Carrie Steigerwald
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I'm devastated. I'm devastated. I didn't expect the bail to be raised. I did not expect bail to be raised.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I'm more convinced than ever that it was Claire who killed her father.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
The blood in the bedroom compounded with the cleanup. And the cleanup was done with the cleanup ingredients found in the home.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
And included in that letter that she wrote is just a threat. Don't you dare think about taking those horses from me.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I would not put my neck out on the line like that without having a basis in fact for making that statement.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
It may. I don't know. I think it is the most viable defense, and I think it's supported by the best evidence. I think it's the best defense to present.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
This scene is one that can only be described as explosive. That's what Claire is. A hot-tempered, explosive individual.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
She runs marathons and she's a personal trainer. She is as fit a woman as you will see at the age of 24.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
You appear to me to be very antagonistic, contentious, and controlling. I must take all precautionary measures to protect myself from you, underline. That letter speaks volumes. Whether you have Claire there or not, that letter is screaming that something's wrong here in Denmark.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
She was in a horrible automobile accident and barely can mount a horse. She just is physically incapable of moving a dead person's weight. She couldn't do it.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
If I asked you whether, in your opinion, your mother would be able to lug around a 100-pound bag of seed, you think she'd be able to? Yes. You think so? Yes. With her hip condition the way it is? Yes.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Explain this, explain that. Things that I know she's incapable of explaining or at least hasn't been able to explain to me.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Was it Jane Dorotek? Was it Claire Dorotek? Well, ladies and gentlemen, was it someone else? Was it truly, truly someone else?
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I'm at a loss for answers. I honestly am. I never thought a jury would conclude it was Jane. I'm disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to convey what I perceived to be reasonable doubt to this jury.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Jane will die in prison. If she doesn't get a new trial, if she doesn't get an appeal, nothing is going to save her. And in California, life means life.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Jane, how are you? She's baffled because I don't think she knows what happened. She knows that she's placed as the killer and she's not the killer.