she doesn't want... When she doesn't want our help, she doesn't want our help. Well, I don't care. She likes to pray in peace. But I don't care. Then go find her.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But I'm not going to spy on her.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And if she's dead, that is very bad for me. Why would she be dead? You don't think this whole place would be up in arms if there was some sort of attack?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Gods! Look, I'm not going to stop you. Go find her if you want. But this isn't exactly unusual. She just wants some alone time.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, if that's all we have to discuss, then I'm going to get an early night because we got to be up pretty early tomorrow.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't want to talk about that. What do you mean, head free from the body? Why don't you want to talk about it? What's the matter with you? It was a piece of art of the Warchief murdering a child. Well, why can't we talk about it? It's just an artwork.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But the boy did not have a raven head. No, he was a soldier.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


His arm is, like, in a sling. Yeah.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I mean, I think we're all in agreement that it wasn't the Raven Queen.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't want to be... I don't know, disheartening, or pessimistic, or even insensitive, but I think that the Golden Lotus knows far more than she's ever going to tell us. That kind of divination magic, whatever you want to call it, it's divination magic. I meant it when I said it wouldn't shock me if she's seen all of this, what is happening right now, already.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


She might know, and she might not be telling the truth. So, who's his father? Do you think he may be Deet? I don't want to hope for that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But beyond that, it seems... There's a chance he never passed through here. Think about these people and what they would think about some random dwarf waltzing into their town. They might kill him on sight. They would remember that. There's a chance that he went around or they stopped him or something happened before he got here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


She might be telling the truth in that regard, but to not even be aware of who he is, I'm not sure I believe that. I'm speculating. Don't take what I'm saying to heart. Just think about it. There's options. We don't know. And for what it's worth, I don't think he's dead. I don't. I believe that he's alive because he plays some part in this. I don't think it's a coincidence or an accident.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No. I still ritually cast magic. You do that and you get the sense that there's no magic, just normal acts. I would say I would spend a good 20, 30 minutes with it. And at the end, whatever happens in between, I would give it back to you and just say, it's not magic in any way. I mean, craftsmanship is superb from what I understand, but it doesn't seem to be magic.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's of his make, but... You've never seen him wield anything like this?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I mean, the man's got E. He might have just been working on the road.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Don't count it out, but I'm with Toa on this one. It's not worth pursuing something that might sow discord when we need to be working together right now. If for some reason some piece of evidence were to show up and we believe that your father was here in this city, then I'll support you. All right? You have my promise. Thank you, Felix.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Your birth to DM says you didn't get his autograph.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You get his hieroglyphics.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No, no, no, no, no. No, classically...

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


As soon as I hear that knock, I would roll out of bed with my like, no, I'm wearing my like pajamas and I've got the dagger and I'm like, oh God, who's there? Who's there? And I run to the door and I open the door. You should be bad.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm gonna put the dagger in its sheath and be like, Are you all right? Let me get dressed, just give me one second. He's coming, are you okay?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm gonna lay back into bed and let her talk to Toad. Did you guys push Ricky and Lucy, your beds together? No, I assumed it was bunk beds.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Because he's so strong.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


If you need anything, just wake me up. I'm going back to sleep. I have horrible bed head and my hat is hung up on the bedpost and I'm like, I'm crawling back into bed.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That's thematic. I don't wake up. In my sleep, though, I like...

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I do not say that. I do not say that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I haven't used a single resource. I cast Mage Armor once.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, so in that case, I yell.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Why are we like this? Why are we all like this? Why can't we just stick to the bunking arrangements? Well, to be fair, the bunking arrangement was that Toa was going to stay with her. But he changed his mind. He told me he did. I am not upset that he changed his mind back. I just would have liked a little heads up. I feel so left out of this love triangle, you know?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Iris, hold still! And I begin to press the digitize her dress and try to remove the I magically pull the bisque out of the dress, and then as soon as it leaves the fabric, I let it splash to the floor, and I am furious. I bag none of my clothes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We just need someone to vouch on our behalf, especially you.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Can we all just take one moment, one deep breath, and just relax? All right. We have a large day, a long day ahead of us. It's very early. No, it's a very large, large day. I don't want to know about anything that happened last night. I want to hear about it. Are you sure?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Toa, Toa, Toa, Toa, stop. For all that is good and all that is holy, Toa, stop, please.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And in this motion, I back up into the door, and I close the time. It closes, you hear the latch go, and it's locked. And I prepare my spells for the day.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Toy Boat's the hardest one. I've got a good one. It's a box of biscuits, a box of biscuits, and a biscuit mixer. That's tough. I don't know about this.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Your eye is twitching. None for me, thank you. Don't forget your hat. Thanks. And I, like, smoosh all of my bedhead under the hat, and we just... I follow... Come on, Pete, wrap up your breakfast.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


With that, I'm gonna cast Mage Armor on myself.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Wait, you found all the other pieces? One piece remaining in what way? What do you mean by that? What do you mean? What do you mean? One piece remaining. It's as if you found the others. Because I have.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But the Eternal Blossom. You mean to tell me that you have, in your current possession right now, six of the seven pieces? Yes, of course. How long did it take you to obtain all of it?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And do you know exactly where the last piece is? I do.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm sorry. This is a lot to take in immediately as we're standing here. There's someone that you're going to introduce us to that can just hop between planes. Yes. And we get to meet them. You will.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I mean, we've had a little bit of experience, yes. It's something I'm very interested in, yes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm sorry. There is a plane of pure chaos? Yes, of course. And you mean to tell me that this person can just pop in and out of the plane of chaos? Yes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What do you mean, this person? How does he just blink between planes?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It is the servant of the Eternal Blossom. So this person isn't a humanoid? No, absolutely not.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I shade a little red. I shade a little red. I look embarrassed.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


For what it's worth, something isn't right here. He doesn't add up.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We have to play along for now. But just like Iris is saying, I don't know how your dad would just end up in limbo. If he had the piece, something's missing here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Don't lose hope, all right? Don't lose hope.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But we have to do right now.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No other way but four. For now.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, as a celestial being, she cannot step foot into the threshold. Well, in that case, then, just in case, and I'll do, like, a little whistle and hold on my finger as Beatrice, like, will lay on it, and I will say, I will see you again soon. And in a blink... She vanishes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No, I'm not laughing at your animal noises.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm glad I didn't fry the bird.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What did you gift me? I forgot. You're right, and I just, I'm going to climb into the back of the car. Oh, you have a slipperiness?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm gonna climb into the back of the cart after Iris points this out to me, and then I'm just gonna whistle and have Beatrice settle on my shoulders as I begin to flip through my spell book.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm going to take one small step behind Toa and cast Mage Armor on myself.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


playlist change how do you spell mokra kai uh m-o-g-r-a k-a-i yeah yeah i'm all fucked up mokra kai yes i think he was saying mokra kai okay that's not too far off i could really go for a mokra kai mokra kai that sounds pretty good mokra kai mokra kai i had a lot of kai this morning oh

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That would be hilarious. You'd walk up to a boss and be like, reincarnate, I hope it's a frog.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh. I'll just spend all my gold. I mean, I have a little, but I need it for research purposes. What does she do with all of that?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Ooh. I don't know why I have this item, but it is perfect for this site.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Iris, are you feeling all right?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, I've just never heard you say anything like a gift from the heart is all that matters. And we're potentially meeting a new Tabaxi who could be absolutely breathtaking. I mean, her name is Golden Lotus.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


There are so many things in this pack. Do you really think that's a good idea? Of course I do. How would you feel if someone gave you a climber's pack?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And how did you feel about that?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Have you used it even once?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't think I'm getting through to her. She's a tabaxi. She would know what a tabaxi would like.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


All right, if you say so. That's fine. I was just trying to be helpful.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, I'm ready if all of you are.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I thought this was like a fountain we were throwing at him. Iris, quick, the worst thing that could possibly have she see you is go reaching for it and taking it out when she comes in.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm going to keep my offering on me just for a little while longer to see if she shows up first. And then worst case scenario, we can all throw them in. I just don't want to be without. If I've already thrown it in and then she says, where's the offering? I'm like, I already put it in there. I have some money, but I need it. I don't normally have research, spellcasting.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, I'm sorry. Anyway, I have my offering and I'm proud of it and I want to show it to her.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm not telling you yet.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't know how these things get away from me. All I'm trying to say is, you know what, it doesn't matter. They're special. Are you saying pittance or pittance? What is the difference?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah, it just goes dead silent. And we're all awkwardly like looking around. I'm like twiddling my thumbs for like as long as it takes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I go over and I look at the aquarium.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I just look to Beatrice on my shoulder and I'm like.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I take several steps up to the bowl and I'm kind of like looking back at my shoulder. I really should have seen that coming. And I reach into my coat and I say, I know it's not much and it's not as unique as the climbing pack that Iris gave you, but I have this tiger's eye gem.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


and I think it's appropriate for where we are, and I hope that it's a little bit more than just normal gold, because I don't have much, and I don't really have a need for worldly things and money, but I thought this looked nice, and I'd like you to have it.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You're welcome. And thank you, Iris of the Sands. And I look over my shoulder and I shoot her a look. And I step back in line behind Toa.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're all here looking for Hersha's father. That's it. We don't want to cause any trouble. We're not looking for trouble.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm going to lean into Tela and just whisper to him, Oh, dear gods, how long has that been in her pack? I was going to ask the same thing. There's a glass bottle.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


At this point, I'm visibly gagging. Like, behind Toa, I am, like, visibly gagging.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah. You could fit a lot more than that. You could probably fit more than that. It depends on if the coins have the holes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I mean, that's the goal. We certainly don't mean any harm, and we want to help. But can I ask a question? Of course. You already knew our names. Yes, I did. How much more do you already know? I know much. I see it in the blossoms. Like the outcome of us coming and helping?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


She speaks to me, and I speak for her. Do the things that you read or see, do they ever change? The things that I see do come to pass, but they are not always exact. What's the matter? Thank you. Thank you for telling us.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And serve is a little strong. I mean, we're trying to help, but we're not necessarily bound to any one faction, if you will. And I say that as a Corvacian. I mean, I'm not a part of their military anymore, but I'm sure you know that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm feeling all these hands reach in and I'm trying to stop them from grabbing the dagger. Make a sleight of hand check and I'll do an investigation check. Oh, I'm not trying to hide it. Okay. I'm like semi-resisting and I'm just trying to prevent them from grabbing the dagger. Okay. I don't care about the amulet. Do you still want it to be sleight of hand? I'm not trying to hide it.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I know it's a real word, but don't say it anymore. Please, we're in a holy place. You made me see it, didn't you?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I would say... I'm semi-resisting.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's not right. And surely we must be able to reach out to him and maybe see what's going on. It's not right. Do you think maybe he doesn't even know it's happening? Yes. I mean, I don't want to keep giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I think just from what we've seen already happen, there's a chance that he doesn't know.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


He seems to be missing things, whether it be on purpose or some sort of negligence on his part. Almost like a selective sight. Something's going on, and I think we need to talk about this more later. But you're right. We should at least try to stop... from taking opportunities like this. Let me show you one more thing.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's a fair point, Felix. We're not doubting you. To be clear, we're not. I'm just trying to think of ways we can stop this. That is for another time.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


So how do we do that? How do we convince her? Surely you must already know. He... Sorry, he.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


How much time until we have to meet with the Warchief?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


disguising the fact that I'm Corvakian. We're here to help.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


If there's any place that we can spend the evening, we don't need much space. And maybe somewhere we can wait until it's time to meet with the Warchief. I have already prepared your quarters. That's very generous. I'm sure we will. Thank you.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You mean Ravalli? Yes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


He's been mortally wounded.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Absolutely. That's fine. We'll go to our quarters and we'll wait as long as we need to. We have things to discuss anyway, so that's fine.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That's fine. I'll bunk with Caprice. I don't want to break your heart, Felix, but she did. No, it's fine. It's fine. I have work to do. It's fine. It's fine. I made some flashcards. Thank you. Wagon? We've already learned wagon. I know wagon.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Can you do it one more time for me? Maybe if you do it again, I might be able to do wagon. Okay, hold on. Let me make sure I got that right. So it sounds like .

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, it's the inflection. I missed the inflection on the third or fourth . We'll get it, buddy, we'll get it. All right.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You know, I'm glad you said it. My brain's been going nonstop and I have a lot to say. And there's a very good chance that she's going to know everything that we say in here because she has some sort of advanced manipulation of time magic. And that's fine. But I think it needs to be said. And you're more than welcome to stay for the conversation. But I've got a lot on my mind.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What do you want to say? I mean, this place is lovely. Are we ready to have that conversation, or are you ready? DM, should we take a quick coffee break? Let's take a quick coffee break, and then we'll have our asses. Why my asses?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Go ahead, Felix. All right. Everybody just bear with me here for just a few minutes. I've been thinking a lot about this. And what the... Golden Lotus?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What the Golden Lotus said, she makes a lot of sense. She makes a lot of good points. I don't consider myself allied with Korovakia any longer. The things that they've done have been absolutely atrocious, and no one can deny that. I've done horrible, horrible things, and I can only hope to redeem myself in some way or another, but...

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


The point is, we know, we basically have confirmation at this point that whether Zurn is aware of it or not, he's been corrupted. He's gone. He's lost. In some way or another, whether he is compliant or not. And that's something we need to think about. But something irks me about the way that she says that everything here is tranquil and perfect forever.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And it's almost like I got this feeling when she started talking about it, that she didn't want us to leave, that she wanted us to be here and experience tranquility forever. And I gotta be honest, I thought about it. There's a lot of things that keep me up at night and rack me with guilt forever. I would give anything to get rid of that feeling forever.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But that might mean I might forget my brother. And I can't do that. And while I don't think that we necessarily have to serve Zurn, and I think we could even disavow him, I don't want to give up on the people of Korovakia. They deserve a chance at also being happy and not being demolished by this horrible threat. And for some reason, I understand why they're at odds.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I understand why these two factions are at odds. I get it. But I don't think that it has to be that way. It feels very absolutist, and it just feels very almost defeatist. Something's not right here, and I'm with Revali on that. And I don't necessarily think that it's evil. But I think that there's more that they're willing to let us see. And I can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm so glad you said that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I knew I could count on you.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


The other thing that's bothering me too is she clearly has some sort of powerful manipulative time magic. I mean, she's able to see things that didn't happen yet. She knew our names before we ever introduced ourselves.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Maybe. It's possible that she's heard it on the wind, through the grapevine, whatever you want to say. But the fact of the matter is that she seems to think that the outcome of all of this is already determined. She says that we're going to succeed. I almost asked her if we all survive. And I was wondering if there's any way that we can manipulate or change the visions that she's seen.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Regardless of whether it's divine or God-given, there's magic at play here. And I just... something's not quite right.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, I mean, he's certainly in control of the military. He's in charge of all that. He would be giving orders to some degree. You're absolutely right. I just don't know the involvement. And there's still a part of me that wants to reach out to Zurn and say, this isn't a time for expansion and war. We need to work together.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Exactly like what Toa said. But either way, I'm with Iris. I've been convinced... Zurn, whether he means good or not, has been taken by something, by this... Whatever it was that Caprice saw, it has Zurn, one way or another. And I hate to admit it, but I'm not going to pretend like it's not true.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


There was a time when I would have said that Zurn would have known, and he would have dealt with it. But now I don't know.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yes. It all just depends on the level of compliance that Zurn has, the knowledge, the amount that he's willing to just go along with these things. There's a chance that deep down he still thinks that he's doing the right thing and he's just being puppeted. There's also the chance on the other extreme end that he's truly evil, and he knows it deep down in his core.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What, like room service? This is a palace, after all. I'm not waiting on it.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


They splash and scatter everywhere. While I'm still talking to them, I'm just going to Prestidigitate and put them all back in the hole while I'm still talking to everybody.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Just promise me that if it turns out that he doesn't know, that he isn't aware, that we can try to save him.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What's happening? I still want to believe that he can be a good leader. I think that he can change things. I don't think that Korovakia needs to be the way that it is any longer.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You know what it is? Revali, correct me if I'm wrong, but this place sounds a little like a cult. That's what bothers me about it. It's all happiness and tranquility and almost some sort of a denial of what's actually going on out there. It's a bubble, is what it is.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And I'm with Iris 110% on this. I don't think we need to be claiming allegiance or disavowing anyone, as long as we're all under the same understanding that there's a very good chance that she already knows exactly what's happening. Because I wouldn't put it past her.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That's all that matters.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That's it. We do it for the people and to stop the horn legion. And that's all that matters.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We all put our hands in and we agree. For what? It's an oath. It's a pact. We're all in this together. With the wings of the raven.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Wait, but birds are bad. No, the bird thing doesn't matter. No, it doesn't matter. The governments don't matter. It's the people. How long do I have to keep my arm in here? It's getting tired. Until we're all in. Can I put it in my left arm? I really don't want to die. You may. Any arm that you're comfortable with. He reaches in.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


The Wings of Liberty Brass on Buns. And for the people, and for the end of the Horned Legion. And for Anubis. And for Anubis. And for Moradin. And for Moradin.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


For all that is good. And for Myla. And for Myla.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Are we all in? Definitely for Milo. For liberty. For liberty. For his soul, too.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


For liberty. For liberty. For liberty. Now what do we do? What do we do now? Well, that was kind of it. That was the whole thing.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're all in this together and we're all on the same page. And that's all that matters. All right? So whatever comes next, if they confront us, we put our feet down and we stay.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yes. Oh, thank goodness. I thought this conversation was gonna go really south.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I just pat him on the shoulder. I look at Debris and I say, how many abyssal words have you just taught me incorrectly?

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Fuck you, bitch. Oh my god, it's dead.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm gonna virtually cast detect magic. Okay. While we're all just chilling. Okay. Do you think you're smart or something?

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, lead us. Lead us where we need to go. We're ready, right? Absolutely. All right.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


sort of basically it was a statement for what it's worth we don't condone any of what korovaki has done we don't but just as iris has said we're not pledging a loyal allegiance to anyone we're we're here to do good and fix the things that are wrong We're for liberty and for the people. And at the end of the day, all that matters is that the Horned Legion is no more. That's what we can promise.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


The rest of you, I stand with Iris. I'm willing to offer my help, and I think it would be foolish for you to decline. Yeah, I said it. Nobody asking for help would turn away people who are willing to give it, especially when all we want to do is help the people, your people.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And you two... Do you honestly believe that me kneeling down in a sign of respect and not disavowing Korovaki is good enough? Is that the only way that I can show that I will respect you and fight alongside you? You don't think that that means nothing? Just a kneel?

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I figured you were going to say something especially harsh.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I've done unspeakable, horrible acts. I know it. My friends now know it. I'm trying to fix that. I may never be able to. I may never be able to find some sort of redemption. And you think me just kneeling is going to fix that? I'm not so sure. I think that acts, I think that me being out in the field of battle is going to be more proof than any stupid kneel. It's not a secret. I'm terrible.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But I'm trying to fix that. And I'd rather prove it by fighting alongside of you than some meaningless act of what you think is respect.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I just kind of put my head in one hand and as I'm listening,

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Toa, I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I betrayed you or that I wasn't with you. I was. I just didn't. I felt that Iris was right in this case. And I wanted to stand with her.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And with my, like, head only barely reaching, like, his chest or shoulders, I give him a hug and I'm like, I'm sorry!

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Thank you. And then I slowly turn and walk away. Okay, are you coming back tonight? And I just keep walking. Iris, is everything alright?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That is savage. That's what Iris would do. Trust me, I understand. I've been on the receiving end.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah, you would be able to know if you're within 100 feet. If you're within 100 feet, you would know that Peyton was no longer there. She's just going to pray or something, right?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


So, then what is she doing? Like I said, I'm sure she's just going to pray. She often does. Is it safe? Should we follow her? I mean, I believe everything here is safe.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And for as much as I think weird things are going on here, I do think that we're safe here. I don't think we're under any kind of duress. What are you looking at me for? She ignores me all the time. It's not out of the ordinary. Fine, okay.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


In a pia. Oh, while I have everyone here, I also wanted to just say, Caprice, you're not rooming with me tonight.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Nice? It's not very nice?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm rooming with Toa. Oh, big surprise. What are you going to do? We're going to hang out and be best friends.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Sorry. We have a secret handshake. I bet you do. That we've been working on for months. Toe's a little slow to pick it up, but we're working on it.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


So anyway, I'm sorry. We have plenty of time to work on Abyssal another time. All right, yeah, we'll get to it, no problem. You can bunk with Hersha again. Great.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We can work on a handshake. You know, now that you mention it, I feel like occasionally I've heard him say wagon to you in Abyssal.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Never mind. It's fine.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I mean, we're not going to bed right now. I'm just letting you know that we're not rooming.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah, I mean, I should probably do some studying, I guess. I have some work to do, but we have, what, 10 days? 10 days, roughly, that we need to prepare for whatever's coming. And by the way, what is it with all these different gods and all these different trials? I mean, this isn't even the, what, the third one that we have? Fourth one that we've had to do? The Raven Queen. There was Garrix.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


There was, you know, what else have we done?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


That's right. That was less of a religious thing and more of a, I'm worried that the giant was going to eat me kind of a thing. But nonetheless, it's like we're constantly proving ourselves to these different people.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Now that you mention it. Right? I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, Garrix was the dragon one? It was the dragon, the raven one, the... Well, there was the cloud giant incident, but again, it was less of a trial and more of I was worried I was going to get eaten. My bones were going to be used as a toothpick. We almost died. I don't know what to expect tomorrow. And like Revali said, things are a little weird. And I just think we should all be on guard.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're constantly being judged by these higher beings.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah. This is why I gave up. I never ascribed to the religion of the Raven Queen in the first place. It was very much a cross my T's and dot my I's to get in the academy and learn what I know. Well, then forget about her. I have. Well, outside of whatever's at play here, but just do me a favor and be aware. Just be in your guard.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's worth a shot. What do you have to lose? I guess the question is, do you think that she's literally going to regrow your hand and eye?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's not outside the realm of possibility, but it's nothing that I've ever understood or studied. I couldn't tell you. Now, granted, I literally watched as an orc died and turned into a halfling. And in that moment, everything that I ever believed to be true was unraveled before me. That's right. We've all seen much weirder things happen.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, yeah. I don't want to dissuade you. But on the off chance that they're able to restore you...

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Just think what that might cost you. Don't do anything rash. This is well outside the realm of what I know and understand.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm not going to tell you to not make a decision that you want to make. But just think about that oftentimes things come with a price.

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Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And the ends justify the means. But just remember, especially when it comes to magic, you don't get anything for free.