Daniel E. Lieberman
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
We focus too much on weight. I think, you know, your health is what really matters. And there's so many other benefits of just being fit. And so even if you're not losing weight, you're still getting all kinds of wonderful benefits.
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Well, that's a good question. And to understand the answer to that, it's important to make a distinction between physical activity, which is moving, right? Doing anything, right? You know, sweeping the floor, buying groceries, you name it. And exercise, excuse me, which is a discretionary, voluntary physical activity for the sake of health and fitness. And we evolved to be physically active
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But we didn't evolve to exercise. And the reason for that is that until recently, people had to be very physically active, but they're also energy limited. And when you're energy limited, doing unnecessary discretionary physical activity is crazy, right? Like, so for example, I ran five miles this morning, which cost me about 500 calories.
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You know, when you're struggling to get enough calories, wasting 500 calories on a completely useless run in the morning is a really terrible idea. And so it's an instinct to avoid unnecessary physical activity, which is exactly what exercise is.
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Life is really just about, you know, food in, babies out, right? And the reason we eat food is for nutrients and calories, and calories is a unit of energy. So until recently, people struggled to get enough calories. It takes, you know, about 2,000 to 3,000 calories to run a human body for a given day. And if you're a farmer or a hunter-gatherer, getting those calories is not easy.
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And you also have to pay for your children's caloric needs, their brains and all that sort of stuff. And so you're struggling to get enough calories. And so spending it on a treadmill to spend even more calories is a very odd modern thing.
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Yeah, well, I mean, it's a paradox, right? We evolved to be physically active, and we have all kinds of mechanisms that reward it, right? So one of the reasons I exercise every day is that I'm addicted to it. I have a dopamine. Dopamine is the molecule of more. It's the chemical, the neurotransmitter which says, do it again, right?
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And I have lots of dopamine receptors in my brain that are thirsty and hungry for more dopamine. And when I exercise, they get that dopamine hit. And if I don't exercise, they make me crabby and unpleasant. But the thing is, if you're unfit and or struggling with your weight, those dopamine receptors are going to be fewer in number and possibly even impaired in their function.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And so people who aren't already exercising a lot or being physically active
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don't get the same reward so it's a it's a very strange mechanism and the reason that you might ask you know why why is that work the way it does is that in the past nobody ever was physically inactive that that just wasn't possible to you know to be active every day in order to hunt and gather or farm or whatever and so we never evolved to cope with um with a persistent physical inactivity
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I was doing research in actually northern Mexico among the Tarahumara, who call themselves the Rarámuri. They're famous for long-distance running. They have these incredible races where they sometimes run 50, 60 miles. I was being a good anthropologist and I was going around and talking to folks and asking them about their running and And about their training.
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And of course, the idea of training is when you run to prepare yourself for a race. And when I was asking all these folks about training, the word didn't even exist in their language. I was working through a translator. And so I was explaining, this guy here, the translator was explaining that I ran every day.
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in order to get ready for races, and the guy looked at me, and I didn't even need a translator to figure this out, and he said, why would anybody run if they didn't have to? And for me, actually, that was the beginning of the book, because I suddenly had this realization that my exercise habits are really weird.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Well, it's not entirely true. So there's a very famous paper, one of my favorite papers, let me put it that way. There's a biologist in the Netherlands who puts mice on treadmills. And she noticed that she had mice in her backyard. And one day she thought, you know, what happens if I put a little running wheel in my backyard?
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
So she put a running wheel in her backyard and put some cameras on it, night cameras, went to bed. In the morning when she woke up, she looked at the camera feed and to her astonishment, wild mice in her backyard had gotten on this little running wheel and had run for a while. In fact, other animals had gotten on it too. I think a frog got on it and even a slug had gotten on the wheel.
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So, you know, other animals do physical activity and why they do it
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know well nobody knows right um and mice are really interesting because mice will naturally run you know several kilometers right they're a little bit unusual but uh it's certainly part of their behavior they're wired to do it but the vast majority of animals avoid unnecessary physical activity and humans are no exception except we now live in this very strange modern world where we've got elevators and shopping carts and
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you know, electric can openers and you name it, right? And so basically now we don't really need to be physically active anymore, and yet our bodies require physical activity in order to turn on a whole variety of repair and maintenance mechanisms that keep us healthy. And so we've had to create in the modern industrial or post-industrial world this really weird behavior called exercise.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Which people resist like crazy. Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with them, right? It's normal. I mean, I think one of the problems with the way we think about exercise is that we make people exercise about exercise. We make them confused and anxious and feel bullied and shamed about it, right? But it's a fundamental instinct not to do physical activity unless it's rewarding or necessary. And
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And so we need to be more compassionate towards our fellow human beings who are struggling to do something really weird, like get on a treadmill and run for five miles and get absolutely nowhere in a really kind of, let's face it, a very unpleasant kind of context.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
That's exactly the point, right? Which is that we evolved to be physically active, you know, not a crazy amount, you know, two to three hours a day, basically. But that's a normal part of our environment, right? And when you remove that, then all of a sudden, all kinds of natural mechanisms which our bodies mount get turned off. And so...
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And so we often say that exercise is medicine, but a really more accurate statement is that the lack of physical activity makes us more vulnerable to disease and accelerates the aging process. So exercise isn't really actually medicine. It's the lack of exercise that causes problems.
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Yeah, I mean, I think we sometimes exaggerate that stuff. I mean, look, if running was that dangerous, you know, then there could be no runners left, right? You know, I think we sometimes exaggerate injuries and that sort of thing. I mean, it is true that people exercise has trade-offs. Everything has trade-offs. There are costs and benefits to everything.
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And so injury is always a potential there.
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But again, remember, our ancestors weren't like running marathons, you know, they were, you know, occasionally running, they were mostly walking, they were carrying, they were doing things that don't cause injury that a lot of the stuff that we do today that causes injury is because, you know, you get weekend warriors who aren't really all that fit there, you know, they're, they're, they're, they're not, you know, prepared for the stresses that their body
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then encounters and then of course they overdo it and then they get injured. But that's again a kind of weird modern way in which we exercise. And so what is your general prescription for exercise? I think we can say a few things. The first is that always some is better than none.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
You know, if you just get just a little bit of physical activity every day and you just look at the outcome of that, it has enormous effects on people's health. It increases people's longevity, it decreases their vulnerability. to a wide range of diseases. And that curve continues, right?
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
So for example, on average, for most people, if they exercise about 20 minutes a day, which is 150 minutes a week. And it can be just like walking. It doesn't have to be running. That can decrease your overall life history, your longevity by about 30%, and reduce your vulnerability to a wide range of diseases enormously.
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And then the curve continues to go down, and then eventually it kind of tails off. um and so if you do anything more than an hour a day you're not going to get any more benefit from doing an hour and 10 minutes a day or two hours a day or whatever so so basically the answer is that some is better than none more yields greater benefits but those benefits begin to tail off
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And then, of course, there's variation in the kind of exercise that you do. I mean, you know, are you running? Are you walking? Are you doing strength training, you know, weights, etc.? And the answer is, you know, mix it up, right? You know, it's good to do a little bit of strength training, especially as you age.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
But it's also, you know, aerobic physical activity is really important for kind of your base core, your fitness. You know, some kind of mix is always kind of important. But there's no one prescription. There never will be.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
There is no question about it. I mean, there are maybe a hundred studies by now, epidemiological studies, which show a dose-response curve to, for example, steps per day and various kinds of outcomes like cardiovascular disease or diabetes or just how long you live.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
so for example let's take steps per day you know for most studies if you look at that curve the more steps you take the the better the outcome up until about seven or eight thousand steps a day and then the curve begins to start leveling off again these are big epidemiological studies there's a variation from person to person but sure there's no question that this physical activity has important benefits and and importantly we understand a lot of the mechanisms behind it right because when you're physically active you're
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Your body produces antioxidants. Your body produces enzymes that repair proteins and repair your DNA. Your body produces all kinds of genes that work on your brain and your liver. I mean, every system of the body pretty much is affected, your immune system. People who exercise 150 minutes a week were shown in a study to be 2.5 times less likely to die of COVID.
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This is before the vaccines were produced. So it affects every system of your body. And so, yeah, those folks who are out there walking are doing themselves a real benefit.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Well, for one, exercising on a treadmill is boring, in my opinion. I mean, I have a hard time. And I put people on treadmills for a living, right? I just find them...
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um really hard to do but apart from that um there are if like if you just compare running on a treadmill versus running over ground um the treadmill is a little bit different because after all the ground is moving underneath you uh so it's actually pushing you in a slightly different way so a lot of people for example put the treadmill at a at a one percent incline to equal the to kind of compensate for the fact that the treadmill belt is moving
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Of course, the other thing that's different about the treadmill is that every step is exactly the same. Whereas when you're in the real world, every time you land, your foot's at a slightly different angle. There are rocks and inclines and turns and all that sort of stuff. So I think treadmill running makes people much more susceptible to repetitive stress injuries.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
But, you know, if you like running on a treadmill, if you like listening to a podcast on a treadmill or, you know, watching a movie or whatever, all power to you. There's nothing wrong with it. I think, you know, I think we should be, you know, whatever works for people is good.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Yeah, well, I mean, I think part of the problem is that we've tied so much, we just, we focus too much on weight. I think, you know, your health is what really matters. And the reason to exercise is not solely to lose weight. There are so many other benefits of just being fit. And so... even if you're not losing weight, you're still getting all kinds of wonderful benefits.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And, and look about thinking about, you know, it doesn't have to be exercise in the gym. Like how many, how many people think of dancing as exercise, but you know, go, dancing with some friends for, you know, people often will dance for hours.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
We don't think of that as exercise, but it's darn good for you in all kinds of different ways, or playing a game of soccer, or playing a game of tennis, or going for a walk, or hiking with a friend or something. You know, the point is that physical activity has all kinds of benefits, and weight loss is component, but it's not the be all and end all.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And what we should really be is promoting people's health and wellbeing. And if that helps them lose weight, that's fine, but it's not the only reason to do it.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
average everyday human beings are really extraordinary athletes and can do amazing things. And you don't need to run a marathon. You don't need to
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
be able to run to the top of the you know you know the empire state building or or or whatever to get the benefits of just moderate levels of physical activity and it and it affects every single system of your body it affects your immune system it affects your your brain it affects your metabolism and prevent helps prevent diabetes and heart disease you know we talk about Breast cancer.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Cancer, for example. The number one cause of death in the United States is heart disease. The number two cause of death in the United States are cancer. And both of them are majorly affected by physical activity. Women who exercise 150 minutes a day or more can have 30 to 50% lower lifetime risk of breast cancer. How many people know that? And we're not talking a huge amount of physical activity.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Physical activity is the number one way to help prevent heart disease. If you care about Alzheimer's or dementia, again, nothing comes remotely as close to physical activity as a preventative form of Alzheimer's. Now, will it guarantee that you won't get Alzheimer's, guarantee that you won't get heart disease, guarantee that you won't get cancer? No, of course not.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
But nothing really comes as close. And you get all kinds of other mental health benefits. You get you know, the dopamine reward, you get serotonin reward, your brain turns on all these wonderful chemicals that affect mental health. Physical activity has been shown to be as effective as any known medication for treating depression. Now, again, will it mean that you'll never get depression?
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
Of course not. But all of these things together mean that, you know, there's really a lot of positives. But at the same time, I think we should also acknowledge it's also completely normal and natural to avoid it, because after all, we evolved to have to work and have to do all kinds of stuff, but we also evolved to take it easy when we could.
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Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice
And so our inclinations to avoid physical activity are also deep and innate and normal and functional, and we shouldn't shame people and make them feel like somehow they're lazy for wanting to take the escalator instead of the stairs.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
and then strength or resistance physical activities and they have different kinds of ways in which they slow various properties of senescence which we you know colloquially call aging and all of them are important and i think one of the things is really interesting about humans in fact i think it may be the most important thing about this book and you asked about myths earlier the most important myth i think by far is this idea that as you get older it's normal to be less active
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And that is just not true. We evolved to be grandparents. We evolved to live. One of the things that's most interesting about humans, maybe, is that we evolved to live about 20 years or so after we stopped reproducing. No other animal does that except orcas, maybe killer whales. But with the exception of killer whales, humans have this really weird life history. We evolved to be grandparents.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
But grandparents in the old days weren't, you know, retiring to Florida or I don't know what they do in England or whatever, go to Mallorca or whatever, and kick up their heels and play golf or whatever with carts. Grandparents in the olden days, or in many cultures still today, are working.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
They're working in the fields, they're hunting, they're gathering, they're getting food for their children and their grandchildren, they're helping with childcare. And that physical activity that's what their job is to be physically active.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
But in turn, that physical activity turns on an amazing suite of physiological processes that counter aging, turns on repair and maintenance processes that not only keep our muscles strong, but also keep our DNA from accruing mutations, keep our mitochondria numbers high, keep the cells in our brain from accumulating gunk so that prevents Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
I mean, for every system of the body, physical activity has benefits that slow the aging process. And so when you stop doing it, and that's the way in which you perceive it as accelerating aging. But really, it's the absence of physical activity which lets aging run amok.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Yeah. Yeah.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Well, I mean, I think part of that is depression, right? When you lose a partner, I mean, grief and depression, your cortisol levels go up, your immune system goes down. I mean, it's really tough on your body. I mean, psychosocial stress plays a serious physiological toll. But also, as you just pointed out, when people retire, they become less active.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And that loss of activity has enormous effects on every aspect of our body and our minds. I mean, physical activity is important not just for physical health, but also vital for mental health and health. And I think a lot of the problems that mental health issues we have today, depression, anxiety, some of them, to some extent, we can attribute that to less physical activity.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
The technical term for that is sarcopenia. Sarco is the Greek word for muscle, and penia is loss, so muscle loss. So as people get older, they tend to lose muscle. And when you do that, you become frail and you lose functional capacity. And then that starts off a vicious cycle, right? Once that happens, then you'll be less likely to be physically active.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
The more I study the importance of resistance training and the more I study the importance of doing weights, especially as you age, the more I started kicking myself for being lazy about that. So now I try to do a good two strength workouts out of every week at least and take it more seriously because especially as you age, loss of muscle mass can be really debilitating.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And as people age, becoming less physically active, again, makes them much more vulnerable to a wide suite of diseases.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Or if you do retire, I mean, retiring is, again, another modern weird thing, right? Nobody retired in the past. I mean, if you're a farmer, it's like a subsistence farmer and name it any place, right? It's not like suddenly you hit 65 and all of a sudden you no longer have to work in the fields. You work in the fields until you're dead, right? And hunter-gatherers don't retire.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
They continue to be physically active until they die, right? Or until they get too sick. So it's a very modern Western concept. And yes, we do pay a price for it. But you, of course, can replace... work that you do with challenging, rewarding, fun things to do. The important thing is just not to stop being physically active.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
One of my favorite studies ever published, without a doubt, is a study done by a guy named Ralph Paffenbarger. He realized that places like Harvard are fantastic for studying aging because Harvard, like other private universities, never lets go of their alumni. So until the day you die, they're asking you for money on a regular basis.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And so he got the Alumni Association, the Harvard Development Office, to let him follow a series of Harvard alumni from several years and keep asking them and questions about their physical activity levels and also their diet and whether they smoked and stuff like that. And then you track them for 25, 30 years.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And what he found was that the alumni, we have to correct it for every factor you could think of, that as the alumni got older, the effect of physical activity on their health outcomes was bigger and bigger. So alumni who were in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, for example, who were exercising four or five times a week, they had about 20% lower death rates.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
By the time they got to their 60s and 70s, the alumni who were exercising more had 50% lower death rates. So as you get older, and this has been replicated again many times, but what he showed was that as you get older, exercise becomes more, not less important for maintaining your health.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And then, of course, when you're less physically active, your muscles begin to waste away more. And it's very debilitating. So I think as we get older, and I'm getting older, it's more and more important to kind of incorporate that. So I think that's the one thing that I've taken to heart.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
yeah look we have this expression in my field which is that genes load the gun environment pulls the trigger right some of us have genetic predispositions towards being you know more likely to get diabetes or heart disease or this or that or the other but our great great great grandparents in different environments weren't getting these diseases or they were getting them at much much much lower frequencies it's not because they were dying earlier it's because these diseases were less common
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
So I think we too often blame our genes for many of these diseases, many of these health problems. And I'm not in any way denying the role of genetics, but that environment is way more important. And we have control over our environment to some extent.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And so if you want to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce your risk of diabetes, reduce your risk of Alzheimer's, dementia, exercise isn't a magic bullet. It's not going to prevent you from getting those diseases completely, but it lowers your risk quite substantially. And we know why, too. I mean, we have an immense amount of data on why that's the case.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
For every single one of these diseases, we understand the mechanisms by which physical activity has important mechanistic effects on these diseases. So there's epidemiological data, there's mechanistic data, there's personal data. The problem is that it's hard to do, right? It takes willpower to overcome... the inertia of doing what's completely normal, which is wanting to take it easy.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
I just flew yesterday from Denver to Boston. And in the airport, you know, there are these escalators right next to the stairway, right? And the escalator and the stair, it wasn't a huge stairway. Everybody's lining up to take the escalator and like the stairs are totally free. So I, being me, of course I can't, I'm not allowed to take the escalator unless, you know, I have to, right?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
So I ran up the stairs, but those people taking the escalator, there's nothing wrong with them. They're not lazy. It's just an instinct, right? It's an instinct to take it easy when you can, right? And we now live in a world where everybody can do that, right? Because we have escalators and lifts and cars and shopping carts and all these wonderful devices.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
to make our lives easier and now you have to overcome this fundamental basic instinct to take it easy in order to be physically active and that's basically what exercise is and so and and furthermore if you're out of if you're unfit and you're not really you know exercising isn't any fun right it's it's it's it's unpleasant you you know you sweat you get hot and you get cranky and you know and and it's not that rewarding uh until you get fit
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And so people hate it, right? And then we blame them for being lazy. But they're actually just being normal. And I think we need to have more compassion towards people who struggle to exercise.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Well, I wouldn't use the word lazy, but we are evolved to take it easy, to rest whenever possible.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Right, right. And well, it's also, it sells, right? I mean, comfort, I mean, who prefers to sit in economy as opposed to business class? Nobody, right? Comfort is nice, right? Who prefers shoes that are uncomfortable, right? We, you know, comfort's... Comfort, you know, we love comfort, right? But since when is comfort necessarily better for you, right?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
I mean, are comfortable shoes actually better for you than going barefoot? Are comfortable chairs better for you than we're taking the lift better for you than taking the stairs?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Yes, because we often value the short-term benefit over the long-term cost, right? That's hyperbolic discounting is the technical term for that. But so we live in a world where we pay extra for comfort and we'll prefer it. But now we also live in a world where we have to now go out of our way to be physically active because it's no longer necessary.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And so again, I go back to my original statement, which is that people evolved to be physically active for two reasons and two reasons only. When it's necessary, rewarding. When we don't make it necessary, we need to figure out ways to make it rewarding. And that's hard. It's very hard.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
Yeah, I'm not sure if I'd think about it that way, but I'd kind of reverse it slightly, which is that You know, aging is just the clock ticking on, right? There's nothing we can do about age. But senescence is the way our bodies degrade as we get older.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Moment 198: Do This To Stop Premature Ageing!: Daniel E. Lieberman
And what physical activity does, maybe the most important thing about physical activity, is that it slows senescence, especially for certain organs and systems. And there are different kinds of physical activity. So there's endurance physical activities, you know, like running, walking, et cetera, swimming.