Alfred Lastek
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
By the green hilltops of Morogoro in central Tanzania is one of the city's biggest graveyards. Each bears a different cross. But over the last few years, several of these graves have been damaged. While passing this area, I have seen over 100 graves with their crosses removed. Many people claim that scrap metal business is the cause of the damage.
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
Pudensiana, 65 years old, from Morogoro, often visits the grave where her daughter Veronica is buried. She died at the age of 15. But Veronica's grave was recently vandalized and the metal cross was taken.
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
Pudensiana and her family have now repaired Veronica's grave. Peter Mataba is one of the grave diggers working at the cemetery.
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
It's a problem recognized by the local council. Dr. Ndimile Kilatu is the health officer of Morogoro Municipal Council.
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
For some scrap dealers, that education is hitting home. Izire Ramadan is a local trader who has had his business for 20 years. He regularly checks the metal brought to him to make sure it isn't stolen.
Global News Podcast
Trump aide tells Ukraine to ''tone down'' US criticism
In the graveyard in Morogoro, Prudenciana walks around the graves. Like many family members who come to visit their loved ones at this resting place, she remains hopeful that this area can be protected.