Alex Marlowe
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
He's never worked for a Republican or a moderate, which is why, again, I'm frankly surprised he's actually having you on because he's terrible in these situations because he's not used to debating people who disagree with him completely.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
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The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
Well, first of all, I'm kind of surprised he's having you on, Charlie, because he is not a good debater. And you're not only a great debater, but you're a seasoned debater. You've been doing it nonstop for it's got to be over a decade now. He is someone who's going to be very vulnerable to debate.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
And I would not necessarily debate him in a traditional sense because you're going to crush him and it might look weird. What I would love to see you do is actually probe his bad ideas because he's got a couple of parlor tricks. He uses vocabulary to make it sound like he's incredibly informed on stuff. He'll use words that you don't even know.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
If you ask him to find the words, he doesn't know what they are. And he doesn't have a good track record. He tends to know where to show up in places and how to speak nicely to people who might disagree with him. But then he goes around and he's spending, you know, $50 million right now trying to Trump-proof California at the same time he's asking for Trump to spend $40 billion on fire relief.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
He's never really explained why the reservoirs have run dry and why we prioritize the Delta smelt over the human populations when it comes to the fires in California. So... But the main thing I would do, Charlie, if I were you, is just ask him to fully flesh out his positions. And what you'll find is he'll be using these words that are just trying to impress people as if he's an expert.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
He's not an expert in anything other than being a politician.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
Yeah, so the first thing that we would ask is why was there nothing done to – to mitigate or prevent the fires. Why was everything such a mess? They didn't make one decision properly. They had used all the DEI to gut the fire departments. They had not updated. They hadn't built a dam in 40 years.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
The DMDAM, not DAMN, is one of these things where there is nothing that had changed and we had prioritized bait fish. We had prioritized salmon runs and ask him why he thinks that he should be, he just not deserve any accountability considering he's been a fixture in California politics for that long. That's number one. Number two, another thing is illegal immigration.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
The state has been completely changed by illegal immigration, not just electorally, but our school systems are unusable because of it. We're in immense amounts of debt. And he's never been held accountable even though he'd been an open borders guy forever. And the world's moved on. And I would love to hear him acknowledge, do you know the world's moved on?
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
Do you know people get it now that the open borders was a huge problem? I would love to hear his explanation to that as well. And then also he squandered a golden opportunity in that we had a budget surplus for a while and he just blew it. You should ask him what he did with all that money. What good came of all the money that he blew? It was so crazy that we had a surplus.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
I couldn't even believe it myself. And he wasted it. That was his ticket to have a chance of beating Trump. And I don't see how he could beat anyone in 2028, considering he blew all that, if we're able to make that case as a party.
The Charlie Kirk Show
A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?
Yeah, it's a great thing that he has a feel for being able to do this. He has a feel for being able to find a centrist position. But just know he's governed as a pure leftist. And it won't take you very long to bone up on some of his key proponents that he's taken up over the years. But they are across the board. left-wing Democrat, quote-unquote progressive politics without a single exception.