Detective Randall Meyer
Deadly Mirage
They were now called evidence. From Jonathan's residence, we were able to seize the motorcycle that was ridden. We seized two styles of helmets.
Deadly Mirage
The supervisors felt at that point in time that we needed some follow-up investigative work done with Sabrina.
Deadly Mirage
No smoking gun is what we would call it. She didn't admit to being involved or committing the murder of Rob Lamont.
Deadly Mirage
I actually had met with the district attorney that was assigned to the case at the time, and she had given me what we call a wish list. It's a list of items that they would wish or want us to get done. Before they can charge her. Yes. What were those items? Obviously, they wanted the admission, which we weren't going to get.
Deadly Mirage
They requested we speak to the friends again and find out if anybody had any idea that this was occurring, speak with Jonathan's friends to assist with the investigation.
Deadly Mirage
We actually were prepared to go to trial on Jonathan starting January of 2017. That's lead detective Randall Meyer. Jonathan's attorney approached the district attorney and spoke with him and said that Jonathan could provide information that would lead to the possible prosecution of Sabrina Limon.
Deadly Mirage
Yes, he said they had conversations and were worried about law enforcement looking at their phone records. And so he had talked to Sabrina and they felt that they would ditch the plan for now.
Deadly Mirage
Yes, it was a great feeling. Thousands of hours were put into the investigation, listening to phone calls and surveillance, and so it did feel good.
Deadly Mirage
I need to basically put it on the record that I didn't force you to come here, that you came here because you decided you wanted to talk to me, right? Yes. And I need to read your rights again.
Deadly Mirage
You were probably upset and scared, and you didn't know what to say. So I know tons of stuff about all this that's gone on, and I want you to tell me the truth.
Deadly Mirage
Right. I know we've talked about your open relationship before, and you told me you didn't have one. I was dreading it.
Deadly Mirage
So did you think it would be okay, I mean, with Rob, if you were seeing Jonathan? Because... You know, you guys kind of had that open relationship. I guess that's how I justified it.
Deadly Mirage
So Rob's going to work, and then he's working overtime shifts and stuff, and Jonathan would be at your house? Sometimes. Late at night? Yeah. When the kids were sleeping or whatever?
Deadly Mirage
From Sabrina's residence, we were able to obtain lots of documents regarding financial stuff from life insurance companies, from BNSF Railroad, letters from Jonathan to Sabrina.
Deadly Mirage
How did Jonathan know that Rob was going to be working in Tehachapi? Well, he wasn't supposed to be working in Tehachapi, but I did tell him.
Deadly Mirage
It's your husband's place of business. Why would you specifically tell him that it's a business rather than freeway in Tehachapi? That's where he works at.
Deadly Mirage
You know what? I think if you would have never told him that, he would have never been able to find it because it's not on the map. You can't Google it and find it. I tried.
Deadly Mirage
It wasn't about the affair. This is about him concealing the fact that he murdered your husband and he didn't want people to find out about it. And he thought he was doing God's work because you were living a life of sin. And he wanted to save you from that.
Deadly Mirage
What do you do now? You tell me everything you know. Because I'll be honest with you. What I get out of this interview is going to make a huge decision on if you ever touch and see your kids again, ever, in your entire life.