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Dwayne Wade


The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Local Hour: Dan Does Journalism Again


This was the first moment where I had an inkling that LeBron may not be back. One thing you don't do is f*** with LeBron cookies. No, no, no.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Local Hour: Dan Does Journalism Again


Like, he loves chocolate chip cookies. Like, chocolate chip cookies and ice cream he loves, right? And so when he gets on the plane, Brian walks on the plane with a bag of food. One bag is all cookies, and the other bags are what his chef has prepared for him to eat, because he eats a certain way. He don't eat what's on the plane. But, you know, he have his cookies.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Local Hour: Dan Does Journalism Again


So, we get on the plane, and we play cards at the front of the plane. We play cards, and then at some point, Bronco be like, hey, bring me those cookies. And this one day, he was like, hey, where my cookies at? And they had to come up there and whisper his in, tell him there wasn't no more cookies on the plane. That set back away from the game. He pushed that table, that car's back.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Local Hour: Dan Does Journalism Again


He sat there quiet. Doing his head like this. I was looking, I'm like... It was too much micromanaging at that point. Like, you're talking about a team who's four finals in a row. You don't need to micromanage us.