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Ariel Helwani


The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


If you want to paint the picture that the limited partners... were only in it for photo ops. They were only in it for season tickets. They were only in it to say that they were going to be a part of the expos, but not really invest in the expos and make them better. And they didn't want you guys to come in and ruffle feathers. That's fine. You can make that claim.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


And trust me, I have my issues with the limited partners as well, because it seemed like they cried foul when the ship had sailed with the lawsuit, right? It was pretty much a dead situation by that point.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


But to paint the picture, what just bothered me, and I don't want to harp on this the whole time because there's a lot of other things we can get to, it just really bothered me that your opening statement would paint a picture about a beautiful city and a beautiful province, one that you lived in for two years.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


And I find it fascinating that you kind of boasted about the fact that you lived in a hotel for two years, which suggests to me someone who lived in a hotel for two years had no interest in actually planting roots in the community. and staying there long-term. If you're living in a hotel, sounds to me like a pit stop, if you will, but I'm happy that they helped you out with the pay-per-views.

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


It would sound to me like you didn't want to actually understand the situation. You didn't want to understand the history of the Montreal baseball scene in the community, why you would need someone who speaks French to lead the franchise. What were your qualifications when Jeffrey appointed you as the president? What were your qualifications in terms of leading a baseball team, being the president,

The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Oral History of the Dan Le Batard Show: Episode 12


of a baseball club. Did you have any experience?