Anthony Davis
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And because we don't have any examples of authoritarianism in the United States from recent history, certainly these few generations that are currently watching this, you don't know necessarily that what he's saying falls under the banner of authoritarianism. But it does. This is the language of the dictators of history.
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This is the language of these characters that he hates us comparing him to, the Hitlers and the Mussolinis and the Stalins. He hates that. But the reality is that if you go down the road of the press is the enemy of the people and saying fake news, fake news for nearly 10 years, that is going to have some corrosive effect on the media's ability to take part in the democratic process.
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And a true democracy is having a free press that can hold the authorities to account. And Trump is going to do away with that. So we are now living in that kind of post-apocalyptic world that we've been warning about. It's actually happened. Words today confirm the fact that that is the environment we are now living in. And we used to look to the Soviet Union.
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and go, well, you know, that stuff will never happen here. It is happening here.
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But interestingly, do you know why they chose the number 15 million? No. I'm sure I'm going to hate it. That is the annual salary of George. That's what he gets paid every year. They reckon he's worth $100 million. I mean, I don't know why, no disrespect to journalists, but I don't know that they're worth that much money.
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In this case, you know, they've chosen his annual salary to use as a- That's a very good point.
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She's a Ukrainian. She actually voted against more aid to Ukraine. So that's a whole other story.
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And then he wanted to have it overturned because of the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity. So that was his leverage, right?
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And that pissed a lot of people off, didn't it?
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I love that this all goes back to Stormy Daniels. It's kind of brilliant, isn't it? That she is at the center of this entire storyline.
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Well, I think he should. Right. And this, I think, is the bone of contention that came when this delay was announced a few weeks ago, is that everybody thought, well, when is this guy going to get caught up with? Because the thing about Trump and MAGA Republicans... is that they're all pleading, you know, this is a witch hunt, this is a witch hunt.
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But most people never have any connection with law enforcement. We're never arrested. We're never arraigned. We're never in court. We're just... That world, that kind of criminal world, is not something that most people are ever connected to. And yet Donald Trump, his whole life has been around this. Invariably, he's got away with things because he has paid people off.
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He has enough money to get lawyers. And so, you know, he's basically been able to buy his way out of trouble for decades. But... That's why it's so frustrating for those of us who are law-abiding to see these kind of lifelong criminals who somehow, they're so slimy, they slip through the fingers of justice.
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And I think that that's really the hardest part or the hardest lesson from this is that yet again, it feels like the white, male, rich, and powerful are getting away with And yet, you know, you go look at the number of young black men incarcerated for marijuana and it's it's just so unjust.
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And, you know, I keep saying it and I keep defaulting back to this position that the United States really is a lawless country. And the only law, as I see it, or the only kind of rules, as I see it, are those who can afford expensive lawyers to fight cases for them.
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And how the rest of the world is clamoring to protect itself from a future Trump regime. Notice I never say the word administration, because that's intentional.
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It doesn't mean- Well, it's hard for you because A, you're an American, so you're institutionalized. B, you're a lawyer, so you have a vested interest in justice. And C, C, A. Because- But from my perspective, you know, I come from a country that is a lot less litigious than the United States. People do not sue each other. It just doesn't work like that.
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And, you know, just to hear like states suing each other and weird stuff like that, it just makes no sense. We're all supposed to be on the same team.
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But it's like copyright and patent law.
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And financial services is all that really comes out of the UK and weapons of mass destruction. But that's about it. Yeah.
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San Diego was still going a couple of days ago.
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Well, he knows that he needs them. And so it's hard for Speaker Johnson because he tries to play the tough guy, but he ain't the tough guy, as we know. He's kind of an impish, wimpish, little rumple stilt skin of a character. And who has his son check out his social media, apparently, to make sure he's not looking at any adult sites. One of the weirdest stories I ever read.
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But that aside, he is having to kind of play that fine line now. You know, I am of the opinion because specifically, and if we just look at that social media post again, there is so much contradiction in there because at the top she's talking about not wanting to sit on committees or participate in the caucus. But then in the second breath, she's saying, I want to help Doge and Thomas Massey.
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it's just Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk who are going to just be arguing with each other. I have never seen those two men in the same room. I don't even think they know each other. I don't know if you've noticed. If you do a Google search on those two guys, there isn't a single photo of those two men together. So, you know, they're both egomaniacs. They're going to kill each other.
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So undoubtedly, Doge is either going to fall apart or only one of them will survive. And they're claiming that they want to pull $2 trillion out of the, or $3 trillion out of the national spend.
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And it's also the firing of so many people who work for the federal government. And so a huge number of people are going to be out of work. So that, again, is a disaster. And they don't care. I mean, look, Elon Musk has a history of firing people. Just look at Twitter becoming X and him having no emotional skin in the game and just firing everybody.
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So I'm very much of the opinion that all of that is going to end in disaster. But what's interesting with this individual, this character... She, who we shall name Victoria Sparks, she, I mean, she wasn't even going to run. She ran and then she won. This is in Indiana. And so now she kind of feels like she has a little bit of leverage.
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I think she might be one of these egomaniacs who's just trying to play for a little publicity. I mean, cinema and mansion were very much like that.
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Well, it's hard to know, isn't it? Because you don't know how she has been whipped. This is a British phrase. I hope you use that in American politics. But ultimately, her personal opinion on Ukraine... I mean, it's the same as George Stephanopoulos. We don't know what he thinks, but clearly he's been required to make a decision. And it's the same with her.
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Maybe she was made to kind of vote in that direction. But her personal opinion, I guess, I would think... If she is a Republican, and as we know, most Republicans now tend to be kind of far right, MAGA Republicans, gone are the days of your grandfather's conservative party. And so I'm just of the opinion that she's just rolling with the team on that one.
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But maybe she felt like she wanted to claw something back for herself. There's two types of people that go into public office. There's people who genuinely want to make a difference. And then there's the egomaniacs hungry for power. So we don't know this person well enough to know which category she falls into. But I worry with people like Cinema and Mansion...
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two very, very complex and dangerous individuals. Say one thing, do another. Then the next day, they've relocated their political position completely. They're slippery. They're snakes. And there's always plenty of them in American politics.
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But at least she got her hip replaced in Europe and not in America. That's the advantage to that.
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I know. I'd much rather have my hip fixed in Luxembourg than in the United States.
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Yeah. But another example of that is Trump's threats about mass deportation, where he was talking about wanting to deport, what was the number, 13 million or something like that? Yes. To do that would take at least a decade and hundreds of billions of dollars. And he ain't going to be spending that much money on deportation. Also, it would involve the military.
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You just couldn't do it with the kind of ICE enforcement that you have now. So a little bit like he's kind of threats to journalists. I think the threats about deportation are just that. They are threats.
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They are designed to scare people, but they were also designed to make people who are a little bit racist and xenophobic vote for him by thinking, yeah, let's get rid of anybody who doesn't look like me. And so that's kind of worked for him. But again, he's just not going to be able to do it. And then the other thing I would say, and there's so many avenues to talk about here, but-
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I'm not convinced that Donald Trump wants to do the work. He, to me, is checked out. He wanted to get over the finish line so that he could get out of these legal cases. That really was all he wanted to do. Agreed with you. He doesn't want to work. And so he's going to be playing an awful lot of golf. And the Democrats are not going to be playing golf.
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They're going to be very, very focused on either fighting in Congress or fighting in court. And so I think that he's going to end up delegating to people who are unsavory. And I worry about some of the people that he will will delegate to because they might have much more extreme or they do have more extreme views. I mean, he doesn't really have any views.
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Remember, he'll just say whatever is necessary to whichever audience is facing him. But the people around him, Stephen Miller, who's now the president. sidekick for policy.
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Vance is missing in action, right? It's like, that guy's gone. Elon Musk now is the acting vice president-elect, it seems. So that's going to be very interesting, is how much fight he has. Because even this press conference he gave last night, this kind of impromptu thing at Mar-a-Lago, He was moving slow. You know, he is knackered. And I get, as well as bonkers, two great words.
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And I get the feeling that he is going to do as little as possible just to maintain. He likes to pretend he's like an actor, right? He's like a TV actor playing the president. He just wants to play that president role again and have people suck up to him. And that's why it's so frustrating that the media is already collapsing in on itself to please him.
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But Biden's got a whole bunch of fresh ones in there, too.
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I have Uncovered on Wednesday with my friend, Ron Filipkowski, and on Sunday, the weekend show, where we do deep dive conversations with some of the great brains around the world. And that's always fascinating.
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I always just make space for you when there's a cancellation.
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Can I plug my Substack? Is it a good time?
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You can plug whatever you like. Well, I just started, so it's...
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pretty small right now so it needs a little little bit of growth but yeah the Anthony Davis on on Substack and I'm writing like personal thoughts so not stuff that necessarily is connected to five minute news or the other work that I do and I wrote I wrote a blog last night about these drones in New Jersey and I kind of predicted what I thought is actually happening down there and then today I heard that two idiots got arrested and I was like I think I might have got that story right for a change because I did not predict the election correctly
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Hopefully Ben showed up with like half a dozen steaks in his backpack.
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It's so offensive. That phrase Biden crime family is so offensive because it's all projection coming from the Trump crime family. And, you know, the other thing that people fail to remember is that Joe Biden has experienced so much loss and grief in his life. And, you know, that changes people. Not that he necessarily needed changing, but it is the measure of the man.
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I mean, the fact that he went straight back to work and kind of pushed through the grief of losing his wife and daughter in this car accident and then losing his son years later. I mean, and that also contributes to Hunter Biden's addiction. Hunter Biden's first memory of Beau Biden was waking up in a hospital bed next to him when they were kids after the car accident.
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Yeah, they were in the car crash. They were in the car crash. And they lost their sister and they lost their mom. I mean, it's unprecedented. And to come back from that, you know, they might have a famous name now, but they are still only human.
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As well, you mentioned the evolution. I mean, how many other politicians can you count that have pivoted and evolved in a way that Joe Biden has, considering that he was born like 200 years ago when the world was very different?
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You can forget that. You can forget that. But the other thing that Smirnov did, which I thought was very interesting, is he claimed the Russians probably had recordings of Hunter Biden because a hotel in the Ukraine capital where he'd stayed was wired and under their control.
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And he said that that information had been passed along to him by four high level Russian officials, except Hunter Biden had never traveled to Ukraine. it so there's there was this whole kind of which was easily easily easily uh easily yeah right so i i but i i i get this feeling that whenever the mega republicans
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I'm very well. I think I've got over my depression. You know, a lot of people in this arena, undoubtedly the Midas Mighty, have been through a kind of a brief period of mourning since the election. But so many things have changed, positive things, like I heard today about David Hogg, like
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get a little morsel of potential evidence or something, because their entire remit is to own the libs. The detail is irrelevant, as long as you own the libs. And that's what they use this guy for. So you're saying libs, like liberals, right? The libs, liberals, yes.
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I was like, what's he phoning me for?
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I mean, I'm surprised that Putin's not already on the invite list. This is what we're going to discover in the coming weeks and months. And, you know, there was some kind of fancy MAGA Republican celebratory event for the election in New York last night. And Steve Bannon was talking about wanting Donald Trump to run again in 2028 and actually saying it seriously.
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Yeah. He said Mike Davis, the viceroy, said, since it doesn't actually say consecutive, that maybe we do it again in 28. And Trump has alluded exactly the same thing. And I actually just want to quote Steve Bannon from that thing last night, because this is these very scary words. He said, we want retribution and we're going to get retribution. You have to. It's not personal. It's not personal.
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He said, they need to learn what populist nationalist power is on the receiving end. I need investigations, trials, and then incarceration. And I'm just talking about the media, he said. Did he say Sig Heil after that and everybody saluted? He said everything but that. Listen to this next one. We want all your emails, all your text messages, everything you did.
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you know running to be a politician i mean these are the types of things that give me the kind of energy to continue and certainly all the messages of support that we've received as well as the kind of resolve of of Midas Touch and the Midas Mighty and you know Ben wrote that piece about really kind of not kowtowing to Trump or any of this drama coming out of the administration.
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You colluded in a conspiracy with Merrick Garland, Nancy Pelosi, Lisa Monaco, and Jack Smith. And literally, like, he's laying out this playbook, this kind of Nazi playbook. It's like the Stasi showing up at your door and rounding you up. Right, or Stalin. Or Stalin. Or Stalin. Right. And he's saying this stuff out loud, and he is representing Donald Trump and the Trump regime.
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And we would be fools to not take it seriously. The media thought it was all a bit of a joke, but it isn't.
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Yeah, it's a calling, for sure, because the media is not going to call it out. And everything that he announced, I mean, today he announced like a $100 billion investment.
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Right. I mean... The media will just repeat that story. They'll just repeat what he wants them to say like a press release. But we don't do that. We're like, what's behind this? Because Trump doesn't announce anything unless it benefits him and his wealthy...
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Well, I was going to say, did you see RFK's face standing behind him, who, of course, is an environmental lawyer by trade, listening to this thing about, you know, circumnavigating the regulations on the environment?
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Trump just has a problem with the environment because I think in Scotland they put a wind turbine near his golf course and he hated it and he tried to get it removed and they couldn't. They wouldn't. So for that reason, the entire climate change kind of scenario has become a hoax to him because of that turbine in his garden.
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And that motivated me a lot. So I am now fighting the good fight. I'm back on the horse and I am almost looking forward to taking this on in the new year.
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But I've also traveled, and I think this is something that's really important, is that, you know, there is no substitute. You could read about it online as much as you like, but there is no substitute for being there. And the thing about, I felt blessed growing up in England, was that, you know, all these places that we'd read about are only a couple of hours away, a cheap flight away.
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And so I've been lucky to have traveled extensively around Europe and to places where systems of governance and of democracy are completely different to the system that you have enjoyed here in the United States. So as American democracy falls, we're going to shed a light on the way that other democracies are successful. And I think that's going to be very interesting.
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Uncovered, Wednesdays, live, 4 p.m. Eastern, and the weekend show, 8 p.m. Eastern, on Sundays, as well as all of the additional five-minute news content that I provide.
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Yeah, well, Steve Bannon spoke about this as well, because there was a gathering at Mar-a-Lago and Steve Bannon's back in the frame. I mean, he, of course, is the architect of so much of this insanity, including the deconstruction of the administrative state. And, you know, he was in prison. He's out of prison. He should go back to prison. There's this whole thing with him.
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I mean, they've all got form, all of these people. But he basically talked about retribution in such clear language.
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and it is frightening and i think that this is what people struggle with it's like is it the threat that's frightening because invariably the legal letters or the subpoenas they don't come for ages it all starts with just these kind of empty veiled threats and as you say if you're not frightened of their rhetoric And if you recognize that they're cowards.
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And ultimately, in court, they invariably lose these types of cases. Because we don't tell lies. We just report the facts. And they are compulsive liars. And so, ultimately, the truth will catch up with them. I want to say something very quickly, Michael, about the media generally, that kind of media space. Mm-hmm. Because I used to work in the network news in the UK and Europe and stuff.
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Everybody. I worked for Al Jazeera and I worked for Sky and various networks. It's so incestuous. And this is the reason that Joe and Mika were first in line to Mar-a-Lago. These people have had long-term relationships with Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been in the media for so long. 30 years, right? Right.
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And so he has been around these very same people who are news anchors, who are channel managers and owners, and they all know each other. And so there is history there, and we don't have those relationships. And so we start clean at this point onwards.
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and uh or the new york times day with the pentagon papers or with the uh or with the watergate never and neither is the la times owner who's a billionaire who wants to i want all views i want everything yeah meanwhile you can't endorse kamala harris jeff bezos said the same thing for the washington post and you know these things do have an effect on the election result and that's why for all the people that are like thinking you know was this election rigged
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From a disinformation perspective, pretty much, you know, so much disinformation, buying an election by nature of the huge amount of money. We've never seen an election that had this much money spent on it by people who are not even in politics.
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Yeah. I mean, she has been running a whole story this week, hasn't she? I mean, she's been walking around with her arm in a cast.
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They literally revel in the idea that the mainstream media is going to do a huge backtrack because they've finally got their comeuppance. But it isn't going to play out like that.