Benjamin Tranié
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
The crack? No. Wait, the 11 children, it's in the same place?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, but you get closer. It's not even Philippe Corti, the DJ. Is it cutané?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ah, est-ce que c'est le lube ? C'est pas du lube. Non, non, c'est pas du lube.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yes, everyone uses it, it's very famous. Don't show me. No, no, no. You can see me too, but... There's nothing hot around the table, so you can stop. Yes, yes, yes.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It seems to me... It's not genetic, it's touching the child when he's born.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And you suspected earlier that we could swallow it. You asked yourself the question, I don't know if we can swallow it.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Mammals of boars. The little boars of boars. But this passage in the child with such consequences had not been put into evidence.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Solid on its supports. Solid. It's been 27 years. The only time he presents the car from the outside, he's... It was bullshit. The light switch remained in the door.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, no, I remember it was something acid. It's really not the same thing. No, no, no. She would have died, especially.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It would have been a poop-acid. Yeah, it's a cigarette, a little bit.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
With sursis. Oh yeah, no. It's okay. The Parisian says it's poop. Yeah. After, be careful, like any news, you have to cut back. You have to cut back with other sources.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
You go to a locker room, you can cut back the poop on the girl there. On Claire Chazal.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's poop, it's good poop, Mr. President. We're in this world where we're no longer surprised by anything. You were there, ah yes, it's true that the guy took a shit jump on the car.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
They explode, of course. They explode. No, yes, when they trip. But now you're inventing that to get to know people.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And Jérôme, how much did you win? It looks like he's excited by the price that people are making. It's pretty crazy. Because in 2001, such an actor said that about you. Did it annoy you? Did it annoy you or not?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
50,000 euros a month. I live, what? I have to earn, yeah, I don't know, half a million euros a year. I live, I advance. And then afterwards, we do like everyone else, we pay attention.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Jean petit week-end à Lisbonne donc voilà ça c'est du carreau de carrelage ça c'est les pastèches des Natas la Camargue sous toutes ses formes le sel tout ça oui je pense que les bords de Seine plus d'exotique c'est très beau en Normandie il y a des mais ça peut être par exemple la Seine-et-Marne la Brie non pas du tout exotique provins coulommiers oui merci on y revient enfin
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ça, c'est les France 3 Régions qui font ça le week-end, et puis on va chez un forgeron, et puis après, nous voici chez Mathilde, qui a 87 ans, et qui va nous faire son poteau-feu. Merci, Mathilde.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Mathilde, je suis dessus, là, Mathilde. On a déjà commencé le poteau-feu avant qu'on arrive.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Qui, maintenant, se sont vraiment très orientés généalogie. Ça fait deux, trois ans qu'il n'y a que de la généalogie et des chasseurs d'héritage. On est sur un thème assez mono.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Vraiment tu cherches la connivence Jusqu'à l'état civil Pour percer je suis prêt à tout Non mais j'entends Non mais il y a beaucoup d'émissions qui Une fois que t'as dit ça Moi j'ai regretté parce que du coup A chaque fois on m'amène des ballons Oh non, Fort Boyard Ferme le truc Annulez le happening Mais sur les trucs de Nouvel An c'est une cata du coup Tu ne fêtes pas la Nouvelle Année Pas la télé en tout cas
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's really the panel of people who know each other. Usually it's the local coffee. It's pro time, usually. But here, you see, they give you an hour on the Serbian constitution. With only pros. With only pros of the Serbian constitution.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Tu saignes un peu du nez pendant, mais tu kiffes ! Est-ce qu'il y a des émissions de culture ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
T'as confondu. T'as fait un mix entre La Marche du siècle et Secrets d'Histoire.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And then I walked with my pants down. Like a penguin. I called my mother so she could wipe me. No, no, but he had peed in the thing. To sum up, what did he say?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, it's true. And why? Because I don't like people too much. I don't like the other one. Get out of my house, walk. And I find the activities a little nasty every time. Always.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There is flour in the basin and then you have to look for a square of chocolate.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Elle est très connue, cette émission. Mais c'est quoi le... Moi, j'ai jamais vu, je crois.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And it's true that it happened to me once, I raise my head, and it was, I've been on the show for a very long time, and there was a 38 tons of balloons, of birthday, of McDo, and I got rid of it. In running. In running.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Télévision Toujours, qui est l'émission culte, va revenir sur M6 après 12 ans d'absence.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's great. They took back speeches without the voice and they put, I don't know, telephone or... Yeah. For it to be a lip-sync more or less.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It was a bit nasty. It's like the private life of animals with rock. Exactly. Okay, very good.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'était des dingues, un peu midiogènes. Je garde tout. C'est ça.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oh no, I'm such a maniac. Frankly, you can eat me on the floor. And besides, you ask people what is very important when we go to your house. But I remember that I had... Des petites tambouilles de... Là, vous mélangez un petit peu de vinaigre, un petit peu de ce qui est maintenant le truc de TikTok. Mais oui.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et maintenant, on va passer la table de chevet au citron. I can't stand this thing, it pisses me off.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I love it, unfortunately. And there, I cut this mango in half and I clean the glass and it shines. It never worked, it's all fat. It's all fat, my life is all fat. You're talking about tricks.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Grâce à vous. Mais non, mais ils sont insupportables. C'est comme les oignons, il y a toujours un truc pour détourner l'oignon, si vous me permettez. Oui, bien sûr. Pardon. C'est une belle image.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oui, c'est comme les dentifrices au fluor. Tu te brosses les dents, donc le fluor, il va pas... I don't care about that.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Which ends at the Olympia? In Paris, it ends at the Olympia and I end exactly... Thank you.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And it's funny what you say, because I also wanted the little rendezvous side of our childhood. Because now, obviously, with the platforms, there are no more appointments, there is only replay. And there, I liked this idea of telling myself, well, during the holidays, every Wednesday from 21 to 22, there are two numbers.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And I thought it was also a small form of tribute to this TV there, 20 or 30 years ago, also where the artists, at the time, it was more the TV animators who went to the shows of each and every one, but made small numbers of songs of variety and everything. Well, there, it's a bit this idea there, but with parodies.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'est ça. Et avec des guests aussi. T'as ramené plein de gens pour venir faire des tours. Oui. J'ai eu la chance de le voir hier, moi. Je l'ai vu aussi. Les trois premiers épisodes. Et ouais, c'est dingue. Il y a tout le monde. Je crois qu'il n'y a pas une personne qui... Il y a un petit côté Saturday Night Live qui fait plaisir.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ah ouais, bon, ça c'est des... Comparaison n'est pas raison. Oh, bordel de merde.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Laisse-moi te le dire. Et encore, je le dis, il y a Delphine Baril dedans. Delphine Baril, ça plane au-dessus de nous. Je l'adore.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oui, il y a des gens connus et il y a Benjamin. Oui, voilà. No offense, I know where I am.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I'm good in my place. No, no, there's no problem. And I'm good. I'm good.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, but we make a number, both of us, we don't stop this, we make a cuisine of musketeers, special Christmas 90. And we don't remember, because she wasn't only with Micheline, the lady with the white hair who was next to her, she invited chefs for the holidays.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I make a chef who comes with his little recipe. We don't say no more.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Really? Yeah, I don't know, it marked me, the big phone. And then there was the Big Deal, obviously, but... It's the first game of La Gaffe, I think. The roll-call. It didn't last very long, but it marked me. I thought it was crazy, the fluo costumes, stretching your hair like that to make the monkey. It was quite exceptional.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
They told stories, that's where they told funny stories, right? Yes, among other things.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There is the excellent Etienne Carbonnier who makes the canapes with the years. It's so good. And Canapes 95, it's funny, we say to ourselves, we were all contaminated, there was a cloud. It's impossible, how could we... live in it and not ask questions. And I invite you to watch it on YouTube, it's extraordinary.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
The funny stories of the big heads, it was still the prime of TF1, which had the largest audiences. It went up to 10 to 12 million people. And even when they introduce guests at one point, I'm not going to say who it is, but Bouvard starts by saying, and she's there, mouth open on the highway, waiting for the chalant. Sorry for the name, but we were there as a family. And it was on TV.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And I had a girl from Coulumiers called Dorothée who had met Lame. And I remember that I was quite jealous. It was the time of Lame who had reprised the song of Michel Berger and all. And I admit, I said to myself, damn, the luck she met Lame and all. And she had become a bit the star of the college. Damn, what a luck she had. It was crazy.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
As a memory, it's very famous, but the Gainsbourg and the Billet de Banque. I wonder if we don't hear photographers. The moment is so crazy. I think there's a press photographer shooting me. The image is so crazy. And everyone tends to forget.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There were two journalists. I don't remember the name of the first one. And the second one is Gilbert Charbonnier. I don't know if you know who she is. In short, who is not very well known, but it's his time and everyone only remembers the other guy and not at all.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Like everyone else. As soon as I could put in my mini-interviews that I was a fan of Jérôme, I said it. I think he must have had Google Alerts all week saying, but who is he who quotes me every time? And that's it. And we ended up meeting.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
They did something similar to me in real life. I started, I salute him, his name is Luc Sanzoni, who made me this joke, which is not very funny. But I still say hi to him. You're very mind-dropping. No, no, but wait.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And we were in Avignon for a play. And we're going to eat at the restaurant. And this famous Luc says to me, there are two people who recognize you. And who would like to take a picture with you. And it was two girls who must be 25 years old. Which is not at all my age. And it's often guys. So I say to myself, well... It's crazy. It made me so happy.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It was like, at least, I think, one of the first times someone asked me for a picture. So I go, with a heart of stone, I take the picture. Obviously, I sit down and he says to me, it's wrong, it's me who asked them to take the picture.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
They asked to play the fans. The impression in my head was more cruel.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But when you talk about surprise, surprise, there's something that I don't know, that questions me, because obviously we all know now a little bit the backstage of the shooting. I tell myself, but how a show that makes 10 million people, which is still a good deal, with accomplices who are always, how to say, the comedians of the show, who are always the same, are never, never recognized.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Because for me, they were almost as well known as the guests. You think they didn't change the comedians? I remember one that I loved, called Jean-Pierre Allary, who was there all the time, all the time, and who was super talented. He could be the cop, the waiter. They were incredible actors.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And you say, well, at one point, how is it possible that it could have lasted like that for at least four years?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's always complicated to say the good of people when they are there. I'd rather say bad things and be on their back. But you're at the right place.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
After, François Damien, if he had done it, I think, in Switzerland to be less grilled, or in Corse.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And there are news that will come out. Oh yeah ? Oh la la, we're excluded ! It's great, that !
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Il s'appelle T'as pas changé, c'est avec François Damiens, Laurent Lafitte et Vanessa Paradis, et ça sort fin d'année 25. Proveur, mais quel kiffeur !
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yes, but in fact, it was not intended. It's that, me, necessarily, I took it as a fact that for people, it's me who grinned. So, I said to myself, well, they know. And all the characters, normally, they have a bit of a common trait. All the guests, sorry, have a bit of a common trait where we try to shift them a little bit. Or is it that you parody a lot ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
That's why I was talking about SNL too, you imitate people. And there, Laurent, we really made him a silicone head, so he's unrecognizable. It's hilarious. It's very funny.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Because I knew that when he was called sexist, it was my choice. Yes, yes, yes. Marianne, of course.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But I told him when I went to see him at the little gym. Exactly. It was seven or eight months ago. it rarely happens, if you, all those who listen to us, count the times when it happened to you when you went to see humorous shows, at the end of a moment, I was fed up laughing.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Not Jean-Luc Reichman. Did he help a lot for France? You're asking a very good question. Did he piss France off?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Benjamin, I look at him, I want to laugh because he has a greasy shirt on his forehead and a shirt that comes out of the Villemin case. And Audrey Lamy in Isabelle Belkany. It doesn't end there.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
We see that everyone is having fun. And so, inevitably, there are miles of nonsense.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And at one point, even if we were tempted to add more, I said, let's stop, because I didn't want it to be between us. It's often something we've experienced or seen as a spectator. It's to say, they're having fun, but they're between them. I'm a little excluded.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yes, but at its disposal, the shows are so long. But that's it. Furnished. You have four hours of live.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I think it was two or three years ago. But I wonder if that's not what made me want to put it there. It's all stupid. It's nothing at all. And it can happen at any time. There is a kid, a candidate who, I don't know, has to do SOS from the inside in distress again. And... Il part dans les cintres. Il part en l'air avec un harnais. Et c'est rien du tout. C'est imperceptible.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Mais juste, il est en costard. Il a des chaussures vernis. Et il perd sa grolle à 3 mètres de hauteur. Et tu vois une petite grolle qui tombe. Et tu vois le pied qui se bat comme ça dans les airs. Et voilà. Bon, c'est pas plus que ça. Mais là, tu t'es dit, allez, il faut faire quelque chose.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I laughed so much that at the end of a moment, I looked at my friend Gauthier, the boat that I'm in, who took me to see Benjamin, and I said, there, I stop. And yet the waves continued. You know, I'm not hungry anymore, really. I'm going to make a little
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Mais ça a dû arriver plein de fois. Je pense que j'ai déjà dû appeler quelqu'un le crotteur. Bien sûr.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Je savais qu'on allait dévier vers le monde adulte très vite. And all of a sudden, the word crotteur went in a completely different direction. But not at school, I did it at work, I had to call someone crotteur.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And after that, we added some calm times. Because he told me, frankly, it's great, but there's a moment when you can't take it anymore. So I put in a few moments of calm time to be able to breathe. You're a king of humor.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I think that's not bad. You too, you shower at Total. I like it when I have 2-3 hours on the road, I take a break at 1h30, I take a little shower and then I arrive. Do you take small plastic tongs? I imagine.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Even with a gun on the tank. I keep my crotch. No, but it's for the roadside drivers, I imagine.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
What do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? What do you do for a living? A bit of a memory, but I don't do it anymore. Yes, of course, of course. That's what I like.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
J'adore les airs d'autoroute. Moi aussi. Pardon, la partie commerciale. Si ma phrase peut traiter à confusion, là d'un coup je regrette. On se rappelle de Bouvard. Oui, c'est ça. Non, non, non, non, mais... Oui, toi t'aimais bien.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
T'aimes bien ? But you're more... You go to the side of... You know when there are things that are very regional? You know, the little regional cakes? The calissons? It even becomes too regional.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But there's everything. And the gigastations. The ones where you start to have a pole, a flower... It's too much.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There is an autoroute when you go to the Vosges, you go to Troyes, etc. And it's a bridge where there is a stained glass, I don't know how to say it, a bit of sun or I don't know what. Exceptional. I took a picture and I put it on Instagram.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'est Jeanne Moreau qui était fan des frites de chez Campanile. Ah oui ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
C'est totalement vrai. C'est un truc qui avait traîné chez Ruki à l'époque sur Europe 1. Et quelqu'un avait dit ça pour déconner. Et c'était un moment de radio assez chouette. Et il avait dit « on va l'appeler ». Donc tout le monde était autour de la table. « Non mais attends, on va pas appeler Jeanne pour ça ».
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Good evening, good evening. Exactly, she arrived. And Ricky said, is it true that you like the Fritz at Campanile? Totally. I'm crazy about it. I'm crazy about it. Oh, great. It's a great radio show.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oh, I loved it. It broke my heart once, the air of the highway, where there are also the shops, I wanted to say. Otherwise, I didn't have a love breakup. With a lady who works in her Camtard And between Paris and Coulomiers There is an air of highway The air of the hill ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No it's Couteau-Vroult I give you the little tips We don't talk too much because it's going to be full of people It's going to be full of tourists It has to stay a little bit My wife lives in Nogent So she came to see me in Coulomiers And once I stop on this air of highway And I see all the gifts she brought me
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Dans l'air d'autoroute Donc oui why not Mais bon là je me suis dit bon Effectivement il a dû être sur la route On est sur quelque chose de dernière minute quoi Et bah des petits beurres spécial 77 Moi je pardonne pas ça moi Moi qui suis très à cheval sur les cadeaux Moi ce que j'aime aussi dans ces aires d'autoroute C'est
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Is it a thing... Does he launch it to make another bullshit or is it first degree?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et un truc, un vrai produit officiel, et t'as vraiment la flamme... Pas de jeu de mots, hein.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Is it a relationship with Elon Musk ? So it's not in relation to Elon Musk.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I was contacted to... They were launching Orangeina Rouge. Okay. And it was for a competition of an advertisement. And I had written with Zahid, who was kind of my character, but it was really at the very beginning. And the guys liked what we were doing. It was very nice of them. They won the competition with our thing. And they went on something else. So it's pretty classic.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But in fact, seeing Lozay running, and we were at the beginning, we said to ourselves, aren't we trying to screw up the character for an ad? It's a bit of a shame. And in fact, they did very well, because they took back the character that Shabba had used, Orange and Red. And so it was much better like that. It seems that it annoys a lot of air when you think it's him.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And at the last moment, it slows me down. Because I tell myself, it's still, especially today, because before there was this side, I do a little thing somewhere and then no one will know. Which is less the case today.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And so, yes, because I think it impacts the films you make or a project like this one. So, beyond the amount, which can obviously be huge, I find it more implicating than just doing a commercial like this.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Petite angoisse, petite suée, à chaque fois au moment de dire... Mais ça en est bien sorti, je trouve, Judor, sur les pubs EDF et tout. Après, c'est lui qui les écrivait, c'est lui qui réalisait.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oui, mais pour en avoir parlé avec pas mal de gens dans les agences qui, justement, venaient me solliciter. Et en général, t'es plutôt le troisième ou le quatrième sur la liste. La pub de Judor pour EDF, c'est un peu le maître étalon. C'est-à-dire qu'il a réussi quelque chose de tellement chouette, tellement... So after, for years, he came to see the artists. We want that. Yeah, we want that.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
But except that... And it's so much the humor of Judor. That's it. Everyone doesn't have his twist of writing.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And it's true that the voice looks like him, now we're used to it, so we hear that it's not his. Yeah, but at the beginning, yeah.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Oui, parce que les Pères Noël, en plus, ils... Je m'actualise pas.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Galerie Lafayette, si ça... Enfin, moi, je vais bien le faire cet après-midi.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing. It's a camera thing.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's funny, it's quite funny But he talks about that And this thing And it's an American thing I think It's a farfadé Every day it's a luthier who does shit And when your child wakes up You pour flour You put little footprints That's invented by an alcoholic father I think But no, it's a luthier Someone shit in the sink It's a luthier, I remember
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Non, non, non. Moi, je trouve qu'il y a dit quelque chose. Je suis adoubé, je suis adoubé.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
J'ai une anecdote Souchon, je vous embête deux secondes. Oh bah regarde-moi ce que je vous raconte. Je suis à Inter, je sors de l'ascenseur pour aller faire ma chronique et je tombe nez à nez avec Alain Souchon. Quand même, je suis trop content et tout. Et vraiment, je vois, il me regarde, il me pointe du doigt. Genre, je te reconnais, mais je ne sais plus comment tu t'appelles.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et donc, moi, je suis un peu surpris. Putain, Souchon voit un peu qui je suis. Et je fais, bonjour. Et il me fait... I love it, but it's still not my name and my first name, it doesn't matter. I was already quite flattered like that. I was so panicked that Alain Souchon recognized me. He was waiting for the elevator to come down and I say thank you and have a good trip in the elevator. And I left.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And all the way after to go to the studio, I was saying to myself, but why did I say that?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There was a sentence in the series, I don't know why, it was like, it's rare, but it exists.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Of course. She leaves a long silence of 25 seconds. But everything is cult. When she smokes her clove on her mini, she waits for her husband to get out of health. And the info channels, I don't know, one or two years ago... And she's there, there's nothing to see, nothing to show. When he goes, he swears with a BFM team, I think. She's very famous. And the camera, he confiscates the camera.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I saw you on Téléthon, didn't I? Well, of course, but he's the presenter of the Starac.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Victorovitch, that's it. The word. And yes, Mouloud. I had done Mouloud too. How is your soul going? Are you okay? Did you have a good show? Are you okay, Kylian? What do you think of it? How was Sweden? Tell us, tell us. And it made me happy because he talked about it in France, in an interview, saying that the imitation made him laugh a lot. I didn't expect it, I confess.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Bruno Solo. He was facing me. I think he didn't appreciate it. That's crazy. I saw him again.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It was my first time. And Bruno Solo had been a bit rude. And I was told that on France Inter, I was going to have Bruno Solo as a guest. I said, are you sure? Because I'm going to tell him what happened and tell him again. He said, don't worry, it's going to be a good atmosphere. I'm not sure. Okay. And he was a very good player, I must say.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Even at the end, he told me, bravo, you had your little revenge, well played, when we met again yesterday. I thought that's what he thinks. But he was a good player, and when we met again yesterday, he told me again, he told me, it made me laugh, you did well, don't keep that on your heart, it was great. Yeah, yeah.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
No, but in reality, I think people take it well. I think you do too, but it happens. Yes, there were two or three who didn't take it very well, but that's okay.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I had one with this medallion on Europe. At the time, I stayed a long time and I made papers in front of the guests. There was Gonzague Saint-Brie, he left, I can talk about it, who was a very media historian who came a lot to Europe, who was also adorable. And I make a kind of story, a bit of a dick, in short, which is mixed with the prints.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And I put, but really, as I could have put something else, I do that a little even in vain, to be honest. I put that his parents were collaborators. And I say, well, and your parents, dear Gonzague, who did not demerit, at the time when we spoke German in our countryside. And then, he hits the table and says, it's not true, it's false, it's false.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And I understand, I came across a real, at the time, it wasn't called Bad Buzz, but on a real file, and that we had really suspected. And then, he's going to explain that, but no, I did it by chance, but if I had known... Because it's always funny to talk about collabo. If I had known that we had really accused your parents of that, and I understand everything.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And he understands that I didn't do it on purpose. I finished my paper trembling because I thought to myself, it's impossible to explain.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Benjamin, he's there. And Alison Wheeler, her one man, who is amazing. That's it.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
We love her, we love her. Benjamin ? Me, a Facebook account called Humour et second degré, where there are a lot of gifs, a little funny, a little... No, no, it's a podcast called Le Mécanisme du Journalisme, which is very good. It talks about Pygmalion, a little bit about all the things where you say... Pygmalion, Pygmalion, Pygmalion, Pygmalion, Pygmalion, sorry, excuse me.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
And all the things you've heard about, you say, it's going to make my nose bleed, I absolutely don't want to listen to this thing. And in fact, it's explained by the journalist, how he did the investigation. And often, it's politicians' mistakes that make the case explode. And it's super interesting. And there are lots of episodes.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I highly recommend you on Radio France, I think, on the Radio France app. Magnificent. Adrien ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Et parce que Kamala Harris, comment ça se prononce ? Kamala Harris, j'imagine ?
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Bah non, comme tu peux le voir. Non, mais c'est-à-dire... Moi, ça me met pas mal à l'aise, parce que c'est bien, en fait. Mais quelqu'un qui parle très bien et qui est français et tout, ça peut me tendre un peu. C'est mon côté chauvin. Mais arrête avec cet accent, là, parle normalement.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yes, that we can apply. Yes, so no, for me, it's more of a well-being podcast. I opened a little Sofro cabinet in the south. I kind of stopped the job. And I take a little bit of the song, a little bit of... So it's put in place very slowly, of course.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
I tasted his herbal tea, it's exceptional. He makes his own verveine and everything. We enjoy ourselves when we go to Gérôme's house. So it's a little clear. It's a little hackeux.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
There is little verveine in it, I imagine. Yes. Voilà, et puis après, je suis content, j'ai la mairie de la Grande Motte, où ils sont en train de venir, on fait des stages un peu de Sofro, on parle.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Après le Covid, j'ai tout lâché. Tout, tout, tout, tout, tout. Tout, tout, tout, tout, tout. J'avais envie de... Voilà, c'est comme une espèce de... Débrancher, quoi, un peu.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Vous avez tous un peu en tête. Vous êtes pas nanassurés vous ? Just my house. My house is to be insured, the rest is MMA. There are 800 per month, but it's going well. The mœurs, it's the mœurs.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Ça pousse sa mère ! Oui, ça pousse ! Florent Bernard. Bravo ! Adrien.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
It's logical. I don't say soft, I say soft. I say a soft chocolate. Yeah, that's it. You say what? A soft chocolate. Yeah, in fact, the thing is... I say, oh, the pillow is all soft. And then, it's me.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Yes, they say that in La Rousse. It's the first page of La Rousse.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
If you don't know how to read phonetics too. It's also a bit of an improvisation.
S10E14 - Détournons l’Oignon
Rebellion. Rebellion. Mnemo, M-N, technique, not mnemotechnique.