The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
Right. Yeah. And, you know, when you're working through those feelings, you can go to therapy every single day, but you're still like, what could I have done differently? Like, why did this happen? Not one thing.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
No, that's so powerful. Thank you for saying that. I agree with that where it brings out the triggers in me when I am talking to someone that's very healthy. And so it's just healing, healing your heart and working through that together if they're willing to or doing the work on your own. So I appreciate that.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
I don't even know what to say. That really makes my heart melt. I want to say bye, boy.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
Yes. It's depleting, I'll tell you that much. But hi, thank you for having me. Lovely to see you both. Yes, I just moved back to Denver. I'm originally from Colorado after a pretty depleting heartache. And it was about two years ago on the dot. So I'd say we're on the up and up for sure.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
So I guess my biggest thing is after you go through a heartache, you know, I lived with my ex. We were buying a house together and we were together for three years. And when I found out that he basically had a whole other girlfriend. And how did you find out? Was it through a phone? It was through video game messages and then phone and then Instagram.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
Yes. The phones, the phones are destroying a lot of relationships. But anyway. Yeah. And so I guess after that happened, my biggest thing is I really gained this avoidant attachment style. where, you know, nice people will come into my life and I would, you know, brush them away or break up with them too soon to even give them a chance.
The Oprah Podcast
You’re WORTHY of the Life You Want
All because, you know, if I do the breaking up with, then I can't get hurt kind of thing. And I guess it's, you know, I think there's plenty of women in the world that struggle with this after heartache where you would rather just be alone than ever go through that feeling again. And I think that's something to try to work through.