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Detective Kevin Lowe


48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


These cars represent over 3,000 individuals. that were looked at as possible suspects, and they were all cleared.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


In 1960, the actual murder weapon was recovered by a man that was doing some yard work. We were digging up the weeds when I found the gun.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


That's when we called the police and said, what do we do with it? That gun, the finding of that gun was huge to this case also. The serial number was traced by investigators back then to Shreveport, Louisiana.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


They tracked down the salesman at the Sears that sold that gun, a man by the name of Billy Jean Clark.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


There was a lot of anxiety because we didn't know what was going to happen.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


Yes, sir. When my partner explained to him that we were homicide investigators from L.A. County, his chin just dropped.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


Step right over here.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


Did you check Mason to see if he'd been shot or had a scar? We did. He had a mark that looked like a big pockmark on his right shoulder blade. He was, in fact, hit by a gunfire when Phillips shot him.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


After the proceedings, he was willing to sit down and talk with us and answer some more questions that we had for him.

48 Hours

The Spirits of El Segundo


Just the thanks and the praise we got from the families is more than any recognition we could get from our department.