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Councillor Victor Levansky


The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Officers met with representatives of the head leaseholder on the 7th of August 2024. At this meeting, plans for further survey work were discussed. and work is being undertaken to refine those plans, including the timelines for the required survey work.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


The date for this survey work has yet to be confirmed, though please be assured that members and officers are working to secure this date confirmation as soon as possible.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Work to explore these options is already underway, including firstly exploring the feasibility of creating a new theatre in the soon-to-be-vacant M&S unit in the Belfry, looking at the type of cultural offer that the Harlequin could provide in another Redhill town centre unit, potentially in the Rise. And thirdly, considering the potential to work in partnership with another organisation

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


such as a school, to create a medium-term cultural offering using an existing space part-time.