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Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


We'll have to distract him and trap him, but it can be done. Do you believe it, Bob? Do you believe it?

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


You want to die out here. Well, then die. I tell you what, I'm not going to die. Oh, sorry. I'm not going to die. No, I'm going to kill the bear. Say it, I'm going to kill the bear. Say it, I'm going to kill the bear. Say it. Say, I'm going to kill the bear.

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


Today, I'm going to kill the motherfucker.

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


We're all put to the test, but it never comes in the form or at the point we would prefer, does it?

Office Ladies

The Edge, Pt 2


What are we going to use to bait him, Charles? We lure him. What? We lure him. You know... Maasai boys in Africa, 11 years old. They kill lions with spears. How do we lure him?

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1543 - Incompetent Federal Employees PANIC When Asked What They Do All Day


I was just in training. I was just in training. I waited four months to go to training just to be fired.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1543 - Incompetent Federal Employees PANIC When Asked What They Do All Day


Excited. I was so excited to learn the job. I was telling my management I was going to be the best. They can count on me. And it's not like I have no say-so. Like, they just toss you away. I thought corporate America was like this, not the government. I thought the government takes care of their people.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Yeah, so we live together. She's super, super supportive of the idea of becoming a state trooper. But again, she really likes her job, so leaving our town that we live in is... She's not excited about it, but I think... She is willing to do it for about two years.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


That's how long the state would require that I stay in one spot.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Yes, sir. Yeah, that's how you can request your transfer after two years.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Yeah, I think you're totally right.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


I have not proposed, but it's in the works.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Yeah. So right now my, uh, we live together in an apartment and, uh, she works full time and, uh, I, um, I'm getting supported by a 529 plan cause I am a student.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


It totally depends on what the state says. I... I haven't gone through the process yet.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Yes, sir. I love her very much, and I really... I want her to be very happy.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Before I start the academy. So I'll graduate with my bachelor's in about 10 months. And then I'll be working on the application process in my last quarter.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


So, yeah, I'll know before the academy, and the academy is about 16 weeks.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Hey, guys. Thank you so much for taking my call.

The Ramsey Show

Don’t Become a Victim of Your Circumstances


Hey, so I'm about 10 months away from graduating college. I want to become a state trooper immediately after I graduate, and this would require that I move. The state would have the final say of where I would have to move, and my girlfriend, who really likes her job, I'm trying to get her on the same page. Do you guys have any advice?

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


My father's 80 years old. My mother passed away in December of 2020 from COVID. And during that transition, I realized how horrible their finances were. They make a lot of money. They were retired. They had a lot. But my dad has since had a stroke and a heart attack. So I'm now a power of attorney. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes. Now, there are two children. There's me and my sister. I'm the oldest.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


I am the beneficiary on everything. And that is because my sister is an alcoholic. She has never held a job for any reasonable length of time. Her kids and her have lived off of my parents forever. Now, everybody in this scenario is an adult. So there's going to be, when my dad passes away, there's about $350,000 that I am going to inherit.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


But I have made the promise to my dad to take care of my sister, to help her. And I want to know, with respect to his wishes... What is the fair thing to do? And how do you go about taking care of somebody who is an alcoholic? Because in my opinion, I cannot just give her half.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


She knows she has a problem. She's been forced to get help. I committed her one time for her alcoholism. But once you're past a certain date in treatment, you can check yourself out. And that's what she does. She has no desire to get help. And... You know, they've purchased everything for her. A house, cars. She had a brand new car that she took a loan out on and got it repossessed.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


and her kids have all had cars. Everything they've ever done has been financed through my parents. Me and my house and my children, we've never received anything. We don't ask for anything. My husband and I are retired. We make a great retirement every month. Everything we have is paid for. How many children does your sister have? Well, she had three. One of them just passed away last April.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


So that took... her into a terrible um tailspin as well as the other children um and their adult children how old are they their adults um the youngest is going to be 19 and the other one is going to be 23 next month okay and are they healthy are they reasonable and healthy and taking care of themselves or no

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


Well, the daughter, the oldest, takes care of herself, but she also has the drinks every day.

The Ramsey Show

What Are You Willing To Give Up for Financial Freedom?


So it's not a good option to give to her children. The other one, the youngest one, he's just manipulative and has manipulated my father out of it. Thousands. And when I say thousands, since my parents, my mom died, it's close to about 182, 185,000 that they have went through with nothing to show for it. Nothing.