Boris Bondarov
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
Trump is eager to change US foreign policy very drastically, to be very much unlike his predecessor. And also I think he wants to achieve some very important foreign political goals for the United States by making Putin his friend or even an ally against China. I think that is the most obvious and logical explanation to all his maneuvers around Putin.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
To compete with China strategically, economically is his main goal and he considers China to be a United States rival. Evidently, Putin's Russia is not a rival in Trump's eyes. It's a small economy, it's a huge nuclear arsenal and it's better to have Putin out of this bilateral US-China competition.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
I think no. And I have doubts because Trump may lie to himself that he could make this split between China and Russia. But the truth is that Russia is very much dependent on China right now. 36% des russischen Außenhandels ist mit China. Und China hat seit drei Jahren einen stetigen, präsentierenden und sehr beliebigen Partner und Unterstützer von Wladimir Putin.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
Und Putin weiß, dass er in China, in Peking, einen beliebigen Unterstützer und Partner hat. Und die USA sind jetzt alles, was präsentiert wird.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
It depends on whether Europeans want to play its own independent role and to have a say in the world's matters. Or they are quite satisfied with how Trump treats them, like without any respect, without considering them to be equals. The European Union doesn't need strategy right now. It needs it three years ago, at least, when the war has started.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
For these three years, Europeans have not produced anything which could be characterized as a strategy or a plan of action. And if you, as someone said, when you don't know where to sail, no wind is favorable.
Global News Podcast
Israel delays scheduled release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners
Absolut, absolut. The United States didn't and they haven't yet produced any sustainable strategy either. But the United States, I think they can afford it more than Europe can.