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Bridget Phetasy


The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


The thing that bothers me the most is that it feels like now every single administration is just going to come in and un-executive order the previous administration. And now it's just back and forth, people who will be undoing and redoing these executive orders. So I prefer that Congress would, you know, codify some of these things into law.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


I've been joking for a couple of days about how this is one of those things where as a woman online who reads all those platitudes, you're like, rejection is God's protection, Trump. Like this rejection that you had in 2020, see, he was protecting you.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


Weirdly for Trump, he doesn't seem to care. He seems to be okay with it. My theory is that he did get whatever psychic income or whatever psychic validation he needed from this win because he won so handedly and the popular vote. So it did soothe something in his psyche that he was craving.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


He seems a lot more organized. He had time. You know, he doesn't seem like the president that was like, I won. I feel like in 2016, he was just like, I can't believe I won. And now he feels like he's had four years. I actually think that was probably a huge blessing in disguise. I think this is where preparation came in. in handy for them. They've had lawyers looking at this stuff.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


He still seems to know how to kind of effectively be the troll in chief and troll all of these, all of the media. There was an entire four-year... Biden administration, where the media basically covered for the fact that this guy was not really capable of leading. And now we're supposed to think these are, you know, oh, so serious people who need to be taken seriously. And I and

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


I respect a lot of journalists who do real journalism, but I feel like at this point, at the very tops of our journalist ecosystem, that has been abandoned.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


They know what will be fought. They know what they can fight.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


He did have a lot of executive orders, because I do remember all the pomp and circumstance around him signing the executive orders, even in 2016. They seemed kind of ridiculous at the time. This guy, he is an entertainer. He understands American entertainment more than anything, and it's our greatest export, probably. And He knows how to, he truly is a master of drama and entertainment.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


The first administration, it felt like he was really riding on that. This one feels like they're using Trump's ability to its maximum capacity as an entertainer but it actually feels like it's supported by something more substantial.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


I said they're not going to be comfortable when the deportations start, you know, when they actually these are not people who are necessarily that political. And I'm not sure they're that familiar with the things this administration wanted to do.

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


carry out and i i bet there is a lot of buyer remorse from people who maybe just thought that this would be a center-left kind of presidency because they did appeal to the podcast the independents the moderates and if you were one of those people who isn't really that invested in politics and policy and doesn't even pay attention to it at all

The Brett Cooper Show

The 5 Biggest Highlights of Trump 2.0 | Episode 11


you might have been pretty surprised when ICE started knocking on doors in your neighborhood. It is that whole like, did you think this was just vibes and papers? Did you think that they were actually not going to do anything? I mean, I don't know if you guys have been on social media,

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And then they talk about it like, oh, who cares? It's only $10 billion. You're like, you guys are out of your fucking minds if you think that's going to be the argument that resonates with Americans. Not only that, how are you going to say that? Who cares if they're pointing out $10 billion? Because they'll be like, oh, look at the trillions over here. But all of those billions add up.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's really weird. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Just go to my YouTube and subscribe. That's the best thing you can do.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's Bridget Phetasy. I don't even know my YouTube. It's Phetasy. P-H-E-T-A-S-Y. Dumpster Fire is the show. All that stuff is on your website?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You can find me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Like, how are you even saying that? And it's the other... I'm grateful that you had me on MAGA State Media. Thank you for allowing me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Because I see it all the time. All the time. And it's hilarious to me in light of how much money goes to funding. Like... sponsored by Pfizer, you know, all of these other how the like the fucking audacity to accuse you who just has people you like on your podcast to suddenly be state media when you literally have had state media work like media working with the state in conjunction for a decade.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Multiple decades.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I voted for him.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, and it was one of the key things in getting sober. I think when I've dealt with anxiety, depression, other things in my life, gratitude is a powerful mechanism for shifting your perspective because you can get into that feeling of not being enough, not having enough, not...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


We I put a video out like the Friday before the election because I voted for him early and I was Hillary in 2016. No one in 2020 and Trump in 2024. So like I don't care how people vote. Do whatever you want. I was only being honest. And it was weird to come out and say that as a comedian because I don't think that comedians should really be political.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But on the other hand, it felt dishonest because I had been so openly kind of torn about voting for him.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, this is what I said in the video I made about why I voted for him. I was like, there's a couple things. I've interviewed many detransitioners. Those interviews keep me up at night. They haunt me. There's too many of them already, and one is too many. And I think a lot of Americans were like, we're putting a stop to this. We have to stop this nonsense. It's crazy. We're sterilizing children.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The other thing is free speech. And I was like, you know, when we're talking in our weird, like using that crazy YouTube language, you have to use like unalived and you're and you're saying like the jib jab or whatever, like to get around. That's coming from one side. 100%. I'm not using this language.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, in New York too. I think you can rock them.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Maybe the next 10 years.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It never being enough.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. I think the argument though, I mean, as you've seen with some of these articles that are like the right wing ecosystem that like red pilled all these men, the argument is that the internet is right wing.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And that this is why Trump won, is because all of these influencers are red-pilling people and not, you know, it's an easy way to not take any responsibility for how you've pushed men away from your party, how you've, like, failed in...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


to get moderates on in any sense of the way, even just yesterday, you had the like Trump photo op with him signing the rights for women to compete against just women. Like that is the, how did you, yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, I know.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I mean, when I was dating this very wealthy guy who is like probably half of a billionaire, like 500 millionaire, and we were in San Tropez, and he felt poor. Yeah. I remember being I remember it so vividly I was in the shower and he loved me because I was like this like poor backpacker that was like entertaining yeah like look at this entertaining she's an artist

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I've said this a lot about you is that you like you do a lot. You could be a way worse version of that. You know, with the level of where you're at, you could be a total douchebag and you're, like, promoting having families and promoting, like, lifting weights. Like, it could be a lot worse.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Woo! See, this is my question. I was watching the inauguration, and I was seeing all the kind of tech people, and I was like, this is somewhat unsettling. I mean, it's good to see the tech has come around to not... They have to. They have to. But it also... I worry that it's just because they want to get into China. I still worry about that much power with the government.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


For all the yelling we've been doing about tech in cahoots with the government, I still think I have to try and be like, this could go sideways.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He said he wants to make a phone.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, he's polled. Would people buy a phone if he made one?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Every time Elon fucks around, it ends up happening.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Aren't they getting sued for the blue bubble?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I think in America. I believe. Is it just in Europe? I thought it was part of an antitrust lawsuit.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And every time there's like a green bubble person in a group chat and they send a picture, it's like, get the fuck.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, okay.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


We have one sister and we're always like, get the fuck out of the chat. You're screwing things up.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but it doesn't really delete, does it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He wanted me to be, like, his pet monkey that came around and just, like, made him laugh. And I gave him shit, and I think guys like that are used to being... You get surrounded by yes-men, too, at a certain... Oh, yeah, for sure.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, no.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, and given how many things I get, like, that I'm being hacked, like, you know, I get a notice every day, like, your information.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, and then they're like selling Bitcoin on their page or whatever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


In the UK. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You land and they're like, you're under arrest, sir.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What do you think about the AI influencers now? Do you think that will be just a trend or do you think we're going to give you that look?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And you don't have people, like, taking the piss out of you, and so I would make fun of him for his boring stories about his mattresses that people would sit there... I'm like, why are you guys listening to this guy talk about a mattress for an hour? And... I was in the shower, and he was talking about how he and his friends got together.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'm not talking about the one. That one?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Jamie fucking knows what we're talking about.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So wait, I haven't, this has not entered my algorithm, but it seems like it's entered everyone else's algorithm.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But why are they doing fake one?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh my God. We live in a fucking Black Mirror episode.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is that just like where you can like see a map over your eye?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is that everyone though? I don't know.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, that stuff is very unsettling to me. It's also why I don't think you should put your kids online. I keep repeating this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And he's like, you know, we sat around, and we were talking, and there's a certain level at which you can be happy no matter what. And I thought I had been rubbing off on him. Like, oh, my yogi spirituality is rubbing off on him.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This is like a stalker's paradise.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Because he's an alien.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, I mean, there was a video going viral just today that I was watching, and the girl was like, I don't know how to spell. Have you seen this? She's like, I work for a corporation, and I don't know how to spell. And she's like, my little sister doesn't know how to spell either. And I don't know how to sound out words. Because they got taught that weird way of reading that isn't like.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There's some way they all learned how to read. And it wasn't like hooked on phonics like we all learned where you sounded out. It was like some other different way. It's kind of like how they change math. to like core math. And they found out that all of these things are horrible and actually literacy and people are like math. All of this stuff is like falling off a cliff.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And they're trying to walk back all these weird ways. I mean, you have kids, didn't they learn that weird way of doing math where you're like, what is this weird math you're learning where it's just like, it's crazy. I think it's core. Is that what it's called? Core? Yeah. So they've found out, but these kids didn't learn how to sound words out.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, he goes, and it's $250 million. I was like, what? I'm crying. Where did that leave the rest of us, by the way? That's so funny. Carrera, Marvel, freaking shower.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


She's like, I've been behind a computer and I've had spell check since I was in fifth grade.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So they didn't learn how to spell. She's like, we're cooked.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


AI is crazy because it is useful. That's how it gets you. I know.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I know. This happened to me last night because I hate coming up with titles for the videos and all that stuff. I just don't like it. There's like people who are good at it, like Chris Williamson and these guys, Andrew Gold. These are guys who are like autistic about this stuff. And they're so good at it. And they get all crazy and talk about the algorithm and what it likes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And you've got to create this loop between the image and the tech. And I'm like, I don't fucking care. I don't have time for this shit.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But I... Yeah, but do you have to come?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, but you're Joe Rogan.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's not like that anymore for us. It's tough out there for us. It's kind of. In the Wild West.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, no, I know.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but I still like to come up with it. I mean, with Dumpster Fire, we've always come up with, like, whatever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, Dumpster Fire is, like, whatever title makes us laugh the hardest is what we go with. But with, like, Walk-Ins Welcome, it used to be, like, okay, what's, like, how are we going to, whatever. I want it to be usually, like, a quote from the person. But now it's, like, we can just upload the transcript. Yeah. And have it crank out a bunch of titles. And I never use the one title.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'm a little successful. That's it. And I'm happy.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I usually take some combination because I don't like them. But last night, my cousin, who's my partner in all this, she was like, Claude and Grok aren't working. I was like, that's fucking weird. She's like, they both told me. What's Claude? Claude is another AI. Completely separate AI program.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And she's like, they're both telling me to try again later at the same time. And she's like, is AI becoming sentient right now? I was like, that's fucking weird that they're both not working at the same time.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's like the whole arms race, right? Now is AI. Right.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It was probably trained on...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, they were doing things where they were asking it what it was, and it was calling itself ChatGPT sometimes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But also, it's like the hardware for it, it's something like 20% of the NVIDIA sales are to Singapore, which is like... Whoopsies. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Someone said that that's like if some small town in Finland was getting, you know, 20 percent of arms that were being made on the border of Russia. You're like, it's not going to this town. Right. So I don't I don't know. It seems like that's what that's as far as I can tell. The big people up there understand that I don't that this is an arms race.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But isn't this like a race to the bottom? I don't think it is.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


How do you have this race without it getting out of control and then taking over us?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Uncle Ted was right.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, no.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


My cousin's always like, please stop calling him Uncle Ted. Because you know the kids on freaking TikTok call him Uncle Ted? They're all these kids who have been Ted-pilled. They've like found his manifesto and they're like, he was right about everything.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, Ted Kaczynski.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's not.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, I'm sorry. Where does that leave people like me?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And now here we are.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I heard this panel back in, like, 2001 on KCRW, and it was when I was listening to – it was all about it was like right at that time of the bubble the first dot com bubble and they were talking about what is a soul they had a panel and it was I wish I could find this and someone smart enough probably will and there was like a theologian and a guy who was a

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


you know scientists and they were all discussing what is a soul and one guy said well who's to say that this isn't just the human soul jumping elements so that it can survive like going from carbon to silicon and i was like what the fuck i've never stopped thinking about it ever since yeah he's like it's just another element on the periodic table like who's to say that we're just not going to go from being carbon based to something silicon based or like a hybrid

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But everything's carbon-based, no?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So this would be quite a transition, right?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This is what they're talking about.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is it just our evolution?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Other than the depressed suicidal people.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, as someone with kids, how do you feel like... How do you feel about the future?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I mean, do you... I always kind of joke, like, I don't know if I should be, you know, training my kid to, like, be an astrophysicist so she can go to Mars, or if I should be teaching her how to, like, forage for food because the grid's gone down, you know? Yeah. And she's running from drones and Chinese drones in the woods. Like, what...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It feels very, I think life just went along for a long time and you kind of knew, but this is like a technological with AI. We actually don't know. You could kind of be like, all right, I kind of have an idea of what like the world will look like in 20 years, 20 years ago.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I remember. Vividly being in Egypt on a tour and looking at these hieroglyphics, and it was basically a hieroglyphic of all of the scalpels and everything. It almost was a picture image of what we use today. And I said, what happened to this society? What happened to this knowledge? And she said it literally got buried under the sand. And then dark ages.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So could it be that this is also a forthcoming cataclysmic event that sends us into the dark ages?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was thinking about even the other night in the green room, like it keeps it's like everyone takes the piss out of each other. It doesn't fucking matter what level you're at, who you are. Everybody's talking shit. It keeps everybody. It doesn't matter. Like you can walk out that door and be very famous. But in that room, it's just comedians talking shit.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So they think some people survived and it was just... Fucking Walking Dead style.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, okay. I think it's Indonesia. Because I'm obsessed with Crater Lake too. Crater Lake was imploded and it's crazy.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. There is a barbaric element to us at our core. I mean, even when you have a toddler, you see this so clearly and like a tyrant at our core where it's just here and you get it socialized out of you usually. Yes. But you see it when they're just kind of naturally themselves like that. It's very like you have to teach them not to bite and hit.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You know, what if you just didn't teach your kid that?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And you're like, go for it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I think about that about Texas women, because I've been to a lot of these ranches. My friends have places and they're remote. And it's like I think about the women who had to stay behind on the ranch while their husbands were out with the cattle or whatever for weeks at a time.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's necessary, I think, too. Even though you might think you want yes men all around you, I think what I've learned even just from being around rich guys who I talk a lot of shit to is they don't really want that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Fucking hardest women ever. You know, this one, I went to the, it was like the Texas, they were honoring the Women's Hall of Fame. And one of these women, her husband died. She's still at a ranch. She's 80 years old, gets up every morning and does the ranch chores. I'm like... You're different people. You're fucking different people. It's wild to me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Even now, there's just like a different kind of person that has grown. Even that, there's like a new show, American Primeval. What is it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I walked in. My husband was watching it. He's like, what a fucking horrible time to be alive. Like, it just seems.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's insane.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, it's definitely I think you said it like it's in the soil.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's pretty wild. Like the even just I'm obsessed with like all the westward expansion because people who I'll see people outside of America commenting on America because you can on X now and they'll be over and like their country. And it's like you don't like come to America and see how big it is. And then imagine that people had to cross this country forever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Fight bears with their hands and build a nation. And there's still so much empty land.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's bananas.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And now you're just like fighting for your life. Yeah. We can't even. We can't even go to a restaurant without our GPS map telling us where to go now.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I still try to use, like, not my map. I still try to have, like, a bearing. My husband, though, he's... I'm like, men love this stuff. They, like... He's like, give me a chip. Like, let me... Swipe everything. It's the men who are the ones who are just ushering in the transhuman revolution. Because the women are like, I don't trust that bitch. I am not using Siri.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Now that I'm in... Oh, the Waymos are crazy. Did you see that video of the people beating up the Waymo?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I don't know. Probably because it's some reaction to what's coming. But it was weird. I was like, oh, I kind of feel bad for it. But the fact that I was already, I'm like, oh, no, they've already got me. I already consider them kind of human.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And also how are you going to – like you need people to push back.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, I think it's easy to get lost in chasing more. You know, like I'm an addict. So it's very... I try to stay away from analytics and all that stuff because I can become hyper-focused and obsessed with them.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That poor Waymo just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but you had Rick on. Does he think that it's salvageable?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was born in New York City and then my brother was born and my parents, it was 1980 when my brother was born and they were like, we're getting the fuck out of here. It was just too, it was the 80s in New York. They had two kids and they were just like, we're out. It was too wild.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


is so different because it's so spread out. And so I know tons of people there who like the restaurant I worked at in the Palisades is gone. It's like people don't I don't think people from L.A. don't understand the scope. Like the Palisades are gone.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, and Altadena too. And you have like entire communities. But everyone's like still going to fucking lunch. Because they have to. And Erewhon. No, I understand. But it's like a weird... I don't know. All I've said the whole time this has happened is because that was one of my big fears is exactly what happened. When there would be fires there, I'd be like, people don't recognize that L.A.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


is an island. Everything comes in. Nothing is here. And if these fires surround the city and cut it off, it could have been much worse than it actually was. And it was really fucking bad. And I'm like, I would be so furious if I was still there. I would be furious with myself if I was still living in Los Angeles.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Do you think, though, people didn't know? Were they just insulated? Yeah, they're super insulated. I mean, a lot of people have left because they saw the writing on the wall.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What is it, like 9 million in L.A. County or something? Or 12? Maybe 12.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was talking to, I think Malice came on my podcast recently. He's the best. He's the best. One of my best friends, truly.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Right. Do you think even though the crew, because when I would be on...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And they're dudes who just like working class guys. Like most working class people.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This was the big disconnect that I. So if you were if you were somebody who is going to like fix the Democratic Party, which seems to be imploding, what would you tell them to do?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But they have been socially liberal.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I hope he does.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He wants to, but here's the thing. He probably has to do it at Mothership. He can't be at an open mic where somebody's going to record. Oh, yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. Usually. But they did become so disconnected from the average person. That that my advice would be to, you know, they say like, oh, normies did. This is one of the things I'm hearing online. Like normies didn't vote for this. What Elon's doing with those six. Like, I need a movie about what these kids are doing, by the way. They they didn't vote for this. I'm like, yes, they did.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Normies didn't vote for this. You're saying normies wanted normalcy so they voted for Trump? People knew what they were getting. They want something to happen.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Who doesn't, by the way?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And I do. It is. I do think you have to like salt the earth to where all the DEI stuff is. They're like, oh, they're getting they're going too far. And I'm like, no, you've got to root this shit out. It needs to be gone. Like, yeah. Because like you said, it is an ideology. So it's harder to kind of change the minds of people who have been indoctrinated with this and colleges and schools.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But get it out of the institutions. It's saying that you like that there should be male or female on a passport is not like that shouldn't be something that's fucking mind blowing.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, yeah. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's frustrating to someone who came from the left. All of this was left wing stuff. Like we wanted on the left accountability. We wanted to look into the budget. We... At some point in the 90s, that was something that was pretty standard and popular, bipartisan to not want to be a trillion dollars in debt and have your dollar devalued.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And then you're like, oh, surely they're going to learn from this election. And then you see the DNC chair nominations. They have a parade of basically nonsensical land acknowledgments, what you're talking about. Land acknowledgments are my favorite too. And then two basic bitch white boys.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


David Hogg. Yeah. This is what you've learned from...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I know. I love how they're like, we lost the male vote. We need to do some reflection. And then this is what I don't understand. He's going to talk the talk. I don't get it. It feels it feels strange to me. That feels that feels like I feel like you would have learned from this election. You had because the other thing that they're doing is saying this is an unelected shadow government running.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'm like, who the fuck do you think was running the government for the last four years when we had pudding brain in there? Yeah. It wasn't him. We all knew that. He couldn't even do field questions until he was pumped with drugs after a certain... How can you say Elon's pretty transparent? You know, he's not like hiding things. He's trying to shine light on things.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But do you think they're still being taught this?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Because so much of DEI and all the stuff that they're dismantling is basically an entire industry that was created for all of these people with these useless degrees and nonsense education to have a job.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I think this election, too, I was like, I don't know, this could go badly when I put out that, you know, I put out that I was voting. I'm like, well, I could, whatever. You could get canceled. Maybe, but I had to be honest, but I still, I mean, one of the clips that came from the show is when we were talking about there being a red wave. And it was right before the midterms.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And people for years were like, oh, guess you were wrong about that. And it's like, we weren't really wrong. We were perceiving something that was happening. I think it just happened in the general. It didn't happen in the midterms. You had people who like people were still coming out of COVID, by the way.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And you had people like trying to get their lives back together after being locked up for two years or whatever. They were just like stumbling out of the COVID years. Their kids couldn't talk.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, we were wrong about that for sure.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's been something I think like... For all the shit that lots of people get, there has been like wave after wave after wave of people leaving the Democratic Party. You know, I'm still seeing it online. Someone just yesterday posted some video and it was like, I'm done with you. I was like, how are you guys still shedding people?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But he was saying. You need cops. Yeah. I don't want to hear that nonsense.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So much of it was bullshit, too. Like, I didn't really understand media when I first came into media. I'd already been, like, in Hollywood and comedy and then ended up in media. And one of the first parties I was ever exposed to, it was, like, the height of a lot of this, like, 2018. And it was very divided. And people were in true, like, oh, Trump is, like, going to ruin the world.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I just am like, where are you in this hierarchy?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And there was a Daily Beast party and Ann Coulter was there. And, like, people were all just hanging out. I'm like, these people don't fucking believe anything they're saying. I mean, Anne probably does, but these guys don't. And then I would see this over and over again where people would fight, and then they'd get off, and I'll be like, see you at the play date. And it's like, oh.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There was something very strange to me about that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


First round of the purge, you're gone. What the fuck is wrong with you? I feel like I'm at least second round of the purge.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's upsetting to me, though, because even though it's like we can see it's like wrestling and some of these people are full of shit and they're all buddies and whatever, like hanging out at Park City or hanging out wherever they hang out. Like the real people are different.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I see how like broken some of the Elon thing recently really, it was like a whole new wave of people who are like, I don't know if I can talk to you. I've managed to survive like eight years of the culture war, still maintaining pretty okay relationships with even the most staunch liberals in my life. And the Elon thing, for some reason, you know, the hand gesture. Oh, the Hitler thing?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, it put people over the edge, and they were like, I don't know if I can be friends with a Nazi apologist. And I'm like... How have I made it this far? But I legitimately feel bad because the media has told these people that this was literally Hitler for many, many years. And then he's up there shaking hands with Obama. There's Joe Biden. They're all up there.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So it's at least second.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's a peaceful transfer of power. Have you seen the Kamala one?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I do.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was joking, too. Like, what if it was just this kind of autism and he did it and then in his brain he's like, oh, shit, that looked like a Nazi salute. And then he did it. Like, if I do it again, then it won't. And then it's just this cascading freak out. And he's like, from my heart, I love you.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. I don't want to be one of those like.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You're like, I can't search Kamala Nazi salute on Apple anymore.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I haven't seen it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Have you seen this one? I haven't seen this one.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Everybody does.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. I mean, when you're announcing people to a stage.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But here's the problem when you're, I just wrote a column about this. Like when, when it is the boy who cries Nazi, you know, the nerds who cry Nazi for all these years, like, It does end up running cover for Nazis.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, I think you, yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, that's why I love free speech because you're like, I would rather see this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You have to watch it on X now because you can't watch it on... You can't get a pornhub. No.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Thank you, Elon.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But you're... And I don't think like... It's we're not like I've been joking, like we are the fake news now.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Because I mean, because I was just in as as susceptible to sharing stuff that's not true.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I think there's a big difference between a massive organization being influenced with talking points by a government and corporations to say, present something versus an idiot sharing, you know, propaganda without knowing it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But we, I do, I do wonder like how you, how you have, you know, I was talking to someone like, is there a way to, I think you have to just like pause, you know, I assume everything is fake. That's my default. I think you start from there and then you try and do your detective work.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And one of the reasons that... After I did... Who was it? It was opening for Landau. And we would go out and just talk to the people after the show. And it was... They were like, oh, my gosh, I love Walk-Ins Welcome. I love Domster Five. And it was, like, such a good reminder that... You get like chasing numbers and it was like, oh, no, these are not just numbers.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, that's how my husband kind of taught me to evaluate everything that I get from the media. He's like, I look at something and I go, do I want this to be real or not real? And if so, why? Why?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Like if you start there, you have a chance.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's so unsettling to think that we're the only things out there for me that I wanted to... It's like, that can't be. Surely.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Right. And so they'd say, oh, it's UFO and it's really their technology. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And what about all the people kind of all over the world who have experienced like a similar thing? And why do all the drawings always look the same? Is that just collective conscious? People have seen one and then they think that – or is it – you know how they always look like aliens?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And we're in a simulation.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It makes me so like I want to crawl out of my skin.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


yeah you have you have the ability to preserve your life my fear was always that i'd be in a situation like in the movies where somebody's wrestling with someone and then they kick the gun over and i'm the girl standing there and i'm like where are these buttons and switches and the magazine pops out like fuck

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Why does this have to do with Barron Trump?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I feel like I saw something like this and I was like this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What is this? It's a book. Who wrote it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'm just like an extra in the simulation.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, okay.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


My daughter is obsessed with Mars, and we always know all the planets, and it's weird. I have no obsession with Mars, but she's obsessed with the stars, the planets. She can point them out at night. She's like, that's Jupiter, that's Mars, blah, blah, blah. And we asked her one day, we said, which planet do humans live on? And she said, Earth and Mars. And I was like, maybe.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's a real photo.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Like, how does this fucking thing go? And then there is, and I accidentally shoot the hero.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What do they think it is?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What does Elon think it is?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Has he commented on it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What the? Yeah, that just doesn't seem like that would exist naturally.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, that's crazy. I thought this was fake.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That seems very strange.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Conspiracy theorists have likened the structure of the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Why do they always call them conspiracy theorists? Because they're assholes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And what do they think the face is? Just like a giant stuck in the Martian surface?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, so malice. Anyway, the reason I brought him up, he was talking about how many, he didn't realize how many people in podcasting were mentally ill.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There was like a civilization there? Yes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh. What about the moons of Jupiter?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Are you joking about all this stuff?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I mean, like, are you joking about it on stage?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, no, it's not appealing to me at all. Some people, you watch these documentaries and they're like, I think of Mars like my second home and I want to go live there. I'm like, it sounds horrible.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Space just feels claustrophobic to me, even though it's vast and like until you can build things that make it feel a little more like, I just am like, I don't want to get in a tube and go live in a, do you watch Silo?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I love Silo.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I love anything that's like post-apocalyptic show where people are living in a wasteland or in some weird, and they're underground in all these silos, and they all have to live, and there's people at the bottom. It's really, but it's like definitely, they've never seen the sun. They've never seen the sky. It's like they've had an alternate history that's been kind of told to them.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, that's like a post-nuclear world, like when the AI gets smart and nukes us all.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They have like plants and trees.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, I don't know. Now that you burned the boat and all of your stuff, are you just kind of having fun rebuilding? What do you mean? Now that you just did all your material.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I heard Jeselnik talking about this, about being like a clips comic. I saw a clip of him going around talking about being a clips comic.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, it was very meta. But he was talking about how before people would recognize him in the old ways, and now people recognize him. He said it's like a different level of fame from when he was famous before just for stand-up. Now he's like the clips guy. But I think like everyone's, that's like everyone, right?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I've talked to a lot of people about how the like videos, the, you know, the like crowd work videos have changed crowds.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Because now crowds think they're helping you by chiming in. And so it's like actually most because it's some crazy percentage of people who have never been to a comedy show at a comedy show. Like a very high percentage of people have never been to a comedy show at every comedy show. Isn't that weird? It's like quite high.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And everyone's like, this is amazing.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, it seems upsetting.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


People love it. They're like, yeah, this is comedy. It's subjective, I guess. Some people look at that and they're like, yes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's wild, like the clips thing. The clips are like feeding the algorithm. It's such a crazy thing to me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It seems exhausting. Also, who has time for that? I don't understand that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But keep it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


How long were you there?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And so you went to some of the balls? Yeah. Was it like Hunger Games?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Holy shit.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Just to be there. Just to be there.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Was it, did you? Fascinating. Was it weird to be part of all the like pump and?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Were you in the main?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He was unaware.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Looking at Lauren Sanchez's tits.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Whenever I'm in situations like that, I'm like, why are they letting me in here? They should know better.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, that seems like probably better for security.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is it weird to be, like, I don't know. I was looking at all the people up there, and it seems like it's so much... I don't know. It seems like it's just like, is everyone kissing the ring? Does it feel kind of like, you know what I mean? Is it like a, I don't know. Does it feel kind of gross or was it like cool?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And she lost.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And she has to sit there.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, I hope there's like a, you know, what's that called when there's like the extra person or whatever, the designated survivor. I'm like, there's a lot of people. You could really fuck America up right now.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They might be feeling like they're on the right track. I mean, I think Elon's monetized it now, though. So these guys who are in the comments fighting, they're making, you know, two, three grand a month doing it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And it's also kind of by part like RFK Jr. But it's he brought so many people over. I know so many people who were not going to vote for Trump. But then when he kind of brought RFK Jr. over, they were like, all right.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, if he's there, and Tulsi, too.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They were libs.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, so I don't know. That must have been pretty... It's bizarre.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It seemed like... I was like, that must be so surreal to be there, because it was surreal to watch it, just like when you think about the fact that he nearly got killed. Like, the whole...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


sequence of events that led to that moment yeah what the debate where he just like fell apart all and it just was surreal to watch so i was wondering like that must be pretty bonkers to be there and then he should have seen biden his face the entire time like he looked upset like almost like he was gonna cry at one point in time he looked so upset at the whole i think he thinks he could have won do you have any fears about it like what about the riviera

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The Riviera.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And Greenland. Don't forget Greenland.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'm not smart enough for any of this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's so random. People are making livings. I think you have to be on it constantly. Right. And some people make a lot of money. When I see them post what they're making, I'm like, holy crap. Crap. How much? I don't know. And it seems to be people who kind of Elon will like, yeah, he'll he'll like turn the eye of Sauron upon them. And suddenly, like they are. But it's very mercurial.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is that the actual number or is that a mass number?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's such a weird thing, too, because Israel, I feel like, has to, like, not win a war, which is a weird thing, where they have to, like... They're in a position where they...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I don't want there to be war. I think most people agree on that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, I think about if it was my daughter that was in some tunnel, I would be like, there'd be no length. I know that's very selfish of me, but on a personal level, I'm like, I can't even imagine how I would feel in that situation as a parent. Of course.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I have a lot of people that I know who now think 9-11 was an inside job after October 7th. Oh, Jesus. Isn't that crazy? They're like, well, if they would do it here, they would do it, like, why wouldn't they do it in America? It's been like this kind of reverse leap.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I can't. I have people in my life who are very much like, I think, truthers, I think, about this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What's the conspiracy around Tower 7?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


We're living in a simulation.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Maybe that's another fucking... We didn't have social media, though, thank God.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


During that. Can you imagine?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You know, it seems like it can change on a dime.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Do you remember seeing the skyline the first time you went to New York?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I went back in 2001.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I took a train in November in. And because I took the train in, I always used to take the train in from Rhode Island where I was. And I was like, like the, I just, it was so jarring seeing, they were so part of that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. And just part, you just took it for granted. That was the like landscape. And it was, I'll never forget it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Why didn't they?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Like a middle finger to the world.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I do wonder. I'm so curious about what it's going to be like for our kids.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He uses social media like we do. I think I do more fact-checking than he does.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I will cut him some slack, but also with great power comes great responsibility. You have more followers than anyone on that entire site, and you're going to boost Russian propaganda? Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


God, that was such a weird time in America. I was thinking about how like just catatonic I was on the couch recently. Just like that whole week afterwards.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Just nobody.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Cause it's weird, like I have family members who have kids and their kids are now like, They were born right around that time. They were one, two years old. They've grown up. They don't remember kind of what it was like before that. And they, I don't know, I feel like the world, I have a friend and he's like, everything went to shit after 9-11. Everything just got shittier.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Do you think this administration is going to try and get rid of the Patriot Act?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but haven't we all wanted to get rid of it for a long time?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But people like that seems like a bipartisan thing somebody could get behind.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, it's going to be a wild four years, I think, because I did think that like the I figured I figured I thought maybe that people would understand that they were wrong and that like maybe they'd gone too far. And I was and it seems like hysteria.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's so weird because I was thinking about how I've now been 10 years in the culture wars, which is not... I mean, I kind of stumbled into them.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I know.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I don't know. Are you a general? I don't know what I am. But it has been a weird decade to be... I didn't want to... I think so many normies are like me. They just got kind of forced into being in them. It wasn't like I wanted to... I was like a drunk waitress who just wanted to tell jokes. Yeah. And then I started writing for Playboy, and next thing I know, I'm... Voting for Trump.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They're people unless you're like buying bots. But I think it can be easy to just be get on that hamster wheel and start being like, we need more. We need more downloads. We need more and more, more and more. And then you forget. And I never want to take the audience we have for granted. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Putting it out there. I've had some weird YouTube strikes that I'd say, yes, it's easy to do, except I've had to play 10 years of a game of outrunning censors and Patreon. Okay, we're there. And then we've got to get off there because I don't want to put all my eggs in that basket in case they go bonkers and-

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


shut it down and then i feel like you're like a lot of people in this space have been for like a decade out you know we're like how are we gonna we got like the dumbest strike on an old ad of ours and it was some something that we said and then you have to go to like you know like you've got to go to like class and get re-educated jamie got re-educated didn't jamie feel better right now right you feel smarter now you got re-educated what did you get re-educated for which part of youtube

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He's different now.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And so you got a strike?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, but ours is weird because it was like a very old episode. So they must be like trolling.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Ours, literally, we said, think for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That was the ad. It wasn't even on our podcast. It was an ad we were doing for someone else's podcast.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But this is why it's hard for people to just say what they want.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, look, there are a lot of people who did not vote for Trump. You know, he won. And yes, he won every swing state.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, it's a lot of people. So and I'm not sure how many of them. I wonder how many. So I have a couple of questions. How many people didn't vote for Trump and wanted to and are secretly glad he won? I bet there's a pretty significant number of those people who either didn't vote or didn't vote for him, but wanted him to win anyway.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, thank God. They're like, woo.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, exactly. This is God doing for us what we can't do for ourselves. Yeah, so there's that, I wonder. But then I do wonder how many of the people are, what I worry about is how much mental, this is where I get mad at the media for presenting this like, this is Hitler, having it notched up to 11 for the past eight years.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, it's a lot of places where there is... Look, I'm of two minds with this. I think we need to be accurate because we do live in a time where it's almost like people don't care about truth at all. They're just... They're like, oh, whatever. It doesn't matter. It's not even... And it's indifference to it, you know, which is not great.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And now you've got this, because he was put in, it's almost like that energy has been transferred to Elon now. Because now, do you see the Elon protests? They're protesting Elon. They're literally standing out there with signs that say, arrest Elon Musk.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I thought you were going to say killed. They organized the impeachment.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. But do you think that the average liberal person, do you think that they're going to wake up and come around? Or do you think that they're going to be in like agony for four years and be.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, that's my question, though. Are they capable of that kind of self-reflection?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Agreed. I mean, when I say they, I mean people who have bought into the idea that this person is going to make everything worse and we're going to slip into a fascist technocracy. Right.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Or the fall of America. You know, this is a weird thing to like hate your own country so much that you want it to fall or the dismantling of the life, the kind of West as we know it. You know, I think there is a feeling that Elon might have... saved the West.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I feel like at least he's trying to.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I think there's like something kind of ironic.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, and then they came out yesterday and now it's profitable. Yeah. There's like a whole article about how he turned it around. We're smarter than you. He is smarter. He also knows that we are all... Tapped in. Oh, I can't stop it. I've always had a Twitter addiction. It's the thing that replaced my drinking and smoking weed when I quit that. I went right to Twitter.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But I do think credibility like you should care about your own credibility at some point. But people get rewarded for being shameless so that you can just keep going. The political thing is weird because, yes, a lot of the stuff that's going out right now on all of these like deep dives that people are doing, they're viral. They're mostly many of them are fake. But also.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, Elon knows none of these motherfuckers, even when they go to Blue Sky, they've all got secret accounts and they're lurking on Twitter still or X still or whatever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They were like eating themselves within two days over there though. But that's what always happens.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Don't you think we're all in echo chambers, though, like you said? How do you stay outside of yours? Drugs. Oh, that's true.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


What's your process? I live by the Joe Rogan school of internetting.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I take all your advice. I don't read the comments, and I post and ghost.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I don't get in there and- That's good.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah. I mean, that is my issue with people being like, see, it it is the like political thing isn't right, which is true. It's important to be accurate. But it's also like, yeah, but there's there's this money shouldn't be spent this way. So just because this thing is maybe not true, you're pointing to this one thing that could be people are misrepresenting. But there's a much bigger problem.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You seem to want to just sweep under the rug and say. Oh, like you guys are just crazy for noticing all these connections. I'm but didn't they make them stop or something? Did they freeze their ability?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


These kids are nuts. That guy who like, you know, found the scroll, how to read the scroll from Pompeii.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The why is any taxpayer dollar? It should be zero dollars, right? It's going to this stuff.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Or North Carolina.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, and they're like sleeping in freaking tents in the freezing cold.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, and it's like I appreciate that there are so many problems. I think people I do feel like for the first time ever, there is an actual transfer of power. Like every every single election through my lifetime, it's been. There's been all the normal fighting between the two parties. And then the election happens and one party wins and then nothing changes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And you just keep sliding and sliding and sliding and sliding. And everybody says they're going to do something and no one does anything. And then you have fucking Elon come in like a wrecking ball. And a very motivated Trump who seems organized this time. And they actually feel like they're making changes. Changes that, by the way, American people want.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


My friend Max Meyer was saying, he's a very smart guy, he was saying no one with any numerical ability has ever looked into Medicare and Medicaid fraud. Ever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He's been on us forever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There's a lot of money there that is like provider side fraud where it's just inflated.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The View person?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, really?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There's a lot of that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Jamie's looking.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but they can take it. I mean, you know how complicated it would be to try and untangle that web of where you're inflating things that people have and you're saying this is like a band. You see these things online where it's like a Band-Aid is $25,000. You know, like what?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, it's it's because there's so that's what they need, though, is these guys who can use this technology to get in there and start looking on a massive scale at what all of these everything. I mean, they have to look at everything. I think most Americans want this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But I do know that doctors... But this happens all the time. I mean, maybe not this, but there's provider side fraud that is very well known and people have been called out for it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And did he do this just for money?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's dark.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This is the fucking sickest thing I've ever heard. You tell these people they have cancer?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And make them get chemo?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This is insane. I can't believe I've never heard of this.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This is like a decade ago. Wow. This is fucking nuts. How did they catch him?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's wild.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, that's like the whole trans care. Oh, yeah. A lot of it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And people can sense this. This is why when they're saying, oh, it's it's like you can sense that there's been a misappropriation of our money, of taxpayer dollars. You know, there's fraud and Medicare and Medicaid are the American people have sensed this and they feel like.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


How did you fix it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


See, I think that this is where I'm excited about AI and stuff like that. It would be exciting to have AI cure cancer, which they think that it might be able to do.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, obviously. I don't know if Larry Ellison is saying that.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It seems like it's not outside the realm of possibility that AI would get smart enough to figure this shit out. 100%.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was at this crazy boondoggle, and I saw a bunch of these people talk, and everybody was clapping, and I was like, this is the scariest shit I've ever heard. And I think it might have been Sam who was talking to Altman, and everybody was just like, yay, let's give him money, and they all just saw money. Everyone sees money here, and the...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The gold hills, I mean, we're going to need to build nuclear. We're going to need to power this shit. There's a lot of gold in those hills. And I was in the back with this guy, and I'm like, someone needs to stop it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You can't stop it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Unless the grid goes down or something. Unless there is something catastrophic, asteroid hits the earth, whatever, which I think there might be one coming. There is nothing we can do. The genie's out of the bottle.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's the race to the bottom, though.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But I do think that, like, my husband thinks that our daughter will never need to learn how to drive. Probably. He's like, she's not going to need, because I was like, she wants to drive already. She's like, when I'm five, I can drive. I'm like, no. No. She is, having kids is the best.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


There's corruption, but I think they've just hopelessly kind of surrendered because I'm a middle class mom who works, who has a kid, who has time to fight this. You don't have time to pay attention.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I hate that there was so much rhetoric that I was growing up with about like how horrible it is because it is, yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But it's so, it is, the other morning I go downstairs and she's like, I'm like, how you doing? She's eating her breakfast. She's like, I just need to lay low. I was like, are we hiding from the mob? What is happening? Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


They're just so funny. She just says the funniest stuff. My husband sent me a whole thing. They pick up everything. She was like, I'm going to Mothership, and you're going to go to New York. I'm like, where'd she get the New York accent from? I'm going to Mothership, and you're going to New York to tell jokes. She's telling them all about this. I'm like, how does she pick all this...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's the best thing in the whole world, but yeah, he doesn't think she wants to drive, and he's like, she's not going to need to know how to drive.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But I think it probably is. Oh, it is? Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It can't be.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No one's going to be allowed to drive.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's the only way. They're all going to be communicating with each other.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


How do you feel about that?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I like driving.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It helps my brain unfurl.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Do you know how to fix cars?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, no. And people are just trying to survive and get through the day. But you know, you have this sense. So I can see the excitement of people... Elon what he's doing and we should it shouldn't be controversial to want to like audit our budget our budget no because it's not just the money being spent it's what it's being spent for and what's going on which is an enormous propaganda machine.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Can you take your eyes off the – can you, like, text and stuff? Can you be a passenger?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But don't they give you, like, strikes or something like that?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But isn't that the point? I want to be in my car typing.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This reminds me of that Silicon Valley episode where the self-driving car drives right into one of the shipping containers and then he's just stuck in a shipping container.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That show is brilliant.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So I'm like a half hour out of the city and every time I drive to and from there's almost every time there's an accident. I always see. The other night I was driving home actually from Mothership. It was like one thirty in the morning and there was a guy on the left side of the freeway walking. Yeah. There's no space, by the way. I was like, what is happening right now?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, there are trucks behind me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, this guy is either on drugs and crazy or it's some Jason Bourne situation where he was limping. He's just...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, he looked crazy.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It was, I mean, Texas is a little, it feels a little unhinged.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, I mean, I was just there. I was there two days before the fires.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You know, like they're they're amazing. They've been with some of these people have been with me for forever.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I like the, I like the, it makes, I'm coming up on two years here.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It feels wild to me. It still feels very like the wild west or like Texas. There's just an energy here of kind of every time I'm down on 6th Street, I'm like, I'm going to catch a stray down here.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's fucking bonkers down there.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


You might catch a stray while you're waiting.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, no, I like it.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And I like the kind of when I even coming from L.A. driving in Texas, I was like, these people are out of their fucking minds because it's so much bigger. And every it's like 80 miles an hour speed limits everywhere out where I am. So everyone's actually doing 90, and I would be driving, and they're like, get out of the way, grandmas. I'm like, I'm doing fucking 85. It's not like I'm going slow.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy



The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I'd be in the middle lane. And they're still trying to get you out of the way?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was a grandma. I had to up my game.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but it was always street racing kids. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That's me going home, though. I don't know. It's pretty nuts.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Now it's me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Now I'm the one who's doing 95. Well, it's those people, too. No, it's true. I don't know. I'm glad I moved here. I remember you saying it feels... My husband's blood pressure actually went down when he moved here.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But it's also just like everything is less of a battle. You said it to me. I think like you felt like you could exhale on one of our like you were talking. You're like, I move there and just felt like I can like breathe a little. And I mean, my husband has like scientific evidence that he his whole like energy field got more chill.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Cairo is nuts.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's the craziest city I've ever been in.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, my gosh. It was crazy. It was right after the revolution. So we went in 20, it was 2000, when was the Arab Spring?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


2010, Arab Spring. So it must have been 2011. That was one of the first revolutions that the internet was credited with starting. Yeah. And no one was there. So everyone was like, why the fuck are you guys in Egypt? We got basically a private tour of the whole country. We were on a cruise on the Nile and it was supposed to be hundreds of people. There were 14 people on the cruise.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And we got to see there's usually lines to go into the Great Pyramids. There were no lines, no lines at the to see King Tut. There was no one was anywhere. It was it was a weird time to be in Egypt. And we saw I went to Alexandria, was in Cairo, went and did like a Nile cruise, which was amazing. I mean, Egypt, you got to go.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, that's what that's what I don't understand. And I had I think I had like a mental breakdown when I was there. Like a weird I was we were in the hospital, not the hospital. I want I felt like I should get checked into a hospital. I was we were staying in like the Nile across from the all the tombs, the like king's tombs.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


and I kept feeling this pulse, and I had a panic attack when I was there, basically. It was the weirdest thing, though. I kept feeling this pulse. It was like, womp, womp.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


No, no. I mean, I was drinking still, but I wasn't doing drugs. And I was like, I'm going to have a – I thought I was going to end up in a straitjacket. And I thought – I had like a panic attack. I had like these crazy dreams. And I was like, oh, this is where it all started for like my whatever. It was fucking – it's weird.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, it felt to me. I feel like I had like a past life regression, if that's even a thing. It was like I felt like whatever journey I've been on on this planet, it started there. And I went back to the source and it was like a weird like my dreams were crazy. It was I couldn't. Thank God the guy I was with was nice and kind, but it was like a full-blown panic attack.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I couldn't even leave the hotel room.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It was just being in Egypt.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So they had... They had I have always been obsessed with Egypt since I was a little kid, just unnaturally obsessed with it. It was like I read every book about it when I was a kid. I wanted to go there. I don't know why. And I felt like, you know, I like to believe in past lives because I think it's amusing. I'm like, if I can choose, it sounds like a fun. It's like, why not?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And I've always felt very connected to it. And so when I went there and was across from... We were in the King Farouk suite, actually. And it had a balcony that overlooked the Nile and the tombs. And it was... I could feel... It was like something in my heart, like a vibration. And they've said that these places, like, where there are these pyramids, they can have vibrations. I learned this later.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But this was like a weird, like... It kept hitting my heart. And then I thought they drugged me. I thought they gave me something in my hibiscus tea because I I started like I immediately I drank the hibiscus tea and I was like, maybe they put some kind of like hallucinogen in it. But I think I just I like I think about this a lot because I've had friends who have had anxiety and panic attacks.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And I know what it's like to like get in your head and feel like. You're losing your mind. And I had to baby step my way out of this panic attack where I couldn't eat. I was unable to keep food down. I just took a bath and was like, I'm going to just chew. And that's never happened to you before? No. I feel for people who have anxiety. I had had anxiety before.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


But it was when I was smoking a lot of weed and doing a lot of drugs. And I was in a marriage I didn't want to be in to my first husband. So your life was a mess. And I just was lying to myself. I think depression and anxiety can be very useful signposts for something in your life. You're either doing something you shouldn't be doing or you're not doing something you should be doing.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Or it's saying there's something... It's like a soul calling for you to check in. So I... Yoga kind of saved me from that time. I got divorced. It somewhat went away. I've talked about my hypochondria, so I dealt with that. But then I was... This was different. It was like a weird... My body physiologically reacted to it, too.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So I, like, not to be too much information, but I, like, randomly got a period out of nowhere. It was just weird. My body started, like, I threw up. I got a period all at once. And it was such a... It's like... It's the most supernatural thing that's ever happened to me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Well, there was another time that was really supernatural when I was in Newport, Rhode Island, and I swear there was like a haunting. But other than that, this was it felt supernatural. Like it didn't feel normal. And it took me two full days to like.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Whatever hit me in my heart on that balcony and I couldn't like all I could hear was this like want want and it was reverberating from the I sound like a crazy person, but it was reverberating from the tombs. And then I would just I remember eating a grape so slowly and mindfully just to like come back.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


back into my body and I had these like crazy dreams and I felt like I saw all these connections like people in my life present and it was it was really it was weird it was in that moment when I like had a physical reaction where it was like a scene from a movie where I was like zap zap zap zap zap like all these people in my life and and

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The guy I was with, thank God, he could have been a total asshole and been like, you're a fucking psycho. I'm leaving you. But he had had a weird experience with me in his guest house in New Zealand where I would fall asleep sometimes downstairs or we'd pass out or whatever. And I was like, did you have a dog? Because I was convinced there was a ghost because I kept feeling some weird sense.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And he's like, don't talk about the dog. And then it turns out there was like a dog. And his kids like he had it and then wanted to get rid of it. And it's like this sore thing. He's like, how the fuck did you know it's a dog? And I was like, oh, because the energy was like a puppy energy. And I was like, what happened to the dog? He's like, nothing. Don't ever talk about the dog.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And I was like, OK. So he's like, you're weird and psychic and like a weird sick. You have like a weird thing. He was like, you're touched by something. And we used to play backgammon all the time, and one time I rolled a dice, and I'm sure it was just lint, but I wanted to win so badly, and then the dice just was on his corner, just frozen.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


So he had a weird, just on the tip of it, he's like, what the fuck? You're a witch. So he had slightly unsettling things with me, enough that I think he was like, all right, maybe she's not...

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


totally well they say that places have memory right this place i mean egypt is so special i haven't been obviously but i felt weird when i went to chichen itza that feels very weird oh okay yeah i had it i had to i was like baby stepping i still get slightly like and my life has never been the same really since like it was it was it was uh And Egypt is, Cairo's bonkers, but Egypt is the Nile.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I remember just like cruising down the Nile and being on the deck and you can feel what it was like. You're just like, this is what... The memory. Yeah.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


And the tombs are all very, it's very... I don't know. It was very spiritual for me. It was like a very... It felt like a pilgrimage that I didn't know I was taking. That's how it felt to me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


When I was in L.A. at the Getty Villa, I always go there, and they had the Thrace exhibit once.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Thrace is like a... I didn't know anything about it. It's a civilization that was partially in Bulgaria. I think it came after ancient Greece.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


This statue is fucking insane. It looks like it's looking at you. Look at the eyes.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It is insane. Sane to see it in real life. This exhibit that's there right now is truly one of the most special exhibits I've ever seen. I go to all of them that I can there. And that is... Wow, look at that face.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's crazy. And I knew nothing about this civilization and society. And the more I learn about it, the more obsessed I am. But all of this stuff had its own... Like when the fires were around the villa, I was like, oh God, I hope that all this stuff is okay. I mean, those walls are like fireproof and they've got... I'd never heard of this before. I'd never even really heard of Thrace.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I've always been very obsessed with Greek mythology, Roman history, all of these things. But Thrace is this crazy civilization.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I want to see if I have the... That's crazy. Yeah, if you're back in L.A., I think that exhibit is there until March. March 3rd, I believe.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, okay. I thought they reopened for some reason, but yeah, they must still be closed from the fires.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, we're pretty young. Yeah, but a lot of them haven't made it past where we got to. It always reminds me of that Porno for Pyro song.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The pets.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


It's like, my friend says we're like the dinosaurs. And here we are doing ourselves in much faster than they ever did.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


That was something weird, too, about Haiti, where it's like only 2% of the money actually went there. It's crazy. You know, Americans give away a lot of their hard-earned money because they are actually kind-hearted and want to donate to countries that are... And then you find out it's like some trans performance. There is a lot of nonsense in Haiti.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


The dinosaurs?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I was like, oh no. We're coming to dangerous territory where we find out Joe doesn't believe in dinosaurs.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Is that what she says? Yeah. Oh.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Did you watch any of it?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Oh, the brother. Didn't the brother disappear or something?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


She was kind of on the Blake and Ryan thing, too, I think.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


She's a sleuthin'. This is it. She's been a sleuthin'.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Okay, that's pretty freaking weird.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Nothing's real. Nothing. You literally can't tell. You have to operate from the idea that this is not real. You have to start there now.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Do you think that the metaverse thing is going to take off? Like people are going to be plugging in?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, and cheap enough because it's kind of expensive.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I mean, it sounds, isn't like Red Band really into that?

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


He's like famous in the metaverse.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Matt was telling me, like he took him to a, you can do a type five at a comedy club there. It's crazy.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


Yeah, but he's like, you had to like know people to get in and he's famous. I was like, this is nuts that this already exists to me.

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


well it's just the beginning it's only good that's pong you know and whatever it's going to be like 20 years from now it's going to be something really wild isn't it weird to think that like you might just exist forever in the in the metaverse talking because you've done so many podcasts they'll just be able to cut and paste and make you kind of like not even just that they'll what if you're a god in the future

The Joe Rogan Experience

#2270 - Bridget Phetasy


I always think about this when I see the people who get tattoos of you. I'm like, future civilizations are going to be like, who was this man? He must have been someone important, maybe a shaman or a Brahmin.