Automated Outro
The Commercial Break
Just A Boy and His Stories...
has never done be brief follow us on instagram at the commercial break text or call us 212-433-3TCB that's 212-433-3822 visit our website for all the audio video and your free sticker then watch all the videos at slash the commercial break and finally share the show it's the best gift you could give a few aging podcasters see brian that really wasn't that difficult now was it you're welcome
The Commercial Break
Just A Boy and His Stories...
Rachel here. While Brian takes his old man bladder to the little boy's room, let's talk turkey. TCB needs your help. If you love the show, do us all a favor and share. Sharing is caring. And we know you care. Don't you? Well, don't you? Ooh, that was some childhood trauma. Rearing its ugly head. Do you want to be on the show? Leave us a voicemail at 212-433-3822.
The Commercial Break
Just A Boy and His Stories...
And you could be the next TCB disembodied voice. Ooh, what'd you do today? I was a disembodied voice. You know, that sounds more dangerous than it actually is. Find us on Insta at thecommercialbreak. On the web at And all the episodes on video are available the same day at slash thecommercialbreak.
The Commercial Break
Just A Boy and His Stories...
I'm going to go help Brian get back up the stairs while you listen to the sponsors. And then we'll all meet back here and get back to this episode of the commercial break. I'll take a raise now. Bitches, bye.