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The School of Greatness

588 Choose What Lights You Up with Scooter Braun

Fri, 12 Jan 2018


"WHAT’S THE POINT OF GOING AFTER ANYTHING THAT'S REASONABLE? THAT’S NOT GRATIFYING.” I used to believe that money was the answer to happiness. When you spend all of your time chasing the dollar, it bring you emptiness. The real reason to chase after money is so you can have the freedom you need to experience life’s beautiful moment. Chasing the endless dollar is just as bad as being stuck in a cubicle all day. Money is great, but you have to use it to achieve your higher purpose and do the things that actually bring you happiness. This got me thinking about a past episode I did with Scooter Braun, who gave amazing insights to what wealth really means and how to achieve true happiness. Discover what exactly it takes to have wealth in all aspects of life, on Episode 588. In this episode you will learn: The mentality you need to have about money (00:51) How you really achieve happiness (2:12) What you are really working hard for (3:03) Your chances of being super successful (4:36) What you need to do to be in the top 1% (6:25) Get more from Lewis! Pre-order my new book Make Money EasyGet The Greatness Mindset audiobook on SpotifyText Lewis AIYouTubeInstagramWebsiteTiktokFacebookX

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