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Danielle Fishel


Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So I did think that was funny because like the end, the episode ended and I was like, there's this whole thing of like, so what did you decide? And I'm sitting on my couch going, come on, what did you decide? And then it's revealed that what we decided is we're engaged, but we're not rushing into anything. We'll let you know when we're ready. And I was like, okay.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Oh, I understand why they needed to have these two episodes to kind of... One of the points, I think, being to show that they are mature enough to... Maybe make their own decisions, make their own decisions because they don't do this. They even if they react, they don't follow through on the reaction. They don't end up getting married. They're measured. They make this decision. So I get it.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah, I liked I certainly liked it more than part one. I did not love I loved the Amy Allen storyline, like you said, will love their acting, love all of that. I do not in any way, shape or form love this idea that Amy is jealous of Topanga because now Topanga is going to lay out his clothes and bake for him or whatever it is that that's... He's getting a new mom? Is that what it is?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And that she is jealous of me now?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I think also it's a very male interpretation of a woman's feelings. I can totally see there being... an amount of jealousy when you are the mom of an adult man who their whole lives, boys love their moms. Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom. And then they become obsessed with girls. And now I don't need you, mom. I don't need you. And all their attention goes to this girl, whoever the girlfriend is.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I can see there being like a, you know, there was a time where you thought I was the greatest woman in the entire world. Right. I can see that. But that would have happened early on in Corey and Topanga's relationship. It would not have happened. It would not happen because now they're going to get married and he's going to move out of her house.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And so that means Topanga is going to lay out his clothes. That just like really rubbed me the wrong way.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


They wanted a dramatic opening, though. I mean, that's all it is. Of course. But that's where I was like, ooh, I don't like her. Just like turning around and running off and leaving him there. I agree, that part.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I don't think she would have, I don't, if they were, they just needed a dramatic opening.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Well, let's jump into our recap. We do have guest starring Bill Maury as Judge Bemis again, his second and final Boy Meets World appearance. We saw him in part one.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And the same with Connie Sawyer, who played Foofy.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


That's so cool. So that means she was 85 when we did this. She lived for 20 more years. And lived for 20 more years.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So we get our new, totally spontaneous opening credits. We're friends. And we jump right into a very small recap, our second in a row, but this time just for the season one opener. We hear Corey say, with a picture of him at the altar in shock, in case you didn't see last week's Boy Meets World, here's why I have this look on my face. And Judge Bemis repeats the question to Topanga.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Does she take Corey to be her husband? And now we're in real time at the wedding chapel. Topanga stutters, I... And then there's some laughter, but I guess it's that.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga? Topanga. I'll call you Topanga.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Corey tries to help her out, whispering, dude. Still, she can't form the words. I, I... Corey adds, we got I. We're looking for do. Topanga winds down and says, this is just the strangest thing. Corey excuses them for a moment, pulling her off to the side. You can do this. I did it. Don't leave me up here in my wedding dress. Topanga insists she try again and they return to the judge.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


That's so funny. I don't remember that, but yeah, I was, yeah. Now we're cooking with gas, Judge Bemis exclaims. Topanga tries again. I, I, the entire group helps her this time. She shakes her head. Can't. I can't. Corey shouts, oh, you hate to see that. She apologizes to Corey, Judge Bemis, and Fufi, and then she hurries out of the room.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah. Yeah, I agree. This next car scene we'll jump into. But Corey watches her leave and wonders aloud above dramatic music. You know what's funny? She asked me. She asked me. Now we're in Corey's car, a deep in thought Topanga sits in the passenger seat. Corey sarcastically announces, I am so sorry my family missed that. Topanga apologizes, but Corey doesn't appreciate this answer.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Wow, he yells out. She admits she doesn't know what to say. Corey quickly responds, do, you know, do. It's the first half of your favorite word. Don't. Topanga's unamused. I don't like your tone. Corey laughs. I drive a miles and miles to marry her and she don't like my tone. That is really rich. That and she don't like my tone is a verbatim Michael Jacobs.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Right. Because, yeah, it's like it's we've stayed up all night.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I haven't heard of that episode.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga explains that she wants their families at the wedding and she wants to wear a wedding dress, a white lacy wedding dress. Corey scowls. Of course, white. The way we're going, bright white, snow white, whiter than the white hot light of a thousand burning suns. She asks how long he's going to be mad at her and he confidently answers 10 minutes.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I mean, I don't want to. We can talk about that in a separate episode. But I do think once Topanga says that. I want our families there. That's the reason she said no. I don't know why he's still angry. And I also don't know why she hasn't said that right away when they got in the car. This feels dramatic for the sake of being dramatic.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


As opposed to just communicating like, Corey, I got up there and I realized even if this is a legal marriage, this isn't what I want. I looked around and there was nobody there. Yeah, nobody who knows us. And I mean, he says it later when they say our marriage should be a celebration, not a secret. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Well, then we're in the Matthews kitchen. Amy and Alan are in their pajamas worrying about Corey. Amy's looking through old photographs and Alan is doing some business with a juice box. I love that.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


JBB. Everybody's got JBB. Amy wonders how one disagreement could have led to all of this. Alan says there is no way he'd get married without them. But when Amy asks if he's sure, Alan sighs, absolutely not. He reminds her it's okay, though, because they're having another one. Amy holds her belly. I'm giving you the next 18 years of my life. Don't you ever do anything without me.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Alan assures her he won't, and neither will I. So let's all go to bed. It's a quarter after three. Only creeps and weirdos are up now. On to...

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


He says with a deep voice, how you doing? Amy assumes you were thinking about your brother, weren't you? Eric sarcastically nods. Yeah, I got a six foot tall Wonder Woman sleeping in the room next to me. I was thinking about my brother, though. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah. Eric explains, while grabbing a juice box, I couldn't sleep. If you know my current situation.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I have so much business.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And there's nothing on TV, so what are you guys doing up? The only people up now are creeps and weirdos. And on cue, Sean Moxley. How you doing? He walks to the fridge to also have some JBB. JBB. While Amy disinfects the counter. So much business.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Everybody's got to do something, man. Otherwise, we're all just sitting in the kitchen.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Sitting in a line, talking. Sitting in a line, talking. Writer's favorite thing.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Sean complains, 18 years, I'm his best friend. I raise him right, teach him everything I know. Amy reminds him that he wanted Corey to get married. But Sean adds, but not without me. I was supposed to be the best man. Eric is offended. I'm supposed to be the best man. Then he figures it out. Maybe that's why they eloped. They couldn't choose between us.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Sean stares at him blankly and with a great read.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


They eloped because Amy and Alan tried telling them what to do. They drove up north to see some justice of the peace, or at least that's what he said in the message he left them. Alan is shocked. He really did get married? Amy hits her husband with a hand towel.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Correct. Finally. My God. Finally, he left someone a message saying we went to a justice of the peace. But this is the first time anyone's hearing actual confirmation. Exactly.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Uh, they drove up north to see some justice and peace.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


What's what's northeast? What's a thousand miles northeast?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


A thousand miles northwest.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Amy hits her husband with a hand towel and repeats, he's a good kid. He'll never get married without us. She grasps her belly. I'm holding my knees together and this one is never getting out. Also, this trying to tie in the fact that they're still having a baby to this is just... And now at this point, you just start counting down the seconds.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


How are we going to do it?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It's got to be over. Let's use Sean.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Sean asks if he can crash on the Matthews couch.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


He doesn't want to be outside at this time of night with all the creeps and weirdos.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I did not see that coming.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It's almost as if it just happened without anybody thinking about it. It's like real life is just revealing.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Wait a minute. This is the first time you've ever mentioned to us that someone has the last name Feeney on MASH?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Pock the car and Harvard Yard.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Parked his car in my garden?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Like, I can't. Also, the enunciation of every word, and he hits the last letter of every word. I have festooned. I insist.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I'm here for tea. Sloppy hat. Sloppy hat.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yes. It's really good. I think I agree with you. I'm going to start working on it. If I can, will you send me those files, please? I'll listen to them in my headphones and then record myself. I'm going to. Yeah. Okay.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


This was big for me. One of my favorite moments of doing this podcast is when I realize how much free time Will has.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So Eric gets defensive. What the hell do you care? You're moving. Go ahead, Feeney, retire. Take care of yourself. That's what you're best at. Amy reminds him that Feeney has given the last 40 years of his life teaching people, but Eric is unaffected. Don't care. Kill his flowers. Kill them. I'm here.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Feeney explains to Eric, when someone you care for makes a considered decision to change their life, you should support the choice. Eric bursts into tears. You had me at Eric and pulls him in for a hug. Alan takes Feeney's advice to heart. We should take what they've done and do something to show our support. After all, we're talking about Corey and Topanga here. Feeney's confused.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Corey and Topanga? I was talking about a going away party for me. Mm-hmm. Eric's frustrated. You're still going away? For the love of Mike, stop with the mind games, man. Feeney grabs Eric's arm as proof. You know, this is the reason I can't sell my house.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And then we're back in Corey's car. Topanga adjusts the rearview mirror and Corey angrily tells her to put it back. She does, but he's not satisfied. Now he can only see if any cars are coming toward his crotch.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Maybe it's still within the 10 minutes. I don't know. Okay. Topanga tells him to stop snapping at her and Corey complains, our big dramatic moment. And you know what we did? Nothing. Topanga shouts, I don't care about a big dramatic moment, which gets a laugh. She reminds him it's not right to run off together because we think we have something to prove.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


When we get married, I want to have a big cake and doves. Breaking the silence, Corey sternly states, no doves. He admits, you were right. You did the right thing. Our marriage should be a celebration, not a secret. She smiles. Thank you. But he insists, you owe me the rest of your life, you know. Topanga happily agrees. It's yours. And then she pets his head.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So getting to that conclusion is great. I guess, again, in the name of drama, they made both of us versions of ourselves that aren't

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


You don't need the second car scene.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So, yeah, they could have had one car scene where she where she says, I can't at the altar. And he goes, what? And pulls her off to the side. And she goes, I don't know, Corey, I love you, but this doesn't feel right. And I don't know. And he goes, I love you. I'm with you. Let's get out of let's let's get out of here together. Right.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Then they're in the car and they talk it out. And she realizes I stood up there and I looked around and I realized I want to see your mom and I want a cake and I don't want to wear pedal pushers. I want to wear a dress like then. And he can be like, you're right. As much as I'd love to stick it to my parents, we should have a celebration and not a secret. Exactly. But I don't know.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And then we're in the boys' apartment. Rachel is in the kitchen wearing another short robe and making breakfast when Eric and Jack walk out of their rooms in just a shirt and boxers looking like they just woke up. But hold on.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


But also, are all of their rooms back there?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Right, there's no room over there.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah. They look at her, they realize their condition and quickly sprint back to their rooms. And then they immediately return with button down shirts and sweaters draped over their shoulders, fully groomed. Eric suavely throws out, hey, Rachel, what's up? Jack adds, how you doing? Smells good. Rachel cheerfully reveals she's making French toast, but she's not going to do it every day.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So don't get spoiled. They let out little giggles before Eric pulls Jack to the side. Jack, Jack, Jackie, Jack, live a healthy life. Eat all your vegetables. Honor your father and mother and heaven will reward you with a hot, hot, hotty, hot, hot, hotty, hot for a roommate. Do you remember what was in the script and what you like? Did you just make that entirely up or no idea?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Oh my gosh. You're not out of bed until 8.15? About 8.15.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Didn't they try to set that up at the end of the last episode? Shouldn't the conclusion of the last episode for this storyline have been her saying— Oh, man. You know what? Honestly, I'm fresh out of a relationship. I want to focus on myself. I really appreciate you guys rescuing me. We're going to be like girlfriends.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


She said that was all set up. And then they were like, oh, right. You know what? Girlfriends see each other naked. But then why is she acting like this is the first time she brings it up?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


The implication, I think, from no matter where you were in the 70s, if males and females were under the same roof, someone was going to be having sex.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Does your dog wake up in a grumpy mood sometimes?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I know. I just don't like. It's so cringy. It is.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So Rachel gets serious. She needs to tell them something. Eric desperately begs, don't leave. We'll do anything. She says when she met them, she was in really bad shape. Then the two of them took her in and rescued her. She's so grateful and she calls them her heroes. Then she kisses them on the cheek. But Eric gets greedy and kisses her right back.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Then Jack pulls her in for a hug, and Eric pulls her in for another embrace. It is creepy. It's super creepy. This is the creeps and weirdos. Giggle at the exchange.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And then one more thing, Rachel says, I promise I'm not going to be a bathroom hog, but I really do like to start the morning with a bubble bath with all the aromatherapy beads and all the bubbles. I didn't know aromatherapy beads were so sexy.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I wear a bathing suit.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It really seems like you're going to put yourself to sleep. I like to wake up and then sit in a hot tub of water for an hour with my eyes closed. Nothing gets me ready for my day.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Jack immediately answers. Also, is it night sexier? Wouldn't it be sexy to be like every night? I like to light some candles. Yeah. Put a bubble bath on. It's so weird that it's the morning. Anyway. Okay. Jack immediately answers. Yeah. And Eric adds, I demand you take bubble baths. Rachel wants to know why. And Eric throws that question over to an expecting Jack. He stutters.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


No, the dog doesn't do that.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I, if you didn't take bubble baths, that means you're not.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Hey, we're all adults. Can I join you for a bubble bath? Yeah. Please. Exactly. She's satisfied with that answer as she leaves for the bath. You know what? I am this close to being happy that my boyfriend actually left me. The boys respond in unison. No. They longingly watch her leave in silence until Jack realizes... that girl is taking a bubble bath in the bathtub of our bathroom.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


We're geniuses. Eric dramatically says, dude, I don't know if this is the right time to say, I love you, man. Jack's equally dramatic. Dude, don't even, man. I'm the one that loves you. They both shout, dude, and give each other a big bear hug. Then she yells out, I can't figure out how to work the stopper in the bathtub. Could one of you please come show me? The guys instantly pull apart.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


They start trying to stop each other from going to help her. They throw each other onto the couch.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yes, having a good time. Then we're in the Matthews' backyard. Corey and Topanga are returning, but Topanga stops in her tracks. She's scared. She doesn't want Corey's parents to be mad at her. Which, why are they going to be mad at you if you walk in and tell them you didn't get married?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Corey tells the truth. Well, they are going to be mad. In fact, they're going to be furious. Despite their worry, they walk into the house and they're met with an unexpected surprise. They made a sign. There's a banner reading, congratulations, newlyweds.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And he's back over here.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Angela got invited. When was this?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah, and then he came back for this party. after bathing with her. Everyone pops out. Surprise! Jack doesn't come? Hold on. Is Jack here? He's not. No. He barely knows Topanga. He doesn't know Topanga.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Everyone pops out. Surprise! The Matthews clan, Feeney, Sean, and Trina. How did I write? Feeney, Sean, and Angela all applaud, taking turns hugging the couple. Eric approaches his brother and enthusiastically suggests, you really got to try these cheese balls, man. Topanga is worried. What is going on?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Well, no, I don't think any of that happened yet. The first one is he says, you got to try these cheese balls, man.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga is worried. What is going on? Corey whispers to her. They think we're married. Sean approaches. You guys look exactly the same. He tells Corey, you were always married. It doesn't take a piece of paper to change what always was. Corey admits there's something he needs to tell him. And Sean's grin widens. Ooh, and I want to hear all about it. But not in front of your parents. Hmm.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Alan clinks his orange juice. I just want to say that I am the luckiest man in the world. I have one beautiful wife, a lovely daughter, and one wonderful son. There's the proof you've been asking for.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Eric screams, hey. Alan sends back a casual, hey, and then continues his toast. And now I have yet another lovely daughter. And he kisses Topanga on the cheek. Corey whispers that they should probably reveal the truth, but Topanga cuts him off. Not now, he's talking about me. Alan raises his glass to Corey and Topanga and everyone cheers the happy couple.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Feeney starts a speech and Corey attempts to stop him, but Feeney isn't having it. You've done quite enough tonight, haven't you? The group erupts into laughter. Everyone except Corey and Topanga.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Stooping. I could really get his voice down if I could hear him talk about some stooping.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Feeney continues. For 40 years, I have taught young men and women. I have seen countless love-struck children, but I have never seen the love, the loyalty, and the fun. Fun? Fun? I was waiting. When is the fun?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


He raises his glass to Corey and Topanga. The group celebrates while the couple is now visibly uncomfortable. Amy begins her toast. I have watched these two grow up. Boy, have I. And here they are now, adults, just fresh out of high school. They don't know anything about the world at all. And then she turns to Alan. I'm sorry. I can't do this. This was a mistake and I do not support it.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


She looks at Topanga. Why couldn't you have just gone to Yale?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It'd be really interesting to talk to Betsy because I do remember there being a lot of conversation about this. I do too. I don't remember. Yes, there was a lot of discussion about this. And I don't remember if it's that Betsy didn't like it. Because I'll tell you that while I'm watching it, the fact that Amy blames Topanga for this entire thing is so weird.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I also know, you know, Betsy and I barely got to work together. And then they put us in a scene where we actually have... There's an episode kind of about the very real... Interesting relationship between a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law. That is a real thing.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


The relationship between, you know, a time where your son maybe always called you when he was getting on a plane and called you when he landed. Hey, I landed. Just want you to know I'm safe now. Now he's got a significant other in his life. And that's the person who gets those updates about his life. That's the person who knows when he's sick.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And like that feeling like, I don't know what my place is anymore. Yeah. That's very real. And I think, I think there was a lot of discussion about it. And I think Betsy had very strong opinions and I don't remember what they were.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Well, let's have Betsy back. Let's have Betsy back. Let's talk about this episode. I remember there being a lot of discussion. So we will find out from the source. Topanga is speechless. The room is dead silent. Eric yells, here, here.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Of course. And then there's a very tense commercial break. We come back in the Matthews kitchen. Topanga decides she should go, but Corey jumps in. You're not leaving your own wedding reception. Topanga tells Amy, I'm sorry for any pain I've caused. And she runs out of the room. Sure. Corey calls after her, but to no avail. He shouts at his mom, how could you say that to her?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Amy says she's sorry, but Corey's not finished. So for 15 years, you've been lying to me about how you feel about us, and you've been lying to me about how you feel about her? Amy shouts, I want what I believe is best for you, Corey, and Topanga. Corey's furious. What's best for us is for you to trust us. I love her. I will always love her. And you know something else?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


We didn't get married because she wanted you to be there. Corey storms out, leaving a visibly regretful Amy.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Then we're in the apartment. Jack is wrapping a gift when Eric walks in. Who's the present for? Jack suspiciously says, no one, but Eric knows. Great acting beat, by the way.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Well, what I will say is that the idea that they have not been in competition for her is not true. In the first episode, we already saw she jumped on him and he was like, you know, ha ha, she's on me. And then he said, and so they have, it has been established that That they both want her and one of them will be victorious.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yep. But Eric knows it's a present for Rachel. Jack got her a book, so she has something to read in the bathtub. Is that where you got your idea to read in the shower, Will?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Exactly. He's like, well, when Matt and I were on Boy Meets World. And Matt and I were on. No, he meant without, before he knew me, before we started dating.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Eric can't believe him. That's cold. Trying to get Rachel to like him more than she likes Eric. Eric then walks into the hall and retrieves an even bigger gift for Rachel. Jack wonders, what's that? Slime wipe? Slime wipe?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Eric reveals some kind of bird for Rachel. He laughs in Jack's face. Your present's stupid. I would be so mad if someone bought me a bird.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I'm fine. Rachel enters the living room and greets the guys. Eric immediately reveals his present. Hey, I bought you this bird. It reminded me of you because it has bright red feathers and it eats like a bird.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Oh, that's right. That's how it came out. Yes. This is the one he talked about. Interesting. Rachel is flustered. You bought me a present? Jack chimes in. I got you this book, which I've read and I thought maybe you'd like. She looks at the book. Keats. Yeah, I know.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


How did you know that was my favorite poet? Eric butts in. I told him. Rachel's overwhelmed and she doesn't know what to say. She's visibly flustered and runs upstairs without saying another word.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So Eric asks, what just happened? Jack sighs, something bad. Then the bird squawks and Eric wonders. Can we eat this?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So funny. This saves the whole B story for me.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah. And this bird B is just the best.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It's beautiful. So thank you for sharing that with us. I'm actually very excited. I...

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


We're back in the Matthews kitchen. Amy's pouring coffee for herself and Alan while muttering too young to even think about marriage. Alan reminds her that Corey is not their little boy anymore. They can't prevent him from making mistakes. Amy argues, please, I still lay out his clothes. And what she wants to do, Alan interjects, Topanga. Amy nods, but repeats the same sentence.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


What she wants to do, Alan interrupts her again. Topanga, use her name. A frustrated Amy starts over. What Topanga wants to do is, and Alan finishes her sentence, is lay his clothes out for him. That is what no wife is thinking they want to do.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Also, no mention of the fact, again, that Amy and Alan got married at 18.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


She's like too young to even think about getting married. You did. You did. Yeah. He asks her while rubbing her hand, do you think this would bother you so much if this was some girl who couldn't take care of him as well as you have? Do you really think Topanga isn't right for you? So let me just, let's talk about that question.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Do you think you would mind Corey running off to marry someone if she was worse? You're right. If I knew this was a failure, it wouldn't bother me so much.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


That's the question. He says, do you think this would bother you so much? Their son getting married, their son eloping with a woman. If you thought it was some girl who couldn't take care of him as well as Topanga does.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


She insists it isn't about that. They're too young. He's not ready. And then she says, I'm not ready. She admits while fighting back tears. Yes, she's right for Corey. She loves him. And yes, she'll take care of him and he'll be happy. Amy realizes, oh God, I'm jealous of her. Alan comforts her. They still have Eric. And Amy groans.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It is funny. So then we're at the apartment. The boys are stressed. Jack is pacing. She's been in there a really long time. Eric agrees. You don't think she like. And then he pretends to hang himself.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Jack shakes his head. Nah, she's too tall for that. He admits they're just freaks. She just got out of a bad relationship and she's vulnerable. Eric adds. And both of us are going after her like she's some kind of cheese ravioli. Jack realizes when she really needs a couple of friends. Eric warns Jack, they better make it safe around there before it's too late.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Then Rachel exits her room, now carrying a piece of luggage. Jack yells, oh no, it's too late. Eric sternly states, we're not letting you go. Rachel's confused. Jack adds, we know why you think you have to leave. Rachel doesn't get it. Why do I have to leave? Eric explains, because of the extreme sexual tension that we've created in this year, your new habitat.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Rachel wonders, oh, you feel it too, huh?

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


There's actually a bunch in there, I know.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah. Eric mouths, a little bit, and Jack steps up. Yes, and we realize that if we have any chance of keeping you here, we have to stop thinking of you as a, Eric suggests, puff pastry on a plate. Jack continues, and more like a, Eric finishes his sentence again, person. Jack assures her they won't chase after her or compete for her. They'll just be who she really needs, roommates and friends.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Rachel asks, and that's it? Eric nods, that's it. Jack excitedly asks, so you'll stay? Rachel laughs, stay? I was never moving out. Eric and Jack high five each other in victory. Yeah. She explains, I love my book and I love my bird too. You guys treat me better than my boyfriend ever did. I think it started to scare me. I just realized that I could easily fall for either one of you.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


The guys are frozen. And then I thought, so what if I do? Because I can deal with that. The guy's mouths are now open in utter disbelief. Jack whispers, oh no, Eric is aghast. We guessed wrong. Rachel assures them, no, you didn't. We have to keep this strictly platonic, no matter what I'm feeling inside. Eric tries to form a coherent sentence. Well, then, well, what's in the suitcase?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


She explains, some mementos from my old boyfriend. I was on the way to the incinerator to burn them. When I get back, I guess we'll start our new relationship. They give her uneasy smiles and she thanks them for saving her from herself. As she leaves, she admits, you two are the most sensitive, caring men that I've ever met. Thanks. The door closes and the guys don't know what to say.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Breaking the silence, we hear the ding of a timer and Eric excitedly states, bird's ready.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Welcome to Pod Meets World. I'm Danielle Fishel. I'm Roger Strong.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


They're just, yep. It's not that.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yep. That's where this one needed to start for sure. Then we are in the infamous Childhood Park, I'm going to assume. Corey and Topanga are standing by.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah, the summer of 98. Correct. Um, they spot Amy and Alan walking up. Topanga thinks she should leave. Amy asks Topanga for a minute to talk. And as they wave, as they make their way to a bench, Topanga says, I don't want you to be mad at me. Amy assures her she isn't mad. Alan wants to give the girl some space, but Corey's concerned.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I'm afraid mom's going to kill Topanga and bury her in the sandbox. Amy tells Topanga, it's very hard for a mother to think that another woman is going to take her place with her little boy. Topanga insists, I could never take your place. I just love your little boy, Mrs. Matthews. Amy corrects her. Amy, use my name. Is this the first time I'm ever going to call them Amy and Alan?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga hesitates before saying, Amy, knowing what it means. Amy continues, if there is going to be another person to take my place, I want it to be you. Topanga smiles and thanks her. Meanwhile, Alan and Corey are sitting on nearby swings. Alan tells his son, I'm really proud of you. You stood up for what you believed in and you made your own decision.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga was spot on when she was like, I could never take your place. That's not what's happening here. What I'm going to do.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


You will always be mommy.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So there's no reason for us to compete.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It's just weird. But again, it strikes me as being a man, maybe a man boys interpretation of what women must feel. What does a mom feel when her son gets married? Jealous.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Jealous of this other woman who's now going to get to cook and clean and dress me and bathe me. That's what my wife does.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Yeah, that's what she wants.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Corey admits, but Topanga was right. It would have been wrong to get married just because you said we shouldn't. Alan grins. I raised a good man. Corey wonders, you're calling me a man? Alan stands up and asks, yeah, you want to get off that swing and do something about it? Corey responds, yeah, actually I do. And he stands face to face with his dad.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So they embrace and Alan proudly walks over to Amy and Topanga. Amy says, we came down here to let you guys know that we will always be here for you, no matter what you decide. And Alan adds, the one thing we don't ever want to do is make you feel afraid to come to us with any important decision. Corey reveals, well, we have made a decision.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


In fact, I think we've made the most important decision of our lives. Amy smiles. We love you both. And now that there's going to be a wedding, she pulls the ring off of her finger and shows it to Topanga. You're going to need this. This was my mother's engagement ring and I would be honored if you would wear it. Topanga gasps. Amy? Amy admits she wants it to stay in the family.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Corey cuts her off and takes the ring from her. You remember me, Corey? Don't I get to do anything? No, no, no.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I don't get to propose. I don't get to put the ring on her hand. I don't get to do nothing. Alan Quipps, welcome to marriage. Amy reminds him they have a lot to do. There's a whole wedding to plan. Topanga reveals, actually, we don't. Amy's shocked. What? She looks at her son and starts hitting him. You said no to her? What is the matter with you? Corey explains that they made a decision together.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


They listened to their friends and family, but ultimately made the decision together. Alan wonders what that decision is, and Corey promises he'll tell them, but there's something he needs to do first. He pulls Topanga up from the bench. We've been together our entire lives, and you know that I love you more than anything in the world. He holds the ring up and asks, will you marry me?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Why does this have to happen? Because it's not official until a man does it right.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


That is so infuriating.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I guess they saved it a little bit by the fact that there has been a ring. So first of all, the ring is the button on really that Amy approves. Amy approves of Topanga. I approve of it so much. I'm giving you a family ring, even though you're not blood related to me. If this marriage ends, my ring's off and gone. Like it's a real button there. And so in order to get, in order to,

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


It's a little saved by the fact that he could at least say, I want to put this ring on your finger. We have a ring now.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I know. It was the first thing I thought of too. Like, oh great, now it's real.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Topanga smiles. Yes, I will. He puts the ring on her finger and they kiss. Alan shouts, all right already. When's the wedding? Corey says, that's what we decided. We'll get married when we're ready. And when we're ready, you'll be the first to know. And then we freeze.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


In the park, probably standing there right before Amy and Alan walked up. That's why we were standing there having the conversation.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I thought of that too. I was like, probably right. Great idea.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I know. I also was wondering that. I was like, what is this?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


We were walking through the park, and I got a snack.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


You don't have any in your house? I do. I'll make popcorn. You got a microwave?

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Oh, great. We freeze on a still shot of Corey holding Topanga from behind, grins plastered on both their faces, and then we're in the tag in the Matthews kitchen. We see the congratulations newlywed sign now reads, congratulations, Feeney. Alan proposes a toast. Have a great time in Jackson Hole. Here's to your retirement, George. Our group of main characters agree. Hear, hear. Feeney smiles.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Thank you, Alan. I'll miss you all. Eric nervously speaks up. Well, I guess it's time for Feeney's favorite student to make a speech, huh? He begins, for 40 years, I have watched you educate young men and women. Boy, have I. Amy Browns sounds a lot like her speech to Corian Topanga. Eric continues, I'm sorry, I can't do this. This is a mistake and I do not support it.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


He yells the last bit straight into Feeney's face. Yep, it's Amy's speech. He turns to Topanga. Why couldn't you have just gone to Yale? Eric makes a swift exit out the back door. Alan runs over and instead of consoling him, he joyfully locks the door. And that's our episode.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


So our next episode will be season six, episode three, Ain't College Great? Wow, we finally get to college.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


That means coming up soon, Ryder, is my episode, one of my episodes I've been looking forward to recapping, the episode where Corey gets kicked out of being the... They want to do a, hey, you guys. Oh, where we make out? Where we make out. And it makes, so that means Corey and Topanga, in these first few episodes, Corey and Topanga get engaged, all the drama around it.

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TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


And then in a few episodes, I'm just making out with you. And we are like, Corey is acting so weird about this.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Can't wait to make sense of that one. Ooh. Thank you all for joining us for this episode of Pod Meets World. As always, you can follow us on Instagram, podmeetsworldshow. You can send us your emails at podmeetsworldshow at And we've got merch.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”

5798.153 We love you all. Pod dismissed. Pod Meets World is an iHeart podcast produced and hosted by Danielle Fishel, Will Friedle, and Ryder Strong. Executive Producers Jensen Karp and Amy Sugarman. Executive in Charge of Production, Danielle Romo. Producer and Editor, Tara Subaksh. Producer, Maddie Moore. Engineer and Boy Meets World superfan, Easton Allen.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon. Follow us on Instagram at podmeetsworldshow or email us at podmeetsworldshow at

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Welcome to season six, episode two. It is her answer, part two, to talk about changing names. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Just change the name. Nobody pays attention to those anyway. It originally aired October 2nd, 1998. This synopsis, when Topanga finds that she can't say I do at the altar, things get worse as Amy gets angry and Eric tries to stop Mr. Feeney's retirement. No. No.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Unless you look at it like Corey and Topanga have an evolution of their relationship. They go from... a couple to an engaged couple to possibly a married couple. And like, I guess if you looked at it like, oh, and then these three roommates are going to evolve their relationship from potential date. I mean, I guess if you want to real blanket it like that.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


I liked it more than I liked the first one. Oh, really? Really? Yeah. I liked it more than I liked the first one. I thought it was so funny that we fell for it. We fell for it, guys. We didn't remember that the outcome of it ends up being that we're going to be engaged and just wait.

Pod Meets World

TGI – Episode 602 “Her Answer (Part 2)”


Just go do that. Yeah. Right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Throughout our rewatch of the show, now six seasons in, we have seen dozens of guest stars where we find ourselves saying, hey, I know that guy. He's in everything. And then Will proceeds to tell us exactly which Seinfeld episode or episodes he's in. Then he recites two to three lines from his best movie. It is like clockwork.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And so we've learned that Boy Meets World really did cast some of the best TV character actors of all time. And this week, we get to talk to one of the best. He somehow began his career in Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing and has worked with a murderer's row of Hollywood's best directors over a three-decade career that is still going strong. But you may know him best from two things.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


One, he was a cast member on the revolutionary sketch show In Living Color, a cultural moment where he not only helped change television forever, but introduced us to stars like Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx, and Jennifer Lopez.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And two, his bone chilling, scene stealing and somehow humorous moment in the Academy Award winning movie Fargo, where he breaks down to an old high school friend about his deep well of sadness and then tries to seduce her after detailing the death of his wife, which is definitely a lie. And in addition to these unforgettable projects, here are some other movies you've seen him in.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Kindergarten Cop, Quick Change, Toys, Falling Down, A Serious Man, Snowpiercer, The French Dispatch, Asteroid City, and the highly anticipated upcoming Bong Joon-ho sci-fi film, Mickey 17, starring Robert Pattinson.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


But today we are sitting him down to talk about the one time he was on a primetime family sitcom playing Jumpmaster in season five's Standout and an episode in contention for our favorite ever Raging Corey, helping the Matthews men bond by putting their life on the line. And we'll bother him about some other things, too. Welcome to Pod Meets World. A true artist. It's Stephen Park.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


We can see you. Hi. We are so happy to have you here. When you popped up during our season five rewatch, we could not stop smiling. And we talked about how amazing you were then. So to have you on the podcast with us makes us happy all over again.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, my gosh. Don't you worry. We have so many questions for you. Also, you have to know you're in a room with some big fans. Will Friedle here can quote probably every one of your lines from almost anything you've done, but especially Fargo.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


We have so many things we want to talk to you about with your career, but before we jump into it, I'd love to talk to you about your origin story. We know that you are from the East coast originally, but when did you realize that being in the entertainment industry was going to be your thing?

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, it's a little...

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Stephen Park Meets World


And how did you book the job for do the right thing? Did you, did you just hear of the audition? How did you book that?

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Stephen Park Meets World


Um, did you have an agent?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


And so what are your parents thinking at this time? Are your parents supportive of you once you start booking jobs? How do your parents feel about this transition you've made?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Right. Right. They're like, we don't get it, but we're happy you're happy. Exactly. Okay. So you do do the right thing. How does, and you're living in Los Angeles, how does In Living Color come about?

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yes, I was just gonna ask about that. You met on that set, right?

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Stephen Park Meets World


And you guys have two children who are both in their 20s, right? Do they have any idea how cool their parents are?

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Stephen Park Meets World


So you had already watched Spike Lee change movies forever, the Wayans brothers disrupt the television industry as a whole, and then you appear on Boy Meets World.

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Stephen Park Meets World


What do you remember about this blip on your resume? Did you have to audition for it? How did it come about?

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Stephen Park Meets World


That's so funny. That's so great.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


For the number one best episode up till this point, we're six seasons in and Raging Orange is like truly in contention for our favorite episode of the show.

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Stephen Park Meets World


You can take it or leave it.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Well, there's a few things. We love both the A and B storyline. It's a really well-balanced episode. We like that there's a moment between. It's about parenting and about a father relationship. And there's moments for all three of his kids. There's storylines for how... He raises Corey.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


It also is something Will had joked about when we first started rewatching the show was that like, they don't know they have another son. The entire show is about the little sister and Corey. They never acknowledge Eric. They never acknowledge Eric. And then this whole episode kind of about what his relationship is like with his dad.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, we call them drive-bys. You drive by, you pop in for a moment, absolutely kill it, and keep going. We just love it.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Whoever will come back. There are a few people who have said no, but we've asked pretty much everyone up to this point. We have, yeah.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Well, we've been doing the podcast now for about two and a half years. That was a season... Five.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah, within the last six months.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, wow.

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Stephen Park Meets World


We're gonna make it take as long as possible. So did you know of Boy Meets World before you got the audition? Had you ever heard of the show or was this the first time you'd heard of it? I heard of the show, yes.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Do you remember hanging with us all week? Do you have any other memories other than Will being annoying and talking to you?

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Stephen Park Meets World


So you mentioned that the Coen brothers didn't tell you much. What did you know about your character, Mike Yanagida, before you went into the movie? What did you, what were you prepped with?

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Stephen Park Meets World


Did you do a lot of takes? Or was it...

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Stephen Park Meets World


Take 72.

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Stephen Park Meets World


In your intro, we mentioned a ton of the classic films that you have appeared in, but also we're not sure anyone can beat this list of directors you have worked with. Ivan Reitman, Barry Levinson, the Coen brothers, Barbit Schroeder, Joel Schumacher, Wes Anderson, Bill Murray, Miranda July, Bong Joon-ho. I mean, you've worked with a lot of these people more than once.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So in your opinion, is there something that all of these incredible directors have in common?

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Stephen Park Meets World


You just mentioned Mickey 17. What are you allowed to tell us about that project?

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Stephen Park Meets World


I have a new friend. I have a new friend.

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Stephen Park Meets World


I can just throw out names. It's all been a surprise. No, it's okay. I love that for you, you're like, why would I, the career you never could have imagined. You never could have imagined it and it turned out better than you could have imagined. So why bother to think ahead now? Yeah, totally.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So one more thing I did want to talk to you about was back in 1999, after a disappointing experience on the set of a very massive sitcom, you wrote way ahead of its time, an incredibly brave mission statement to Hollywood about status, power and racism in Hollywood about the difficulties you faced finding work as an Asian actor and especially work that you felt like you could be proud of.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So I really recommend everybody read it. It is still on the Internet. Um, and you'll realize, you know, Steve was saying these things 26 years ago and they are still relevant. Can you tell us what the effects of that letter were at the time?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Right. Like, yeah, he probably is handling some chips.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Well, I know with all the talk we just had recently about the ego and all of that, this may not, you know, land as well. But I do wonder, you know, you've worked with Steven Yeun, an incredible young actor who is getting opportunities that probably didn't even exist 10 years ago. I know, right? Thank you for noticing, yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


What does it feel like for you to see some of these changes, having been a whistleblower well ahead of your time, a long time ago? Like, how does it feel now?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Stephen, thank you so much for joining us today and spending your valuable time with us. Like we said, when you joined, we could not stop raving about you when your episode came up.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


OK, you've sent Will on a mission. He will definitely do that.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


We won't give him your information, I promise. Thank you so much for joining us. It's really been a pleasure to talk to you.

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Stephen Park Meets World


I hope it didn't. Was it scary? Was it okay?

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Stephen Park Meets World


Thank you so much.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Great to see you again. Bye.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh, man. I'm so excited to see Mickey 17, by the way. For our dear listeners who may not know, it is the follow-up to Parasite.

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Stephen Park Meets World


I know it's pretty, it's a, it's pretty crazy. Wow. Yeah. He's got, he's got quite a story and I love how, um, there's nothing about the way he talks that give, he's just, everything he says is just like, well, yeah, but this is what happened. It's just this, and there's no like shame in sharing it. This is, this is who said this.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Here it is.

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Stephen Park Meets World


And then this happened and then got the call from like, I don't know. It's just, he seems like such a, Just straightforward, honest, but thoughtful guy.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


You're right.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Thank you all for joining us for this episode of Pod Meets World. As always, you can follow us on Instagram, podmeetsworldshow. You can send us your emails at podmeetsworldshow at And we've got merch.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World

5259.903 Writer, send us out.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


We were late. The freeway was shut down.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Okay. He had all those supercomputers. Did he have a handheld vac?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I mean, if what you're lacking is conversation, then you should definitely. You talk for a living. I don't know how you need more.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Well, this is a good time for me to thank all of our dear listeners who sent in a clip for us that I'll play for you guys right now. Very exciting in the universe for Boy Meets World fans when something like this happens.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


So we were a Jeopardy clue and we were in sitcoms. That's so weird.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yes. First got together. Yeah.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I know. Many, many times. But this was one of the first times since we've started the podcast. So a lot of people sent it to us and wanted us to know.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


I have them. I'll read them to you. Do you really? Okay, here we go.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Oh gosh, so do my kids.

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Stephen Park Meets World


I bet I'm in here.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


All right, let's play the game. Ready? TV sitcoms for $400. In the UK version of The Office, this comedian played David Brent, a character similar to Steve... Ricky Gervais. Okay, yep. $800. It was on this sitcom that Corey and Topanga first got together. What is?

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Molly and Me. So close. Isn't that what it's called? Nope.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Nope. What is Mike and Molly?

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Stephen Park Meets World


On 30 Rock, Tracy Jordan is the star of TGS, which originally stood for this.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Okay. What is The Girly Show? Okay.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Uh, that's it. There you go.

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Stephen Park Meets World


Yeah. Pretty much. And then just goes back to the old stuff.

Pod Meets World

Stephen Park Meets World


Welcome to Pod Meets World. I'm Danielle Fishel.