Chris Kempes
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so if traits are connected to a dominant physical constraint, evolution will be able to see that and we'll get traits that look optimized according to those physics. And then those traits have to be independent enough of other traits. So there are many cases in biology where you would like to optimize something, but you can't for other reasons.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So a great example is our optic nerve that connects our eyeball to our brain is longer than it should be. And many people have talked about this optic nerve seems much longer than you would want in some optimal case. And part of that is likely due to the fact that you had brain structure and you develop this eye. And then it's really hard to remodel the brain.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It's really hard to move around different modules of the brain. And so you deal with a slightly longer optical nerve because it's just too hard to change everything else. And so that's what we mean by traits have to be independent enough of other traits in order for these physical constraints to be something that evolution can see.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And so what we often – in that same language, what we would say about some of these physical constraints is they create these huge valleys that are impossible to miss. Yeah, good. And so even though there's roughness on the surface, it's really like a –
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gently undulating grassy hill that is all part of one big valley, one big watershed, where everything rolls to the bottom. And that's just because the physics is so strong, the physical constraints are so strong, you can't help but wind up in the bottom of the valley. But there could be emergent constraints that create local valleys that you can't get out of, as you were mentioning, and so forth.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And there's a lot to say about that. I mean, so one really interesting thing is that often the only way to explain what you see in organism structure or function is from a consideration of multiple constraints.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so what you do is you say we find some way to write down what in some fields would be called a global cost function, where you put all of the terms of different constraints in that same cost function. And maybe one trait interfaces with multiple different constraints. And then we just optimize over the whole thing and find some global optimum under multiple constraints.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
This is an old idea in engineering. And that often is the best way to explain complicated structures. So for vascular plants, which I was mentioning, you know, the original work on that showed it wasn't just about gravity. It's also about fluid flow through the vessels of the plant.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And it's about trying to fill space with all the endpoints of the network so that you can either distribute leaves in space to uptake, you know, atmospheric space to uptake sunlight or to distribute cells in the body and feed them all with this vascular network. So that's a place where you sort of have three main constraints that you're optimizing over.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Absolutely. So I think we wouldn't – I'm willing to make bets about that actually. Okay, good. That if you get large multicellular organisms, they will have fractal-like vascular networks with a certain very specific fractal structure that have been outlined in the whole thread of work. that I was discussing before.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so we have some evidence for that in that, you know, the vascular system in plants evolved independently of the vascular system in mammals, and yet they share a huge amount of the same structures. So that's convergent evolution with a huge evolutionary divergence in time One organism is motile, the other organism isn't.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
One uses sunlight for energy, the other eats things that use sunlight for energy. One's warm-blooded, one's not. And yet the vascular systems we find share certain commonalities because they are roughly the same size and obey in the same physics.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So I think these are sort of the ultimate astrobiological convergence.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, so bacteria, we think of them as these tiny sacks of stuff, which in some ways they are. But even, as Sean was just saying, even then we get a factor of 10,000 in cell size, right? So that's four orders of magnitude from the smallest cell to the largest cell. And the smallest cell and the largest cell don't look like each other in lots of different ways that we can get into.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so people often just say bacteria as the small stuff, not realizing that there's an entire world in bacteria of diversity and different cell sizes and trade-offs and lifestyles and environments. And so even there, we're talking about half the range of body size differences that we see in mammals in terms of orders of magnitude. And so a factor of 10,000 is definitely nothing to sneeze at.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. So bacteria or prokaryotes, they have some amount of internal structure. And this is something we've learned a lot more about recently. But in general, you can think of them as some sort of membrane. And sometimes that's two layers of membrane. And then inside that membrane is a bunch of more or less free-floating stuff.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
That includes a free-floating genome that's not packaged in a nucleus. It includes a bunch of large molecular machines, often called macromolecules, all of the enzymes and proteins of the cell. And mostly this stuff just diffuses around and interacts in a very complicated but messy network to do all of the functions that a cell needs to do to metabolize.
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to synthesize new parts and eventually to divide, to import and export material from the cell, and for larger cells to swim around and follow nutrients and make some decisions about their environment. But yes, they lack a lot of the internal structure that we see even for other unicellular organisms. So there are other single cell organisms that have more internal structure,
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
bacteria tend to be these very simple things. Not quite the simplest life because I'm a viruses are life too sort of person. And we could get into why I think that's the case. So I would count viruses as the smallest life and the simplest example of really an enclosure and some genetic material inside that enclosure. Bacteria then have this active goopy stuff inside.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. The DNA is just... So it's actually a circular chromosome in many cells. So it's a DNA that forms this entire loop. And that loop is not a rigid loop. It's malleable and moving in time. And so think about sort of a...
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a circular chain inside a cell that's jostling around and sort of moving all over the place while interacting with a bunch of molecules that read off the genetic information and copy the genetic information when the cell divides. And so it's in some ways sort of amazing that without much structure and in such a messy environment, we get such reliable organisms, right? Yeah.
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is a sort of unbelievable number of prokaryotes on the planet. And they evolve very quickly. They live in every environment you can imagine. They divide reliably. They're just quite amazing creatures.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, so something we like to say is that if you have a dominant physical constraint, it will also tell you where there's a wall, where something becomes... asymptotically limiting. And what I mean by asymptotically is just something goes off to infinity and you can't keep up with it, or something goes to zero and then it does you no good.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so often if you're writing down some optimization equation and it has physical constraints in it, you should expect to see a limit at some scale. And so we see these in lots of different groups of organisms, but particularly in bacteria, we have pretty well worked out what the lower limit and the upper limit are.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so if you think about the smallest bacteria, they have this membrane that is shrinking down. If you imagine a spherical cow, and here we really can imagine a spherical cow because the small bacteria are little spheres. So imagine the small spherical bacterium. And as it shrinks down, the membrane has its own finite thickness. And so imagine you have a really thick membrane.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
tire, and you shrink down that tire, eventually the rubber is touching the rubber on all sides. And you don't have a tire anymore with something in the middle, you have just a hockey puck. The same thing is happening for cells. So they have this membrane that is very thin until you get to really small sizes, and then it starts to represent a large fraction of the cell size.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And then you still have to inside of that in the remaining volume fit all of the stuff. So you have to put the DNA in there. You have to put a few functional proteins to actually run the metabolism. And you have to put in this amazing molecular device known as the ribosome, which is sort of this generic tape reading device that takes information from the DNA and turns it into functional proteins.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so in these small cells, the DNA starts to take up roughly half the cell volume. And so you're running into all of these space constraints where you almost can't fit in just the information of what the cell is. You know, you think about how strange that is. The storage system for information becomes sort of half the cell volume.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And you get to a point where every single gene that you would eliminate kills the cell. So every gene knockout, as we call it, is fatal. And so you can't eliminate any more genes. You're stuck with this minimal genome.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so the smallest cell is defined by this point where you have a minimal genome, a handful of ribosomes, and the functional proteins that do all the other metabolic and physiological aspects of the cell.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
What's amazing is that we write down energetic models of the cell and we think about what's the energy budget of the cell, what it has for running biosynthesis, the production of new stuff, and what it has for maintenance, which is just repairing and the repair and upkeep of existing stuff. then at these tiny cell sizes, the maintenance starts to take over the entire metabolism.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So you start to look more and more like a cell that can only repair itself. It actually can barely grow any new stuff for replication. And this space constraint and this maintenance constraint, where maintenance metabolism becomes the whole metabolism, both happen at basically the same tiny cell size. And so we think it's this dual constraint that sets the smallest possible bacteria.
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amazingly, those predictions have agreed with all of the world record holders for smallest bacteria. And it's where you transition to seeing tiny viruses that crop up at these really small cell sizes. So we think this physical constraint tells you the smallest possible bacterium.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And you could. And that's a really great question, Sean, because that's a game, especially in an astrobiological context, we like to think about a lot, which is, well, but the DNA takes up a certain volume. And we're committed to a certain chemistry there. So what if you change that a little bit? And the membrane is made up of this lipid bilayer.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And what if you used a smaller molecule than lipids? And so one can really absolutely start to play that. And this is a place actually where we're separating the contingencies of evolution from what might be truly universal.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So yeah, if you could find a smaller enclosure that does all the same things that our membrane does in terms of it's flexible enough, it keeps the inside separated from the outside, it has the right sort of hydrophobicity, all those sorts of things. Yeah, there's certainly molecules that would be thinner in a layer. And then yeah, you probably could get a little bit smaller.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So I think this is a case where We think we understand the constraints that matter, why the smallest cells on Earth are the smallest they can be. And then we could play a little bit of games with chemistry to say, how much could you push that lower limit in size? In fact, that game was was played a bit because the Allen Hills meteorite, which was this meteorite from Mars.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Where under a microscope, people thought they were seeing structures that really looked like cells or the remnants of cells or some sort of precipitate from a cell. And this is famous in the astrobiology community because Bill Clinton gave a press conference saying he might have potentially found life on Mars or evidence of life on Mars. I think infamous is the word you're looking for, not famous.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah. You're right. I forgot my prefix. But this, because of how big a news story this was and the implications, the National Academies put together one of these National Research Council reports. where they gathered experts from paleontology and biophysics and biochemistry to try and say, are these things too small?
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So one of the initial sort of critiques was, yeah, but these structures are really small. They're smaller than the smallest cells we see. Are we actually talking about fossils here? And so in this report, which is really wonderful, people work through all these different angles to say, yeah, this is probably too small. So people work through, okay, what's the...
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what's the most curvature you could get from some polymer or some sort of molecule? And are these things below the curvature radius for that molecule such that we don't think you could actually encapsulate with molecules at this scale? And then there's all sorts of other rich material in that report. And basically every paper in this report says these are too small.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But this is exactly the game that we have to play to try and understand what we might be looking at somewhere else.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
That's a great point. Yeah. I mean, you could even play a – I don't know if we have an astrobiology for other universes yet. But you could play that game. You could say, you know, imagine you were in a universe where the atoms were smaller.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, exactly. Assuming you can still get all the other physics you need, what's the smallest possible cell in such a universe?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, so the maximum size is really interesting. That actually concerned us for a long time. So when we first sort of started uncovering what we think was limiting the smallest bacteria, we then had nice sort of laws for how things like growth rate would change with increasing cell volume. And so we thought we understood the trends in bacteria as well as the small limit.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But then we had this huge puzzle about why is it that you don't just keep being bigger and bigger bacteria? Right. So what's happening? You know, the biggest bacteria are growing really fast per unit volume. In fact, growth per unit volume is increasing as bacteria get bigger. you have lots of metabolic power. Everything seems great for the biggest bacteria.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Why do you have this major evolutionary transition to unicellular eukaryotes, which we can get into in a bit, where everything shifts and growth rate decreases and all of that? Why is there a motivation for that? Why aren't we all just giant sacks of bacterial stuff walking around and building cities and talking on podcasts? And
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
What we proposed as a hypothesis in one of those early papers was it's likely that as growth rate gets faster and faster, eventually the basic biochemistry just can't keep up, right? So... if I have some chemical reaction that can only go at some maximum rate or I have some molecular device that can only work at some maximum rate, eventually it can't keep up with my overall growth rates.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So it just can't keep up with how fast I'm trying to move. I could pump more and more energy into it and it just can't turn over quickly enough. And we were very used to thinking about that with macroscopic machines where they all have an upper threshold where you're just trying to push them too quickly.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so we said, let's look at all of now the detailed biochemistry, all of the macromolecules, all of these different components of the cell, and ask how they change as cells scale up from very small sizes to very large sizes. And as we do that, we see, uh-oh, there's this one component, the ribosome, which again is this device that's sort of the center of biosynthesis.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It's turning genetic information into functional proteins. It's actually building the functional proteins. And we realized for it to keep up with this runaway growth rate, eventually you would need more of that device than you have cell. So you would need to pack more. You need more of this machine that can actually fit inside the cell. We call this the ribosome catastrophe.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And it sets the largest possible cell size. What's really happening there is that the ribosome is making more ribosomes. So it actually makes some of its own components. And so you reach, it has its own replication rate. So it's a machine that replicates itself with one rate. And eventually the cell growth rate starts to push up against that ribosome replication rate. And that is an impossibility.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so that's where you get one of these, something goes off to infinity. You need infinitely many ribosomes. That can't happen. You overpack the cell. And so we think there's this upper size limit there. Yeah.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And so we did that. So we said, okay, we know where this asymptote is, and let's look at the data. And so interestingly, what you see is that you get less and less species, less and less known species of bacteria as you get closer and closer to this wall. And then we said, well, what's the world record holder bacteria?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And I want to be clear here that I'm not talking about these recent world record holders for the longest bacteria. So there are these almost centimeter long bacteria. Oh, my God. Right? I'm going to lose sleep now. Yeah, exactly. But the key thing to note about those is they're actually filaments. And so they're sort of like a colony of many –
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
um little rod-shaped bacteria like e coli stuck end to end and so why they form these very long filaments um there's many copies of the dna and and their dimension in the other radial dimension is is like an e coli it's a it's a small bacterium so they get very long but they don't get volumetrically big and that's really what we're talking about when we say size in this case
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Anyway, we look for the world record holder volumetric organism, something that's roughly a sphere. There we find an organism that's about 100 times bigger than our upper bound. So we thought, okay, this is interesting. How is this thing 100 times bigger than our prediction? Especially since we'd been so pleased by our lower bound predictions. And there's two things to note.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
One is this organism has these huge internal storage vacuoles. So it has these big internal membranes that it uses to just store inorganic stuff, likely to be able to grow fast later. So it sort of hoards rare stuff and then uses it later. Um, if you remove all of that and you say, let's just talk about the active sort of metabolic portion of the cell, you're still bigger than our limit.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Um, not by as much, but still a little bit bigger. And here then the other crucial thing to note is that this organism lives in a really resource poor environment. So it lives in these, um, ocean, deep ocean sediments, um, running a metabolism that we know is a really poor metabolism that just doesn't give you much energy. And so they grow very, very slowly.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
In fact, they're really hard to study and grow in the lab, and you have to do so in sort of environmental settings. And so what that tells us is that this upper bound that we were describing really was a speed limit. It said, no, there's a fastest growth rate. There's a fastest replication rate. If you want to get bigger than this wall, you just have to grow more slowly.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so that's actually what the next branch of life, the unicellular eukaryotes does is they grow more slowly. And that's also what large bacteria that break this rule do is they just stay away from that fast growth limit, that speed limit.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly, yeah. And it made us realize, to your point, exactly what we were talking about in our theory, what our assumptions were. It was about maximum growth rate. And so we're confident in maximum growth rate, but there's ways to break that law. You can just dial down your metabolism and be a slow-growing organism.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, so there's lots of interesting ideas there, and I think where it interfaces what we're doing is just to ask questions about what are the fundamental bounds on how efficient you can be, how much energy you need to perform a process, and so forth. And we've done a little bit of statistical mechanics on the energetics of different cellular machines.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So a bunch of us, including David Wolpert a few years ago, worked out sort of what we thought – the optimal efficiency of something like the ribosome would be and then compared it to the efficiency of the ribosome that we have. And so if you abstract the ribosome, what it really is, is
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
a device for writing strings, for taking a random set of letters that are unorganized and writing those into exactly one string. That string folds up into a functional protein. And so we could compare that thermodynamically to any device that writes strings. And we find that gives us an ultimate efficiency, the best any device in the universe could do at this abstract process.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And we found that the ribosome is at most 20 times worse than that limit. And I say 20 times off the limit, that seems really inefficient. But for reference, our computers, as we talk now, are writing strings at 100 million times worse than the limit.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So the ribosome compared to our computers is like many, many, many orders of magnitude more efficient than our computers at this string writing process. It's bumping up against the limit in some real sense, even though it's 20, a factor of 20 away. Yeah. Exactly. It's feeling the ultimate physical limit.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
No, definitely not. I think the statistical mechanics of cells is something people are working on in lots of interesting ways. As I mentioned earlier, I said bacteria mostly don't have structure. There's been this whole revolution really in the last 15 years around phase separation in cells in bacteria and realizing that different types of stuff are actually forming separated phases.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Think liquid and water and how you could have a little bit of
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
um sorry think about oil and water and how you could have a little oil droplet floating around in water they're both liquids but they're sort of separated in an interesting way and that's happening inside of cells and that has chemical consequences that has structural consequences and so i think there's a lot to uncover there there's a lot of really fundamental statistical mechanics and thermodynamics to do within cells and then i should say that recently we've we've worked out
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limits at the large end of bacteria, where we have come to realize how fundamental constraints of diffusion start to set an upper bound for bacteria, where you need to add internal structure just to make things move around more quickly. And so there's a sort of diffusive boundary that you start to run into, and then you have to add transport structures to sort of get around that.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And that occurs also roughly at the same size that you're seeing this ribosome catastrophe. So just like the small end of bacteria, we're seeing a large end where multiple constraints seem to be limiting cells at pretty much exactly the same size.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, it's a great point. And I think what's interesting is that we would say once you get one of these walls, one of these sort of hard limits coming from physical constraints, it tells you you need to shift something about your architecture to get over that constraint. if you're going to get bigger.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Now there's lots of cases where you can imagine evolution never discovers anything that helps you get bigger. But if you see something that gets bigger, it certainly has found some new architecture. And so one of the great challenges of modern biology is thinking through how and why we got eukaryotes. And so eukaryotes are
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as Sean said, a byproduct of what we call an endosymbiotic event where one cell started living inside the other cell. And so you, in this case, have a bacteria likely living inside of an archaea.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And the bacteria inside the archaea becomes this metabolic structure known as the mitochondria, which many people sort of associate with how life gets big and why life gets big and how organisms like us can produce so much energy. There's lots of other reasons that you might want a mitochondria. It distributes many copies of the metabolic genome throughout the cell.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Nick Lane has written really nicely about that. It distributes certain sorts of metabolic processes throughout the cell in a structured way. All of this is sort of really beneficial. And we understand that it must be getting over limits that we saw out of bacteria. I think our perspective would be the main limits that you start to see are about transport, right?
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so I would almost say you likely need to solve transport before you solve these other packaging problems around different sorts of genomes and having lots of internal metabolism and so forth. I think it's actually, you just can't
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
get substrates, the stuff that you use, products, the wastes in and out of the cell fast enough with diffusion alone for large bacteria to make the metabolism function. So you have to start adding active transport inside the cell, ways to stir the cytoplasm, ways to move packages around in the cytoplasm just to overcome the sort of challenges of diffusion.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And I think you probably need to do that before you start to get things like the mitochondria and other sort of endosymbiotic events.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And you could think of it as, you know, you can think of it as a drift process or a random walk process in evolution. And so if there is one of these walls, I think you expect an evolutionary time for a very long period of time. Things just keep hitting that wall and and be stuck in a certain size range. And then it's you're waiting for a chance event where some.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
fairly big change to architecture happens for one reason or another, and that gets you just on the other side of the wall, and then you're off to the races in this other evolutionary trajectory. And then all of the physics of that region become a target for evolution, and then you may need to solve a bunch of problems successively.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But many people would say it was harder to get the eukaryote than it was to get cellular life in the first place. Took longer. Yeah. It took longer, right? And I find that really interesting and surprising, right? And I also don't necessarily agree with that because I think there's other factors involved.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But that sort of thinking I think is really important to say you can just stall out at one level of complexity for a long time. Nothing wants you to get more complex. It's just if you stumble upon the right solution – that gets you over that hump. Then you're into this new valley with no competitors. You've got a new niche and we know it happens there.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Things diversify and go in every direction and you get lots of new solutions. But you have to wait for that chance event to get you over the hump still.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And I think one of the reasons for that is once you move into this new space, you see a bunch of new challenges that you never had to deal with before. And likely each of those challenges needs its own solution. And so it's not then surprising that you get a bunch of complexity all at once.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And maybe you don't get it all at once evolutionarily, but looking back from our current vantage of all of these well-adapted organisms a billion years later, we would say, oh, wow, there's many innovations. They're all really optimized and they all go together. Now, you know, one of the biggest debates in how eukaryotes came to be is the ordering of events.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I mean, it's countless papers written about what was first. I mean, it's even gotten to the point where we say, well, is that a mitochondria first? Yeah. Is that a phagocytosis first argument? And so people really are trying to work through the ordering and have big debates about the ordering. And we don't have any fossils to tell us because these things are goopy and don't preserve well.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so whereas that debate gets resolved in dinosaurs about what happened first, it doesn't get resolved for the eukaryotes yet.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. Yeah. So one thing that we found was the way in which protein concentration scales with cell volume is preserved from bacteria into eukaryotes. And we think there's one optimization related to diffusion that really drives that uniformity in this one scaling relationship. And However, metabolic power scaling shifts between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The growth rate scaling shifts.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
The eukaryotes pick up a bunch of scalings that you obviously don't have in bacteria, like how many mitochondria they have. Jordan Oki has a really wonderful paper showing how many mitochondria you get as a function of cell volume. And so there's, you know, lots of things are changing and then some things are staying the same. And
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And both of those angles help us understand if we're onto the right theory, if we're onto the right constraints. So, for example, if we think a dominant constraint comes with a limit that should imply a major shift at one scale and we look at prokaryotes on one side and eukaryotes on the other side and they have exactly the same scaling, then we were wrong about the constraint.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Luckily, that hasn't happened to us. But that's a nice way to say we could easily falsify our theory if we'd pick the wrong constraints because there are certain things we would predict that just wouldn't hold up. You would move across transitions and either see shifts that you didn't expect or not see shifts that you did expect. And we think that's a sort of secondary test of these theories.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, that's great. So what I mean by metabolic power is just the total energy available to a cell. So this is how it would be like the total food that you and I ate. For cells, it's the same. If they use sunlight, it's the total sunlight they're able to capture. If they eat other things, it's how much of that that they're able to eat per unit time.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So that's the sort of total energy budget the cell is the metabolic power. And then scaling is just this idea that if you look across orders of magnitude in one feature, you get a linear relationship in orders of magnitude of another feature. And those could have different exponents, which would be the slopes of those different curves in that log-log, order of magnitude, order of magnitude space.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Mm-hmm. And so when we say there's a shift in a scaling relationship of metabolic power, what I'm really saying is that as you go across this evolutionary divide, you see a change in the exponent from one class to the other. Specifically, in prokaryotes, the exponent is greater than one, meaning... if you double in cell volume, you more than double the total metabolic power.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
If you go up by a power of 10 in cell volume, you go up by more than a power of 10 in metabolic power. In Unisar eukaryotes, the exponent is sublinear, meaning that if you go up by an order of magnitude in cell volume, you go up by less than an order of magnitude in in metabolic power. So the power per unit volume is increasing in prokaryotes and decreasing in unicellular eukaryotes.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And that's a really fundamental difference that drives all sorts of downstream things that we can observe, like the growth rates, like the requirements for the number of ribosomes in the cell, all sorts of different features.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly, exactly. You still need more power, but in a sort of gained efficiency way.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah. So it looks like the nucleus is a more complicated story because I think the nucleus is mostly about regulation and separating out certain parts of the genome from each other and protecting the genome from reactive parts of the cell. But the mitochondria seem to just come along for the ride of that. So there, I think there's a big debate about causality. People would say,
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Well, the number of mitochondria have the same scaling as the metabolic power. So are they driving the metabolic power? And I would say we don't quite know yet. We don't know what's being optimized because it could be that the number of mitochondria you have are just optimized according to some other constraint.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And that constraint is what's driving metabolic power and mitochondria come along for the ride. Or it could be some fundamental constraint about the mitochondria that require the metabolic scaling to be what we observe. But yeah, I mean, in general, that's exactly the sort of connection we try to draw. We say we have a physical constraint. Maybe it predicts something like total metabolism.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And then once we know total metabolism, we can write down a cell model. You know, we can write down a model of cell physiology and ask what other components should scale in what way according to this metabolism. And in bacteria, that gives us a whole host of predictions and the same in unicellular eukaryotes. Yeah.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Absolutely. Yeah. And I think, you know, I think that's something we're starting to run up against more and more recently. I mean, it's interesting that, you know, in the early days of computer science, a lot of the considerations were really about, well, how much resources will this need as we scale up? So how much time, how many CPUs, how will this scale up in a resource constraint?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And then we got to a point where we were mostly interested in, well, just artificial life in the computer. We had enough resources. So then it's all just about how do you get the right sort of evolutionary dynamic? How do you get open-ended evolution? How do you get things that build up higher layers of structure and function?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And there's a really wonderful bit of artificial life that was done there. And now with the emergence of AI and LLMs, I think we're back to really wondering about scale and constraints, right? I mean, there's a huge debate there about what will happen if we make the neural nets 10 times as big and how many data centers does that take?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so I think we're back to thinking very clearly about scale and about ultimately the physical resources that you need to support artificial intelligence or artificial life or really sophisticated computer programs.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It's a great question. So recently they've been called for some of those reasons that you're mentioning, Sean, in terms of the problems that raises. Recently, these transitions have started to become major transitions in individuality. rather than major evolutionary transitions. I haven't heard that one. That's good.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah. Now, I think individuality is also a complicated concept. And so then we're into talking about, well, what is an individual and how do you define that? And people like David Krakauer at SFI work on entire theories of individuality. And that's a frontier area in and of itself. So I think that reframing doesn't quite solve all the problems with how do you know one? How do you spot one?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I think that's incredibly fair. People often say complex adaptive systems to define complex systems or complexity. And so the adaptive part really matters to many people. Right. And so life is the quintessential adaptive system. And what we mean by that typically is that for an organism just to survive, just to persist, it has to deal with this constantly changing set of environments.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
What's the right metric? Right. I think generally what people are thinking about is you have extra layers of architecture or hierarchy where you've packaged together more lower level things into some higher level thing. And where that higher level thing in an evolutionary sense operates as a whole. So the selection that matters to it, the evolution that matters to it is really on the whole.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Now, many of the transitions are really murky where we have for multicellular organisms, for example, we have lots of organisms that happily live as a single cell and then come together in multicellular assemblages and even have their own physiology and set of responses and behaviors in that multicellular assemblage. And then when life shifts, they go back into the unicellular level.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
That even happens in bacteria. Bacteria are going in and out of these biofilms and making complicated choices about whether to form a biofilm and stay in a biofilm. And so multicellularity is a great example of a really murky idea.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I think many people would point to a major evolutionary transition in individuality as multicellular where it's not so easy to go back and forth between the unicellular and the multicellular phase. And where the multicellular really is being selected, the genomes of the multicellulars are really being selected as a whole.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So in our case, all of the features that we do, everything we do in our life, if we're going to have children... results in a single copy, half a copy for each human being combined with another half a copy to form a new organism. So eventually everything goes through one copy of the genome to go through development and form an entire other multicellular organism. So it doesn't matter that
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I mean, my finger only matters in the sense that it eventually interfaces with that one copy of the genome. So if I lose a finger, maybe I die because of that. Hopefully I don't lose a finger. But, you know, it's that little bit of tissue is... its entire sort of connection is to this one genome.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And it's hard for my finger to decide, actually, I don't really want to hang out with this guy anymore. I'm going to go do my own single cell thing and try and make my own living in the environment. All the cells in my body are committed to each other in a way that's very hard for any of us to defect. Right.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, and I think it's, you know, there's a whole debate there about what the eukaryotes have that makes them special for forming multicellular assemblages. People argue that it's the regulatory capacities that those cells have built up to, say, regulate all of these mitochondria. So mitochondria are great. But a bad mitochondria is just a parasite living inside of you as a unicellular eukaryote.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So you have to regulate its metabolism. You have to make sure it doesn't eat your resources. This is why many people think The mitochondria has such a stripped down genome and actually requires the nucleus to make things for it that get exported and imported into the mitochondria to regulate it and so forth.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so there's a huge amount of regulatory machinery built up in eukaryotes. And some people think that's what's really essential for forming eukaryotes. multicellular assemblages where you can then differentiate and regulate cells of different types. In that same sort of vein, there's unique developmental capacities in eukaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes that people think is maybe important.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It has to respond to. all sorts of new predators, new cooperators, new ecologies. And to do that, it has to constantly mutate and evolve and adapt. And so that's one way to really define complexity, which is systems that have to continually find new solutions to an ever-changing world.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so there it may be in this case, you know, there is a wall at the upper end of eukaryotes. But in this case, it may be that it's not as hard to jump over the wall because the things that you're forced to do as a eukaryote actually make this multicellular step really easy. And in fact, we see many origins, many unique and separate origins of multicellularity in the history of life.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so that tells us something. It tells us that it's potentially a much easier step than other things, maybe because all the stuff you build up as a eukaryote is exactly what you need to make the next transition in hierarchy. That may have been less true for prokaryotes or eukaryotes.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And I think that's just a really wonderful example of they set up a certain sort of physical selection and that selection is sinking or not sinking. Yeah. And then because of that, you get organisms, these snowflake yeast, that build up more surface area to sink more slowly, and they're the ones that get selected on in this environment. But yeah, I think that's sort of two stories.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
One is physical constraints matter, and the other is it seems pretty easy for lots of single-cell eukaryotes to form multicellular organisms, and then to start doing, I think in lots of Will's recent work, they're showing pretty sophisticated cell differentiation, right?
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
That you're actually starting to get cells performing different types of functions throughout the colony, and that's really exciting.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Good. Now, it is tricky. Bacterial biofilms do have... Lots of really interesting responses within them. And there's been debates about all sorts of higher order functions that they might be performing that look like cell differentiation. So I think there is some trickiness there, but maybe staying in that aggregate or getting... irreversibly committed to that aggregate maybe is the hard part.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Maybe once you get big and complex and differentiated, there's no way to regulate it in prokaryotes. I think that would be a leading idea. But yeah, I think that's still a frontier in my opinion.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, exactly. And so, yeah, so we... You know, sort of running with this idea of how physical constraints might set up a evolutionary transition. We worked with some paleontologists who were very focused on the fact that one of the huge expansions of multicellularity seems to happen just after Snowball Earth.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so Snowball Earth was this phase of Earth history where the Earth was mostly covered in snow and ice, including the oceans. So the glaciers come, even the ocean glaciers, sea ice, come all the way down to the equator. And then people debate about whether this is a hard snowball or a soft snowball with some amount of open equator and some amount of open patches of water around the planet.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But the point is it's mostly covered in ice and snow. And as an aside, the way that you get out of that is volcanic activity, which keeps pumping CO2 into the atmosphere with no way to take that CO2 up into the ocean and into life. And so then you rewarm the planet through a greenhouse effect, and that pulls you out of snowball Earth.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Otherwise, with no volcanoes, you just get stuck there, which is a sad end to an interesting planet up to that point. So... We said, well, you get this huge explosion of multicellular organisms just after snowball. That doesn't seem coincidental.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so can we take our models of the biophysics for unicellular organisms, say eukaryotes, and simple multicellular organisms and ask what would happen to those as the world cools down, as you go into one of these snowballs? And so we sort of invented a sort of toy model organism to represent the multicellulars, which is this swimming spherical shell of cells.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Now we see multicellulars in the modern world that look quite a lot like this. And so we said, that seems like a good model. It's hollow on the inside. It's these single cell aggregates that could decide to go back to being single cells if they wanted to, but they also can swim around and collectively feed and that sort of thing. And so then we said, and then you also have large single cells.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so now what happens as the world freezes? Well, temperature starts to go down first. So you first get this cooling ocean temperatures. And then eventually you start to form more and more ice. And when that happens, sunlight and what we call primary productivity, which is just how much sunlight is being captured and turned into biomass and producing sugars and minerals
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
fixed carbon in the ocean, that then starts to go down as the ice covers the ocean. So in this cooling phase where only temperature is changing, Two things are sort of happening. The metabolic rate, that metabolic power that we were talking about, is getting slower and slower because it depends on temperature. And as temperature cools, that rate goes down.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And what's interesting is that pushes single-cell organisms to get bigger, and it pushes these spherical multicellular organisms to get smaller. Wait a minute. You've got to explain that. Yeah. So what's happening is the metabolic rate is decreasing.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so it allows these single cell organisms to live the same lifestyle as sort of a larger size because they sort of don't have as much metabolic demand because everything is slower. And then these spherical organisms, as temperature decreases, they're facing increased viscosity, right? And so their life is a little harder for hunting. And so that's sort of pushing them to be smaller.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, I think that's a great point. I mean, I think for me— I really focused on that hierarchy and internal structure and all the ways that organisms come to find solutions. To me, that's all a consequence of needing to adapt. So, you know, I like to say if there's one environment out there with only one limiting resource and it never changes.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But then as the nutrients plummet, as the sort of total biomass starts going down, this pushes the multicellular organisms to get bigger and the single cell organisms to get smaller. And that's mostly a hunting effect of sort of gathering resources effect for the large spherical things. And so we think... this snowball pushes your multicellular organisms to get much bigger.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And as you start to get much bigger, you start to run into other physical constraints that would induce sort of more complicated geometries. And as you start to develop these complicated geometries, you start to discover things like sponges, we think. And then you find this multicellular architecture that's really stable and really beneficial. And when the world thaws out, you keep it.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
You keep these multicellulars around.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. Yes, absolutely. Yeah.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. I think that's a new innovation. And you can imagine in a simple way why differentiation, what the calculus is of whether that's beneficial. So imagine I'm a sponge and I say, well... I have some reproductive cells and they, they sort of do the, you know, the reproductive bit of, of me and I have to grow and then I need things to feed that growth. Okay.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So now imagine I'm building a bigger, bigger internal sponge volume. And I just asked the question, if I add
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
a little differentiated cell that has cilia on the outside that drives fluid flow through the inside of me through these filters where I can capture prey and then eventually digest them do I get a return on investment for that you know every time I add one of these little cells with these little cilia which are just hairs that that move water um Is it beneficial to my total metabolism?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so that's a case where, you know, maybe I have a few of those, maybe we're all that cell type. And then I say, okay, I make one of us reproductive and I keep all the other as sort of these gathering cells. Yeah. Now the reproductive cell doesn't have to keep around all these cilia, which it's not using, that's expensive. So I've differentiated to this one feature.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And now all of these ciliated cells don't need to try and reproduce. So I don't need to think about the downstream consequences of what molecules they have to carry around to be able to reproduce. I get efficiencies out of both of that, right? And that's sort of what differentiation is doing.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And I think that basic idea that when you take one thing that does everything and you split it up into subtasks that each do part of the thing but don't have to pay the cost of doing the other thing but still get the benefit from it, I think that's an idea that runs through economics, through biology.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
You only need one very simple organism to survive in that. And in fact, it has no benefit in becoming more complex in gaining higher levels of structure and developing all these wonderful fractals on the inside like we do with our vascular systems. And so. if you have that really boring environment, you don't need adaptation. You just need to find one solution and stay there forever.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It really is just sort of how economies of scale happen is through specialization and differentiation. And so I think that that idea is as true for a city as it is for a little sponge. And it's just about when you specialize, you don't pay you don't do all the things that you're not specializing in. So you don't pay the cost of trying to. Right.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so, you know, I'm not currently paying the cost of trying to become a really good guitar player. which I know is not accessible to me. And so I happily consume really wonderful music from other people. And I get the benefit of that without needing to try to do it myself.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, I agree. I think development is astonishing, right? That you start off with one cell type and it divides and changes internal composition in terms of what proteins it has and what genes are turned on. And you go down this whole developmental cascade. There are ways to replicate where you don't do that, where you say, I'm actually just going to...
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
cut off a whole portion of the body that has all the different cell types already differentiated. And then all of those will replicate and rearrange and form a new functional differentiated body. There are a small number of organisms in different categories. I mean, small number of large multicellular organisms in different categories are able to do that.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Plants, to some extent, can, you know, sort of amazing, you can grow the whole plant back from enough of the right tissue excised from an adult plant. And planaria, you know, have all these strange things about them. how much they can replicate from bits. We had Michael Levin on the podcast talking about that stuff. Okay, great. Yeah, perfect.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
There certainly are cases where you can do that, but it's interesting that it's not the norm for certain classes of complex multicellular organisms.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I mean, mammals are a relatively narrow taxonomic group, but we don't have any mammals that are just fully cutting themselves in half, and then every cell replicates and builds a second portion of its same tissue, and you get a whole new mammal that way. Right. Yeah, okay. No, plants are a large part of the world, and they're plenary everywhere, so it's a little bit of how you count it, but yeah.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yes, absolutely. And I think that's actually the classic work that sort of re-kickstarted, re-kickstarted, that's a double rebooting, this sort of whole field and way of thinking. So those optimizations for the fractal geometry of vascular systems in mammals and plants are
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
um, got us thinking again about just how far we could take these, these physical constraints, um, and the optimizations of those to understand what, what organisms are doing. Um, and then we moved into the single cells in lots of different ways. Um, but yeah, mammals have, uh, it's a different set of physics, you know, it's the physics of, uh, fluid flow through vessels.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
In fact, all mutations are bad. So any, and, and for us, some mutations are good. And so I think that's, you know, that, that is why I, I would sort of say you need that change. You need some external motivation to get, to get all the richness that we see in, in living organisms. Yeah.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It's the physics of mechanical buckling, um, under gravity, um, And it's a very different sort of thing, but it still leads to predictions for how their metabolism should change with their overall body mass and what the structure of these vascular systems should look like and how fast they should reproduce and how long they should live.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so there is a pretty well worked out sort of systematic theory there as well. It's just slightly different physics.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So first is, you know, first is there have been many cases in the past where radical changes to the environment have led to these huge mass extinctions. And then following those mass extinctions, you get what's called a re-radiation or radiation of different organisms that then discover these new innovations and Um, we're one such thing, right.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
As mammals that were small and in low abundance in the time of dinosaurs and, um, certain physiology allowed us to make it through this mass extinction and then to expand and become the organisms we are. Um, so that's one side. I think that's totally a separate question from, uh, the ethics and considerations of mass extinctions from a responsibility perspective for humans.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And it's also not guaranteed. So I think lots of mass extinctions don't get followed by a recovery. It's not clear that we always would have come out of snowball Earth. It's possible that you find really interesting planets for a long time that then get into this snowball phase.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
the dynamicists, the planetary dynamicists will tell you that alternative steady state, having two steady states, one of which is a snowball, is common for planets that likely can harbor life. And so I think all the time you could get into a snowball and never recover, right? So major transitions to planets, major shifts in planets may cause extinctions and be non-recoverable, right?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So that's definitely another possibility that doesn't always get mentioned with the extinctions lead to, uh, innovation and these new radiations and lots of cool new stuff. Extinction sometimes just lead to the end of everything. Um, and that's, that's really important to, to note.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Um, and then I think we're already in the midst of just an amazing time for, uh, and I mean, amazing with neither good nor bad, but really in the sense of amazement time for evolutionary transitions. So, um, you know, many of us would say that, uh, Cities represent a new type of organism, a new type of major evolutionary transition.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
It's certainly one of the major evolutionary transitions originally outlined in the first book on the subject. And along with human social groups, you know, we've been able to look at the growth of companies using the same sort of models that we use for organisms. And so we're pretty comfortable talking about companies as entities, as a new sort of entity that's on the planet.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And I think, you know, different types of AI also represent a major evolutionary transition, if not the Internet itself. Right. In all of these cases, we're taking lower level components and combining them into new architectures, right? So cities combine humans in new ways, inside new architectures.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
The internet combines all sorts of things in new ways and new architectures, as do LLMs, as do human organizations. And so I think we're in the midst of many new types of individuals showing up on the planet, which is really interesting. And then finally, I would say that also just how humans are changing the selective dynamic of the planet is also apparent.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Ron Milo has some really nice work over a few papers showing how much of the planet's biomass is associated with humans, either our own biomass or our crops or the animals that humans tend to eat. And it's an amazing fraction, and it doesn't look at all like any other ecology we've seen in the past over the course of the history of our Earth.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so I think that's already a case where the human technology, our ability to organize our environment and plan ahead and construct our own niche has led to this really radically different ecology, really radically different selective forces.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
I mean, who looking at the cow and chicken would predict these two are, these two organisms are going to grow to, um, completely surprising biomass densities, uh, 10,000 years from now, right? No, no, no normal ecology would predict that. Um, and why cows and not other, you know, mammals at the same size is, is a totally contingent story that is based on human preference and human technology.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So I think we are in this really interesting place where, um, We've created totally new selective pressures for our ecologies and where we're creating totally new types of entities. And it's where that all goes. I don't think we have theory for. I think it's we're all figuring out as we go sort of thing.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And there's lots of reasons to be concerned about all sorts of different dimensions of the future. It's a very interesting time in the long evolution of this planet.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, well, it's interesting, right? Because it's a blatantly obvious statement, as you're alluding to. And yet it's something we take for granted, right? So we're handed in the modern world this rich set of organisms, this vast diversity that we see in all these different ecosystems that we go into and amazing creatures that have toxins and
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, I think maybe from a efficiency perspective, just to say if you start to really understand one organism well, then you select on it and you pick it. I think there has, in general, and people have written about this, there is a trend towards humans eating less and less diverse things in time.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so, I mean, if you take, say, an original natural environment and how many different types of things we ate, You move to agriculture. You move to industrialized agriculture. Each of those steps, you're sort of eating less and less objects. So if you think about in the United States, the fraction of the diet that is corn is large. So that's targeting one species, one crop.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And why it's corn has historical and interesting reasons. But maybe you could predict that you really do go towards monoculture for any technological species because of these economies of scale and efficiencies and so forth. At the same time, You know, the other pressure that we see, and we have a whole project trying to understand this, is how and why human systems diversify in cities.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But cities are doing the opposite thing, where as cities get bigger and bigger, you get a great expansion in the number of diversity of professions, types of restaurants, services provided, you know, that sort of... abstracted human landscape is becoming more and more diverse as the system size scales up. Maybe those effects feed back to the types of things we eat.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So you can imagine, for example, and there have been movements like this in the US, but you can imagine people's preferences around diverse or heirloom or organic food starts to push things back into diversity dimension in the same way that cities That have the cities that are bigger and have more wealth, have a higher diversity of services. Right.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So you can imagine that feedback starting to push things in the other direction. And there I think it's complicated to say, well, will we end up with a monocrop or will we end up with an unbelievable rich amount of diversity? Because that's what human preference is. I don't know. I don't have an answer to that.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. Yeah. And I think to your point about what we'd predict, the surprise is that in every other ecology, we see one very particular distribution of body sizes. Right. So we see a power law distribution of body sizes in lots of different taxonomic groups, whether that be mammals or bacteria or unicellular eukaryotes or plants. And we have good theory for why that's true.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And so the question is, so then the big surprise would be, okay, why do I have this one body size? That's like a, a huge peak, right? And almost could be a, almost could be a signal that you have something, some strange organism around selecting on that. Right.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Um, you know, I think of leaf cutter ants as well that, you know, are, uh, growing this one sort of fungus that is likely in much higher abundance than you would expect, uh, from any other sort of ecological consideration of that. And those leafcutter ants are also doing farming, right? They're also doing agriculture. It happens to be underground. But it's the same sort of thing.
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302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
weird ways of moving around and all sorts of different intelligences. And so we look at that world and we sort of start to, and biology has classically started to try to tell stories about those organisms or explanations focused on the richness of their features. And I think we often forget this very simple fact, which is those organisms are situated in a physical environment.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
They're gathering resources to feed one crop species that they really like, whether you want to call a fungus a crop or... Or livestock is probably a debate for a taxonomist. But anyway, I think those sorts of surprises might almost tell you that there's some organism influencing environment through technology or intelligence or preference or something like that.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yes, absolutely.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
They're situated in the laws of physics. They're situated in the laws of chemistry. And so a lot of what I do is to try and use the other end of the spectrum of thinking to say, if all we focused on was the fact that there are these physical laws that organisms live in, how much can we say about biology?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
How much of all of that richness and amazing variation can we explain from just focusing on the laws of physics or laws of chemistry? Now, that's not every project. There are some places where you can't say very much about organisms from that perspective. But a lot of the game we play is to move into that space and say, how much can we explain from this simple perspective?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Exactly. And so I think, you know, you could say, well, imagine I'm in some sort of game theory situation with another organism where it's trying to eat me and I'm trying to build up these defenses. You know, so let's say I keep building this longer and longer spine on the outside of a very hard shell. And I do that so that it's harder and more painful for me to fit in something else's mouth.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
This is the story of different phases of evolution in the history of life. Now, if I keep doing that, though, eventually I start to get a spine that is so long that the leverage on it means it's really easy to break. And so either I can't grow the spine any longer, or I have to make it much wider, or I have to use a different material to make that spine, right?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So this is a place where you'd say, well, the evolutionary dynamic is really about this predator prey evolutionary chase where one's trying to eat the other and the other's trying to build up defenses. But at some point, and probably at every point, those decisions run up against the laws of physics, right?
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So to build a great defense, which you'd say defense is only in the context of a predator, but still to build up a great defense, I have to do so in a way that is also optimizing certain physical constraints. And that's the key. And so it's that every time I'm making an evolutionary consideration, I'm also making a physical one. And actually, Galileo was the first person to point this out.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
as he did with sort of his drawings of bones and explaining how as organisms got bigger, their bones had to get much wider just so that it wouldn't break. And so I think this is something, again, we often take for granted.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Well, there is interesting quantum mechanics in systems like photosynthesis. I don't work so much on those. I'm mostly concerned with packages of biological stuff. So I sort of think, you know, the viruses are sort of as small as I get. So I don't go quite to the quantum mechanical scale. But yeah, you can use a lot of classical physics. to describe much of what we see in organisms.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Now, where that gets complicated is where those classical physics interface with complicated, say, mathematical geometries.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So a lot of the work that's been done at the Santa Fe Institute, Jeffrey West and Brian Inquist and Jim Brown did this work in the late 90s, was to show that when you start to think about optimizing even classical physical constraints, the best way to do that is with a fractal geometry. And so then the
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
the mathematics of that geometry become more complicated, but the constraints you're optimizing are still classical physics constraints.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, and so what I mean by physical constraint is really there's a physical law. And as you know well, physical laws often apply at certain length scales or certain amounts of mass or that sort of thing. But over some range of sizes, there are certain physical laws that are present. And those inform sort of how all the physics at that scale operates. And that's what I mean by constraint.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So gravity is really a law of physics. But we could think about that also as a constraint in the sense that if I get taller, I have to deal with different forces of braking that owe to gravitational forces on our planet. So it's really that sort of thing. Now, you can have more abstract constraints. some of which emerge in time. I mean, in over evolutionary time.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So as organisms evolve and become more complicated, you can get new sorts of constraints. For example, why I already put the brain here And so if I'm going to put an eyeball somewhere, where should I put it? And that's that's a constraint that's related to an evolutionary decision that was made in the past. And we often call those sort of emergent constraints or physiological constraints.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
But often when I'm saying physical constraints, I just mean the laws of physics, diffusion, gravity, fluid flow, electricity and magnetism. These are the sorts of things that we're thinking about.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
Yeah, that's a great way to put it. And I often like to say that evolution according to physical constraints is sort of the ultimate convergence. It's the thing you can most rely on. It's the thing most likely to happen. And we wrote a paper where we said, you'll get optimization of traits if those traits depend on a very dominant physical constraint.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
And what I mean is, to your point about quantum mechanics, Quantum mechanics certainly apply at the scale of entire trees. They're not a dominant constraint.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
302 | Chris Kempes on the Biophysics of Evolution
So many of the quantum mechanical effects have been averaged out over all of these different particles that I don't really need to use, say, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle to understand what's happening for a vascular plant or a large tree. However, that constraint is still there. But gravity is a dominant constraint.