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Capriccio De Sesto


Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Hey, if Patrice isn't doing anything, maybe she could keep an eye on Iris.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


If what she said to Toa wasn't a lie, she really needs to go and just consult with her god, then perhaps privacy is the best thing we can give her. Um...

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It's time to talk to you. This place is weird.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Wasn't the head totally free from the actual body? Stop.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You're the only person who braids their hair.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Take a close look when you see guards walk by at their weapons and see if they're of the same make.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, it's like a thing. My name is Capriccio de Sesto. You can call me Caprice.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, that's nice though.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, dear gods! Lufty, what are you doing? What are you doing? Why are you? Why? No, don't, don't! Get back!

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No! No! Stay back! Oh, Iris, you're back! Hold on! I run away.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Never mind. What the fuck was that? What is it? It's not important. There's soup everywhere. There's biscuit everywhere. Coat it on my ribs, Caprice. I'm sorry. Do the thing. Do the thing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Do what thing? I smell like garlic, Caprice. There's soup everywhere. Is there fish in that? What is that? I'm never going to be able to get this out. These are my best linen robes.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Have you even ever cooked before? No. Was this fish oil? The digitization press the press the press. Can you get the press the press the press? Damn it!

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't know what you're doing.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Five. Five. Oh, god. I'm going back in my quarters. And if any of you fucking follow me, I swear to the gods, I swear!

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


For shame. For shame. I know, that was a rough one.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, you have another point of grass there. Watch this. What?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


How? And why? Well, not me.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We've taken care of some problems and we will certainly make our best effort here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, you just... Like, you just wield it, and then it anti-chaoses?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't know. Or he may be helping. I have no idea either.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Yeah, I heard the word fortune just suddenly.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Let's talk about this a little bit more when we get across the threshold, so to speak.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, I don't either, but I don't know if we're being heard at this time.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We have to take a lot on faith here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Come on, a little space here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Thanks for the ride, Urja. I really like that wagon you're dragging.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


They don't have to do that first, right?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Does it have to be a physical thing? Can I, like, play a little jingle? Give her a gold coin. Okay. Did you say jingle or jiggle?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And if he has to be punished, then I would just suggest changing his last name to Androll. That seems very, very difficult to live with that kind of a name.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, that makes sense. That could be a magical effect.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And my name is Capriccio de Sesto. You can call me Caprice. I am assisting our dwarven friend here. I'm her giant on the heart. Yeah, we're looking for her dad, as she stated.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Nice. I know. I don't think I've ever seen you do that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No, it's not gold. I'm not worried about gold. I don't want your ring. I have my own offering. It's a ring of uncertainty. You can use that. I don't want that. Don't get that. Don't put that thing anywhere near me. What were you saying, Iris?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Hi, my name is Capriccio De Sesto. You can call me Caprice. It's a pleasure to meet you. And pick a finger, any finger.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


And so I'm hoping that the meaning of the journey that they've come along with me would be part of the value of what I'm offering you now.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


This is what I was just about to offer my friend here. But here. Oh, does it go in the bowl? Yes, it does.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Put blushies on everything, okay? With your wings, you put it on your breath.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Or sleep with your dad. That does check out.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're very passionate about providing aid and succor.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We'd like happiness to abound and be all over Striga. Just really cover the whole thing. I mean, do you mean that in a literal way?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You seem really calm about this. This is a real threat. We need to do something about this. All of the people who are looking so peaceful, they need to take up arms and get mad.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You're talking about Dakani?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Well, can the blossom pool thingy, can you just turn that on to any Hawkeye that happens to be, I don't know, aligned with it or however that works? Yes, of course. Oh, well, we're looking for Herge's dad. I don't know if you knew that.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


But if you could, you know, sort of change the channel a few times really quickly and just scroll through and see if we could, you know, maybe spy him or if he's in the city or something.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Maybe Caprice? I'll teach you a card game. We need to work on our abyssal.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh my fucking god. I hate dreams.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't say can't. Luki, do you know if the Neng chicken comes with a side of rice, or do I have to order that special one?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Help me light up this brassiere and we can get some warmth with it. I keep, are you saying- I snap my fingers and it lights.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, you know when you read a word?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm gonna get laughed at.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I feel like I can speak pretty good abyssal. I talked to that big goat guy who was making the sacrifices and whatnot when Herja went with me.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I still have this baby right here.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


This is the one that I found in the weird-ass cemetery on that same day that we confronted the goat man.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't believe I'm lying.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I thought about giving it to the golden lotus, but it makes a great musical instrument.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


No, it's in my hands. Now we can gut it and eat it. We don't have to wait for room service.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I'm going to eat 30 to 40 pistachios. Maybe I'll get some spirit.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Oh, well, it only works the one time.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


It was a lovely hour. My pleasure. I'm glad you were a fan.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're not going to argue about it. We're not here to hurt or treacher.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


We're here to aid and succor you.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I stand with Toa. I recognize your authority in these lands, but I'm here to fight for the right of the people and for the health of the people and for the balance in the lands, just as my friend Herja here said. My kneel could be just as disingenuous as the word I'm giving you now, but it isn't. You have my word that we'll do our very best to protect this kingdom at your side.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You just triggered us so hard.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What's going on? We have them somewhere?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What's the saving throw on Peyton? A 17. I roll for Peyton.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


Because I assume you're the sun into her mood. You get to say it's probably like, it's probably like 7.30. It's 7.30. Oh, good.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


You can hang out with us. Yeah? Oh, okay. We'll drink and play card games. That sounds great.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


There was the Masked Giant dude. The Masked Giant dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all told him a story.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I don't know. I think if I were a god, I would totally have some trials, right? That sounds pretty badass.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


So take that for what it is. Maybe they'll kill you and turn you into a halfling. No, I won't allow that to happen.

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


What do you mean, big guy? What have you seen?

Legends of Avantris

Beneath Dark Wings | Ep. 35 | Unnatural Law: Part 1


I guess that's right. We've got ten days for you to sort of build some trust and figure out whether or not that seems like the right option for you. You don't have to decide right now.