Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I gotta be honest. I didn't think it was gonna work. I just got this card and just realized I was a member the other day. That's pretty crazy.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, it doesn't work at other establishments. We got to remember we had this thing and, you know, we'll see how it goes. Oh, my God. Keep it secret. Just let me know. Just remind me. All right. I might forget. All right. Thanks for the Danish. I appreciate it. This is fantastic. I eat it like the fantastic Mr. Fox. That's just canonically how we all eat. That's right.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, you really bungled that one. Now what? Are we just going to leave your dad back there? I mean, the best we can do is sit here and wait and see if he finds us. If we go back out into the clearing, they're going to know we're not dead.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's a little chilly. We try to get his attention, but I don't want to step back into the clearing.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Probably. He's beloved. I've known him since I was a wee little lad. He makes the best cobblers, because he cobbles. That's what he does. He's the cobbler.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yes, he's a cobbler and makes cobbler. That's what it says on the tin. He's beloved. Oh, that's what a cobbler does. That man would never lie to anyone.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's a question I don't think we want to dive into. That's what a man does in the privacy of his own home. Yeah, I don't want to know anything about that.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
The shoes? Yeah. I don't know, you tell me. Is that normal?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
So now, what do we do? We try to flag my old man down, or we just, we move on, and he's toast. He's gonna be fish food.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, no, let's go with the bird call thing. That's absolutely a thing. We absolutely have a secret bird call that we've known for the last... Oh, really? Yeah, she is, absolutely. I don't know how you knew that. Well done, well done.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
All right, I'm gonna scamper back to the edge of the clearing and see if I can keep an eye out for my father and then use the bird call that we only know, the two of us, together.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That literally can't happen. There's literally only two people on the planet that know this bird call, and it's me and my father.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
This is a made-up bird call. Nobody's ever heard this bird before.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't know how that'll help, but... I thought it was too cold.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
In my giblets. Go, Booker, go! All right, I'm going. I'm going to sneak back to the edge of the clearing and see if I can find my father frantically looking for where we told him to meet us.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
The moment that I hear this happening, I will hunker down and prepare to do the bird call that my father and I have practiced many, many times. And he knows this bird call to mean that there is danger and that he should find the source of the call and stop what he's doing, no matter what he's doing, to make an excuse to escape and find the source of the call. Okay.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's a great question. What you choose to do with that information is up to you. Oh, the secret bird call.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
He would know it's a secret bird call. And it means stop what you're doing.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Make an excuse. Find the source of the call. He would know.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I thought it was just gonna be, Dad! Hey, Dad! Actually, the plus seven, I got a 22.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, come on, we gotta get back to the rest of the gang. Are you sure you need all that? Are you gonna be able to carry that? Yeah, I mean, it's got my lava lamp. We might be traveling through the woods. Like, it's kind of dangerous. It's got my stack of magazines. Okay, that doesn't seem really like a need. It's more of a want. It's got a bunch of blue box. That's the good stuff.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, I mean, food is reasonable to bring. Do you know the difference between needs and wants? Like, we should only bring the things we need. I... Booker, what did I teach you? A bird call or two.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Keep your voice down. And it worked out for me, okay. Dad, keep your voice down. Come on. All right. Come on. Let's get back to wrestling again. Just keep your voice down.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't know if it's gonna work out, Dad. I don't know about this bag of stuff here. Let's, let's meet with the rest of the gang and maybe we can, maybe we can just, maybe you can leave a lot of that behind. No, there's a hiding all this stuff.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, it was. I mean, no, that's the story we're sticking to. I mean, that's the good thing.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We're gonna move on. We're gonna make it. We're gonna get out of here. We're gonna start over. And we're gonna be fine. You just gotta stay away from the Otters. You gotta stay away from the Eyrie. Alright? You gotta just lay low in Marquisate-controlled territory. It'll be alright.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh, we're going through the woods? Probably. We gotta talk to the rest of the gang. Okay, lead the way. All right. Here we go.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
All right, guys, we got him, we got him. He's a little encumbered, though.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Wow, your dad's got a big sack. He won't give up his stuff. He just won't get rid of it. I tried to convince him. He says he needs a lava lamp, and he needs all the magazines, and I just don't understand. He's got a lava loop?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, we could eat melon and good food. Bummer. All right. You don't need all this stuff, Dad. You don't need all this. That's very funny. I would have said, play Foxy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Come on, you don't need even half this. Look, and plus, look, the bag is torn, it's destroyed, it's ruined. Just leave all this. Oh, but my lava lamp. They don't need a lava lamp. Oh, my magazines.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I want to be clear, I'm not putting down roots. I'm going to keep moving.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Fine, you're right, it's all junk. It's all right. Look, we'll get you settled. We'll get your new stuff. It'll be fine.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, that was the plan all along. I mean, like, I was very open about that from the very beginning. So we're going to... I didn't come back to Muck Bed to hang out with my dad. I mean, it's nice to see him, but, like, you know, I've got my own life to live. I've got my own freedom to achieve. I've got places to go and people to see and things to do. Places to play the banjo.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I've got to get a new banjo, by the way. I guess we...
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I followed it, just like the music that I hear as I waltz down the straits. It's where it took me, and the music will take me somewhere else.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, stop. No, that's not how this is working. We're relocating you to Pottsville. We're going to get you a nice place to stay. You're going to stay out of trouble. And then I'm going to move on with my life. Well... I'll come back and visit.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Whatever you say. Yeah. Why don't we start walking and we can talk about this maybe as we get closer to Pottsville? We got a long way to go, a lot of miles to get before we sleep.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We're just gonna leave it, it's fine. I'm bringing the lava lamp. With any luck, it'll look like he got mugged and maybe they'll think he's dead, too.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Why don't we just rum? Yeah, I think we should just get a move on here. I think we should, you know, rather not have to kill something. Yeah, here we go.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I'm not sure that's necessary, but we're not going to stop you.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
It's a miracle you still have that. I mean, a bunch of kidney, that doesn't really heal up. Surgery doesn't even take care of that. That's why you have two of them. I guess.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh. That's the only explanation for why you survived. Quite frankly. So we need to decide, are we going to Nookington, or are we going to go through the woods? Nah, it's faster to go through the woods, but it's safer to go through Nookington. Unless we're worried we're going to get ratted out and sent back.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't think so. We know that it's not eerie controlled, correct? Or do we know that that one is Eerie Control? We believe it's controlled by the cats. But we won't know for sure until we get there. Sure, right. But you've not been. We have not been yet.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You can't, you can't, that's right, you can't. Whoa! God, I'm so embarrassed. Whoa, fine. We're going through the woods, but everybody's gotta, you know, keep their guard up, pay attention where we're going. You know, this isn't gonna be a cake walk here.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's right, and a dangerous one at that. It is? Yes. Why? All sorts of things lurk in the forest.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I'm sure the lava lamp misses you, too. Can we get a move on, please?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I mean, mac and cheese would be food. I can pick up a couple. I think we need water to make these actual meals.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I've never been one to know much about milk and almonds. That's for sure.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We definitely don't want to go out of the way. We want to stay away from the rivers. We've got to be careful of the... It's dangerous through Nookington.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, I do not want to go to that sidewalk. That's horrific. I don't want to do anything about that.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's not true at all. Who would do that? Are you suggesting that there's an ocelot and an ocelittle, like a major and minor?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Just so I'm following, you say they steal your teeth, they put them under your own pillow so you find them in the morning. You wake up without any teeth.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That seems like a hard thing to measure. There's no way.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't know where you're going with this, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from trying.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, but I'm gonna be honest, I don't really believe it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't think we want anything trailing towards us either, though.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Again, it's just going to look like someone got mugged. We're fine.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, you and me both, sister. I'm not sure that's going to happen, but we can always hope. We can always hope. It's getting dark. Yeah, don't worry. It'll be fine. It's noon. Both me and my dad, we were critter scouts, okay? That's how we learned how to start fires. We were fuzz scouts. That's right, fuzz scouts. He achieved the rank of bearded dragon. Oh, wow.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's the top highest fuzz scout you can be. High bearded dragon. That's right. I only attained the rank of blue-footed booby. I was hoping to finish one day, but it just kind of got away from me.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Good old Fuzz Scouts. That's how we start fires. We'll be fine in just a couple nights of roughing it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Never felt so good. So what do you think? You sold it? You think that he's gonna go after your brother? Jean-Luc doesn't last the night, I don't think. Look, he's racking up enemies. He's got Knight here as an enemy, now he's got this Ledoux fella as an enemy. We just gotta keep tacking on a few more, and then your brother's toast.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Dad, Wes is that way. Oh, oh, you're right, you're right. Okay, I'm in the lead.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Not fall and scout ahead, but use my hearing and my perception, my heightened senses, to make sure there isn't trouble coming the way we're going, and not leading everyone into danger.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Roughly every time begging is an asthma attack. Yeah, exactly right.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Hey, it's been all right. We've done it before. We'll do it again. We've survived every time. It's like the old days. It's like the old days.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
And so I'm thinking maybe if we fake our own deaths, then... We're just going to be faster than the slowest member of us, actually.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We have, we have. We've been through some rough stuff, and we're tough. We're tough, and you and your dad, you're wilderness experts, so you'll keep us safe. Expert's a little bit strong, but yeah, we'll get there. We'll be all right.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Maybe not these particular parts of the forest, but yes, we've spent nights in the woods, we've traversed so many deep, dark areas, it's been fine.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, and I'll be honest with you, too, when we did it before, you know, I was a different person. I was a lot more murderous, more willing to stab someone with a dagger. Now I'm a lot more of a banjo guy, so, you know, we'll see how things shake out.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's right, which, you missed that, too. Didn't go so well.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Before you put the mac and cheese in there? It'll be fine. It'll all cook out. Don't let anybody eat the mac and cheese. It'll all cook out. Do not eat the mac and cheese. Why not? Because if you don't boil the water first, it's not going to be good. It's going to look like Mr. Ledoux's desk. I could have sworn.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, Branch eviscerated it. Another branch? That already happened. We did that already.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
What is it? Vincy, are you all right? What's that face? Nothing. Can we share it? What is that?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
So we don't have any food, is what we're saying. We got no food?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, we're not eating that either. It's got dysentery or giardia or something. There's no more food. We have to eat it or we'll starve. You're going to be starving a lot worse once you eat that and you just shit all your guts out. Why would I shit my guts out? Because he didn't clean the water before he made the mac and cheese.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
What if we tried... Dysentery, giardia, all those things. Those are serious illnesses.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I mean, I'm not really much of a hunter. That's definitely not my expertise.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Especially since I've been staring into this fire. We're all practically night blind.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh, you're right. I'm completely blind if I turn around.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Also, that was very eloquent of you. That was, where did you learn that?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Okay, well, I hope that we have more time for that in the future.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, you can do whatever you want now. You're free.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's my favorite. What'd you do to get in trouble to get your books taken away?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That sounds like one of those protags. You're like... Oh, oh my gosh. You basically like that.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't want you to be scared. You might have nightmares if you read The Goosebumps. Wait, this is scary? It's a scary book, yeah.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You can never just get one in the Scholastic Book Fair.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
The covers are enticing, except for that cover, Christ.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Right after the everlasting book fair. Looking back on it, I don't think that was very good parenting.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I was kind of starving. That was inappropriate for you to bring a young teen into the place called the Harry Potter.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's unnatural. No, guys, I'm telling you, please don't eat it. They ship it in. Please don't do it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You're going to be up all night. You're going to be bothering me, telling me, asking me, Book, are you awake? Book, are you awake? Over and over again. And then I'm going to have to soothe you and calm you down and get you back to bed. Well, it would be rude to give it back, so why don't we just play it off like I read it? Okay, just pretend. Okay, I'll pretend.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I take the, if he passes the pot to me. Nature's spoon. I immediately, after he passes the pot to me, I'll pass it on and I'll say, I will be having sleep for dinner. Go ahead. There's nothing else to eat? Final warning, I wouldn't eat that. We gotta have dinner, Booker. No, I'm fasting. I'll make it till tomorrow. But there's nothing else. What's gonna happen if I eat this?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You might poop your pants. No. Come on. To death. You might poop your pants to death. You don't like your old man's cooking? You loved the mac and cheese. It has nothing to do with your cooking, Dad. It has everything to do that you didn't boil the water first. You didn't clean the water. I boiled it in the pot. It's killing it all anyways. I don't trust it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You know what those otters do when they're shipping up and down the river all day?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Somebody's going to eat my cooking, huh? I wouldn't do it. I can't stop you. You're free to do whatever you want. But I'm telling you, death by pants pooping is a bad way to go. What if I had just a little bit as a treat? Well, then you might little bit poop your pants to death. Why do you take a lot of it?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
It's possible. This mac and cheese could kill me? No, it can't. More importantly.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh no, I definitely don't like any of those things.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
And if you're pooping your pants a lot, there's a good chance you just burst into flames in your throat.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I was a pretty good storyteller, but this is real.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Look, here's nature's book. I made one for you, kid.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I have a plus nine. Roll for me, roll for me. Okay. Let's see. Oh, 17 with my plus nine. You got a seven. Yes!
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
And when you go over there and you start shitting your pants to death, don't come back into the camp crying to me.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for collecting these votes. Thank you for coming up with the plans and helping me tally them.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's appalling, right? Oh, was there any mac and cheese left? No, he took it all with him. You don't want it. I'm telling you, you don't want it. It's going to make you sick. I mean, why? Why? You missed some family drama.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
She's referring to elbow noodles. Okay, all right, well, so that presents a problem.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Why is it a problem that he spilled noodles in the middle of the woods? If anybody's looking for us, they're going to follow the noodles right to us.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Who would follow a trail of noodles? Are you crazy? That's exactly what otters do! Eat the noodle. They follow noodles! In the dark woods! It's a human morph! That's like a CR40 monster we could toast.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We should put out the fire. We should put out the fire. We should put out the fire. We should put out the fire right away.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's the point. They won't be able to see us. Look, I can see in the dark. I can see in the dark. I can't see in the dark very well. But I'll watch for you.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't know, I don't know. We scare them with fire. My vote's put the fire out, but.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Me, it's Booker, and Booker wants to put the fire out.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
It's a tiebreaker. Wait, how was that? Anybody else vote for me?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh, convince me. I've already said my piece. I've said my piece, too. It's either we do it or we don't. Either way, we're probably dead.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, then we're just going to burn down the forest.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Let's put the fire out. And I'll start kicking dirt onto the fire to try to put it out and get it as much low as we can. Make a survival check to see how well you create a cold camp. Even though being in the Fuzz Scouts, my survival's not very good. Unless I roll a natural 20.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
He's gonna bumroach the whole army of perverts. It's gonna be ocelots and hula hoops coming out of the woodwork.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's fine. Just keep your eyes open for anything that might be coming down the pathways. But I need to close my eyes in order to go to sleep. Well, then you go to sleep. I'll stay up. I can't sleep. There's too much danger. But you need sleep in order to not die from not sleeping. No, that takes, what, days, weeks? How long? I don't know.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I'm not going to die from one night of not getting sleepy. How do you know? I've done it before. Can that happen? Well, yeah, but you have to, like, not sleep for, like, days and days on end, and somebody will have to keep poking you and keeping you awake and say, hey, Grumly, don't fall asleep. Oh, no. Hey, Grumly, don't fall asleep. Oh, God.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
You're not going to die after one night of not sleeping. Well, you might.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I told you not to read in that. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hold on, hold on. Why was it alive? It was a puppet. It's not real, it's not a real story. It doesn't make any sense. It's fake, it's a fake story. It's all right.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I'm not telling ghost stories. No, no, we're watching out for danger. You apparently left a mac and cheese trail all the way to us.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No. A noodle trail. I would never do that. You did. The bag tore open. That's why all the mac and cheese pour out of your bag. I would never do that. Well, not on purpose, I know, but it was an accident. if we're telling ghost stories in the cold game.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No. No? You're telling me that's what happened to Uncle Clarence? You told me he fell off a ladder.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I always make sure that Grumly holds the ladder for me. That's good.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I saw the ocelot. Were you listening? He just described it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Was there like a lot of blood or viscera? If you're not careful with how you ask the questions, you can start the whole story over.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Uncle Clarence told you that? Yeah, we were good friends. Why would you share that detail with a friend of yours?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't believe any of this. This is a stupid story. Uncle Clarence fell off a ladder, and that's all there is to it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, just a little bit of a... Sounds like you got a kidney stone or something there, Pop.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Hey, don't you blame that on Grumly. No, it wasn't me this time. We're a mixed company. They're ladies' presents. You don't know Grumly enough to be blaming that on him, all right?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Beauregard made Beauregard shit his pants. He made that mac and cheese. I told you all not to eat it. Oh, he definitely shit his pants.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
He's taking very small steps. There's a loud squelching noise with every step. I told you guys. I'm glad you listened to me. Finally. I can't hear you under the sound of a dance. I know, but I'll be all of you. And you'd all be dead. And I'd be the only one. Your dad's a real loud shitter.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Also, Uncle Clarence did not get killed by some mythical creature. He fell off a ladder. Is he screaming about shitting? Probably. Just ignore him. Just ignore him.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I'm in trouble. He's on his own now. He's on his own.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
But we're not going to bury you when you die, old man. Oh, I hope I don't die from this. It's very likely. It's very likely. Should somebody play some music or something? I would love to, but I haven't been able to find a new banjo.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
And he's just groaning. Cook stupid meals, win stupid prizes, I always say.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
That's pretty good. Hey, Booker? Yeah, what's up, Conway? Do I piss loud? Why are you asking me this, Conway?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I can honestly say with 100% accuracy that until this single moment, I've never thought of it. It's never come to my attention, so probably not. But what if I am a loud pisser? I think we'd know. We'd all know. Peggy would have said something to my mouth.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Ugh. It's going to be all right, buddy. It's going to be all right. Oh, it's not going to be all right.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Oh, boy. You did this to yourself. You have no one to blame but yourself. Oh, who could be responsible? How could this have happened? You. You didn't boil the water. I did everything right. Oh.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, he doesn't, which is why he's in this mess in the first place, and I didn't even want to take him out of the damn clearing.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, I got you all mixed up in family drama. This isn't your fault, Brumley. It's mine. I should have known better.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No, he did the right thing and I don't want him to die. He's your dad. I tried to not let him eat the mac and cheese. He just doesn't listen. He's so stubborn. You know, it's just like he thinks he knows everything.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Otherwise, I wouldn't have done all this if I thought that. Here's the thing. He doesn't listen to you.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Maybe he listened to her. I mean, maybe, but we'd want to get to the clearing first, right?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, and things are kind of boring there, so hopefully there's not much trouble for him to get into. Now, if he leaves after we've done all this, what can we do?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I don't know, I think the woods are pretty exciting. So I think- This isn't every water. Is that what you call it?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
No one could have seen that coming. Everyone was in jail.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Well, these things happen. What can you do, you know?
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Okay. I'm going to just try to keep my eyes out for things for a bit. Good night, Booker. Good night, Grumly.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
He's probably dehydrated. Water's not going to help at this point, especially the water that he brought from the river.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
He's definitely going to be dead come sunrise. There is no saving him now. It's over. It's all over.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
All deflated. Once he's back in camp, I would then go to sleep. Yeah. Nobody didn't see it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Freeboots! Yes! Yeah! We got to go grab old Bo. Get out of here.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I look at Bromley and I say, There's nothing out there, right? Don't panic. Okay. What I want you to do is calmly get Bitsy and Peggy. I'm going to get Jean-Claude and my dad and get ready to run.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Home. Oh my god, go get them, go get them. This is when I started to scoot, keep my eyes on this creature, I started to scoot towards Jean-Claude.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Yeah, I would be screaming and saying, like, we need to run, we need to run, we need to run.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Where do we need to go? Which direction is it in? Oh, God. I would try to see, is it standing in the way that we need to go? If I know which way west is, like having a rough idea of where we're traveling.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
14 14 uh you see that it is in the direction towards the deepest part of the wood that you are attempting to go i would as i would immediately be like north pointing north to be like we need to run north and be and being like go that way go that way get that way i just just disappear into the woods you all start screaming as you're all waking up busy just
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Wow. That's interesting. I would not have thought that would work out. God damn it.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
There's nothing we can do against the CR 75 monster.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We're going to be like, lock this guy out. That was perfect. Let's go.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
I really am. You got to get up. You got to pack what you can. Pack light. We got to get out of here. We're skipping town and running to Pottsville. We're getting out of here. We're getting you out of here. Pottsville. To be honest, they wanted us to murder somebody to clean your debt. And we didn't want to do it. We voted a lot. It was too many votes. There's no more time to explain.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
Get in the woods. We can decide if we take the road or not.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
We gotta go. Go, go, go, go, go. Go in the woods. Just get in the woods. We gotta get out of here.
Legends of Avantris
Uprooted | S2E7 | Roughin' It
What do you all do? I turn to Grumman and I say, hey, were you able to get breakfast and walk out? Can I get my cart back? Hold up.