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Congressman Brendan Boyle



Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, but I will say on the bright side, I do appreciate the sudden Republican deep concern for high school and college girls and women's sports. I had no idea that this was so important to them, where suddenly this is their most important thing. I will say though that, and I saw it in person in Pennsylvania last election, the biggest driver in this past, like, let's keep it simple.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


the biggest driver in the last election was inflation and high costs i mean i sat in on the other side of a one-way uh mirror and listened to focus groups i listened to people who had voted biden 2020 and unfortunately voted trump 2024 and yeah it was as simple as they didn't like the fact that we had the inflation spike the highest in 40 years the same thing that has impacted


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


every other government in a Western democracy the last year. And boy, those people going to the supermarket today to see that prices are even higher, the tariffs that are coming in that are gonna jack car prices, an average of 6,500 bucks per car.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


If people were pissed about the inflation that was already coming down in 2024, how pissed are people going to be about the dramatic increase in inflation that is just beginning? combined with the fact that the Atlanta Fed showed we are likely going to be in recession this quarter. Just watch those numbers.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Vance, who as we know now says 180 degrees different what he used to say just because he wanted to become vice president and Donald Trump's chief lackey. Truly humiliating moments. but ones that have actually real ramifications in the world. As you pointed out, 80 years from 1945 to 2025, this is the world that we've lived in.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, so let's really analyze this. I would say for 35% of the public, They are mega diehards. They hated Russia one minute, and then dear leader tells them something different, and they immediately flip. It's hard to figure out. It's depressing. But that 35%, just forget about it. They will swallow the party line. Guess what? We don't need to win 100% of the votes to win elections.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


For that like middle 15, 20% of the country that could go Trump, could go our way, those people care about pocketbook issues. The people who we had in 2020, but swung the other way in 2024, they are extremely price sensitive. The working class whites, but also working class Latinos, the working class African-Americans, some of whom swung against us. African-Americans showed up.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


African-American, yeah, African-American women. They showed up, so I want to push back on that. Latinos did not. Well, no, wait, wait, let me just, hold on. To be clear, the vast majority of African-Americans voted Democratic in this election. What I'm talking about is our drop in vote. We had typically been around 90%. We were in the low 80s this election.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


The people who peeled off from us, that's what I'm talking about. The Latino males, we actually did outright lose narrowly first time in American history. They also tend to be pretty price sensitive as well. So those folks will really- And a little sexist. Well, I'm not gonna say one ethnicity is more sexist than another.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


The reason why this has been the most peaceful time in the history of the continent of Europe is because of the United States. In the 20th century, we lost millions and millions of American soldiers on European soil. From 45 on, that didn't take place. All of those deaths were in the first half of the 20th century.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


i think there's something wrong with them i do yeah it um it's it's not the most inspiring um set of facts but i can tell you


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


like how i put that um i i go back to one of the focus groups i watched and they asked this one guy who happened to be uh hispanic lived in north philadelphia pretty working class area it was a focus group of non-college educated younger males by the way all of whom got their information from podcasts and social media none of whom watched broadcast TV or cable TV.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


And the guy, he was asked about January 6th. And he said something to the effect of, yeah, I don't agree with January 6th. I think that was wrong. But I just know when Trump was president, I had more money in my pocket. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I obviously strongly, intensely disagree with it. And on a certain level, it's pretty depressing.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


But I'm telling you, for a certain number of voters, in fact, the decisive number of voters, it actually was as simple as that.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, although I don't know if that morally makes them any better or worse than the Marjorie Taylor Greene types who actually believe this stuff. I'll point to this. Last spring, less than a year ago, we had a vote on tens of billions of dollars of aid to Ukraine. And every Democrat voted for it. And almost half of House Republicans voted for it. More than 100 of them voted for it.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Do you hear more than 100 House Republicans coming out to oppose what Donald Trump did in the past week? They are a lot of people who privately disagree with him, who will mutter under their breath or say something on the House floor, but are so damn afraid of a MAGA-inspired primary that they just keep their mouth shut because they have seen other Republicans who have spoken out against Trump


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


get voted out. So you have a bunch of Republicans who disagree with him on this, but are too afraid to say anything because they're scared.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Trump is now doing permanent damage to the transatlantic alliance to the point where I was talking to a good friend of mine who's a member of the German Bundestag. And he said, you know, moving forward, we just have to assume the United States is either a neutral or aligned with Russia. as they move forward and determine kind of their foreign policy and their decisions.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, I'll say this. I, I feel Exactly the way you do waking up every morning. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I also recognize, okay, I'm actually one of the few people who's in a position to do something about it. So my way of, at the very least, as a coping mechanism is, all right, what am I gonna do today? What's the plan? We know where we wanna get to.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


We can get our way out of this. And working toward that every day is actually a way, a productive way of coping with all of the awfulness that we're seeing and is going on to get us out of this awful place that we're in.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So this is not just humiliating, but incredibly dangerous moving forward.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Oh, everything's going just well in the capital. We have made America great again. The economy's doing phenomenally. It's not like prices have spiked in the last six weeks. The market's doing just really well. I mean, except for being down five to 10%. And we've never been more popular with our allies. Although on the other hand, Vladimir Putin now likes us.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Listen, I hear you. And I remember when the honor and pleasure of joining you the first time, we kind of talked about My frustration, which I know you share that sometimes Democrats don't fight back as hard as we should. I shared with you my theory and coming from Philly, it's probably not a surprise.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


I think that if you're hit, you get back up and you hit the other person 10 times harder and you do it immediately. You respond to everything. That's always been my philosophy when it comes to campaigning. One thing I'll say about the State of the Union tonight, though, why I think it would be a mistake if all of us decided not to show up.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


What Speaker Johnson would simply do is fill the seats with sycophantic Republican staffers, which he has the ability to do any empty seat. gets filled by staffers at the direction of the speaker, including former Republican members.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So then the State of the Union that would be covered and that 50 million people would watch would be Trump speaking to a chamber that's entirely cheering and whooping and supporting him. So I don't think that's the visual that we really want. Now, a lot of Democratic members are, we are bringing actually people who have been screwed over by the Doge bags.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So that actually is going to be happening and we're going to be highlighting them. I will say this though, I believe we as Democrats have to use every point of leverage. And that begins literally next week. We're facing a government shutdown in approximately 10 days. Republicans want our votes. I don't know why for me or any Democratic member, we could possibly vote


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


for what they call a continuing resolution, while right now Elon Musk is showing up just randomly at different agencies they want to shut down, even though by law they can't do that. By law, we already have appropriated funding for those agencies like USAID or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, et cetera, et cetera.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


How could I vote for something next Friday to fund it when then the very next day on Saturday, Elon Musk and the doge bags show up and shut down the agency. So that's our point of leverage. We will have other points of leverage. And then finally, on the litigation front, we're potentially facing a very scary moment.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


We've had JD Vance and some other Republicans talk about this administration becoming the first in American history to just ignore court rulings. So far, they haven't done that. They didn't do it in the first term and they haven't done it so far, including in a recent Supreme Court 7-2 decision that didn't go their way. That would be a very frightening moment for the country.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


I hope we don't reach it, but we need to be prepared in case we do.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. It's actually pretty similar to where my thinking has been and what I was talking about earlier that, all right, if you want our votes, we need to reverse all of this illegal shit that has already happened over the last, what, only six weeks.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


But besides that, things are going great.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So if we're talking about a continuing resolution, which is the parliamentary speak here for just keeping things on autopilot, Well, they haven't been on autopilot the last six weeks. They have, the White House and Musk, they have been violating the law.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So if we're gonna go back to actually following the law, then that's a situation that I could support, but I can't support continuing this reality, acting like it's normal when it clearly isn't. So in my view, this is a great moment for us. And if the last time I checked, Republicans can keep the budget can keep the government funded if they want to.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


They control the House, the Senate, and the White House. If you want our votes, it's gotta be to end the illegal activity that has been going on over the last six weeks.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, it is funny just how obsessed Republicans are with trans issues. It's weird. I mean, whatever's going on there, you know, I'll leave that to someone else to try to figure out that psychology. And by the way, the only time I've heard the word woke in the last two or three years is actually from someone who's on the MAGA right. Exactly. Talking about woke.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Here's my message, and this is actually why I'm incredibly optimistic about the next election in November of next year.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Listen, we're going to win the next November of 2026. No, no, no. We're going to win.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


I will say while we always have to work day in and day out to safeguard that, I am very confident we will. And here's why. How? We have 50 state elections run by over 3,000 counties. That's important. It's also one of the many reasons why 2020 and the claims of MAGA that it was stolen was so fraudulent.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


We don't have federal elections, for better or worse, in this case for better, we don't have federal elections in the United States. We have over 3,000 different elections and election systems.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


So the idea that a president can even intervene, say, in Pennsylvania, where you have a Democratic governor, or Michigan, where you have a Democratic governor, Arizona, where you have a Democratic governor, et cetera, et cetera,


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


i don't think they can even if they attempt to and in terms of message you had asked earlier just want to come back to it my message i mean if you've seen me on if anyone watches tv anymore if you've seen me on tv whether in in the philly area or on msnbc cnn etc over the last couple weeks i've been trying to remind everyone that right now the crowd that pretends to be for the working class is pushing the largest tax cuts for billionaires in american history over 4 trillion


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


paid for by the largest cut to Medicaid in American history. That is radical redistribution of wealth from the working class to the top 1%. That is also a deeply unpopular agenda. I saw one poll that showed 82% of the American people oppose cutting Medicaid in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich. That's what they're pushing.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


The stuff that they're also pushing right now is actually hurting real people. Philadelphia Inquirer, my local paper, profiled someone this past week. I just had 400 layoffs at the IRS building in Philadelphia. They interviewed one guy who voted for Trump.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


and was talking about how he voted for him because he didn't like costs were too high, and he thought Trump being, in his view, this great businessman would come in and find waste, fraud, and abuse. Well, now the guy realizes that he's been played. The one good thing Trump is at, he's very good at one thing. He's a con man. He's been a con man his entire life, and he's a very skilled con man.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


Yeah, last week was unfortunately a humiliating couple moments as Americans. The first at the UN when we voted alongside Russia. North Korea and Iran, and against every single Democratic ally. Followed a couple of days later by Friday and that disgraceful performance by Trump and his vice president, J.D.


Putin's First State of the Union With Analysis from Rep. Boyle


He is. However, enough people are now getting screwed over that they realize it. So we're already seeing this in early polls. I am incredibly optimistic about the next election. Yes, we will get to it. Democrats are going to win back the House. And I think we're going to win by a margin pretty similar to 2018, where we actually have a pretty large majority.