Adam Carolla
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And yes, I will vote progressive on all these cases, even if it makes me look like an idiot. But I don't like the optics of it. Circling back to Stephanopoulos, like I should at least look like an umpire. Stephanopoulos' job is to look like an umpire. Her job is to look like an umpire.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And when you go out and do these kinds of large public displays, then we're going to know your politics and you're not going to look like an umpire anymore. Number one. Number two, I think Broadway is really the epicenter, the nougat inside the candy bar of the progressive movement. You say college campuses and college faculty, Hollywood, things like that.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
But Broadway is probably the purest, uncut, unstepped on progressivism on the planet, right?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, I mean, she's not a bright woman. I think she's probably there mostly due to affirmative action. Sotomayor's there mostly because of affirmative action, and she's a dope, too. And then there's Kamala Harris. So that entire affirmative action, DEI hire thing has completely, utterly backfired because they're not electing and or hiring women. people that are up to the job.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And I include her in that group. Like I said, Sotomayor is a full-blown idiot. I mean, she's an idiot. I mean, it's insane that she's on the Supreme Court. Remember when the whole COVID thing came down and they were talking about mandatory vaccinations and she's like, there's 10 million kids on ventilators right now. She said, don't. And Kamala Harris is a dope too.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And maybe they should learn their lesson with their DEI affirmative action appointments. Get qualified people and then do it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, the fact that she would consider letting those words pass her lips means she's a dope. Smart people would never say that out loud. Smart people think, oh, what if I and then they go, oh, no, I'm not going to say that. I'll sound like a dope. So she is a dope, which is crazy. But it's hurting the movement is what I'm saying.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Did you see Martha calling balls and strikes out there?
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Because I didn't. That didn't seem like an umpire to me. That seemed like a fan who got behind the plate. Yes.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, well, was she calling balls and strikes? I mean, these weren't MSNBC pundits or CNN. This is ABC. This is why we cannot turn to ABC for information. You just saw three, starting with Stephanopoulos, of their leading news journalists, anchors.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Oh, I'm sorry. NBC. But mainstream... But two of the main three. Broadcasts. Yes. Okay. So we no longer have to turn there for news. Maybe news about an earthquake in Nicaragua, but certainly nothing to do with Trump. Okay. So that's established. They did that to themselves. I don't know why... They fell on their own sword that way, but they destroyed their own brand. And it's sad.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And they keep looking around going, you know, Trump says fake news. Why don't people listen to us? People don't listen to you because you've been wrong and lying about everything for a decade. And we're done. We hit a saturation point. All right. As far as. This stuff goes. Whatever it is, it all turns out to be true. You know, Hunter Biden's laptop or ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Where did COVID come from? Did it come from a lab or did it come from a wet market? Well, la-di-da, guess what? Came from a lab. You know, do masks work? herd immunity, whatever, vaccination efficacy, it all, every single story ends up going the way that the conspiracy theorists or Trump or J.D. Vance or whomever spoke about, you spoke about, I spoke about, it all ends up going that way.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So surprise, surprise, this'll be one more log on the fire of stuff we talked about that was poo-pooed and brushed off as hysteria to try to win election, number one. Number two, I love when they make this argument where they go, and J.D.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Vance made it as well, I've made it many times, where they go, yes, the young female jogger was killed by the illegal gangbanger who should have been deported, but they commit crime at a much lesser rate than the average, all right, But tell that to the parents of the chick who was jogging. Like, a lesser rate. It should be zero, idiots. The person shouldn't be in the goddamn country.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
The person who was jogging should still be alive. There should be zero Venezuelan gangbangers in Aurora, Colorado. It's not a big problem. Yeah, it should be zero, idiots.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, the Kristen Welker clip that's fun to go back in the Wayback Machine and look at is when Trump was debating Biden and he brought up Russia, Russia, Russia. And he was saying that his son took money from Ukraine and that heated exchange where Biden was saying, me, you took money from Ukraine, your son, I never did anything. We have 51 intelligence experts.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Kristen Welker's trying to moderate and she keeps yelling, can we get back to race? Can we get back to the subject of race? It's the funniest thing ever. It's like a perfect time capsule. Like these guys are arguing about the biggest story of the year.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
It's so funny to hear her yelling about race and the background. It's perfect.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, there's something that's very dangerous, which is they ran on race. So the Democrats are all you know, they race hustle and they run on race. Right. So what they do is they lay something down. They go, well, this country was founded by racists and it's it's embedded in our DNA and blah, blah, blah. And Biden.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
who didn't turn out to be a moderate at all, he turned out to be another race hustler, started immediately with the white supremacy as the biggest problem this country faces, and he got Ray from the FBI and Garland from the DOJ, and he got everybody coached up on working the white supremacy as a big problem angle. which is fine.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They're just hustling and lying and agitating black people and people of color and white people and everybody in the nation as well, which is, it should be a dereliction of duty, but fine. They're bad people with no moral compass. But the real problem is, is Once you make the proclamation that white supremacy is the biggest problem this country faces, then you better go find some white supremacy.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And that's what happened with January 6th. That's what happened with all these FBI raids on, you know, somebody was protesting an abortion clinic 30 feet away with his son. They had to create numbers and statistics to back up their false assertions about white supremacy.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And that's when it gets dangerous because that's when citizens start getting locked up so that they can have a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I think you and I and folks like us would have been considerate about it and give it some thought. But I don't think the ladies from The View have moved a millimeter since Kyle Rittenhouse or Jussie Smollett or Whatever they got wrong, they get something wrong every single week. I don't think they would have moved.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Always great to be on the show.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I don't think the aforementioned anchors we just saw from the two networks would have backed off this thing. I don't think the Al Sharptons or even the Obamas or the Michelle Obamas or the Oprahs or the Hollywood types, the race hustlers out there, I don't think any of them would have acted any differently. You know, they don't learn lessons.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
That's part of why the reason they make the same mistakes over and over again is because they never learn from their last mistake. They sailed right through COVID. They sailed right through COVID, never tapped the brakes, never looked around, never thought, hmm, What did I get wrong? What can I take ownership? What do I owe someone an apology for? None of them have a rearview mirror.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They sailed through four years of being wrong about COVID and never even looked back.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah. Well, I got news for the ladies. Caitlyn Clark is a great athlete, but the greatest female athlete, and I'm including Serena and Venus and all the great ones, the greatest female athlete of all time is Caitlyn Jenner. So sorry, ladies. Dude is the greatest female athlete of all time, ladies. Sorry. I don't want to ruin your week.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
You know, it's an interesting ploy and it happens. It's happened a few times and it's actually kind of effective because there was a trial or a crime out here in Los Angeles. And you probably remember it. That's probably about five years ago.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
ago now where a young, I don't know, eight or nine year old girl went to a bathroom at a Denny's and then a male went in and raped, sexually assaulted the kid and then decided to become a he, she, her, you know, was talking to his dad over a prison phone, laughing, saying he's gaming the system, so on and so forth. That was a few years ago. But when I was reading the article
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And the news story about it in the Los Angeles times, because the Los Angeles times is stupid and woke and has to go with the pronouns and everything. So the story and the pronouns were like, they, okay. So you're, imagine you're reading a story.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
The story is an eight-year-old girl goes into a bathroom at a restaurant and a 25-year-old male goes into the bathroom and rapes the eight-year-old in the bathroom. That's the story. But when you're reading the article, it says a minor went to the bathroom, then they went into the bathroom after her, and then she, they, pulled out her penis, and then she raped, she and they raped.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And after reading it for five minutes, you just go, I don't even know what's going on. Leave me alone. I'm moving on. I can't figure this out. They went in? No, he. No, no, she. Wait a minute. She raped they? Was it a gang rape? No, it was she. She raped the other girl? It's like, perfect. It's perfect. The jury just goes, I... I give up. I don't know what this is anymore. And it works.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Look at this picture of this man.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I have my eye in the sky, but I do not claim to have any special information on the drones.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Okay, so that's a problem. Everybody I've spoke to, I go, what do you think? And what if Biden came out and gave a presser on the drones? Would you believe any of it? Or anyone from the FBI or anyone from the CIA, or like I said, Mayorkas or Homeland Security, whatever. And they all go, no, I wouldn't believe anything they said. Why should we? And it's like, well, that's kind of a weird...
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
You know, I mean, that's that's a weird position to be in in the United States of America. I've been here for a while. I remember a day when if the president came out, made a comment or statement about it or the director of Homeland Security or FBI or DOJ or whomever, CIA, I would tend to believe that. I no longer believe anything they say.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I wouldn't believe anything Biden says or that comes out of the Biden administration. I don't think he gets enough credit for being a liar.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Remember 10 minutes ago when everyone was explaining to us the adults are back in charge and now we have integrity and transparency. We're going to have full transparency. How insane is the last four years been in terms of the adults and transparency? I mean, he just, if I said to Joe Biden, how do you like your eggs? And he said, sunny side up, I'd just yell liar.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Yeah, well, the New York Times not calling balls and strikes, so we don't have to listen to them either. But yeah, I just don't feel like Biden, it's funny because we're focusing on Biden being sort of out of it, deteriorating mentally, just like they wanted us to focus on Hunter Biden. Like this guy had a substance abuse problem. This guy beat his problem, but he had demons. It's like, no, no.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
He was a grifter and a thief. And Biden is corrupt and a thief. Yeah, he also has dementia. And yeah, his son also loved crack. But first and foremost, they were thieves and grifters who were trading on the Biden name and enriching themselves. So don't lose focus of that.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Always great to see you, Megan.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, OK, they worry about their reputation. So ABC's news division is worried about their reputation if they offer an apology. They blew up their own reputation over the last five years systematically, first with Russian collusion and three or four years of lying or at least being wrong about that. And then that dovetailed right into covid.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
So the two biggest stories of basically the last eight or nine years, they screwed up 10 ways to Sunday. So I would tend not to listen to ABC News, not because the dwarf news anchor offered an apology, but more that they lied about all the big stories, anything to do with Trump and anything to do with COVID. I mean, let's look at it this way.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
The two biggest stories of the last decade have been Trump and COVID and COVID and Trump. They got every single story wrong and or lied about every single story. So I will not be listening to ABC News, not because they're cowards and not standing up to this lawsuit, just because they're wildly inaccurate and probably beyond inaccurate, they're liars.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
This is their hijacking of the language. Remember, Kamala Harris wanted to end fracking and then she wanted to continue fracking and she wanted to end the border wall. Then she wanted to continue the border wall. But she was still staying true to her values. Okay, that means nothing.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And every time there's a school shooting, somebody gets up to the podium and gets behind the microphone, a police chief or the mayor of the city and says, this is unacceptable. OK, it's unacceptable, but it just happened and it'll happen again. So there's this weird language thing where they try to make themselves into some sort of patriot heroes, except for they do nothing.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And it's it's really a thing that was born on the left. And I never really got it. Yeah, defiant while you put your tail between your legs and offer an apology and keep hammering checks you get from ABC. All right, well, that's defiant. Then so be it. But defiant is quitting your job and hanging your own shingle somewhere else.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, I mean, these guys hate Trump, obviously, and they cannot. be neutral about things. You know, I was thinking about the other day. I mean, I was kind of talking about it on my podcast, which is every umpire and every baseball game has feelings about the two teams that are on the field. They just do.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I mean, there has to be a thousand guys umpiring Yankees games who grew up Yankees fans or Red Sox fans, and now they're behind... the plate at Fenway. It just has to be, but they have to put all that aside and call balls and strikes. And the news used to do that and they don't do it anymore.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
And it's now become apparent to those of us who are in the stands watching the game, what is happening because they're so blatant. about it. It's obvious where he stands.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
It's obviously when you see the A and B interviews between the ones that give Kamala Harris and the ones that give Trump or JD Vance or whomever, it's so abundantly evident now that I no longer really listen to them because I don't think they're calling balls and strikes. I don't fault these people for having a preference. You're a human being. You're gonna want either Trump or Harris.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
That's a fact. But then you have to do your job and call balls and strikes, and they don't do it anymore, and they can't.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
Well, my thoughts are... I have a multitude of thoughts, Megan. I love that. One is the left is able and feels fine wearing their politics and their culture sort of on their sleeve, you know? Like... If there was a right wing justice doing some old play that Charlton Heston, you know, that was gun centric and male centric, you know, they would get slammed. They wouldn't do it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
They would say, I don't like the optics of it. You're like, I'm on the Supreme Court, I'm conservative, and you want me to do a play with an all-white male cast about early settlers and how guns settled the West? They would just go, I'm going to get slammed. I don't like the optics of it. I'm not going to do it. People on the left... do not care. I mean, it's like, you know, I live in LA.
The Megyn Kelly Show
ABC Host "Humiliated" After Settlement, and Trump's Victory Ending the Cancel Era, with Adam Carolla and Justine Bateman | Ep. 968
I would see a thousand Biden bumper stickers, a thousand Harris bumper stickers, a thousand Hillary bumper stickers, and no Trump bumper stickers, even though there's this significant amount of people voted for Trump. So it's kind of interesting that they don't have a mirror and sort of look at themselves and go, yes, I'm progressive.