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Andrew Proudfoot


The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Continued closure of the Harlequin represents a massive generational cultural loss to the community. shutting down opportunities for our youth to find their passion and lifetime interest for the stage, for dance, for music. Just as we need to protect our green space and playing fields used for football, rugby and athletics, we need the harlequin.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


We know very well these arts are life transforming for the development of children and they are also life transforming for adults and they enhance our collective happiness and well-being. The Harlequin Theatre is no dreary enterprise, but it is a jewel in the crown for the arts. It fulfills a major role in this community.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


We need to cherish its contribution to our happy lives and not carve at the restitution of its unlucky structural history. The Harlequin had been on track to break even after carefully thought-out refurbishment. Other council theatres blighted with rack since September 2023 have been refurbished and subsequently reopened.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Eleven months on, this council has still not done the essential intrusive rack survey or even got ahead with planning for our future theatre provision. And what of all the important interim plans for facilities to bridge those months of construction works? Furthermore, this paper proposes cuts to the Harlequin's professional staff

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


and add yet more to the mountain of difficulties faced by the arts in this borough.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


How can we explain to our residents, after a delay of over a year and then three surveys delivered in November and December... why it will take another five months for further reports before we agree to proceed. Assuming this work is done by experienced professionals, how can that report possibly take 800 working hours to prepare?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


Does this report unequivocally commit the executive to reopen the Harlequin? No. Has the executive, in their lack of urgency, appreciated and quantified the damage to wellbeing and to the local economy created by every month of delay? No. The uncertainties of the impending local government reorganisation present us with another risk.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


Is the executive taking action now to avoid reorganisation reducing the chances of success? No. Secondly, the seven-year gap in provision of a local theatre from when the theatre was closed in September 2023 is a devastating blow to our residents. Taking the example of our young people, seven years represents an entire educational generation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


It is incumbent on us all to provide our residents with a temporary facility that maintains the best possible provision at closure. We need to move quickly at pace. The report recommends an option which can only address the needs of around a quarter of users.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


We understand that a 400-plus capacity alternative has the potential to cover the majority of users and generate around two-thirds of the previous income. The incomplete and unquantified analysis in the report fails to provide any cost-benefit comparison of different interim options. A big theatre requires an equally big temporary venue.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


We therefore call on the Executive as a matter of urgency to make an unequivocal commitment to reopen the Harlequin. To insist that further reports are produced in weeks, not months. To provide a temporary theatre that meets the needs of the majority of users and rebuilds an audience before the refurbished Harlequin reopens.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

73a: *Extra Episode - Harlequin '£10m decision' at RBBC council meeting 30.01.25


Finally, to set a summer deadline for completion of a 400-capacity temporary theatre so that a full programme, including a pantomime, can begin before year's end.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Residents want our council to secure an indoor space for major choral works that require a large choir and orchestra and for operatic and drama groups that need a backstage set-up more elaborate than any church hall can provide.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Finally, we urge the management to investigate the big space of the Harlequin stage for photography and art exhibitions, for a literary festival in conjunction with a refurbished library next door, for trade fairs or even a Christmas market or a beer festival. The list is very long.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Let's increase the seating capacity of our theatre in a refurbished Harlequin so that bigger and more ambitious shows can agree to come here in the future. It is disappointing to note that this motion is being referred to council without the opportunity for democratic debate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I would urge the council's executive to reverse its current reduced provision for the arts and set about providing residents with a cast iron commitment to bring back a better facility as quickly as possible. Please can we be assured that there will be carefully thought out interim measures and a substantial long term plan before our Harlequin Theatre is reopened. Thank you Mr Mack.