Brent Diedrich
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
This is Brent Diedrich with AgExplore. We're sitting here with Corey and we're trying to pick his brain on what's going through his mind as he goes through this fall and trying to make decisions on his farm and see if there's any solutions that he wants to try for next year.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah, so actually it's kind of cool sitting here from a manufacturing standpoint, you know, because I spent most of my time, first dozen years of my career in ag retail. Yeah. All the way from operations where I started before I even graduated college in a rig, in a spray rig, to scouting, to starting a sales territory, to working with key accounts, and then
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
managing as well on the grain side and on the agronomy side. So it's kind of neat from my perspective hearing this, you know, and seeing what you guys value as well. And, you know, as I travel across the country too, one of the big things that a lot of people are wondering and wanting to hear about is cost production, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
ROI, we're running tight times, you know, commodities are down a little bit and the best way to, you know, to up your ROI on your acres is to grow more bushels. Right. And that's the number one thing to drive your costs down. So, but it has to make sense too, at the same point, right. It has to, it has to fit within your budget.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It has to make, um, economical sense or, um, you know, in your case, make it a simpler, you know, whether it's from a retail standpoint for limiting skew numbers or from a farmer standpoint, from an operational to make it fast, simple and effective.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I mean, there's a couple different options, you know, knowing how Corey farms, especially in his Y-drop situation or, you know, in your 2x2 as well. I mean, in your starter, I think you're doing a great job with that. Um, you know, we look at nitrogen Zach called it management for a reason. Um, you know, I think as an industry, we've had some, some tools available to us.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I've done a great job that, um, don't exactly manage it, you know, and that's something we want to be very cognizant about, about how we talk about our technology as a way to keep that ammonium, keep that nitrate in the, in the root zone where that plant can access it more available. Um, so especially with you guys split applying, which is great.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Um, we have, we have some products available, you know, in our portfolio that we like to offer to people too, that to help keep that nitrogen there, that help with some of that loss. Um, especially when you have those, those weather events in the, in the season.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You absolutely can manage them both applications. Especially since you're treating the unit nitrogen on those. You can be cost effective and manage multiple passes versus traditionally treating the soil. So you need a certain amount of product there to be effective.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So I'll speak from experience. My number one thing always is split applying. We sell the management tools and I've seen them work and they're phenomenal. Just like you said, it's a case-by-case basis and every year and I've been around a lot of stuff where guys are put all up in the fall or large chunks of it at one time and it worked out great.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
But as you guys know, the chemistry and the soil get very complicated. And once that nitrogen converts and is negatively charged, you can lose it, especially in a saturated situation. And that's where a nitrate tool like we would do a management tool would work. But first and foremost, I think just to mitigate your risk, I know it's another pass and it does have a cost going across that field.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
But that nitrate needs to be there when that crop needs that demand of it. And that's most importantly, you don't ever want that thing starving or having a bad day, right? So that's the number one tool at least to do it twice, which sounds like a lot of you guys are doing anyways. And then on top of that, my next step would be to manage it with some sort of nitro management aid. Right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And I love that question. And I, you know, and as you understand that when you, when you think about ammonium and positively charged, being able to be held by your soils and you guys have awesome soils here, you know, you guys got high organic matter, darker soils, great CCs.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
But a lot of guys that have lighter soils that don't have those bonding sites or their base saturations are full where they're not able to hold that. That's where, you know, a management tool would work to hold that. But Whether you put a little bit on or a lot of it, it doesn't really matter to me. You still have that chance for loss.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
In the days when it was a little bit cheaper, when those commodities were a little cheaper and you could add that extra, I still think timing is everything in these crops, whether that's nitrogen, sulfur, whatever. When that crop needs it, it needs to be there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It's really hard to throw it up there and expect it to be there two, three months down the road and hope that that plant has access to that when it needs it. Just to take that risk off the table and split apply it, that's what I see as the biggest benefit.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So traditional stabilizers, whether you're talking nitropyrin, DCD product, that's the bacteria side, that is there to slow down the conversion from ammonium to nitrate. So to keep that in that positively charged ammonium form where it can be held by stopping the bacteria, killing the bacteria, and keeping it in that form longer. So that's how it traditionally works.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It does what it does, and it slows down that leaching and allows it to stay in that positive form. Ours works a little bit different. We actually have bonding sites where it allows that ammonium to attach to, does not impede with your soil biology, actually works with your soil biology. And as it breaks down, it becomes a food source.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
But what that does is actually just create the parking space for that ammonium to hold on to. So it keeps it higher in that root zone so the plant can access it throughout the season and just works in a different way. So it's just a different way of thinking about it. Again, those tools that worked for us for many, many years have been a great option.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
This is just a different way to think about managing the drought.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
No, so it's its own... Yeah, the polymer itself that works within this product actually holds on to the ammonium. And actually, it's a negative charge and has some sites as well that can hold on and slows down the nitrate as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
No, not stopping the conversion at all.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Absolutely, yep. Okay. Yep, just a different process. Okay. So...
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So the XN technology, which is ours, which is what I'm talking about on that, you know, create no sites. The other cool thing from an operational standpoint, you know, you had mentioned the corrosiveness and the smell and some of those things that come along with some of those products. This is kind of unique that you do treat the unit of nitrogen.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So again, cost effective, doesn't have those qualities along with them. They're very soil friendly and equipment friendly. So, you know, your pumps, your seals, your equipment, those are great. And like I said, it allows you to manage the crop all the way through. We're not a, I don't believe in a silver bullet or one single product that's going to turn around and, you know, change the world.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It's about managing a crop from start to finish. I mean, this is just one of those tools along the way that we need to be doing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yes. Yep. It's no blacker. It's not corrosive at all.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So, like, in your urea or your UAN, it would be, like, a container of ants. So that would be above and below ground. So we'll have that MBPT for above ground for volatility protection, which is an industry standard. And the X on the below ground is what's unique to us, to AgX. We also have a product there for Enzone GL, for anhydrous, for gas and liquid.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So you can do it either way. So it's kind of cool. You can do it just like you would a traditional and you put it inside the tank. Or if you have, you know, a Sidekick Raven system or something on your toolbar where it doesn't ever have to touch it, you can absolutely do that as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Correct. Absolutely, yeah. So guys that own their own equipment really appreciate that, obviously, especially when it's yours, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You're not renting it out.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So that's a great question. That's where you've got to be very cautious. That's why I really like our product on that. It is soil biology friendly. It is micro friendly. Some other products, especially these guys that are invested into biology and microorganisms, things like that, put it in there. You've got to be careful putting some pesticides out there because you can counteract that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Okay. So you're spending money on one thing and you turn around and I know what you're trying to do on the nitrogen side, but it can actually impede on some of this money you've spent as well and kill some things you probably don't want to.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And honestly, I think it comes down to education. I don't think anybody does it on purpose. Told you I don't want to spend money. That far down the rail. Oh, no, I just bought all the money. It didn't matter where you parked your car.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Um, absolutely. We have, we have options for that. Um, to be honest, on the most part on our organic acids, on humics and fulvics, um, maybe in that next step we'll talk about, um, do a lot more in furrow when we're doing it and talk about our starters. Um, on our pre-emerge side, you know, we talk about, we always talk about them in five phases that we talk about. So foundation.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah, and you're never going to hurt throwing a humic or fulvic out there, especially when it comes down to any sort of herbicide application.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah. So organic acid, right? Carbon sources. So plants, natural backbone is a carbon, right? So it just, it takes it up. So it helps drive that, um, that chemistry you're trying to do helps metabolize quicker, drive in that plant and get a better kill to it. Um, same thing we use it in foliars, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Just drive that whatever NPK micro package you're trying to do is get it in that plant as soon as possible, get it in there metabolizing, um, and get it up to the growing points and work where we want it to. So it's same thing. Even when we talk about for weed kill, I think it's probably a really important thing. Um, it's probably been a big topic as I've traveled to is weed pressure. Right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And I think that comes down to guys understanding when I, when I think about a pre-emerge or when I think about herbicide application, um, First thing that comes to mind is adjuvants, water pH, coverage, all that stuff's very, very important. And just like anything else, you want to start with a blank slate, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You want to start with great, get rid of the weeds, get it going, and start a great bed and start for your crop.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So we kind of look at 5 phases, you know, talked about managing a crop from start to finish. So we have our foundation phase and we always kind of think of that one as our Our combine to planter. So what we're doing, you know, as soon as we leave the combine the last year, and that's fall burn down, that's fall fertilizer, that's, you know, residue management, those things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Then we come right up into, you know, our establishment phase. We'll go into our architect phase. We go into our reproductive, and we go into our maturity phase. So that's, the establishment will be from a seedling coming right out of the ground, how we manage it and get a good start with it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
architecture would be the vegetative stage with you know that herbicide pass and and being able to manipulate the yield at that time in a crop obviously reproductive you guys know is going through reproductive time frame and how we can protect that crop and preserve as much yield as we can and maturity would be that that last stage trying to bring it home so cory for guys that are like me that don't have liquid on a planter at what point do we do this
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
There is. There is. And if we get into the planter thing, there's a lot of questions I'd ask you to which way I'd guide you. But we do have a really unique product with the GrowPak AI, which would be our planter box treatment. So it's the only dry product that we carry. And that's a great option.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
They're thinking about guys for soybeans that don't have starter on it or corn or weed or anything else that maybe guys don't want to slow down logistically for that don't have a starter or don't want to place it on there. This will be a great option. It is a, um, a clay and talc based product. So it's great for lubrication.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
A lot of guys already doing it anyways, we're using some sort of eflow or talc or graphite blend. So it does that it accomplishes that piece of it, but it also has a micronutrient package to it and some technology with it as well. So economically, not only are you getting that benefit, but you're also getting a lubrication technology.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It is funny. You get quite a bit in there. So in this product, we have a micronutrient package that supports that small seedling. It's not enough to fix any deficiency by any stretch. It's just there to get that seedling up and going. But the cool thing is it does have Bradyrhizobia in there. So for the inoculant piece, it does have mycorrhizae in there, and it has trichoderma in there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Then on our technology side, we actually have an, we have a, what we call our inception intake, which would be like a mobility product in there. So once that plant takes it up, it helps it mobilize inside of it quicker and also has a carbon source in there as well. So it's kind of a catch-all, very effective product for the grower to use. Very simple to use.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You don't need any special equipment for it. And again, you just treat it like you would if anybody else was putting any graphite or talc on there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. When I have those conversations, you know, those are things I'd want to know about Corey specifically. You know, I always ask would be, you know, what is your CEC? What do your pHs look like? You know, some of the practices he's already used, and he's shared some of it with us for make the best recommendation. Kind of understand your soils.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
We have a couple of products that fit very well in that Infero or in that Infero. a two by two situation. So I'd like to know a little more about, you know, that situation, particularly to make a recommendation.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yep. And that is the only way to get that, too, if you're trying to push that sulfur.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So most of the things we have are going to be additive to what you're already doing with your starter. Most of our things are technology-driven. So in that two-by-two situation for you,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
weed out brock i would recommend called upward which is kind of cool it's a blend of um again humic and pulvic acid so you get that multiple different benefits for that feed soil biology you get those cc bonding sites for your positive ions you get the hydrophilic so it helps draw moisture and pull up nutrients in the soil
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
We have some sugar and carbon sources in that product to help feed that again, help that system. Then we actually have another product in there that mixes in there, which is called Prevent NXT, which is just a phosphorus solubilizing product. So again, not knowing your pHs, but a lot of guys have problems with pHs or phosphorus tie-up.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
A lot of guys have a lot of phosphorus in their soils that they just can't access, right? There again, talk about managing your... your bottom line on your farm, a lot of you guys have stuff that there are products out there that help release that or at least protect that from tie up depending on your pH and things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So what that does is keep that available for that plant to be able to access it in hydrogen form.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So that would be, and I would recommend that product if you had it on seed. That's built a little bit different, technology directly driven if you're going to put it on seed.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
No, maybe on seed herb, like in-furrow.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah, if you're going directly on seed. So again, the benefit on a two-by-two and especially what you're doing with the mixture you have, I would recommend an upward product. With those sites, the on-seed piece is more of a vitamin package directly if you're using a low-salt starter ortho product. That's where that benefit is on that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah. Yeah, so I think that goes to what we're really proud of at AgX is the reasons why product. So at that time frame, we talk about corn, for example, right? We all know during that B3 to B4. five timeframe, that's when ovule development's happening, right? You can actually affect yield at that point. You can trick that plant and they think it's the healthiest plant in the world.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
If you can add another two kernels on that ear, potentially, to fill that out, that's where your yield comes from. So at that time, we're very specific on a corn crop that we want that application at V3, V5 timeframe. From a nutritional standpoint and from a plant growth regulator standpoint,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
pgr standpoint as well where you can influence that and get that plant up and going and especially when you're spraying herbicide you know that that plant has to express its genes right it can slow it down stall it out it's also metabolize that chemistry at that point too so anything to help that thing get up and going help that thing flush that through get a better weed kill and keep that crop moving there's a great opportunity at that point to influence yield
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
There's only a few times I feel like in a crop understanding like what's going on during specific crop times, you can really influence yield. You can never go backwards. So you got to capture and got to take advantage of those times when you can. And that's one of them. I feel like in a corn crop and soybeans the same way you're going across that field and those things stun out and stall out.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And that's a, that's an option and a way that you can get that thing moving and keep it going as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah, it's funny, especially coming on the retail side. Poor chemistry guys sometimes got, you know, always the blame on it. And a lot of times when you did the research, you know, certain herbicides are calling for an oil, a heavy AMS load, whatever it is. And then your water, your pH in your water makes a big difference. Those are there to help performance.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You're going out there to spend a lot of money on chemistries. You really need to look at investing, making sure you're using the right herbicide, whether that's into a plant, you've got oil-loving or water-loving pathways, depending on what that chemistry is trying to do. Those are designed for helping that chemistry get in there and helping getting that active in there and doing its job.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So, I know it's not super sexy to sit here and talk about adjuvants and surfactants. They're super necessary and they do a great job. And the guys that use it and are using it to the label, that's where we see better performance. And we all know there's a lot of resistance out there. We've had a lot of hard times killing some weeds, you know. What's that mean, using it to the label?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So every, you know, different herbicides, fungicides, insecticides call for different... I always tell people, make sure you read your label. Okay. There's so many generics out there, so many different active percentages.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Your applicator would have doubled. I hired people to do it. Right, yeah. But depending on what you're spraying, you know... reading the label on what it calls for. Some, again, are for the crop oil. Some are MSO, some are AMS, whatever that is, NISs. They require certain actives of a surfactant to perform at the best level.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Especially if you're going to spray your own stuff and you guys know what you want to spray, not all chemistries are built the same, right? Some of the generics, they don't have quite the surfactant load in there, and you can really help those out by adding a surfactant. So I think it's just important. We battle pigweed now at this point.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
We've had ragweed and mare's tail issues throughout the years, and it's just something we don't want to battle, like you said, the next seven years.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And then it might not even work. No, you might be just stunting it. Right.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
What time frame are you talking about?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yeah, usually pretty early, you know, and then at that point. same thing. That's, that's a great time to address your sulfur needs. Um, that's a great time to add organic acid in there, um, on the side dress piece of it. And then obviously you can, you can manage that, that, that pass as well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Um, as we, as we get later in the season, we're looking at that, you know, if you guys are running your Y drops again, can manage that piece of it. Sulfur, boron, those are obviously very, um, very tough elements to hold in the soil. They're negatively charged. The soil struggles to hold those. Anytime you get a rain, you get, you, have a chance of losing that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So, um, there's a couple of elements, you know, sulfur, boron, potassium as well, that are just really efficient to do foliar. And that those are some timeframes going into that reproductive timeframe that, that, uh, we see a big benefit with.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
They have a lot of products. Yeah, we do. So, you know, we get canola as we go up North, um, in our territory quite a bit. Um, And then wheat, obviously quite a bit across the country. We do some in Ohio and stuff like that. But, yeah, I mean, along the same lines, understand those demand curves of those nutrients. But sulfur is huge on wheat, for example.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
You know, sulfur and nitrogen split applying. And then potassium boron late season to fill out those grain for help with that test weight. Huge opportunity. Fundraise as well, obviously.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Um, depending on somebody's program.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
They do. So you need that, you need that ratio, right. To metabolize. Um, and that's where I usually like to ask somebody about their program, but normally, yes, if you're split applying, you could really benefit from small amounts every time you're going across that field. Honestly, you at least need a, the ratio, you know, you, you probably need a 10 to one ratio at the minimum.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So yes, we always like to tell people, you don't always have to spend more money on your sulfur. You can take that money, reallocate that and just spread it out. And we seem to see better benefit. So you don't always got to add another product to the mix.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So if you're ATS, for example, I have no idea how much ATS you run at one time, but if you pulled $5 out application and just added it in a full year application or add it next time you go across at Y drops, I see a bigger benefit from managing it multiple passes than I do on one big chunk. So you don't spend more money, just different management practices.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
There's some guys that run them before soybeans and 100, 150 pounds of AMS in front of soybeans on dry. See a big benefit to that. We forget about soybeans.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And my beans behind that is... I bet next year, too, that stuff starts breaking down.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So big believer in fungicides. Don't sell them. I've sold them in the past, obviously. I'm just seeing them work. Big plant health person, keep that thing going. Insecticides as well when they're needed. You know, from our standpoint and our portfolio, we would have our late season PGR. So we have a late season PGR designed specifically for that reproductive timeframe.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And we like to pair that with, that's onward max, but we like to pair that with our fungicide pass directly at that timing. When that, you know, it always turns off hot and dry. It always becomes very stressful during reproductive timeframe. We started aborting pods. We start, you know, um, plant stressing out, producing, um, stress hormones, and it just starts going into protective mode.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
So anything we do to drive that stress down and keep that plant producing and shoving all that work so hard all year to produce that crop, to take all those nutrients and start shoving it in the grain. So we can, you know, maximize that benefit. That's what we usually like to do with that timeframe.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Oh, 100%. Yeah, I believe in that. Again, there's so much going on at that time frame. There's a lot of plant health benefits of that, even when there isn't disease presence.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
That's where you ride the bull.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
I think you're right. They get lumped in together and they're hormones that do completely different things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Or two. Yeah. There are some bushels that you can maximize and capitalize on. It is really hard. Everybody's burnt out and tired and didn't want to make that extra pass. I've seen a lot. We've worked with soybeans over the last few years and making that R4, R5, guys willing to do that. On a nutritional side, you can really pack on some test weight and and add some weight.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
And that's what we get paid on, right, is we haul weight. So potassium and boron are two big ones there. It's all for as well. But if you can add some potassium, add some weight inside that, fill those soybeans or corn kernels out, you can add some test weight and add some bushels to your bottom line. We've been playing with that for the last few years and seen tremendous results.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
It's just getting somebody to go across there, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Yep. That's what we're here for. We're here for solution-based selling. It's different for everybody. It fits in your system.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Inside the Farm Plan: Corey Talks Growing Season Strategies w/ AgXplore
Zach's been here already. Brent Diedrich, I'm our Director of Sales and CRO. I've been with AgX for six years, and my responsibility is just to oversee and support our sales staff.