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The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


500,000 Roth IRA, 5,000 mutual fund stocks, 300 in my house, and 1 to 200 in money market savings. It's my emergency fund.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


About 100,000, a little bit from grandparents and a little bit from my parents.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


Uh, my grandparents, uh, 30 some years ago and my parents, 20, 15 to 20 years ago.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


Uh, no, no, it isn't. Um, it was only a hundred thousand and the rest I earned myself.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


Oh yes. But that was invested. That went into my investments. I never touched it.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


I was an administrative assistant.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


Worst year was probably when I started. Maybe I made $11,000 a year. And when I retired last June, $42,000. Forty-two.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


I never made more than that.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


You can do it. I had a great teacher, especially my dad, started early, had a piggy bank and bank account, couldn't reach the teller window. But start early as you can. Live with what you need, not what you want. Don't try to keep up with friends and neighbors. Look for the far future, not just tomorrow. You know, just keep slow and steady, slow and steady. Live on less than you make.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


I always paid myself first. That went into savings, and, you know, and then I lived on the rest. I didn't try to keep up with others.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


A 15-year-old Honda Civic, and I bought it used.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


It's a weird feeling. I still can't get used to it. My financial advisor, who is fantastic and helped me get this far, he keeps saying, you know you're okay, you know you're okay. And I'm going, well, I'm not sure yet.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


You did a great job. I was just well taught, you know, any gift money, anything that was extra always went into savings. You know, if you got raises or bonuses, it was like untouched. Put it in savings. But, you know, when I say savings, I mean, you know, in my Roth IRA every year, in my mutual funds, just savings.

The Ramsey Show

Small Changes Now Mean Big Wins Later


keep plowing through it well there's there's lots of ways to find information these days and you're one of the rare people that just went and did it and so that's amazing that's we're proud of you you know you know your dad you know your dad's really proud don't you i hope he is i hope he is he had a saying he said if you're walking down the street and you see a penny on the sidewalk pick it up because you may need it to make a dollar there you go that's how it works